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Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies, Octopuses

Familiar : (MIMAS)

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Village : Kumogakure
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Are There Any Hot Springs in Hot Springs? Empty Are There Any Hot Springs in Hot Springs?

Wed Mar 13, 2024 12:57 pm
In the stillness of dawn, the metallic rasp that trailed the masked sorcerer echoed through the silent streets of the ghost town. As the man in the monochrome robe and mantle sauntered to the horizon, a pair of red-eyed ravens fluttered in and out of his shadow, occasionally flying conspicuously low to the ground. As he neared the base of a gently sloping hill, the shadowy figure pointed the silver blade of his golden labrys at the remnants of the moon in the ashen dawnbreak sky. He angled his blade, trying to reflect the light of the Sun off of its sharp edge into the eyes of the larger raven, as the smaller of the two landed with its black talons on the decorated hilt of the weapon. With the persistence of a hunter stalking its prey, the other raven danced around the reflected light, trying to land next to its mate on the poll.

"Fucking pest...." Saturn cursed, swiftly whirling his axe around with his metal hand in an attempt to fend off the male raven. Meanwhile, its companion expertly shuffled its talons, sliding all the way up to the tip of the horn on the foreboding bull head at the eccentric weapon's apex, nestled between its two crescent blades. As the male tried to pursue, the shinobi saw his opportunity to smack the pest with the right horn of his helmet armor-weapon. With a resounding 'caw' of agony, the bird temporarily dropped, and its feathers rustled and scattered as its mate took off into the sky. The man then continued his ascent up the slope.

With each shrill step, the terrain darkened and shimmering lights in the sky shifted in hue. While he had anticipated the horizon to brighten in the wake of sunrise, an eery consistency persisted. It did not take long for him to understand why. The moon was aligning with the Sun. "Talk about a bad omen, Mimas." He clutched the hilt on the katana at his left hip with his flesh hand, what seemed to be a second weapon, as they reached the peak of the little hill. "What's that? You don't think it's bad? We'll see about that, won't we?" Despite its almost unassuming appearance to his cyan eyes, from his aerial viewpoint in the sky, Saturn could clearly see the full expanse of the ominous temple's domain, looming ahead. It was a brief walk away from the other side of the hill, its presence undeniable to his borrowed, keen, red eyes. He had finally arrived.

But first, he decided to take a dip to calm his nerves. Leaning his Minotaur's Labrys against a nearby willow tree, he carefully placed his horned Ram Skull Mask next to his peculiar katana on a large boulder at the pool's edge. Shedding his robe in the cover of the hazy mist around him, he eased his scarred, muscular lean body into the steaming pool, letting out a sigh of relaxation as the ravens took off together into the approaching eclipse.

WC: 502

Last edited by Saturn on Wed Mar 20, 2024 11:15 am; edited 1 time in total
Kyoko Dokuja
Kyoko Dokuja
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Ryo : 500

Are There Any Hot Springs in Hot Springs? Empty Re: Are There Any Hot Springs in Hot Springs?

Sun Mar 17, 2024 3:23 am
Kyoko had been wandering sometime now and her body had grown rather tired of moving. She yearned to be on an open beach somewhere soaking up the sun. Unfortunately, that’s not where she found herself. Her latest search for “medicinal” ingredients had brought her to the land of hot springs. She had heard rumors of a highly potent plant that when ingested could cause euphoric sensations throughout the body and mild hallucinations. With this knowledge, she knew she needed to acquire this plant and study it immediately. For the past few days, she had been wandering the countryside without a clue about how to find it when she ran into some rather helpful travelers.

They would inform her that the plant primarily grew near natural hot springs due to the ever-present humidity. In exchange for this information, Kyoko would offer them a small baggie of what looked to be some sort of mushroom. She always kept a stock of her goods on hand for such an occasion and was happily willing to part with the small amount that she offered them. Soon she would part ways with the group, as she now had a destination in mind. Thankfully in her search, she was able to run into some locals who were able to point her in the correct direction.

For the next few days, Kyoko would continue traversing the countryside searching for the plant she so desperately craved. Eventually, she would find a rather small hot spring and excitedly she’d begin looking around the immediate area. It wouldn’t take her too long to find the plant she had been searching weeks for, though unfortunately there wasn’t too many to be harvested. Quickly she’d get to work synthesizing the product as she pulled out a traveling apothecary kit. Enraptured with her project, Kyoko wouldn’t pay much mind to the area surrounding her as she could only focus on the task at hand.

After a bit of trial and error, she believed that it finally was completed! Sadly she was only able to squeeze out roughly four doses, but she was eager to find more. She knew if she could get this into the hands of some of her contacts, she’d be rolling in Ryo easily. Kyoko would daydream for a few minutes about the endless opportunities a steady income could provide as she contemplated her next move. After deciding that she’d continue her search for more of the plants, she’d meticulously put away her apothecary kit before then moving on to the next spot.

As she walked to her next destination Kyoko gazed up at the sky and noticed that the moon was seemingly overlapping the sun. She had never seen an eclipse before, so she’d take a few moments to revel in its beauty before continuing. As she made her way closer to the destination she found a man attempting to take a dip in the pool. For a few moments she contemplated on what to do here, she knew that if he was a Shinoibi this could be potentially dangerous for her seeing as she was only slightly wanted. However, she needed more ingredients and didn’t plan on anyone getting in the way of that. She wondered if she asked to join him if he would deny her. Then once she was done and they parted ways she could look for more of the plants she required.

She would approach the man with an upbeat and happy demeanor, hoping that he wouldn’t immediately strike out at her. Should he examine her, Kyoko would look to be wearing rather revealing clothing. A low-cut, fishnet body suit with a thin piece of nude-colored fabric hugged her body in a flattering manner and stopped about halfway down her plump thighs. At her waist, an equally revealing, purple skirt could be seen just barely covering her lower half that had slits up each side. Her medium-length hair was pulled into a loose ponytail at the back of her head, through her bangs seemed to frame her face perfectly.

If he allowed her to she would get within 5 meters of him, however, she’d stop her approach upon his request. She’d give him a deep bow before gazing at him with her dark green eyes. Her expression was warm and inviting, or at least that was what she was trying attempting to do. In an alluring voice, she’d speak up if he didn’t first.

”Well hello there friend, I’m Kyoko, it’s a pleasure to meet you. If you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to join you. I’ve been traveling for some time, and my body is rather tired from all the walking I’ve done”

She’d look a bit sheepish as she asked him, hoping that he’d accept her request. If he agreed Kyoko would give him an excited look before slowly peeling off her outer layer, revealing a matching set of black undergarments. She was rather open about her body and didn’t see a sense in hiding behind clothes so she hoped that the stranger wouldn’t mind. Her normal attire was the only clothing she had with her, so she didn’t feel like getting her belongings wet. Soon she would slip into the hot springs, and let out a content sigh as her body became enveloped by the soothing water. Once settled in across from him, she’d offer him a cute smile before speaking up once again.

”So tell me, how long have you been in the area? I’ve only arrived in the past week, so I’m still getting acclimated to my surroundings”

Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies, Octopuses

Familiar : (MIMAS)

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Village : Kumogakure
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Are There Any Hot Springs in Hot Springs? Empty Re: Are There Any Hot Springs in Hot Springs?

Wed Mar 20, 2024 11:15 am
As the girl with the bangs approached the water, Saturn's curved katana stiffened straight - the tip emerging from the shadows to be revealed in the sun-moon light. The Chunin grabbed his weapon firmly by its hilt, the striations on his forearm rippling like waves in the tide. The act could have been perceived as a threat, but he was only trying to calm his tense and jumpy octopus, his pet - the familiar Mimas, who was under strict instructions to never reveal its true form. Saturn himself was cautious. He had been using the red eyes of the female raven to keep a lookout for the loitering bloodthirsty cultists whom he had managed to avoid thus far. Among them were many who sought to make sacrifices to Jashin, the God of Death. He would know. Due to various unavoidable consequences and conditional circumstances, he was one of them.

With a mental nudge, he moved his scout bird, who had circled from the horizon to a branch on the willow tree, down to the boulder closest to the girl to take a closer look. Even as the raven hopped closer to the visitor, Saturn's piercing blue eyes came into the light. With his heightened senses and chakra sensory, he examined the girl and confirmed that she was not armed. With the use of his skill Sixth Sense, the Kumon shinobi came to learn a few more things about her, and took a quick mental note of them. Leo. Likes sunbathing, drinking, ingesting various substances, reading, and card games. Dislikes boring people, fire and responsibilities.

Although her suspiciously carefree demeanor was odd, her alluring voice coupled with her pronounced feminine figure and colorful cocktail of personality quirks tempted the curious man to let his guard down. He eased his grip on his familiar who remained as straight as a pole on the boulder next to him at the water's edge. Then, if she listened, the girl's attention would be drawn first to the raven. 'Caw! Don't try any funny moves! Caw!' The raven's shrill warning would be communicated directly to Kyoko's mind before the avian fluttered its black wings and flew over to Saturn, planting its black talons on him to perch on his titanium arm. To this, Saturn chuckled and stroked the back of the raven's head. "I don't mind. You're most welcome to join us, but do so at your own risk. The word on the street is there's murderers out here. " Saturn spoke in a neutral, nonchalant tone with a subtle, warm but mischievous smile. "Forgive my feathered friend. She has no manners," he continued, his deep, raspy voice resonating with a hint of amusement as his smile turned into a smirk on his tanned face, "Don't worry, you're not hearing things. This one has a knack for telepathy."

'Caw!' Another high pitched call pierced the air. This prompted Saturn to frown and swiftly place his left hand over the bird's beak to shush her, inadvertently splashing hot water on her feathers in the process to her great dismay. "Keep it down! We don't want to invite any more trouble." He murmured to the flailing bird and released it from his arm as his eyes wandered back to Kyoko. His eyes lingered on Kyoko, trying to make out the color of her alluring serpent like eyes - sometimes brown, sometimes green -  while the shimmering light from the onsetting eclipse radiated behind her petite silhouette. The scene gave him an idea for a new invention, if only customs and regulations would accept his patent.

If Kyoko had accepted Saturn's shady invitation, his tanned cheeks would slightly glisten with a subtle, rosy blush as she revealed the figure beneath her outer layer. Then, he would lean back against the boulder as she entered the water, and smirk at her by the time the warm ripples reached his body.

"I've been here for a week as well, Kyoko." Saturn cleared his throat and tried to relax his tense muscles once again. Not used to being unarmed and vulnerable, the palm reader took a deep breath as he guided his mind's eye to his foot blades and his right arm to reassure himself. He then glanced across the water to engage the visitor in conversation, returning her smile warmly. "This is nice. I like your name, Kyoko, it's fun to say. Where are you from?"

WC: 730
TWC: 1232

Sixth Sense

+1 Nature Stack (Natural Berserker)
Kyoko Dokuja
Kyoko Dokuja
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Research Notes
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Ryo : 500

Are There Any Hot Springs in Hot Springs? Empty Re: Are There Any Hot Springs in Hot Springs?

Wed Mar 27, 2024 12:19 am
Kyoko felt a bit uneasy as she watched the raven land on a boulder near her, though she would continue to introduce herself to the man who was sitting in the hot spring. Rightly he had grabbed his weapon once she made herself known, it was rather odd to be openly approaching somebody in this manner but she truly didn’t know better. Panic began to set in slightly as she realized the difficult situation she had put herself into. All she could do now was hope that didn’t outright attack her, or would at least be willing to allow her to be on her way if he wished.

She’d jump slightly as she heard the bird's warning ring in her mind, she had never experienced telepathy and was a bit off put my the sudden intrusion. Her gaze would follow the creature as it seemingly returned to the side of its master, and her attention was focused on the man once more. She relaxed as she noticed his grip on his weapon relax slightly, though she didn’t feel completely in control of the situation she felt a bit better at the lack of immediate hostility.

He then would mention that he didn’t mind that she joined him, though she should be weary because there were murderers about. Her stomach would sink lightly as he mentioned the murderers, she had been traveling all over for the past week and hadn’t heard a thing about this. She remembered the various nights that she opted to sleep under the stars, and couldn’t help but feel lucky she hadn’t run into any sooner. He then asked that she excuse his companion, and explained that she had no manners. She had never heard of a raven that had the ability to telepathically speak, so she was a bit in awe as he explained her ability to do so.

After jumping once more at the loud caw that resonated from the bird, she watched as the man frowned and attempted to hush the creature. She’d giggle slightly at the exchange as she watched the raven leave his arm and make eye contact once again with him. A light blush could be seen on her cheeks as she realized it was now her turn to speak. She’d clasp her hands behind her back, lean forward slightly, as she looked at him with an intrigued expression.

”I didn’t know there were murderers about! I guess I should be a bit more careful on my travels. Thanks for the information, I feel like I’m a bit out of my element here so I really appreciate it. Would you mind telling me your name, or whatever you’d like me to call you my dear?”

Seemingly she’d accept the conversation as she began to change in front of him. Soon she would enter the pool and sit across from him. She noticed his cheeks redden slightly as she entered which only caused her to grow a bit more flustered herself. Her body would relax as she felt her muscles being soothed by the water. Though she still felt a bit anxious about the encounter, she’d rather die happy in a hot spring than somewhere in a field so she wouldn’t worry about it too much.

Answering her question, he would inform her that he had also only been there for a week. So he was also a traveler then, and not a local. She wondered if he was one of the murderers he spoke about earlier, but tried not to dwell on that thought. He seemingly would also relax a bit, then he’d fix his gaze on her once more before complimenting her name then inquiring about where she was from. In the same alluring voice she used previously, she’d speak up once more.

”Oh I’m originally from the borders of Rain Country in a bit of a swampy area. There’s not too much there so I knew I had to get out of there. Though the area is right for a diverse ecosystem, I figured that I could find more potent ingredients for my… herbal remedies. What about yourself, where are you from?”

Her siren eyes would linger on his until he broke eye contact with her as she attempted to examine him closely. She’d patiently await his response as she didn’t want to rush him.

Total WC:1666
Kyoko Dokuja
Kyoko Dokuja
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Stat Page : Research Notes
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Ryo : 500

Are There Any Hot Springs in Hot Springs? Empty Re: Are There Any Hot Springs in Hot Springs?

Fri May 17, 2024 8:38 pm
Their conversation could continue on rather casually for the next few minutes though admittedly Kyoko was immediately attracted to the charming aura the man seemingly exuded. She could see herself becoming quick friends with the man, and from what time they spent together she enjoyed herself. Though unfortunately, she would have to keep their meeting short, she had already spent too long lingering in one spot and began to panic slightly as she realized she may miss the ship she was planning on departing from. As their conversation came to a natural conclusion, she’d offer him an apologetic smile as she spoke up again.

”I hate to say but I think I must take my leave. I fear I may miss by boat if I linger much longer, but I really appreciate you allowing me to join you.”

Kyoko then would finally stand from the refreshing hot spring, and stretch slightly as she reached her full height. With her body thoroughly relaxed and prepared to continue her journey, she was excited to continue on her path as she stepped out from the spring. Moving over to a small backpack she had previously carried with her, she bent down and began rummaging through it.

”Hmmmm….. Where did I.. put tha- ah ha! Found them!”

Turning to face him once more, Kyoko showed him two vials that looked to be filled with a blue-green liquid. This was one of her most popular concoctions, and wanting to leave off on a good note she decided to offer him one as a gift. It wasn’t potent enough to cause any severe effects, to her it simply heightened her mood and occasionally provided some minor visual effects. She was unsure if he’d even accept the gift in the first place, usually, it wasn’t smart to accept unknown liquids from near strangers, but if he decided to toss her mixture it wouldn’t be too much of a detriment to her.

”As a thank you for such a wonderful time, I’ll leave you with this. You see, I’m an alchemist though I tend to use my talents to make more… recreational.. substances. I call this one in particular “Daydreams.” My usual clients take it to enhance their moods, though some ingest it in hopes of gaining a bit of a creative spark. It will keep you awake so don’t take it unless you plan on being up for some time, but it should leave your system after roughly 8 hours.”

Her tone had shifted from her original alluring cadence to a more informal demeanor. No hint of malice or nefarious plans could be heard in her voice as she explained its properties. After she finished speaking, she’d place the vial in his hand if he reached out for it, otherwise, she’d place one on a rock for him to retrieve when he wished. Taking the second vial, she’d remove the seal around the top and uncork it before then moving it to her lips to drink. Once it had been emptied, she’d place the cork back in its previous position and place the vial in her brassier before then getting dressed once more.

Since her body was now soaked, she decided to just simply pull on the skirt she had on previously but pack her body suit away in her backpack. Once she had completely gathered her things, she’d turn to him one last time to say her goodbyes, her voice now returned to her normal cadence.

”Truly it was wonderful to meet you. I do hope we see each other again someday soon, and wish you nothing but safe travels my friend.”

She’d offer him a small bow and a sweet wave as she began departing from the hot springs. With a bit of a quicker pace, Kyoko would begin to make her way to the docks she had landed at previously. Thankfully the elixir she ingested would aid her in remaining optimistic, though a bit of her remained worried that she would be left behind.


WC: 682
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Are There Any Hot Springs in Hot Springs? Empty Re: Are There Any Hot Springs in Hot Springs?

Sat May 18, 2024 5:40 pm
Kyoko Dokuja wrote:WC: 682
Total WC: 2348

WC Claims:
+23 Chakra
2000/2000 Apothecary
348/2000 Beloved Presence

Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies, Octopuses

Familiar : (MIMAS)

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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Are There Any Hot Springs in Hot Springs? Empty Re: Are There Any Hot Springs in Hot Springs?

Wed May 22, 2024 11:54 am
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