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Rin Togakawa
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Kink-oki with Ren and friends - Page 2 Empty Re: Kink-oki with Ren and friends

Thu Sep 22, 2016 11:43 pm
Ren sighed and rolled his eyes slightly at Hinoki's poor attempt at an excuse before Shi said exactly what he had said a moment ago, before continuing with his own unique brand of torture, When he asked the man his name the man replied by Spiting the boy in the face. "Now, now Gerald, you mustn't be rude; the boy is only learning after all" Ren would say in a jovial voice, knowing that the discrepancy between what was happening to the man and his demeanor would serve to unsettle the man all the more. 

When Haru began to warn Shi of the risk of infection and the importance of spacing out the pain Ren smiled for a, giving the boy an approving nod. 'He clearly doesn't have the stomach to handle Shi's particularly brutal torture methods, but he's smart, He understands the importance of messing with more than just your subjects mind' Ren thought, taking note of the boy's actions and intending to recommend him to oversee missions like this in future.

Ren stood there stoically, watching as the boy's continued their 'interrogation' if it could even be called that, In truth it was torture and nothing more; he had yet to ask a question and the boys were already going to town on the man... Well that wasn't quite right either so far the interrogation had consisted of the fat hyuga boy attempting to continue torturing the man's chakra network and the little devil child going to town on the subject. It wasn't until he saw Shi moving to take out the man's eyes that Ren decided he ought to intervene, just as he was about to stand up the hyuga boy actually said something moderately intelligent; Ren smirked in surprise before standing up and silently walking towards the trio of ammeter torturers, stoping only a few feet from the man before pulling his hands from his pocket and slowly clapping. The Man flinching at the sudden loud noise behind him *Clap *Clap *Clap "Good Hinoki, good, I'm surprised to see that you can show at least some modicum of intelligence from time to time. Now that you've had your fun boys, perhaps it is time I explained something to you, firstly torture isn't about pain. On the surface it may seem like that, but to simply inflict pain isn't going to get you results." Ren would say as he began lift his left hand and gently brush it along the man's head, trailing it up his body until he reached the man's back before lifting it up, making sure to make the movement pleasurable rather than painful. 

Ren didn't mind Shi's approach at first, after all the threat of something worse to come was an intrinsic part of a well performed interrogation, but by the time an hour had passed the man had many nails in him and the nail's had become a dull and boring form of torture, Ren would sigh and speak up, deciding it was time to let the man know what he wanted, "Now then Gerald, I think you know what I want from you, Who else is a member of your little resistance movement? I already have your wife and your daughter is being hunted down as we speak, but I know thats not all of them, so who's left?" Ren said, allowing a modicum of harshness to enter his voice. The man merely grunted as Shi hammered another nail into him irking Ren all the more. 'He's not an easy nut to crack, oh well just means theres more time for me to show the kids how to do this' 

"Torture is about making the subject fear you, but also trust you..." turning his attention from the children to the man Ren would lean forwards until he was just inches away from the man's ear, yet still not visible to him. "Isn't that right Gerald, and you know you can trust me, If I say I'll do something then I will, like Breaking your arm" Ren would say, before Violently twisting the man's arm so that the bone split in two, the sharp segment of bone putting just enough pressure on the radial nerve to cause severe pain. The man's Scream echoed through the room over and over again. "Oh relax Gerald, here I'll fix that for you Ren would say before stepping back again, just enough that the man would still be able to feel his breath on the back of his neck. "Now then my students are going to continue their little lesson, don't disappoint me Gerald, or I will have to step in and make things far worse for you."
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Kink-oki with Ren and friends - Page 2 Empty Re: Kink-oki with Ren and friends

Fri Sep 23, 2016 10:28 am
Haru steadied himself before stepping up behind the subject known
as 'Gerald' silently and placed a hand almost comfortingly on the mans shoulder before softly whispering into his ear in a sad kind of voice."Guess it 's my turn now. If you could answer my questions quickly i would really appreciate it, unlike my previous classmate i do not revel in the pain of others. Even traitors like you." Haru patted Gerald lightly on the shoulder before he began circling the man with a predatory eye, occasionally stopping to prod and poke at the mans chest arms or legs until he stopped at his back with a grim smile. Haru began kneading the flesh of Geralds left trapezius muscle with his left hand whilst drawing a kunai with the right.
"You may want to grit your teeth." those standing in front or to the side of the may have heard a small high pitched whining noise for a moment followed by Gerald spasming and rocking against the pain. Ren and anyone stood behind Gerald would see Haru's kunai glow with a aura of white chakra that accompanied the noise. Haru had lifted some of the taut skin and skillfully inserted the tip of the kunai under the skin and in a few slow yet precise cuts had removed a patch of skin roughly 10 cm square whilst leaving the muscle beneath virtually untouched. Haru tossed the skin at Shi before forming Boar->Rat->Snake and gently healing the area and allowing a good health scab to form.

"Looks like skinning humans is just like skinning boars, though i dont think i could make much from your 'pelt'. Your daughter and wife might make for lovely decorations though and with a couple of tries i think i could even skin the torso in a single piece. You should tell Sensei what he wants to know, its just a few names in exchange for the life of your daughter. I am sure that my Sensei knows that she had no knowledge of your foolish betrayal. A few names and your daughter can leave the village unharmed to live out a peaceful life away from all this violence and needless brutality." Haru paused for  moment waiting for a reply before skinning the other shoulder and removing a smaller patch of skin. Haru slapped the exposed muscle lightly before speaking into the mans ear again in gentle yet sad tones."You are already dead. you know this but some kind of misguided loyalty no...not loyalty but perhaps idealism is blinding you to the obvious conclusion. You will talk eventually, so will your wife and your daughter and all this struggling and pain will be for nothing. redeem your honour and admit your mistakes while you are the only person paying the price. You know we will stop at no lengths to root out this misguided resistance. How much suffering will you force us, force me to cause to the innocent people you blindly believe you are helping? Speak now and perhaps you may hold some dignity and relief in death with the knowledge that you actually succeeded in protecting something rather than causing the death of your family and friends".

Haru applied the healing technique on the new wound he had made before walking round to face the man and look him in the eye. Haru could hear the mans heart beating like a drum inside his chest and could smell the rancid sweat and blood. Haru looked a little sad but wasn't hesitant and his voice was steady though a little louder now that he was not speaking directly into the mans ear. "Look at me. I'm not even old enough to shave but because of your actions i find myself here, torturing a member of my village. there is no nobility or honour in this task and i do not enjoy it but i am willing to do what is necessary to make you talk. What do you think my classmate with the nails and fascination with eyes do to your daughter? how long do you think she will last? We haven't even begun using the various devices and implements here on you. perhaps we won't use them at all or maybe we will show you how they are used on your family first before we throw them into the Lord Mizukages kennels. I might not have the experience to make you talk but i can make you wish you had." Haru gently cradled the mans head in both his hands as he stared into his eyes. "My time with you has nearly run out. Tell us now what you certainly will later and save yourself and those you love and are sworn to protect a great deal of suffering. the others won't even have to know it was you that gave them up. We can simply say you died rather than submit to capture. You will have a few moments to decide. I just hope for your sake and for mine that you make the right choice Gerald" haru let go of Gerald and silently moved to the back wall before folding the small patch of skin and putting it in his pocket as a memorial of the mission. he leaned back against the wall and waited patiently for Gerald to either talk or begin screaming anew.

(912 +299=1211)
Shi no okurinushi
Shi no okurinushi
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Kink-oki with Ren and friends - Page 2 Empty Re: Kink-oki with Ren and friends

Fri Sep 23, 2016 7:00 pm
Shi walk in front of Gerald eating the skin Hura threw at him and stared him into the eyes. "I'm not one to lie but i don't care if you trust me or not but you do know two things already. One unlike some of my colleagues, I very much enjoy seeing a man slowly die both mentally and physically. I find such things to be so much fun. Second you know that i'm still a simple Genin and i must listen to my higher ups. These things aren't ones you need trust for there simple. So If lets say Ren were to bring in your wife and daughter you know. I'm more then willing to show them a whole new world of pain and i'm more then willing to make sure all you get the 'love' and 'care' your family deserves but for now i need to let my other colleagues get some work done." the way he highlighted both Love and care was in a cruel satanic way.

(WC 1610, i;m done my part the rest for me is pointless fluff)
Hinoki Hyūga
Hinoki Hyūga
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Kink-oki with Ren and friends - Page 2 Empty Re: Kink-oki with Ren and friends

Fri Sep 23, 2016 8:21 pm
Seeing that Haru and Ren have taking the torture up a notch, Hinoki cracked his knuckles and took up the challenge. Giving careful thought to what Ren had said, He was now ready to give it another go. He grinned with pride as Ren made that backhand compliment, as after all it was still a compliment. “Seems like Ren is getting slowly impressed by my progress.” He thought to himself as he threw a couple of wasabi seeds in his mouth and proceeded to crush them. Seeing as it was his turn, he approached Gerald, a new plan formulated. “Well Gerald, you handled that Tenketsu Needle pretty well. Kudos to you” he would say, as he circled the shinobi, giving a slow clap. “As Ren-sensei and Haru said, unfortunately your family isn’t here to help you remember the names of the mates who are rebelling against the Great Mizukage Xyxer.  Do not worry though, I am sure they will be with us shortly to help you jog your memory and maybe even join you in this little lesson of ours if you stay so forgetful.” Hinoki said as he moved back in front of Gerald. “You managed to hold it all through one Tenketsu Needle. Let’s see you do that with 32 of them.” Hinoki would say as his smile dissolves and he takes his Gentle Fist stance. “Don’t worry, I’ll be Gentle.” He said, laughing at his own pun.

Taking a deep breath, He began visualizing the 8-trigrams seal beneath his feet. He had never tested out this Jutsu and he wasn’t sure if it would be as effective he wanted to be, but there was only one way to find out. Specifically targeting the Tenketsu that where near the hammered in nails to cause them to reopen the puncture wounds, Hinoki would unleash a flurry of chakra infused strikes, with the force of the hits sending Gerald into an upward swing. Hinoki delivered the strikes with pretty good precision, his natural Hyūga flexibility compensating for his slightly overweight body. He would then switch his focus on the broken arm Ren had left, giving the last few strikes on its Tenketsu, forcing the muscles to tighten and causing future fractions and plenty of pain for Gerald. He would then hold his 32nd strike back as Gerald swung back towards him, forcing his palm in to stop his swing. After his encounter with Yazu of the Mist, Hinoki had engaged in reading a few Medical Books and using his limited knowledge gathered from them and his now growing expertise in the effects of the chakra manipulation in the Tenketsu; He mixed them together to put a small theory of his to the test. It seemed to be a good mix after all. Slightly out of breath, Hinoki would push back his glasses with his index finger, flashing a small grin to Gerald. “I hope you found that bit of Taijutsu as refreshing as I did. Now maybe it’s time to give those names to Ren-sensei right here.” Hinoki would now, his grinning slipping back into a tight frown 'I’m sure she has some good tricks up her sleeve that you don’t really want to see. Probably none of us want to really.”

[990+540] = [1520]
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Kink-oki with Ren and friends - Page 2 Empty Re: Kink-oki with Ren and friends

Thu Dec 29, 2016 4:13 am
The man Screamed in intense pain, again and again, as the boys performed their techniques upon him. Ren was impressed, both with the man's endurance and determination to resist the interrogation, and with the boys rapid improvement, most surprisingly of all, it wasn't the sadist immortal, or the most promising of the boys, that broke the man; it was that useless waste of space hinoki, whose torture technique finally broke the man, it was on the 17... or was it 18th needle? Frankly Ren didn't really care that much, the entire exercise was beginning to bore him. "Okay, Okay, I'll talk!" the man said gasping "I'll tell you whatever you want! Just... Please stop him." Gerald screamed, tears streaking down his pain stricken gaunt face. "Pitiful, pitiful, pitiful Gerald." Ren tutted as he paced back and forth behind the man, the slow, tap, tap, tap of his feet on the ground, punctuating his sentence as he spoke. "I really thought we were going to have much more fun here, are we done already" Ren said, staying in character even as his stomach turned a little to continue this charade. "Very well Gerald, prey tell where can we find your comrades?" Ren would say, as he loudly licked his lips, a mildly childish giggle escaping his lips, as prodded at the man's broken arm from behind. A harsh scream echoed from the man's mouth as he began to speak "T-the docks, their meeting on a ship named the golden leaf... the captain is their leader" the man sobbed as he realised he'd sold out his friends, just so he could selfishly survive. "Good, heheh, Good" Ren would say as he skipped into the man's view, his cute feminine appearance startling the man. Kneeling in front of him Ren would make the hand seals before healing the man's wounds. "You see Gerald" Ren would say, looking up and smiling at the man "I'm a man of my word, and now your free to go." Ren would say, flicking a small hidden mechanism at the man's feet that released the chains holding him up. The man collapsed to the ground coughing and spluttering his thanks, but Ren was already leaving the room... reaching the door Ren paused... "oh the first one of you boys to kill him get the other two's pay for the mission since i can't really justify paying you all equally for this." Ren would say before striding out of the room and around the corner into the next interrogation room, where a battered and bruised ship captain awaited
Exiting Claiming 8 stat points, and 1500 words to complete med spec training

Last edited by Ren Tsubasa <3 on Sun Jan 08, 2017 8:36 am; edited 1 time in total
Hinoki Hyūga
Hinoki Hyūga
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Kink-oki with Ren and friends - Page 2 Empty Re: Kink-oki with Ren and friends

Sat Dec 31, 2016 7:47 am
Proud wouldn’t even begin to describe how Hinoki felt. He was the one who broke the man. For just a single moment, He basked in his own glory; His chest puffed out; Looking as smug as humanly possible. He then moved away from Geralt as Ren took the reins in her hands once again. He was a bit disappointed that she didn’t compliment him once more but his triumph over Shi was enough to compensate for it. He set himself against the far wall near the door, looking on as Ren did her magic. He wasn’t really paying attention anymore, his eyes momentarily falling on Ren’s wobbling posterior. Unbeknownst to many, including Hinoki; He was a bit of a closet pervert. He wasn’t a ladies men at all, having come in contact with an amazingly few women in his life. Yet, when faced with one, random thoughts would always pop in the back of his head; Something that was happening right now. Ren wasn’t a bad looking Sensei at all, maybe lacking a bit in the chest area but a good petite figure. Somehow, these thoughts brought up memories of the bane of his life, Tsubaki. Well, she used to be at least. He hadn’t seen her stuck up face in a while. In an ironic twist, he somehow missed her pretentious presence. He absentmindedly pushed up his glasses, trying to focus on what his Sensei was saying. Even though he wanted to deny it, He was worried about her. Worried that well, he might not see her again. He stuffed his hand down his pocket and threw a dozen wasabi seeds albeit he barely felt their heat as he was too much caught up in these weird thoughts. He hated his cousin with all his being yet this was happening. 'That fall down the hill must have really fucked me up.” Hinoki thought to himself as he snapped back to reality, seeing that Ren was drawing at some kind of conclusion.

As Ren made her announcement and passed Hinoki, He detached himself from the wall. “I see you finally see how hardworking I am.” He said with a wink. “Don’t forget that 1 on 1 lesson Sensei, I haven’t forgotten it."He took a step forward and then stopped dead in his tracks. The true meaning of Ren’s words struck him at once. They were supposed to kill that man. Not maim him or beat him up. Kill. End his life. A cold sweat broke over Hinoki. He had never killed anyone, only coming as close as beating up Azure severely but not with a killing intent. This man had a family to go to. He couldn’t just kill him for extra cash. No, he was above that. The others seemed frozen too, their hesitation written plainly on their faces. He paid enough for whatever he did. Yet, as he took a step towards his comrades, the words were stuck in his throat. He was a Kirigakure Shinobi. This lamentation and morality shouldn’t come into his thought process. He lived to serve the Great Mizukage. This hesitation would get him and his comrades killed. This was the moment were he had to show that he was true Shinobi material.

Taking in a deep breath, he activated the first activation of his Breathing Technique, turning his Byakugan's Iris into a pure white. Balancing the toll of the breathing method and the byakugan was tricky but Hinoki was determined to give this man a sure death and test his mettle truly. Of course, this man was already on death’s door thanks to the constant abuse that he had been under but Hinoki wanted to push his mental and physical limits. If he is going to kill, he might as well do it with style and flair. Gerald was standing weakly on his feet now, faced with the faintly glowing shape of Hinoki. Hinoki visualised the Trigram around him and his foe and rushed in for the kill. He could do 32-strikes without a problem , but he wanted to try to reach the next tier and go for 64. He had never combined a Gentle Fist technique with the power of a Breathing Method and he felt the difference. Each strike flowed with newfound strength and speed, his forefingers breaking bone as they hit each Tenketsu spot. Gerald was flung back with each strike, finding himself getting slammed into the wall by the sixteenth strike. Hinoki could see the flares in his chakra system, each sending searing hot pain through his body and damaging his organs, combined with the crushing strength that the breathing method was putting in each of his strikes. Hinoki had shut away all the cries of pain that he was emitting, having to focus solely on controlling his own strength as to not break his own arms. The Breathing Method was taking its toll on him as he pushed past the 32nd strike towards the final 32.

Gerald had died by the 24th strike, his ribs crushed under the unyielding blows. Yet, Hinoki had persisted towards doing the full 64 strikes. By the 53rd strike, Gerald was flung off the 3rd floor of the academy, the wall no more. Hinoki collapsed into an exhausted obese pile, his glasses clattering to the floor onto the pool of blood that had gathered underneath. His hands were bloodstained, both metaphorically and literally. He got up, wiped up his glasses on the hem of his shirt. "Get a cleaner or something. Or don’t, the floor was already stained.” Hinoki said as he walked out of the room. He never felt so exhausted in his life and he knew, that no amount of napping will alleviate this type of tiredness. “That man did wrong by the village. It was my duty to do so.” Even as he said those words aloud, he couldn’t really believe himself. As the blood splattered Hinoki made his way outside, he didn't even give the disfigured corpse a second look. He didn't have to; He knew how it looked well enough, its twisted image burned into his mind. The Man's pleading cries were " I have a family, please spare me". Hinoki knew that he had to follow his orders and kill him for his own family. He couldn't be a disappointment to everyone for his whole life now, could he?

[1520+1080] = [2600]
[Claiming 13 Stats] [0 WC Extra]
[Completed Training Seven Heavens Breathing Method [C-RANK]  [2000/2000] [2165 WC Left]
[Trained Eight Trigrams: Thirty-Two Palms] [D-Rank] [1165 WC Left]
[Started Training Eight Trigrams: Sixty-Four Palms [C-Rank] [1165/2000] [0 WC Left]

Last edited by Hinoki Hyūga on Sun Jan 08, 2017 8:00 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added 30 words to round off stats, Edited to turn it into training claims.)
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Kink-oki with Ren and friends - Page 2 Empty Re: Kink-oki with Ren and friends

Sun Jan 08, 2017 2:53 am
.i'm not really sure what to do with this as two of the members are no longer here so I dont know how to grade this as a mission. One of you four didnt even finish his word count. i believe. Would you guys like to do this as a training instead where you can claim stats/AP and jutsu?
Rin Togakawa
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Kink-oki with Ren and friends - Page 2 Empty Re: Kink-oki with Ren and friends

Sun Jan 08, 2017 8:37 am
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Kink-oki with Ren and friends - Page 2 Empty Re: Kink-oki with Ren and friends

Sun Jan 08, 2017 10:01 am

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