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Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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A Quiet drink Empty A Quiet drink

Mon Feb 13, 2017 10:28 pm
Ren strode into his soon too be office in the soon too be constructed Academy and stood by his bookcase waiting for Dol to follow in behind him as he appeared to browse for a book. Once Dol entered Ren would say "Shut the door if you don't mind" in a calm voice as he picked out a book. Once the door shut Ren would put the book back in place and a subtle click indicate the bookcase swinging open to reveal a hidden room, complete with two leather chairs siting facing towards each other, a decanter of liquid siting on a table next too the two chair's. "After you" Ren would say, as he gestured for Dol to enter first. Once Dol was inside Ren would close the bookcase behind them and pull out his little leather bound book and open it before walking over too the table and inscribing a seal of suppression on the table with a piece of chalk. "There we go, I haven't used that much but hopefully that should hold for the time being; Now then Give me your hand" Ren would say as he performed a number of hand seals. This wont hurt but I'm going to have to give you something before we begin" Ren said in a confidant but quiet voice.
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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A Quiet drink Empty Re: A Quiet drink

Tue Feb 14, 2017 11:49 pm
Dol would do as told and shut the door. Shortly thereafter, he would be surprised when Ren had a secret door. "Little cliche, don't you think?" he would say with a chuckle. Of course, Dol would step in when prompted, admiring the quaint little room. Watching the seal being formed, Dol wondered how Ren learned to do that so easily, though this would have to be inquired later.

Dol was cautious of why Ren needed his hand, but there was little reason, as far as he knew, to deny, so it was offered up.
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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A Quiet drink Empty Re: A Quiet drink

Wed Feb 15, 2017 12:31 am
Ren began by forming some hand seals and placing a telepathy seal on Dol and then one on himself; gently touching his seal to activate it as he sat down, Ren would transmit his thoughts too Dol. "Now that was the easy part, there is a darkness in this village, and it is powerful, the current Mizukage, is the one that forces our Genin to fight to the death for the sake of his amusement, he allows those few ninja who survive the ordeal free reign to do almost whatever they want to the people of this village; and he does this all whilst parading himself as a hero of the people. If you are looking for the source of corruption in this village look no further than to the office of its ruler." Ren thought, conveying the confidence he felt in his words as he transmited the message to Dol
Dol Havard
Dol Havard
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A Quiet drink Empty Re: A Quiet drink

Thu Feb 16, 2017 12:40 am
Dol looked at the seal on his hand, and was studying it, when something quite unexpected caused him to look directly at Ren and take a few steps back, almost hitting the next closest thing behind him. Holy shit! he thought, though Ren would be unable to hear it. How do I this? Am I doing it right? Maybe if ... ok, so. How obvious is it that I don't know what I'm doing? Maybe Ren can help if I ask. Is it ok to ask? God I probably look like an idiot. Dol would just smile sheepishly at Ren.
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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A Quiet drink Empty Re: A Quiet drink

Thu Feb 16, 2017 7:16 pm
Ren watched as the man struggled with the telepathic communication... "Wait, Did you just call me an idiot?" Ren thought to the man "Well now that is incredibly rude!" Ren would wait to get a reaction out of the man before continuing "It might take a bit of getting used to but the trick is to simply 'will' for me to hear a thought" Ren conveyed to the man, transmitting a vague idea of exactly what he meant as he 'spoke.'

Assuming Dol figured the seal out Ren would continue 'talking' to him, "Can I trust you Dol? I would like to think I can but I need to be sure, with your permission I'll place a seal on you that forces you to tell the truth."
Dol Havard
Dol Havard
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A Quiet drink Empty Re: A Quiet drink

Thu Feb 16, 2017 8:13 pm
Dol blinked a moment. "I had no inten-" he spoke before catching himself. I had no intention of calling you an idiot. Though I may have thought phrases that, if they happened to be put together in a specific manner, without the majority of the content, they may have appeared that way. Oops? Dol had at least figured out how to broadcast his thoughts... probably. Working with the assumption that he had, after 'hearing' out Ren's statements, he would reply thusly:

To be truthful (eh?), I was thinking the same about you. I will consent so long as I may leave a question unanswered. However, if it compels me to answer, I request you have one too.
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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A Quiet drink Empty Re: A Quiet drink

Thu Feb 16, 2017 8:34 pm
Ren nodded at the man as he sat in his chair, to any outside onlooker it would simply appear as if the two were sitting there in silence, nodding at on another on occasion. "A fair request, unfortunately due to its nature placing the seal on myself would make it imposible to remove from the two of us, so I will have to accept your second restriction." Ren stood up for a moment and gently placed his hand upon Dol's head, Channeling his chakra into the man body Ren released a burst of chakra that formed an incredibly complex array that had far more potential than what he was using it for here. Ren could feel the strands of the man's personality, he could feel more than that; If Ren pushed he could probably peer into the man's very being... but no that was far to dangerous, not to mention invasive. Taking a calming breath Ren simply rearranged a few threads of the man's personality, such that he simply found it impossible to tell a lie.

After placing the seal Ren sat back in his chair and begun by asking the man a few questions "Now then how do you feel?" Ren would ask, assuming an affirmative he would continue with a slightly more invasive question. "Lets start with the basics then, Truthfully do you have any loyalties to the Current Mizukage?" Ren would ask, watching the man carefully.
Dol Havard
Dol Havard
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A Quiet drink Empty Re: A Quiet drink

Thu Feb 16, 2017 8:46 pm
"I'm feeling fine, yourself?"

"I hold no loyalties to the current Mizukage."

[Ren and I have agreed to allow <50 word short responses as this will be a lot of back and forth.]
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Ryo : 0

A Quiet drink Empty Re: A Quiet drink

Thu Feb 16, 2017 8:53 pm
Ren watched the man, there was no indication that he'd tried to resist the effects of the seal, not that he could if he tried. "Good, now then; Dol tell me about your history, what makes a sixty year old man want to become a ninja? Revenge, A desire to do some good in the world, or something else entirely?" Ren would ask the man, once he was satisfied that the man would not stab him in the back for his own gain Ren would ask one final question, "Do you, Dol Havard wish to save the people of this village?"
Dol Havard
Dol Havard
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A Quiet drink Empty Re: A Quiet drink

Thu Feb 16, 2017 8:56 pm
Dol had to think this one over. It was treacherous territory.

"I saw good people die for a foolish man's wild whims. I saw idiots destroy the work of my grandson. I want them to know the errors they have made, whatever that requires."

"I wish to save the people of my village," would be his response to the second question, should it come up.
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