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Shouhei Sato
Shouhei Sato
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Charity has to Start Somewhere [P] [Mission] Empty Charity has to Start Somewhere [P] [Mission]

Wed Sep 14, 2016 6:42 am
Mission Description:

When Shouhei and his companion were told not to wear their forehead protector for their next mission, Shouhei thought they were about to be ordered to infiltrate a place. That was not the case however; rather they were to help one of the many churches in the city by providing them with charity from a private individual who wishes to remain unnamed. As for why they couldn’t wear their forehead protectors, or hint off they were ninjas by molding chakra or showing off their tools was because the people would most likely see them as unholy and not accept their food, clothes, and medicine. Oh well, two easy missions in a day shouldn’t be so hard was his last thought after the briefing.

A about half an hour or so, Shouhei was proved wrong however on how easy it was going to be. Someone had forgotten to give them a wagon to carry all these goods and medicine. Meaning, Shouhei and Dusk had to find a way to carry all this. Shouhei took the brute force approach and just stacked just about more than half of all that stuff on top of each other in a comedic fashion then carried it all. All the troublesome medicine, and glass bottles he had placed in an overfilled backpack he carried…well on his back. He couldn’t really see but he hoped Dusk could at least guide him. “Do you think you can see ahead of you once you start carrying yours?” He asked without the sounds of strain as one might have expected from him carrying all that stuff.

Notes wrote:Word Count: 266
Toshiro Senju
Toshiro Senju
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 44000

Charity has to Start Somewhere [P] [Mission] Empty Re: Charity has to Start Somewhere [P] [Mission]

Sat Sep 24, 2016 7:45 pm
Dusk had left most of his things at the house only taking what had been necessary and a few odd things left in his pockets as he left the house to meet up with his mission partner. Today he had been going to help the church give out food and supplies to those who had needed it, a task he loved to do without restraint. Hurrying up he left with haste toward the meeting point almost knocking a few people over as he did, but stopped to apologize to each one. Within moments he made it to the area only to see that the carriage they would have needed for the supplies were not there and they had to carry it themselves. A soft but annoyed sigh left his lips as he looked towards some of the people helping them and already had seen Shouei lifting up some of the supplies. Dusk on the other hand took what he could and lead the way, looking back only for a moment to speak," I can, can't you?," his blue eyes turning back around to see where he had been going.
Shouhei Sato
Shouhei Sato
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Charity has to Start Somewhere [P] [Mission] Empty Re: Charity has to Start Somewhere [P] [Mission]

Mon Oct 03, 2016 10:19 am
Shouhei blinked for a moment at the bunny-hooded boy’s response. He would have shot him an annoyed look as well, but he couldn’t really turn his head too much to allow him to see his mate, or the tower he was carrying would fall. “If you haven’t noticed,” he controlled his voice as not to sound deadpan or snarky, “I am carrying a great deal in the form of a fabulous tower.”

He followed his mate hoping he was aware enough. “And I am feeling very relieved that a normal person could carry this much. Can’t have the people freak out or we might get in trouble.” He let out a small sigh, not only because what he said he were relieved from, but also because in spite of him carrying so many boxes with goods, it weren’t too heavy for him unlike a normal person his age. He was also wearing a coat so people couldn’t really see how muscular he was so the before mentioned shouldn’t be a problem.

Notes wrote:Word Count: 171.
Toshiro Senju
Toshiro Senju
Stat Page : Water's Avatar
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 44000

Charity has to Start Somewhere [P] [Mission] Empty Re: Charity has to Start Somewhere [P] [Mission]

Sat Oct 08, 2016 12:43 pm
The only thing Dusk could do at the moment was laugh as he looked over toward the people beside him, who had been carrying some of the stuff as well," Maybe we should have just made some time to fix the cart then? It probably wouldn't have taken that long," ever the optimist this boy was. The small male continued on his way leading the group until they had made it to the church, Dusk sat his things down helping the others before setting up a few tables in his wake. On a few of them happened to be plants that he himself grew with his chakra (though he would never tell anyone), some food, neat piles of clothing and water. While the other's had finished setting up he slowly placed his hands around him mouth to form a cone," Come one come all, we have food, clothing, water and plants for you all," from there he waited to see who had came and who didn't. To those that past him, Dusk gave a small smile and waved just to be nice.
Shouhei Sato
Shouhei Sato
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Charity has to Start Somewhere [P] [Mission] Empty Re: Charity has to Start Somewhere [P] [Mission]

Sat Oct 08, 2016 8:55 pm
”That’s quite a big tower,” said one of the people who meet them at the tables that were set up for them. Shouhei wasn’t really sure who it was as he was too distracted with this tower of his that had started to get heavy, and as he sat it down he was this close to overstrain his legs and lower back. He however, survived and came out on the looking strong end even if that wasn’t want he intended. Looking past the ‘tower,’ he saw that it was a boy his age who had commented on what he carried. Said boy looked like some kind of religious initiate or a priest in training. “Yeah, just a bit.” Shouhei responded with a fresh tone as he nodded at the guy.

It wasn’t that long after that Dusk noted that they could have fixed a cart. Still feeling his arms, Shouhei wasn’t sure if he was joking or not, so when he started to helping to putting the boxers were they needed to be he asked in a clueless way, “Wait we had a cart but it was broken?” His confusion in part coming from the fact he had remembered that they had never been provided one.

With everything packed out, he stood behind the tables with Dusk. Shouhei of course knew nothing about that Dusk had made one of the tables with his bloodline, but he did notice the artisanship, and he noted it. “Someone must really have been thorough with the sandpaper with this table. It’s almost straight, and impossibly soft to the touch.” We a smile he turned to Dusk. “I should get the address of whomever made it so I could order a new desk.”

Shouhei kept in a sigh, as he was this close to feeling sheepishly with how Dusk had called everyone out as if he was a merchant selling goods. At least people knew where to go to as they neatly lined up. Quite neatly in fact and Shouhei thought that was nice to see. It made him forget the feeling he could have had right now.

However, as they lined up also meant that Shouhei had to work when the first person asked for some cold medication. “One minute ma’am,” he said to the woman who looked like a mother and that she hadn’t slept in a while. Nevertheless, as he looked through the boxers on his sides he couldn’t find any. “Is there any cold medicine on your side, Dusk? I don’t seem to have any.” He asked still looking through to be sure.

Notes wrote:Word Count: 432.
Toshiro Senju
Toshiro Senju
Stat Page : Water's Avatar
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 44000

Charity has to Start Somewhere [P] [Mission] Empty Re: Charity has to Start Somewhere [P] [Mission]

Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:55 pm
[Sorry for making you wait but i'm going to exit so that i'm not holding you up].

Dusk continued to help some of the people that came his way, sliding down the medicine that had been on his side without losing his place with the people. The more he helped the more the people came, seeing that two young men were helping the people of the village. It was sad that he couldn't reveal he was a ninja, but if it was for the good of the people then he would hold it back a little longer. A little girl happened to come over and ask about his plants in which he smiled," Go ahead they are free. Just make sure to give them plenty of water and love. They will give you lots of joy in the future," the sentence made the young girl smile as she picked up the potted plant and ran off to her mother who had just gotten them some fresh clothing while he was talking to her. Seeing the young smile on her face caused his heart to swell with pride and in turn caused his work method to become better. With bellowing lungs he continued to press onward call to all people that would hear his voice to receive help on behalf of the village and the church. After such a long day he folded up the things that he had on his side and stretched," That was a long day but it was worth it. See you around Shouhei." With that he slowly made his way back to his house.


500 Ryo
1 ap
Shouhei Sato
Shouhei Sato
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Charity has to Start Somewhere [P] [Mission] Empty Re: Charity has to Start Somewhere [P] [Mission]

Fri Dec 02, 2016 9:27 pm
”Thank you, mate.” Shouhei accepted the cold medicine he had asked Dusk to hand to him. Looking back at the woman he handed it over, holding it with both his hands. “Here you go, ma’am.” He said as she accepted it and went on her merry way. So went the rest of their day with them helping people. Shouhei were a bit surprised how little Dusk actually spoke to him, but on the other hand, they had many people to process so they probably did not have time either to do so. Still by the end of the all, they split on good terms and went each their merry way home.


Notes wrote:Word Count: 111
TWC: 980

Claiming: 500 ryo and 1 AP.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Charity has to Start Somewhere [P] [Mission] Empty Re: Charity has to Start Somewhere [P] [Mission]

Sat Dec 03, 2016 2:20 am

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