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Talia Rose
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Transparency (Assemble All Hoshigakure Jounin)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Transparency (Assemble All Hoshigakure Jounin)

Mon Aug 22, 2016 2:08 am
Most everyone got a question in, with Talia not quite being capable of such a luxury herself. Instead she processed the information she had been given. The young Jonin felt a familiar pain in her chest at the news of the Queens death. She wasn’t particularly close to any of the royalty, even with the tasks she occasionally did for them, but all the same the loss of a life pained her greatly. For the burden of leadership to fall on the Princess seemed unfair, but life could be cruel that way. Finding out Akihana was not in Haven came as a shock to the brunette. Talia had come to somewhat idolize the healer based on her reputation and was suddenly a bit worried. Such an experienced ninja should have no problem in the outside world, but it was simply the girls nature to fret over others. She listened as the others asked their questions and tried to keep in a calm and collected state. There wasn’t anything she personally could do about these issues, and would simply have to be the best Shinobi she could be for Haven right now. Sure in her duty to the village, she felt no need to express a question as of yet, prefering to let the others talk while she gathered info.

Kyousuke mentioned the possibility that a war was being prepared for but Talia didn’t believe it.While the village had its fair share of problems with missing ninja, she hadn’t heard of any threats from one of the other villages. Arashi echoed these sentiments somewhat, Talia agreeing with him even if she couldn’t verbally express it. Shina’s questions were a lot more practical, if a little pointed. Many weren’t happy with how the ninja system was run, and Talia could see a worry that it would be changed in a way that would adversely affect how they acted, were payed or supplied. Talia herself never quite worried about that, but she could see the merit in such questions. She turned her gaze back to the Princess, awaiting a response to the questions the others had asked.
Shiroi Shinzo
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Transparency (Assemble All Hoshigakure Jounin)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Transparency (Assemble All Hoshigakure Jounin)

Mon Aug 22, 2016 9:10 pm
The princess is showing humility. Shiroi noted this to herself when the woman started to speak, however she had not the frame of reference needed to fully process it. Her interactions with anyone connected with the royal branch were minimal. Most of it was with a royal courier that occasionally stopped to talk to her while she was recovering from the coma.

"Our Queen is dead." Shiroi shifted forward in her seat. Elbows resting on her thighs, Shiroi's head came to rest upon the back side of her left hand, partially obscuring her mouth form the others in the room. Her right hand rested in the bend of the elbow, as she listened carefully to the princess' words, keeping an eye on her fellows. It was hard to miss the reaction from Arashi. However, Shiroi was uncertain whether that meant he already knew about the Queen's death and was surprised about the manner of presentation, or if he was shocked, but not moved emotionally, about the news. A pang of guilt also affected Shiroi, due to having never properly thanked the late queen for providing the medical care Shiroi had needed.

The news of Lady Akihana did not bring much to the front of Shiroi's mind. Shiroi did not truly know Akihana, having only heard of her in passing. Shiroi knew that Akihana was a powerful shinobi and one of the heads of the push for ninja exceptance and training, but not much more. However, having turned her head a bit more, Shiroi could very easily see what the others thought of this news. Kyousuke was worried, the expression clear on his face. Arashi seemed almost.. blank.. to the news. It was hard to tell if this was due to prior knowledge or some sort of logical or emotional overload, but there was a reason he would remain stoic. Shina went pale with the news, obviously impacted by it. Talia also seemed affected by the news, although her reaction was harder to figure out.

The third bit of news, about the princess taking over administrative roles, was unsurprising to Shiroi. Well, it was surprising in a way. The fact that the Royal family was not at least partially in control of that from the beginning could truly paint a different picture on the power dynamic that had played out, and was likely still playing out, between the shinobi and the monarchy.

Soon after, the questions began. Kyousuke asked about inter-village war. Arashi, however, was quick to dismiss these fears. His reasoning was.. lackluster, to say the least. However, within the specificity of the discussion, it was likely truthful. The more interesting fact was that not only was Arashi the child of Akihana, he was also privy to what the shinobi was up to. Likely the privilege of being the child of the person in question.

Shina obviously did not trust Arashi's statements, however. Or perhaps she did not trust Arashi the person. It was difficult to ascertain which it was in this situation, although both seemed equally troubling. What did those two know?

Even with that distrust, Shina's statements were on a largely different, though not unrelated, topic. Her question, while outwardly a very selfish question, could possibly provide the presiding jounin with vital information into the use and potential abuse of the new found power of the royal family.

Talia seemed to not want to speak, so Shiroi took the prerogative. Quickly standing up, she strode forwards two feet or so, only enough that once she turned left and began walking parallel to her fellow jounin, there was enough space between their knees and her legs to avoid touching, should she have continued that far.

She only took enough steps to stop just before Talia. Pointing her eyes towards Shina, Shiroi would say "I believe your intentions are well placed, but if my assumptions are correct, perhaps you should be more forward with your inquiries, instead of skirting around the issue with the chance of gathering useful information. We are here to discuss transparency, after all."

Looking to Arashi, and then to Kyousuke, Shiroi would speak again. "You dismiss the possibility of attack fairly quickly, and seem privy to knowledge on the subject of your mother that the princess here was either keeping quiet or was simply not informed about. I would be most interested to hear what else you know, and how long you've known it.

"And on the topic of attack, I believe you two fools for thinking first of other villages.

"While I do believe that a foreign village could easily justify attacking us, I think the much more prominent threat is entirely internal in nature."

Shiroi took a step backwards, twisting her body a bit and pointing an arm out in the general direction of the village center.

"What will they do when we say the queen is dead? They will think we shinobi killed her. They are unlikely to act on a hunch, save for the extremist few, but it will seed doubt. What then will we do with the funeral? Is it a public event, as it should be? Is it closed casket, as it should not? Do we create a facsimile of the dead queen to fake an open casket ceremony? Are we even able?"

Shiroi turned fully back to the room, pointing largely towards the princess, but keeping the other Shinobi in her vision.

"What if, at any point, they find out? They find out the queen has been dead for months, and nothing was done to inform them. They get mad. They riot, rebel, revolt. They call for our lives, for the heads of each and every shinobi to tip a spear in the armory of the castle. Then what, will they be appeased yet? Will they accept the milquetoast monarchy that allowed the ninja to overstep their bounds? No. They won't. They'll call for the heads of the royalty. The heads of the queensguard. They'll want your trophy displayed proudly next to mine." Shiroi pointed towards the princess, her eyes narrowing.

"And what happens then, with no government structure? Families of wealth vie for power while the poorer majority pushes for change. Fights happen, and the fights evolve into full scale civil war. War weakens the nation, and foreign powers step in, either squashing what little remains of this great nation, or absorbing them into virtual slavery, forcing new, likely corrupt power regimes over them.

"Or perhaps we don't listen to the citizens. The shinobi are not hunted, they remain as full citizens of Hoshigakure. What, then, will the civilians do? Still, they will riot, rebel, and revolt. The streets will become more dangerous than ever. The royalty will be unable to sleep soundly at night, knowing full well that their very subjects may have hired an assassin to end their reign. Shinobi would likely leave out of the same fear, and who can blame us? We already live in a place that hates us. Right now, very few want us dead, they just want us out, so we persist. If this changes, however, who here can honestly say without a doubt in your mind, that you would stay in Hoshi if nearly the entire population wanted you dead?

"Yet, even with all of this, I am not criticizing the Queensguard for hiding the truth. From what you have told me, Princess, specifically how you were only made privy to this knowledge mere days ago, it seems that the politics of Hoshigakure were extremely fragile at the time of the Queen's death. I cannot speak of how stable it is now, but seeing as you have been granted more power than your predecessor, I believe it unlikely that my fellow shinobi attempted a coup. It seems more plausible that someone with power within the monarchy made that decision to hide the truth. Perhaps one of the higher ranking advisers? Or a Queensguard?

"So we can most likely assume that it was with the best interests of the people, not of the shinobi, in mind that this decision was made, and it was likely not made lightly. But how do we explain that to the people? If we simply told them, they'd believe us the masters and you the puppet, forced to play into our game.

"I believe I know a way to answer this situation, but I first desire to hear your answer. Mine may be seen as extreme, and if yours appears satisfactory without resorting to what I have thought of, I would like to see it executed post haste."

With that, Shiroi would return to her seat, taking a slight bow before sitting. She would sit straight up, heels together, hands interlaced in her lap, looking expectantly at the Princess.
Akihana Akari
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Transparency (Assemble All Hoshigakure Jounin)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Transparency (Assemble All Hoshigakure Jounin)

Wed Aug 24, 2016 3:42 am
Tehniyat had expected questions, that was why she had opened the floor to her new shinobi. Kyousuke's mindset was always dedicated to the defense of his city and its royalty so the priest's question did not surprise his princess, however Arashi answered before she could, making the princess wonder how much he already knew. Perhaps she would invite him in later and ask of Lady Akihana's whereabouts but right now, Tehniyat's main concern was her country, not a shinobi gone missing no matter how well she was liked.

Shina's question - whether meant to barb the princess or not - did so regardless and echoed hollowly in the library emphasized all the more by Talia's silence. The young treasurer had come to value the silent jounin's opinion over the year that she had known her, often finding her company not simply doable but preferred to that of others. If Talia had something to say, she would hold up her notebook but in this case, the young woman remained as she was.

Shiroi more than made up for that though.

As the blonde princes watched the shinobi descended articulately into what she could only assume was calculated hysteria, outlining outcomes as she saw them, the princess let her finish. It was the polite thing to do. But with every word Shiroi spoke, it became obvious that the jounin had gone to great lengths to overthink and plan for the worst case scenario. More than that, she had insulted her fellow shinobi in both words and tone, something the royal heir did not look kindly upon.

Once the short female had retaken her seat, Tehniyat spoke up, addressing every issue she could before providing more information. "I was not told to prepare for a war by Denkiteki or anyone else. He seemed to be under the impression that threats outside the city were the same as they had been a year go, one he and Prince Arthur have been dealing with for a long time now." However having said that, she looked straight at Prince Arashi, sharp green eyes flashing slightly in curiosity. "Unless anyone else has anything to add."

Should Arashi speak, she would allow him to and continue fterwords. Shoul eh chose o stay quiet, she would move on.

"Shiroi brings up a few valid points, the first being of my Aunt's funeral. There will be none. We will ring the bells of the royal temple for three days and three nights as is tradition and then have Ser Lucian Nazar and Ser Kyousuke perform the prayers needed. Her Grace's life and legacy will not be marred by the circumstances surrounding her death." The people knew she had been ill for a while and though the intent behind the Queensguards' decision may have been good, there was no stalling the inevitable. "We will announce that she passed on from her illness, and that will be the end of it. The citizens need not known of ninja involvement or that the actual death happened months ago. And should the information leak out, I would be forced to assume that one of us in this room is responsible."

Taking a moment to look at everyone in turn, she added. "Now to the matter of the Queensguard. I do understand that they did what they thought was right, but not consulting myself was certainly not right and as a result, I find myself unable to trust them." Her distrust had grown more when she had learned that Ser Meryn had murdered Ser Boros on the day of Her Grace's death, and it had also called to mind how brutally the Captain had attempts to hurt Prince Arashi at his jounin fight. "Two of the guards are dead, two have gone with Lady Akihana and three remain in Hoshi at what may very well be our most troubling times. Which is why today I would replace those three with three of you."

Tehniyat had thought long and hard and in the end, it was not her own safety that had mattered but little Kanzaki's. After learning of the assassination attempt on the young princess, Tehniyat knew there was little choice. "Therefore, I would like to name Ser Kyousuke Snow, Ser Arashi Tekiatsu-Akari and Lady Talia Rose to the order of Queensguard of the Country of Haven. You will all serve directly under Captain Meryn for a suitable period of time until your learn your duties, after which you will be directly responsible for the safety of myself and Princess Kanzaki."

Waiting a beat for her announcement to sink in, she added. "I feel as though Shina and Shiroi will be much better placed at the forefront of our strategy team, as they have clearly demonstrated foresight and ingenuity given our current condition bordering on near crisis." With that, the princess would fall silent once more, giving the ninja their turn to speak.
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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Transparency (Assemble All Hoshigakure Jounin)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Transparency (Assemble All Hoshigakure Jounin)

Wed Aug 24, 2016 5:51 am
Kyousuke could feel the tingle of someone’s eyes on him, but he didn’t turn he knew whose they were. Shina was obviously just as surprised as he had been. Their mission to search the castle for Akihana was indeed founded on a good hunch, but the task no longer needed to be carried out. Other’s in the room were also upset about the death and absence of their monarch’s.

Well at least someone knows she is safe. Arashi’s statement obviously meant he knew at least something others had not, but at least one person had known. It was worth remembering to ask more on the subject later, but others still had questions. Another good thing to hear was that no one was preparing to attack Hoshi. He let out an audible sigh as all of his words soaked in. If Arashi was keeping something from all of them the ninja sensed it was for a good reason, but the others may not feel that way.

Shina had brought up a few good questions about how things would be handled and how the leadership change would affect them. They were very good questions as the ruler likely didn’t have much knowledge in leading ninja. It was likely she didn’t know much about what they each specialized in either.

Shiroi repeated that the queen was indeed dead, she moved and sounded slightly different. Maybe she had known the Queen or Akihana, none of which she had ever mentioned to Kyousuke. The again she was a secretive person and he wasn’t one to pry, if someone had something they wished to tell they would tell it. As Shiroi stood she had a few things she needed to tell.

Did she call us both fools?  Yup, that’s Shiroi. There was no point in saying anything she was on a roll. It was best to just let her go at this point, no use in taking a fist to the throat if it could be avoided. When Shiroi said the threat was more internal he had thought she meant the queensguard who had covered up important facts. But, that isn’t the case she was worried that what the queensguard had done could have an impact on their entire village.

Shiroi then asked a question regarding who would stay at this Kyousuke stood. “I would stay. Whether or not they like it, I was given the task of protecting them. Even if they hate me I will do just that, then maybe their minds will change.” The other jounin’s questioning had seemed to be going overboard as she continued, stating she had an extreme idea to fix the situation. Importing puppies to settle everyone down while extreme is effective, good thinking Shiroi. She seemed to be seated at this point though her questions finished, now it seemed everyone’s questions had been heard.

As the princess addressed the funeral arrangements Kyousuke nodded at hearing he would be doing the prayers along with Lucian. It was odd to be addressed as ser though, it was like he was in queensguard training again. They were fond memories they taught him most of what he knew, before he was even considered a ninja. Kyousuke did not like that they would be keeping quiet on the situation, but there was little choice in the matter. Tell the people she has been gone for months the citizen’s become angry, lying in this case keeps the peace. But the peace is based on the queensguard and those present a grim burden to bear.

Two of the guard are dead? How? Who is capable of killing village elites? Was Shiroi correct about internal strife were the current Queensguard more to worry about than he had first thought or had something happened to them while out on a mission. Maybe of the “threats” Den and Aki were seeing to. It seemed the princess had moved on and was ready to pick three of them to be promoted to Queensguard. I hope it is Shina, she has wanted it more than anyone. She is for sure going to get it. It wasn’t Shina’s name that was called though first it was his own, Arashi’s, and finally Talia’s. It was Shina’s dream to be a queensguard Kyousuke was sure she would be the first female member. He couldn’t look at her for the moment it was something he himself had always wanted, but hearing the words saddened him. Shina deserves this more than I do, it is her dream. ”It is your dream too.” Yes, but she wants and deserves it more than I do and that is why… That is why.

The jounin stood and knelt. “I ask that you make Shina a queensguard in my stead. I am not always in control of myself and feel you would be safest in her hands. I am honored that you chose me, but.. ” Kyousuke could have said that she deserved it more, but likely the princess would not accept that. But making himself out too be an uncontrollable monster, that was something undeniable. He also didn’t need Shina’s thanks for thinking of her it was always something that made him feel uncomfortable. At least with this everyone thought he had turned it down for his own reasons. “Shiroi is aware of my condition.” He added hopefully she would tell the princess of it and the matter would easily be closed, the word of two was always better than one.  

Arashi Tekiatsu
Arashi Tekiatsu
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Transparency (Assemble All Hoshigakure Jounin)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Transparency (Assemble All Hoshigakure Jounin)

Thu Aug 25, 2016 2:12 pm
It was expected that some of the gathered shinobi would be suspicious of the adopted son of Akihana, but he expected question from the Princess, not the Jounin who clearly thought this through.  A lot.  And when Shiroi immediately confronted him, Arashi had to make a choice.  He was a young Jounin, the newest in the village.  Shiroi had seniority, but he technically didn't have to answer to anyone not assigned as his superior.  And right now, he was technically even with her.

"Why do you think I am here and not off searching the world?  The fact that Akihana trusts me with information on her whereabouts should be a testament to my own maturity and trustworthiness.  Did you consider that I was given information in confidentiality for the sole purpose of ensuring that I remain on my duties to the village without worry?  Yes, I have information on her... but all that needs to be known is that she is safe for the time being.  And if she's not.. then we'll have an even bigger problem.  But by the time it becomes clear that she had failed, we'll be dead already.  We have our own important mission... this village.  And the Princess is right... our concern is our immediate threats, the ones that we promised Hoshi we would clean out in exchange for our homes."

He waited for the Princess to speak before turning again to address Shiroi.  On the subject of the village and the public reaction.  "I have to ask.. how long have you live in this village?  I've been here since the beginning of the ninja presence... I was with Akihana and the Hogokage when they first presented themselves to the Royal rulers of Hoshi.  While there are still some who despise our presents, and the gradual changes we are doing to this village, the days of us being the obvious enemies are gone.  I can personally attest to that, as I have been instrumental in gaining as much trust as Aki and Den have. 

"The Queen had been ill and in decline since before we arrived.. the villagers know that.  AND they know that the reason the Queen held on as long as she has is because we had one of the best medical ninja in the world helping her.  There is no conspiracy.  Everything Akihana did was only a stopgap measure.. it was delaying the inevitable.  If you honestly think that this will result in riots against the shinobi, a growing number of whom are born and bred Hoshi children, then I feel that you haven't been within the village long enough.. or you've spent too much time near the traditionalists." he said, bluntly, crossing his arms.

She naming him a member of the also declining Queensguard was shocking, especially since he already carried the Royal title.  Would he still be called Prince?  Or would it be Ser?  And how would Ser Meryn react?  Sure, he warmed up to Arashi after the Jounin exam, when Arashi was able to best him on his own power, but the Captain did admit to a prejudice bias against ninja. 

Plus.. he was not planning on staying in the village indefinitely.  He was going to Kumo.. and he was going to Tatsumaki. 

Having said what he needed to.. he had no reason to step in and comment on Kyousuke's request.  Instead he would sit and listen to the Princess.  If he made an enemy today.. so be it.
Akihana Akari
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Transparency (Assemble All Hoshigakure Jounin)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Transparency (Assemble All Hoshigakure Jounin)

Thu Aug 25, 2016 9:50 pm
The brunette listened to the princess silently, her question having been answered indirectly even if not out loud. If Princess Tehniyat was the one making decisions of rank ups and realigning shinobi efforts, it was clear who was in charge. The stab of pain that permeated her chest at her other comrades receiving the promotion was barely eclipsed by the drama that unfolded after, Shina heard it all through a daze. First Kyousuke attempting to give his position to her by claiming his bloodline rendered him unstable. Then Arashi going head to head with Shiroi. On better days, the fuin user would have taken a side, would have tried to calm the situation down but the sense of betrayal currently circulating in her bloodstream left the kunoichi numb.

Shiroi had been the idiot, it was almost justifiable not giving her the rank. What had Shina done to deserve similar treatment?

Admittedly she hadn't done all that the others had accomplished as was apparent from Arashi's statement. Shina had never come into service with ideas of grandeur or saving the country. She had simply and quietly done her job, even if not in the best of spirits. But as it turned out doing your job didn't get you very far, not unless you had a saved princess to your name or direct connections to the queen.

If it wasn't the for the fact that her training compelled her to stay put under emotional duress, Shina would have stormed out there and then. But she was a shinobi of the Star, and shinobi stuck around to do their fucking job!
Shiroi Shinzo
Shiroi Shinzo
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Transparency (Assemble All Hoshigakure Jounin)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Transparency (Assemble All Hoshigakure Jounin)

Tue Sep 06, 2016 9:14 pm
No funeral
Not trusting queensguard. Two dead.
Kyousuke. Arashi. Talia

Giving up his position.
His condition.

Admitting to intentions to abandon the village.
States that his convictions are weak.
Refuses to share information that may lead to our death and the destruction of Hoshi.
Missing ninja.
Does not know my history with Hoshi. Not surprising.
Only arrived at the start of the "ninja presence"
Takes claim for a lot of the trust that villagers have.
Ignores the fact that ninja sickened the queen, and the queen's state was the only reason that ninja were let in.
Pampered ideals from a man who never experienced it first hand.
Time in the village. HA!

Silence? Hmm...

Shiroi stood up once again. This time, however, she simply stepped to the side, and a step backwards, giving her a better overlook of everyone here.

"Now that the proverbial talking stick has once again passed to me, I shall respond to each in like.

"Princess: I find your suggestion to not hold a funeral questionable, but also workable. For this reason, I shall gladly help you in any way I can. Your lack of trust in the Queensguard, however, troubles me. Not the fact that you do distrust them, but rather that you can. The fact that they did something that would lower your ideals of them is most worrysome. If you truly do desire me to take up a leading role in strategizing within this country, I ask that I be granted access to more information than I currently can aquire. I do not ask for access to everything, merely more."

Shiroi turned her gaze to Kyousuke next, and muttered a line, barely audible to the Princess, but likely easily caught by the trained jounin in the room. Along with the phrase, her mouth pursed a little. "Somehow, I expected that out of you.

"But Kyousuke's acknowledgement of that fact brings up an important point!" Shiroi's arm raised, pointer pointing to the ceiling. "Two of my fellows have remained silent, but two have answered my question. Kyousuke is firm in his belief that even in trying time, he would remain with the village. Arashi, however, has made it clear that his dedication to the village may not be as strong as we, nor even he, believes it is. I can say without doubt that I believe Arashi wants to be loyal to this village. However, he himself admits that, had he not been given confidential information, he would have left the village to seek out his mother. Even so, I would not request his promotion to Queensguard be delayed. That may perhaps be what he needs to gather the loyalty to the village that he desires to possess.

"Now, your highness," Shiroi would say, the inflection obvious in her voice, as she turned her attention directly to Arashi. "You make several claims and you asked a question of me. Let me address them slightly out of order, for my answer will reveal itself in my rebukes."

Shiroi's arm had lowered by now, and both lay in front of her, emphasizing what she was soon to say.

"There are in fact many who still despise our presence. And yes, I agree that the majority begrudgingly accept us.

"But do you honestly believe that the majority, or even a large minority, of people truly trust shinobi? You mentioned that the queen only held on so long due to the intervention of ninja. Do the villagers know this? Not 'have they been informed of this', but rather, do they intrinsically know this, without a shadow of doubt? When was the last time they truly saw the queen? And was not the queen sickened by ninja in the first place? The 'traditionalists' you mention exist. Their numbers may be small now, but that can change in a heart beat. The leaders have charisma. They can rally support. How else would they maintain followers when their ideals are slowly being faded out? If you think for a moment that these extremists wouldn't use any knowledge they can as fast as they can, to as many people as they can, then you are sadly mistaken. Even the Princess's idea will go terribly wrong if it is not handled properly.

"And before you say that 'times are changing' again, in whatever wording you choose, let me give you a different perspective. I generally don't wear my Hoshi placard around the village. At least, not visibly. My small frame also has the advantage of dissuading people away form the idea that I am a shinobi, especially a higher ranking one. As such, I can easily gather information through simple conversation that a well known shinobi such as yourself, or an obvious shinobi such as Kyousuke, would not become privy too. Almost everyone has their doubts. But almost everyone also realizes how much better the village has become. People can overlook the idea that the missing ninja attacks were a cover for a sort of 'coup' driven by the Hogokage by realizing that the village has improved, even from before the ninja attacks began. And no, I'm not saying everyone believes that conspiracy theory, simply that some do, and several other theories exist among the populace. Currently, they are joked off. But few dare mention them around a shinobi.

"You state that perhaps I have not been within the village long enough. I contest that perhaps you have not experienced enough of the village. Let us have a little question and answer session. Except, there's a caveat: I'll answer for you. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on any points.

"Question: Were you around when the missing ninja attacks first started?

"Answer: no.

"Question: Did you see the fear grow in the hearts of the people as they saw their loved ones killed and their homes destroyed?

"Answer: no.

"Question: Did you see the aftermath of these tragedies?

"Answer: yes."

Shiroi let out a sigh. "Now, how about me? I was around when the attacks started. I saw the terror in the eyes of my neighbors, the sorrow hanging over the bodies of the survivors. I saw all this. I saw the aftermath of the carnage. Am I still uninformed? Have I not spent enough time in the village to form a proper opinion?

"And yes, that's my answer to your question. You have been in Hoshi for about a year. I have been here for nearly seven. I arrived when I was 10 with an important parcel. I was badly wounded from my journey, and collapsed before even getting to the gates. However, whatever was in that parcel, for to this day I don't know what it contained, it was important enough for the queen to provide me with all the medical care I needed. Realize that Hoshi had no real medical ninja at the time. My injuries healed slowly over great time. Six years, to be precise. And even then, I was physically weak. My growth had been permanently hampered. My ten year old self had been stronger and faster than most her age, even among shinobi. My sixteen year old self was weaker than a toddler, confined to a chair, eating through a straw. But with the help of the villagers. With the help of the queen, albeit indirectly, I was able to recuperate. And I got better just in time to witness the horrors that befell Hoshi. So I left. But before you consider me weak, I left to handle things on my own. I made quite a name for myself in that time. About a year and a half, going around, capturing and killing bounties, getting stronger. I made a name for myself, I did. Though good luck finding it without me telling you. I used a pseudonym and wore a mask at all times. You'd likely hear horror stories about me told around the campfire at bandit camps. I did, and truthfully still do, have quite a flare for the dramatic.

"But I've gone off track. My apologies, I have not discussed any of this in a very, very long time, and for some of it, this is truly the first I've mentioned of it. I have been in your Hoshi for but a half dozen months. But I have been in Hoshi. No. I have Known Hoshi, for well over what you can lay claim to."

Shiroi would look to the ceiling as she placed her hands on her hips. Breathe in; Breath out. She looked down again, tilting her head towards Arashi, but looking at the group as a whole instead of specifically him.

"So if you still do not trust my judgement, fellow ninja, then I feel I have no more left to say to convince you otherwise." Looking towards the Princess, Shiroi would continue "I will support you, your highness." Shiroi would once again preform a deep bow, and would return to her seat only once the Princess began to speak again, or she was otherwise given permission to rise.
Akihana Akari
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Transparency (Assemble All Hoshigakure Jounin)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Transparency (Assemble All Hoshigakure Jounin)

Thu Sep 08, 2016 1:08 pm
Ser Kyousuke's sacrifice was the first thing Tehniyat addressed, hardening her heart against the priest who had served her family for so long. The monk turned Shinobi was the only person here she had known longer than a year. The princess had memories of him at the palace, training to be a Queensguard since she was but a girl buried in her numbers and encryptions. But he was a shinobi now and she had to treat him as she would anyone else making a absurd request.

"Your affected kindness is misdirected, Ser Snow," she spoke, green eyes lingering on the newly anointed Queensguard. "In giving up the rank, not only will your be depriving your country and its rulers a capable guard but you would also be taking away Lady Shina's chance to earn the title herself. I presume she doesn't want it handed to her out of pity any more than you would want something that way?" As it was, her decision on the appointments was final, and there was very little anyone could say to change that.

Not that there was a lack of trying though. Shina and Talia thankfully were not among the ones speaking out. Perhaps they should have chosen female guards a long time ago. Not that Shiroi was making anyone feel the silence from her female counterpart. It quickly became clear that she and Arashi both took very different stances on where they were.

It also became clear that in one way or another, they were both harboring information from her.

"Prince Arashi," Tehnyat turned to the young man first. "As much as we value your Lady Mother, I would expect your loyalties as a Queensguard to be to the palaces of Hoshigakure. If you feel that responsibility is too much for you, speak up now. I know very little of Lady Akihana personally, almost nothing beyond the fact that she is a fine shinobi and a real comfort to our people in their time of need. If she instructed you to stay behind, then I can only assume she wanted the same thing I expect now - your presence and loyalty to our village. In exchange, I give you my word that we will ensure no harm comes to her if we can help it."

The princess waited for Arashi's response before turning to Shiroi instead. Already, the cogs of her mind were whirring with the tale the short statured female spun. Tehniyat had known of the situation only as numbers on a page before the story was fully told. As royal treasurer, she knew the crown had a hand in Shiroi's recovery but her concern at that moment had been primarily monetary. She was not aware of the favor the young ninja had done her late Aunt.

"Thank you for your opinion on who should be promoted," she began coldly, implying that no rudeness would be tolerated in front of her. The princess's expression softened somewhat as the story continued, leaving her puzzled for the most part. "it seems clear that you and Prince Arashi see different sides of the coin, and I'd like to be the first one to tell you that you're both wrong. Haven is neither as accepting as we would like to believe nor as cruel as fearmongers portray. We live in a country where you may feel unsafe wearing your headband in public but we also live in a country where several civilians have married ninja and are living their lives together in harmony."

Pausing a beat, the blonde turned to address the room at large. 'Whatever our position on shinobi in this city, your duties first and foremost are to protect the royal family and the citizens of Haven. If that strays from being your goal at any given time then speak up now. As for conflicting opinions, I will resort to what my late Aunt used to do when we cousins fought among ourselves. She once locked The Late Princess Lissandra and I in one of the cellars until we reached a compromise. I may not be able to lock your up but I think Prince Arashi and Lady Shiroi will benefit from completing at least two missions together." The order was only worded as a suggestion, the tone implying that it wasn't negotiable. These two needed to see the other's side lest they never work as one on a shinobi force that was supposed to be built on synergy.

"If you have any more questions, you may ask for an appointment from Ser Atem. Those of you promoted to Queensguard will report to Ser Meryn immediately for your new uniforms and duties. All other Queensguards from here on have been dismissed. The Captain is aware that his role in training you is temporary before he is asked to step down too so I advise being kind to him even if he deos not repay the favor."

With these final words, Princess Tehniyat rose to her feet, a clear sign of dismissing her audience. "I wish you good fortune, and will keep you in my prayers for this night and for all the nights to come."

(Exit Tehniyat)

Ranking up Arashi, Kyousuke and Talia to ANBU/Queensguard

Last edited by Akihana Akari on Thu Sep 08, 2016 3:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Transparency (Assemble All Hoshigakure Jounin)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Transparency (Assemble All Hoshigakure Jounin)

Thu Sep 08, 2016 3:04 pm
Shiroi had ignored his plea, maybe she thought it was for his own good or maybe she hated him. The girl did kind of purposefully take a seat as far away from him as possible. That couldn’t be the case though she called him her Roy-toy or something like that. She must have been protecting the ninja by staying silent.

The battle between Arashi and Shiroi continued, but once it started to devolve into a pissing contests of who has done more for the village it started to become irritating. At this point they were just listing feats and accomplishments I have been here X amount of time since Hoshi was founded, I have been here Y since before it was started, if it continued it would go on for the day and the two would lose the purpose of the meeting entirely. This meeting wasn’t solely about the Queen’s death or Akihana’s disappearance. This meeting was also about a power struggle between the Royalty and the Queensquard. Why else would three ninja be appointed into their ranks.

Shiroi finally told her story one that the jounin assumed she had, seeing as during one of their missions when the old man was about to say something the girl stopped him. Apparently she was in a coma that had stunted her growth after nearly getting killed attempting to deliver a package for the Queen. Kyousuke knew the words were only said to contest Arashi’s claim and she even went over that part on her own.

“You both do plenty for the village, can you both settle on that and move past this? This meeting isn’t about who has done more and accusing people of whatever. If Arashi hasn’t told us about Akihana he has a reason, I trust him.” I can’t ask him about Akihana the chances of him telling me are low if he will not tell Tehnyat. I need to find the Slug’s lady Akihana uses maybe I can get a message from her or them on her whereabouts.

As the princess, now queen addressed the ninja’s request for his title to be passed down, he realized his request was indeed as much an insult as an act of kindness. Shina would indeed be upset about not getting the rank, but getting it only because of being second fiddle would likely not make her happy at all. The ninja nodded in agreement that he would not like to receive things out of pity. Surely he and Shina would talk after the meeting took place, she definitely would need someone to talk to. Maybe she would avoid him though the act of pity being viewed as insulting.

The talk with Shina would have to be put on pause as the three picked had to meet up with ser Meryn to get fitted for uniforms and learn of their new duties. The final bomb dropped was that all of the previous queensguard were now fired and soon even the one training them ser Meryn would be out of a job. Looking at Talia and Arashi, he thought to himself. But, that will make us the only ones in the guard. The princess was poised and ready to leave before the final words could be questioned. Standing as well Kyousuke readied for his fitting with the captain of the queensguard.


Claiming: (Queensguard, Queensguard equipment, 10 Stats, 1 free canon jutsu of the rank I have unlimited of or lower.)
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Transparency (Assemble All Hoshigakure Jounin)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Transparency (Assemble All Hoshigakure Jounin)

Thu Sep 08, 2016 4:03 pm
Approved, Kyousuke. Please state your word count next time.


ANBU/Queensguard Rank
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