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Raiden Ametsuchi
Raiden Ametsuchi
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Raiden
Mission Record : Mission log
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 233350

Akario Sanzu, Assemble! Empty Akario Sanzu, Assemble!

Fri Aug 26, 2022 12:43 pm
Raiden had set out the letters from the training grounds, he was already there, waiting there for his students to arrive. The Newly Appointed Chuunin was ready to meet his team, and upon doing so, he would get to know what they were studied in and their asspirations for what they want to learn. He also was going ot make sure they learned the lessons that he did the hard way, just not as hard on them, at least he hoped it would not be.

The White maned man stood waiting, the breeze making his majestic hair flow in the wind. He wore just his black sleeveless Shirt, with his Chuunin vest over it, and his headband proudly across his forehead. He was feeling apart of the village, and he would not let his Kage down if he could help it.
Shinichi Yamanichi
Shinichi Yamanichi
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 500

Akario Sanzu, Assemble! Empty Re: Akario Sanzu, Assemble!

Fri Aug 26, 2022 7:22 pm
Upon waking in his home, Shinichi then noticed a letter in the mailbox. "Who could be writing me at a time lke this?" he said curiously while opening the letter.

Upon reading the letter, he got his headband and ran to the training grounds. "Shinichi Yamanichi. good to see you!" Shinichi said affirmingly upon arrival to the training grounds. the last thing he wanted to happen was to be kicked out of his squad on the first day, but he also didn't want to make himself look bad either. As he stood military style, he began to sweat slightly. He was awaiting instructions from the sensei.
Daiki Senju
Daiki Senju
Stat Page : Don't worry. I'm a Doctor.
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 73000

Akario Sanzu, Assemble! Empty Re: Akario Sanzu, Assemble!

Sat Aug 27, 2022 12:49 pm
Already the day was turning out to be a little interesting for Daiki as he had been summoned to the training field by one of the newly minted Chuunin he had taken the exams with. As it was a hotter day than usual Daiki would show up to the training field without his usual green jacket leaving him in his tank top which showed off his well trained arms. He had also thrown on a pair of cargo shorts, green in color, and was in his usual ninja shoes as a colorful bracelet was tied around one of his wrists. He yawned and wiped his eyes due to how early in the morning it was as he walked up to the two ninja, stopping just a few meters from the two, who had already arrived and gestured a wave to them. "Yo." He could only surmise that this was going to be either a meet and greet, training session, or both if they were meeting here which he personally wasn't ready for since he was hoping to take a day off from training today.

On the other hand it would prove to be a great opportunity for him to learn a bit more about Raiden's skill level given that he was one of the only two in their group to get promoted. Taking that into account it filled him with just a slight bit of excitement as he could feel himself getting just a little bit pumped for whatever was to come.

WC 252
Blades Chinoike
Blades Chinoike
Stat Page : The Ebon Rose
Genjutsu Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 84000

Akario Sanzu, Assemble! Empty Re: Akario Sanzu, Assemble!

Mon Aug 29, 2022 3:27 pm
Today's morning routine had gone by as usual for the young man; waking up, doing his morning stretches, eating breakfast, and sifting through any mail he accumulated before he woke up. While he was happily enjoying his heaping pile of pancakes, eggs and assorted vegetables, however, he nearly spat out what he had in his mouth open opening up his last bit of mail. Apparently... he was assigned to a Genin team. "W-what the hell??" he had to say to himself, after swallowing the rest of his food down hastily. "Couldn't have done this like, I don't know, five years ago?" On one hand, this news was exciting to him, because it meant that he'd have a better platform to prove himself on, considering his progress towards becoming a better shinobi lately. Otherwise, it was also negative, because it'd end up cutting into his time as a vigilante if this group were to be called for missions on a semi-regular basis. "Oh well... at least it might be entertaining." That concludes what he feels like he has to do... he'll show up, on time, ready to serve. By the end of it all, they were all soldiers and tools, anyway.

Blades arrived around the exact same time everyone else did; so not too late, or too early. To all of them, he'd look rather unassuming, wearing the clothes expected of that of a peasant, alongside what looked like a katana by his right hip... and although they definitely seem worn, they're well taken care of. With a bright smile, fluffy blonde hair and gleaming hazel eyes, he approaches the group with his hands and arms behind his head, quickly taking glances at the whole collection to of people to get a better idea of what he's in for. So far though, he hasn't really noticed anything spectacular about them, which in his mind is definitely a positive trait to have. They're supposed to be ninja, not fashion models. There's also the fact there's a lot of silence between the three of them, save for introductions. Perhaps he might be the one to break the ice, then? A team doesn't work very well together off the bat if they don't know how to communicate.

"Greetings, comrades. My name's Blades. Pleasure to meet you," he said with a small bow, before then turning his attention to getting some socialization out of the way. "So, we'll all be a team now? I look forward to it. I'm sure our sensei will do us proud, just as we'll attempt to do for him and ourselves," they then exclaimed, trying to meet Raiden's gaze with a small wink, his posture incredibly relaxed yet aligned correctly. Though he was taking it seriously, he's also not feeling any immense amount of pressure at the moment. This team could only be a beneficial experience for the three Genin, so why should he bother himself with unneeded worries? "Wonder what our leader will actually say to us, though..." he thought to himself, making sure not to give away any nervous twinges.

Word Count Tracker:
Raiden Ametsuchi
Raiden Ametsuchi
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Raiden
Mission Record : Mission log
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 233350

Akario Sanzu, Assemble! Empty Re: Akario Sanzu, Assemble!

Thu Sep 01, 2022 12:20 pm
Raiden had watched as one after another, shortly between ones arrival another showed up. His eyes locked with each one of the students , Each had but a moment to speak. He already knew Daiki a little more personally than the others, but the other two he already knew who they were. Since they seemed at a loss for the moment other than Daiki, they must not have watched the Chuunin Exam Promotion ceremony or they did not realize which one was Raiden for some reason. At which time Blades made an obvious statement. And that was the moment Raiden would speak up, cutting the rest of what he was saying off. "Well seems we have someone who did not follow orders to attend the chuunin exam ceremony, or someone who just did not pay attention, Lord Third had stated already that teams were formed. Welcome to Akario Sanzu, That is the team name. Now for quick Introductions, Shinichi Uchiha, if the blonde that walked in first and with a seemingly bad attitude due to being up this early maybe?, Daiki Senju, the second to enter into the grounds, and by far likely more suited for anything I can throw at the lot of you, he will likely take lead several times till you three find your flow, and finally Blades Solo, the overly excited one it would seem." Raiden was not upset at the energy that Blades let off, but he knew what the world would do to people with that kind of attitude if they do not learn quickly.

Raiden would look at the three and tell them with a loud enough voice for them all to hear and understand "Understand this, I will not be holding your hands or coddling you, I am to prepare you for the ugly truth that is out there in that world, and the truth is this.... You do not mean shit to anyone outside of these walls. IF you fight someone , do not worry about who they have at home, worry about who YOU have at home, I promise they are doing the same. If you go out there thinking everyone is a friend, you will be chewed up and spat out by this world and you WILL NOT survive the world. You cannot be soft, so therefore I will not be Soft. Training will be harsh and excurtiating, but I will do my best to help cultivate each one of you in your fields of interest, and maybe help to guide you down fields you are better suited for, Do not get upset, sometimes we are better at things we do not like to do. Again thats life get over it. Now I am Highly Skilled In Weaponry, I have some skill in Sensory style techniques, and I have a proclivity for Space Time Jutsu. If none of that helps you, I can help to find you tutors for the things I cannot teach, I have Elemental affinities for Fire, Lightning and Wind, second verse same as the first. Now this training is to see Where each of you are at skill wise, and if need be, I will show you just how far my skill scales. OH and one more thing, if any of you are upset that I exposed the families you are apart of , These are your teammates, if you cannot trust them, they cannot trust you and in the end they will likely be the true death of you in that case. IF there is anyone other than myself or Lord Third that should know what you are capable of, it is your teammates. Now, Who wishes to show me first, or would you each like to come at me as a team? Up to you Three"

At that moment, Raiden would take his right hand and crossed it over his body and placed it on a hilt of a sword. His left leg would slide back to turn his right side to the genin, They stood at this very moment about twenty meters out from him, each stood about two meters apart from each other, making a nice neat line. He waited to see who would make the first move, and would answer in kind to them however he saw fit.
Daiki Senju
Daiki Senju
Stat Page : Don't worry. I'm a Doctor.
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 73000

Akario Sanzu, Assemble! Empty Re: Akario Sanzu, Assemble!

Tue Sep 06, 2022 12:57 am
'Surrounded by unfamiliar faces as usual...' Daiki thought to himself as he looked around at all the faces he was among. 'Oh well. No better time like the present to get used to this.' It didn't take long for the mood to be established by Blades's quirky remarks to be flattened like a pancake by Raiden's candor. Daiki for one didn't know how to feel about the lot of the ninja that he was going to be with as a team but by the sound of the first impressions that Blades gave he could tell he was among at least one optimistic individual. He certainly was going to need that optimism especially after the rousing and bleak speech Raiden gave to them all. A speech that was similar to what his old sensei told him when he was attending the academy. The thing was Daiki had always trained himself in the art of medical style techniques and that training gave him a more caring outlook towards the world opposite to how Raiden specified it. However, even as he thought this, he didn't want to bring that part of himself up to the group as now was clearly a time for strength due to the fact that Raiden seemed like he was eager to get a fight started with the three of them.

Daiki scratched the back of his head with a bit of nerves settling in. He knew that there were going to be expectations placed upon him but the kind of expectations where he was going to take the lead in a battle? While that offered him some excitement that he would get some new experience in being somewhat of a leader it was certainly a little nerve wracking especially since he would be taking on essentially a very powerful ninja of the Sand. The fact that this guy was a weapons master made this all the more disparaging for Daiki as he had researched the ways swordsmen fight in the academy and learned that they were among the best in terms of speed and agility... two things Daiki did not have. And in terms of chakra, even though Daiki wasn't actively trying to sense anything, he was getting incredible red flags over how much was coursing throughout Raiden's body. This was going to turn into a doozy of a battle but, while a few nerves were coursing through Daiki, he was also getting excited to see what he could do against such an opponent.

He would step forward towards Raiden, leaving about fifteen meters between the two of them, and give a wide smile while bringing his right thumb up to his forehead. A small diamond, purple in color, would appear in the middle of the blond haired ninjas forehead as he felt himself getting excited. "Allow me to introduce myself first before we get started: My name, as you have already stated, is Daiki Senju. I excel as a medical ninja and intend to one day become known throughout the world as one of the best doctor shinobis in history. It'll be my honor to test my mettle against you and see which of our traits wins out:" He would then swing his arms around as he brought his right foot up and slammed it to the ground behind him causing the ground to shake. He had his torso positioned to his right, making him a slightly smaller target while having his hands up in a boxer style form. A crater formed around his foot, cracks running all around it, as he concentrated his sights on the target presenting itself. "My strength vs your speed." he said with a grin before addressing the other two without breaking eye contact from Raiden. "You two follow closely behind me. I'm tough enough to withstand a great deal of damage. I'll do what I can to create openings but you two will have to capitalize on what I give you." With that being said he would continue to watch Raiden closely all as he made certain that he wasn't going to be the one to make the first move.

WC 689; TWC 941
Blades Chinoike
Blades Chinoike
Stat Page : The Ebon Rose
Genjutsu Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 84000

Akario Sanzu, Assemble! Empty Re: Akario Sanzu, Assemble!

Mon Sep 12, 2022 9:52 pm
[Exiting topic for OOC reasons. Just pretend Blades did very average on whatever you guys need him to do. Sorry.]
Raiden Ametsuchi
Raiden Ametsuchi
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Raiden
Mission Record : Mission log
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Wind Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 233350

Akario Sanzu, Assemble! Empty Re: Akario Sanzu, Assemble!

Fri Sep 23, 2022 8:06 pm
856 Wc Sent to Here

Ending this Topic here due to Blades Departure
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Akario Sanzu, Assemble! Empty Re: Akario Sanzu, Assemble!

Sun Sep 25, 2022 2:40 am
Daiki Senju
Daiki Senju
Stat Page : Don't worry. I'm a Doctor.
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 73000

Akario Sanzu, Assemble! Empty Re: Akario Sanzu, Assemble!

Thu Sep 29, 2022 10:04 pm
Sending 941 wc here as well and exiting.
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