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Hanabi Yuka <3
Hanabi Yuka <3
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Date's first day at the academy [open, nk] - Page 2 Empty Re: Date's first day at the academy [open, nk]

Sun Feb 26, 2017 4:35 pm
[Sorry for the slow reply.]

Hanabi smiled a bit. I guess not everyone's interested in medical jutsu. Though the transformation technique isn't entirely different, they're both all about chakra control. You're just applying it across your body's surface instead of focusing on your palms. The young woman awaited his demonstration, having never seen a genin perform.



Nova Tsuba
Nova Tsuba
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Date's first day at the academy [open, nk] - Page 2 Empty Re: Date's first day at the academy [open, nk]

Sun Feb 26, 2017 7:23 pm
Hikaru waved goodbye to Tenzo before returning his attention back towards the two students. He eyed them both before starting to speak.

"Perhaps we should go outside? The libary is hardly a suitable place to be practicing techniques." As he said this, assuming the two academy students where following him, he would walk out of the libary towards the academy training grounds and wait for them there, while reading his book called "Chakra Sensory 101"
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Date's first day at the academy [open, nk] - Page 2 Empty Re: Date's first day at the academy [open, nk]

Mon Feb 27, 2017 12:20 pm
Date agreed to take it outside, even though the technique being performed was nothing that required any amount of drastic space. It was just a simple academy student technique after all. He pushed his chair back with his back thigh muscles upon standing sharply as soon as Hikaru mentioned he would rather go outside. Immediately turning to Hanabi placing his hand on the back of her chair, to help pull the chair back as she stood up hoping it would giving her some room to stand. He grabbed his katana and swung it over his neck and it lay safely across his back. He tied his hair in a ponytail and proceeded to follow Hikaru outside. "Right behind you" He said as he followed the boy.
Nova Tsuba
Nova Tsuba
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Date's first day at the academy [open, nk] - Page 2 Empty Re: Date's first day at the academy [open, nk]

Tue Feb 28, 2017 8:17 pm
(Due to my character dying i shall write an exit post here)

Hikaru grew decided that helping people was not his style, why should he even bother with weaklings like them? As he sat on the lump and watching the male academy student approach him he decided against it.

"Im sorry, i don't have time for weaklings like you." Hikaru sneered. As he said this he jumped off and began walking in the opposite direction to the student.

Hanabi Yuka <3
Hanabi Yuka <3
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Date's first day at the academy [open, nk] - Page 2 Empty Re: Date's first day at the academy [open, nk]

Tue Feb 28, 2017 8:35 pm
Hanabi stood, thanking Date for getting her chair. She went to the front desk while Date was preparing and checked her book out. It would make for some fine evening reading before bed, building upon what she'd already learned in class. With that settled she also made for the exit, making the rear of the small group as she followed after the younger boy. The Yuka had fallen a bit behind due to her library business, but it didn't take her long to catch up. Just as she was carefully placing her book on a railing, she heard the genin's harsh words. Rather taken aback at the abrupt exit, Hanabi sauntered up to Date and watched the genin leave.

"Well, so much for that." She said at length, breaking the silence. She looked at her one remaining companion. "I suppose if we're here, we may as well train. How would you feel about a spar? I don't know about you, but I've yet to experience any actual combat."


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Date's first day at the academy [open, nk] - Page 2 Empty Re: Date's first day at the academy [open, nk]

Wed Mar 01, 2017 1:46 am
As he was preparing to leave to follow Hikaru, he fixed Hanabi's chair after she got up only to notice Hikaru left them alone completely stranded in the library. It was really a shame due to the fact that this would have been Date's official first lesson, and now he probably was not going to learn anything at all. That was until Hanabi offered a spar, something he was not ready for, but was scared to turn down.
Date looked at his sandals and shuffled his feet as realized he would be quite terrible in a fight. Just the thought of standing on a battle field knowing absolutely nothing at all was terrifying to him. His cheeks turned red as he looked up at Hanabi, his eyes began to become a bit watery as he held back his stress of being completely behind the learning curve. "Well, I guess we could, but I don't know anything at all, not a jutsu or how to control my chakra or even if I have chakra". 
Hanabi Yuka <3
Hanabi Yuka <3
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Date's first day at the academy [open, nk] - Page 2 Empty Re: Date's first day at the academy [open, nk]

Wed Mar 01, 2017 3:09 am
Hanabi watched Date, whose body language screamed reluctance as he replied. She wasn't sure if it was from nervousness, fear, or something else. In any case it wasn't the response she expected from the boy who had been so eager to learn moments before. She supposed she shouldn't be surprised, as after all, she felt nervous as she made the suggestion. But, she thought aloud, "It would be a good learning experience for both of us. Learning techniques in a classroom is a lot different from actual combat, and the sooner you start learning to combine the two, the better. As far as you not knowing any jutsu goes, we can just make it a no-jutsu fight. And who knows, maybe sparring would help you with your chakra. You always hear stories about people discovering new things about themselves in the heat of battle, y'know?"

She paused, and shrugged. "We don't have to if you'd rather not. I'm a bit nervous about it myself. But you'll always be about your first fight, won't you? So isn't it best to get it out of the way fast?"


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Date's first day at the academy [open, nk] - Page 2 Empty Re: Date's first day at the academy [open, nk]

Wed Mar 01, 2017 1:55 pm
Date took a deep breath and agreed that it was probably best to get that first fight out of the way. He put his katana on the ground, and took his arms out of his sleeves, and with his sleeves off, his arm sleeves fell to the sides of his hips. Now shirtless he ties them around his waist allowing him to move more freely. He put his arms in front of his body like a fighting stance but an awkwardly bad one. His legs though were surprisingly grounded well. His body was fairly sturdy and that was easy to see once the loose cloak hung on his waist.

"Don't hurt me too bad" He said to Hanabi as he prepared for combat, knowing he was not going to be very good, he already in his head accepted defeat. 
Hanabi Yuka <3
Hanabi Yuka <3
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Date's first day at the academy [open, nk] - Page 2 Empty Re: Date's first day at the academy [open, nk]

Wed Mar 01, 2017 7:29 pm
She gave him a cheerful smile at his consent, then turned from him. The girl walked forward ten feet to give them some starting space. As she did so she glanced around, checking for any potential spectators. Thankfully she didn't see anyone - with both of them having zero experience she suspected this would be a fight that could garner some ridicule from onlookers - it was just her, him, and the open field around them. At the end of her paces she faced him again, apparently now shirtless. She felt a momentary surprise, he had a stronger body than it had seemed. She gave a good natured laugh at his words. "That's quite a thing for a future shinobi to say! You don't need to worry, I'm as new as you are, remember?"

Hanabi, too, lifted her hands in front of her, holding open fists in front of her chest. After a couple of moments had passed in stillness, she spoke again: "well, I guess I'll start? Here we go!" With that the lavender haired girl sprinted forward at Date, dropping into a low running stance. Once the distance closed to about two feet she would cut to the left, attempting to run past him rather than into him. As she came beside him she would turn her upper body to swing out with her right arm, aiming a chop at the back of his neck. Once she ran beyond him, if she hadn't been stopped, she would continue the turn and come to a stop facing him, awaiting his reaction.

|| Health: 8 | Chakra: 9 | Stamina: 5 | Speed: 8 | Strength: 5 ||
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Date's first day at the academy [open, nk] - Page 2 Empty Re: Date's first day at the academy [open, nk]

Fri Mar 03, 2017 11:58 pm
Date felt a little more assured with his confidence once Hanabi explained that both of them were new. He observed as Hanabi got into her fighting stance, and watched her as she went sprinting towards him. Her speed was on par with his, however her maneuvers were that of a skilled shinobi. Date did not budge from his stance , he just kept his eyes on her as she moved towards him. One thing popped into his mind as she was running towards him. A female with an intent to fight was always a hard decision for many young men to face. He definitely did not want to hurt her, but at the same time he could not just give up or that would be rude to her. His only options were defense, and grappling, both he did not have much experience with. 

He kept his eyes on her shoulders as she moved towards him, he expected a punch or a tackle. Either way he would watch for a move from her upper body, to which he expected she wouldn't be watching her lower body much. She swiftly moved to his side, a smart move considering he stayed in place the entire time and an attack from out of his line of sight would be the best option. Date only listened for her, his eyes moving all the way towards her direction, and just as she closed in for the hit. Date attempted to do a sweep kicking motion to her leg that was closest to him, hoping to put her into a split posture if it landed successfully which would give Date enough time to counterattack. 
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