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Beafōsu Chōkyōshi
Beafōsu Chōkyōshi
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Chakra & Jutsu Training w/ Azure+ [NK] Empty Chakra & Jutsu Training w/ Azure+ [NK]

Tue Sep 06, 2016 10:23 pm
Right when Shikadu wake up, He gets ready. After making friends with Azure Phoenix, he only had one idea. During their class on techniques the previous day, Shikadu, already knowing the stuff his teacher was talking about, Shikadu started flipping around the pages but something really caught his eyes. "Co-Operative Handseals". He read the title and was completely intrigued. About to start the chapter, his teacher asked him a question about Element effectiveness to which he quickly added, without even having to lift his head, he answered the question with pinpoint accuracy. Reading on, he found something very interesting, It's possible for a jutsu to be summoned by each person contributing to each hand seal. After class ends, he heads over to Azure telling him to meet him in classroom 104 at 4pm tomorrow. The next day, Shikadu, regalia in all goes to the classroom at 3:45pm waiting to see if Azure is to show up.

(WC: 157)
Uten Azure Hozuki
Uten Azure Hozuki
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Chakra & Jutsu Training w/ Azure+ [NK] Empty Re: Chakra & Jutsu Training w/ Azure+ [NK]

Tue Sep 06, 2016 10:48 pm
Azure rushed to room 104 as fast as he could to meet up with Shikadu (Oh man I hope he's a fun guy.) he asked himself as he stopped in front of the classroom door. When he opened the door he smiled and hummed a bit "Hi sorry am late but lets jump right into this okay." he said making his way to Shikadu and giving him a at on the shoulder "I'll try my best to help you no matter what okay." he said with a cheerful tone in his voice as he done this before which he didn't (I have to help him to the best of my ability!) he thought to himself as he waited for Shikadu to get ready.
Beafōsu Chōkyōshi
Beafōsu Chōkyōshi
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Chakra & Jutsu Training w/ Azure+ [NK] Empty Re: Chakra & Jutsu Training w/ Azure+ [NK]

Wed Sep 07, 2016 6:54 pm
In the time waiting for Azure to arrive, Shikadu decided to work on some things. Sometimes when he was exerting chakra, the wind would act in mysterious ways. Later in class, when they were talking about elemental releases, he found out why. Besides the unanimous Yin and Yang releases everyone had, he was gifted with the wind release. He had heard about the Wind Release: Wind Arrow from a book and thought it'd be easy enough to pick up. Meditating, he summoned chakra with a blunt strike and there it was, a large gust of wind. Shikadu couldn't help but wonder (How the hell does this take shape!). Taking out a note book, I right down my guide and plan for learning this tech, Step 1. be able to have the wind take some shape. Step 2. make it an arrow. Step 3. Make it slightly slimmer and make it a usable size. Step 4. Make it sharp enough to leave a mark in a tree, Step 5, be able to make them quickly and easily. After writing those down, he took a breath and went to creating his wind. The most basic shape that went to his mind was a circle/sphere/oval, so he focused on that. At first it would just be a burst but would slowly condense into something that resembled a sphere. Around his 3rd try, he was able to make a spherical shape effortlessly. Ready to move onto step 2. He was about to start but heard Azure's voice and quickly went to greet him. "Hey, did I tell you what we we're gonna do today?" He asked.

WC: 157 + 274 (274/500 for Wind Release: Wind Arrow 274 Training)
Uten Azure Hozuki
Uten Azure Hozuki
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Chakra & Jutsu Training w/ Azure+ [NK] Empty Re: Chakra & Jutsu Training w/ Azure+ [NK]

Wed Sep 07, 2016 7:55 pm
"You told me u need help with a Jutsu and some other stuff if am not mistaken?" Azure said looking puzzled but then going back to his smile "Am here to help you so whatever you need I can help with." he continued to say as he took out a book named 'How to Teach others' (I hope am doing this right it says to make sure that the student is comfortable and safe...) he thought to himself as he read on in the book.  He stopped and turned to Shinkadu "Am going to teach you the clone Jutsu first just so we can branch out from there." Azure said as he took 3 steps back and focused himself Ram → Snake → Tiger a smoke cloud appeared next to him with an exact copy of him standing side by side "That was how you do...that.." he said realizing that he only had on hand.
Beafōsu Chōkyōshi
Beafōsu Chōkyōshi
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Chakra & Jutsu Training w/ Azure+ [NK] Empty Re: Chakra & Jutsu Training w/ Azure+ [NK]

Wed Sep 07, 2016 8:48 pm
"Yeah, it's not that simple. As you see" He says as he motions to his stub. "But, I found this article on co-op handseals, and I was wondering if you'd be up for practicing the clone jutsu with me." He exclaimed. 

WC: 157 + 274 + 41 = 472 (274/500 Wind Release: Wind Arrow, 274 Training)
Uten Azure Hozuki
Uten Azure Hozuki
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Chakra & Jutsu Training w/ Azure+ [NK] Empty Re: Chakra & Jutsu Training w/ Azure+ [NK]

Wed Sep 07, 2016 11:51 pm
"Oh really helps us alot then so I guess we just do each half of the hand signs?" he asked wondering how it would work out "Okay am always down to try new things." he said with a smile as he turned around to face him (I hope I don't mess this up some how) he said as he formed half the Ram sign "Come on lets do this." he said excited to start this co-op Jutsu.
Beafōsu Chōkyōshi
Beafōsu Chōkyōshi
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Chakra & Jutsu Training w/ Azure+ [NK] Empty Re: Chakra & Jutsu Training w/ Azure+ [NK]

Wed Sep 07, 2016 11:59 pm
"Yea, exactly like that!" He said as he walked over to Azure, with his hand (his right one) he grabbed Azure's left hand and started to position it correctly. "Ram, Tiger, then Snake correct?" He asked, slowly moving his hand in conjunction with Azure's to get it as muscle memory. When he felt like he was ready, he asked Azure to notify when he was ready to try this new skill. 

WC: 472 + 71 = 543 (247/500 Wind Release: Wind Arrows, 274 + 71 = 345 Training, 71/250 Clone Technique)
Uten Azure Hozuki
Uten Azure Hozuki
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Chakra & Jutsu Training w/ Azure+ [NK] Empty Re: Chakra & Jutsu Training w/ Azure+ [NK]

Thu Sep 08, 2016 12:11 am
Azure was bit nervous at the fact that he had never do anything like this before ever "I think we can do this?" he said blushing at the fact that  he was being lead and not the other way around "Okay lets try and do it for real now." he said with a smile and tear running down his face (Ren would be so proud of me I just know he would.) he thought to himself as they tried to do it once more for the sake of practicing it  and so Azure wouldn't mess up.
Beafōsu Chōkyōshi
Beafōsu Chōkyōshi
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Chakra & Jutsu Training w/ Azure+ [NK] Empty Re: Chakra & Jutsu Training w/ Azure+ [NK]

Thu Sep 08, 2016 12:43 am
"Ok, let's go" Shikadu exclaimed! On the first try he felt weird and assumed Azure did aswell, so his chakra control wasn't as good as he thought it would, being able to create a wind sphere and run up trees and all. They ended up making nothing. But of course, they both prevailed and tried again. After a couple of tries, the Jutsu began to seem to working. Starting as something which looked like a hybrid of the two sealers, they realized the problem. They needed to be able to have the chakra flow through Shikadu's body, from both hands. After a while, they started to pick it up by transferring chakra back and forth between the two to where it began almost second nature. Now to refine the Jutsu. Once they got Azure's influence out of the copy, it looked like a sluggish Shikadu, which was definitely not him. Focusing on an image of himself, he concentrated and tried to perform the jutsu with a picture of himself imprinted in his mind. It started to look better, but it was easily discernible. That needed to be fixed. Shikadu then suggested an idea that might just be able to help the jutsu be refined enough to be a great clone. If Azure looked at Shikadu for a good while and was able to envision Shikadu with his eyes closed, they both would be focusing on creating the same image, and then they wouldn't have to be complex chakra transfer. After taking a good two minute look at him, Azure went back an joined Shikadu. There was an obvious improvement in the jutsu and after a couple more tries, there were able to get it, consistent indiscernible clones of the one and only Shikadu Aburame!

WC: 543 + 294 = 837 (247/500 Wind Release: Wind Arrow, 345 + 294 = 639 Training, 71 + 179 = 250/250 Clone Technique)


Requesting Clone Technique, 4 Stats Points

Last edited by Shikadu Aburame on Thu Sep 08, 2016 1:26 am; edited 2 times in total
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Chakra & Jutsu Training w/ Azure+ [NK] Empty Re: Chakra & Jutsu Training w/ Azure+ [NK]

Thu Sep 08, 2016 12:48 am

The clone technique can't be mastered <3

Last edited by Akihana Akari on Thu Sep 08, 2016 1:20 am; edited 1 time in total
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