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Satoru Nara
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On the Road to Chuunin [Part 2] Empty On the Road to Chuunin [Part 2]

Tue Jul 05, 2016 6:13 pm

Oh, it's a sunny day. A cloud here and there in the sky but none of them covers the sun for too long. The white disformed pillows are small, creating a shadow that is no more than twenty meters across the ground. Today, the breeze holds a perfect speed, changing every so often but always blowing.

Shiro takes a deep breath as he walks out of the hallway and into the large round stadium, the sun warming his brown skin and relaxing his muscles. A smile forms as his eyes open to look out at the dueling area and take in the entire scene. Above, in the high stands, the "higher ups" who lead the village have their eyes on the dueling area.

"Oh yes." He chuckles quietly, gradually getting to a regular speaking volume. "Yeah. Yep. This is it. This is it." Shiro continues to one of the edges of the circular arena. "And it feels good." Back to a whisper.

(OOC: Not so sure how large the arena is or what the terrain is like. Going to assume it's similar to Konoha's, a few trees, grass in some places but not everywhere.)


(OOC: Sorry about the short post, it's an intro so not much to do but get to my spot)

Last edited by Shiro Kaguya <3 on Thu Apr 20, 2017 11:39 am; edited 1 time in total
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On the Road to Chuunin [Part 2] Empty Re: On the Road to Chuunin [Part 2]

Wed Jul 06, 2016 6:44 am
Kenshin would have a small smirk on his face as he made his way through the bustling streets of Hoshi, his destination being the rather large stadium of the village, apparently he and two other Genin had been selected to spar against each other in front of the higher ups of the village, an opportunity that excited him quite a bit, and he knew well that there could very well be promotions depending on how much he and the others managed to impress the leaders of the village. As per usual the silver haired teen was clad in his long sleeved black robe, the only difference being that this time the grey sash that he usually tied around his torso to keep the robe closed was gone, allowing the robe to hang open and expose the outfit that he usually kept hidden beneath it. Another thing that was missing from Kenshin’s usual attire was his top hat, and due to that missing article of clothing his hair was no longer styled to hide his eyes from the view of everyone else, something that caused quite a few people to give him looks of horror, disgust and fear as he made his way towards the stadium, he did not care much for the looks but at the same time he was no longer truly bothered by them.

It wasn’t much longer before Kenshin found himself walking down the hallways of the large stadium and towards the arena within the centre, he was not exactly sure what to expect but he definitely recognised the chakra signature that he felt within, it belonged to Shiro, who was no doubt going to be one of the two that he would be facing today. He wondered if Dusk would end up being the final of the three, this thought stemming entirely from the mission that they had done together not too long ago, where they had to disperse an angry mob of shinobi and priests before any hostilities were sparked, perhaps they had impressed the higher ups with their results and such were being tested to see if they had the necessary strength to gain the rank of Chunin. Either way it didn’t really matter to Kenshin, rank was not that important to him in the end as in the end he knew that there would be Genin who are stronger than Chunin, and Chunin who are stronger than Jounin, and so on and so on, what he was truly interested in was the opportunity to spar with Shiro and Dusk, those two had impressed him quite a bit in the short time he had known them and he wished to personally test the levels of strength they possessed, he just hoped that he was right in assuming Dusk was the third person.

As Kenshin walked out of the hallway and into the grounds of the arena he would began to formulate a plan, he would take in the sights of the area within the arena and begin to formulate plans on how he could use the environment to his advantage in the upcoming fight. As he continued to walk he allowed his robe to drop from his shoulders and pool on the ground only two meters away from where he finally came to a stop, which just so happened to be 15 meters away from Shiro. Even as he put his plans together he would keep his chakra sensory active, awaiting the arrival of the third person in this spar.

WC: 586

(I do not know the layout of the arena either, I'll leave that description to Aki when she posts as princess Tehniyat)
Toshiro Senju
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On the Road to Chuunin [Part 2] Empty Re: On the Road to Chuunin [Part 2]

Wed Jul 06, 2016 3:17 pm
Today had been the day that Dusk would stand out above the rest. The over charasmatic male had changed his hair and outfit the previous night as he now looked a little older . No longer was his hair long and blue it had been short, scruffy and black with blue tips. His clothing had changed as well, but as he walked in there was an air about him that had felt different. Carrying the staff Sen had made for him, he walked into the light of the arena and smiled to the other two makes as he stood his ground twenty meters from them. He awaited the start command.
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On the Road to Chuunin [Part 2] Empty Re: On the Road to Chuunin [Part 2]

Thu Jul 07, 2016 5:31 am
Another day, another chuunin battle, Princess Tehniyat's third to be precise. In a culture where the focus of common perception was the differences between ninja and civilian, few people had chosen to highlight those of the likes of Lucian Nazar who kept faith as well as their shinobi way steady.A surprising sect of ninja believers had recently made itself known, making up for what it lacked in numbers by using chakra to build one of the most ostentatious shrines the blonde had ever seen. There was no arguing shinobi could prove good builders and architects, she had seen that when Lord Denkiteki had begun construction on the academy that now housed and schooled over two hundred citizens of Hoshi.

This particular sect had come to her attention because it had announced Princess Tehniyat, the first of her name, daughter of Princess Azra and Lord Bukhari of Haven as something of a good luck charm. These battles had been few and far in between until the royal treasurer had started sitting on them and now here they were, on to the third batch.

The stadium was crowded, the weather mild leaning towards warm, the stand were full as family and friends cheered for their preferred young genin while underhanded bets took place in the back. Out in the hundred meter round arena, the three boys took their places, each twenty five meters away from the rest with the white haired male to the right, the younger looking one with blueish hair to the center and the remaining one to the far left.

"Combatants, may your will be strong and heart be true. May your weapons fly swift and sure, let evil die and good ensure." The hymn was a familiar one, and she supposed it was chosen for that reason.

"Ready... Get Set... Godspeed!"
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
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On the Road to Chuunin [Part 2] Empty Re: On the Road to Chuunin [Part 2]

Thu Jul 07, 2016 11:52 am
"Godspeed indeed." Shiro thinks, putting his hands together to form the boar and ox seals with 74 speed and looking left then right and left again. His eyes track both Kenshin and Dusk as the Princess's introduction concludes. At that time, all of his knowledge is layed out in front of him using what he has gathered about the two ninja over the course of the last few days. As for Kenshin, during the burning building incident, Shiro knows that he utilizes water style quite well.

"And I use fire style. He'll weaken my ninjutsu with his water style if I attempt to utilize it on him. However, it will only strengthen my earth style." He reasons, this being before the start of the event. "I don't know what he specializes in or what kind of fighting style he uses. Also, it's hard to tell what his clan's jutsu is based on his look. Or maybe there is something different that I just don't see. Though, in either case, there is a chance that his clan is not one that I am familiar with. Watch out for anything out of the ordinary with him."

On to Dusk as Princess Tehniyat continues her hymn. "I only met him yesterday and that incident didn't require any use of jutsu or combat. On top of that, there's nothing I can see that would hint to his clan jutsu. But, evidently, he should be skilled with using that staff of his. Does he specialize in weaponry? It's possible. I don't have any knowledge of his nature transformations either. If he uses water, I'll need to be wary. Lightning would be bad for my earth style. But all of that is variable. Whatever happens, stay away from him as long as his abilities are unknown."

Back again, forward to the beginning of the match. Shiro separates his hands at a speed of 74, kneels onto the ground, and slams them onto the ground all at the same speed. Then, under Kenshin, the ground begins to spiral inward, turning at a speed of 45 in a 5 meter radius. Kenshin will begin to sink into the ground if caught at the speed of the jutsu, only descending until he is buried up to his mid-chest.

At a speed of 74, Shiro uses his right hand to reach to his lower back and grip the handle of his katana, unsheathing it at the same speed. All while still kneeling and with his left hand staying on the ground in order to keep the spiraling earth spinning, Shiro flips his sword in his hand so that it is held traditionally, forward-hand. The sword is held so that the blade is horizontal to Dusk's position and is ready to attempt deflecting any projectiles coming his way.

Shiro's Fudo Pike is strapped diagonally on his back, 2.5 meters long and undrawn.



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On the Road to Chuunin [Part 2] Empty Re: On the Road to Chuunin [Part 2]

Thu Jul 07, 2016 1:38 pm
Kenshin would keep his eyes moving between Shiro and Dusk as the princess began to speak, he would of course keep an ear focussed on the words of the princess as she continued on with the hymn but right now he could not afford to take his eyes off his competitors, and that proved to be a wise move as the instant that the princess finished he saw Shiro begin to form hand seals. As soon as he saw Shiro begin to form his hand seals Kenshin would utilise a move of his own, to the others it would look as if he had simply sank into the earth beneath him, but if they looked close enough they would see that the earth at his feet had turned into an extremely fine sand. By the time that Shiro would have slammed his hands to the ground it would be too late to catch Kenshin within his jutsu, as due to the fact that Kenshin had began his descent into the earth before Shiro even completed his hand seals he would have had enough time to escape the radius of the jutsu. He was safe in his new position so he stayed there for a few moments, thinking about everything he knew about his opponents, he literally knew nothing about Dusk and his abilities in combat but he knew from personal experience that Dusk could come up with some brilliant plans when he wanted to. Shiro on the other hand...he had done a mission with him not too long ago and he had demonstrated an earth release jutsu with enough power to level a building, if Kenshin remembered right it was an earth technique that quite literally tore and turned the ground beneath a targeted area, and that was something that Kenshin was not eager to be caught in

It seemed that right at this instant his biggest threat was going to be Shiro, the few Earth style ninjutsu he possessed were not on the same level as the technique that Shiro was demonstrating right now and as such he was not really eager to get into an Earth Release battle with him, but then again now that Kenshin was safely 30 meters beneath the surface of the earth he found himself believing that Shiro would not have any jutsu that could reach him. Despite this though  Kenshin figured that he would not be the one winning this battle, the reason for this being that he was not a front line fighter, sure he possessed quite a few techniques and was able to hold his own in a battle but that still did not make him a true front line fighter, most of his more powerful jutsu were support types and would have no true use in this battle, something that he thought gave him a distinct disadvantage in this battle. But that belief did not mean that the silver haired teen was gonna be giving up without a fight, he would fight until he was rendered unconscious.

Kenshin would begin moving at a speed of 40 towards Dusk, he was currently 30 meters beneath the surface of the earth and unless Dusk or Shiro possessed a form of chakra sensory they would be unable to detect where he was, because due to the fact that he was using a jutsu at this very moment he would be unable to utilise his chakra suppression. Kenshin would follow Dusks each and every move from his place 10 meters beneath the surface of the earth, awaiting the right time to strike at the two combatants that he had left on the surface, currently his plan was to allow the two of them to weaken each other before he emerged, but he was willing to change his plan at the slightest reason. Either way Kenshin would keep himself 30 meters beneath Dusk and await the moves of his opponents, shadowing Dusks each and every move from his position, awaiting the perfect opportunity to strike at his opponents

WC: 674

Toshiro Senju
Toshiro Senju
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On the Road to Chuunin [Part 2] Empty Re: On the Road to Chuunin [Part 2]

Thu Jul 07, 2016 8:58 pm
FRom where he had been he listened to the princess as she spoke and once she had given the go, he had already been looking at his opponents. He knew he had not been the fastest nor by far the strongest, but what the male did have was a knack for knowledge. Because of this, the moment Shiro had made his hand seals Dusk in rapid succession made his own. At the moment Shiro had slammed his hand onto the ground, Dusk had also completed his jutsu, the clear sunny sky becoming dark with clouds. From the sky cried tears of chakra as Dusk lifted his hood to his head. At this moment Kenshin would have disappeared into the ground, but this didn't bother Dusk in the slightest. He knew that where he lacked in jutsu he could retool his to fit a broader spectrum and that is what he would do.

As the rain tattered the ground and seeped into his opponents form, he noticed Kenshin being gone from sight though the act did not bother him. Because of the hole that Shiro had made combined with the act of Kenshin, his water seeped into the ground becoming a smaller network of sensory nodes that the male would soon use to watch over his opponents. Because of the rain it also allowed the male to continue with his actions. Water saturated the ground weakening it slightly as he focused chakra into his feet and he moved at half speed towards the right of the stadium. Keeping his distance from Shiro and looking around just in case. The first few seconds had happened so fast, but he had been prepared just in case.

-40 For rain tiger
Satoru Nara
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On the Road to Chuunin [Part 2] Empty Re: On the Road to Chuunin [Part 2]

Sat Jul 09, 2016 8:21 pm
Shiro watches Kenshin sink into the ground, stopping his chakra from speeding towards his position and beginning the jutsu. Instead, he reverts that portion of his energy to its original state and reabsorbs it so as not to waste any of his resources. Keeping his katana leveled as before, he rises at a speed of 74. All the while, between the instant of his witnessing Kenshin's technique and standing up, Shiro had begun his analysis of the current events.

"That looked like the Hiding Like a Mole technique. During my training expedition, I had learned of that jutsu and even became good at using it. I know that he's underground but what I don't know is his depth and movement speed." Shiro thinks, putting his hands together at a speed of 74 to form the ram seal. "Of course, it doesn't matter what those two values are. As long as I don't know his position, I'm going to need to stay off of the ground. These walls have steel frame work, Kenshin won't be able to tunnel his way through to me if I use chakra to surface walk on them."

With that, Shiro body flickers backward at a speed of 144 and stops just before the wall. Immediately afterward, he steps onto the wall with his right foot first and then attaches his left foot so that his body is at a full ninety degree angle to the ground.

"It's also started raining. Less than a minute ago, the sun was shining so this must be a jutsu." Shiro turns and begins running up the wall at 37 speed so that he's seven meters above the ground and, upon reaching that height, goes on to advance horizontally in Dusks direction at the same speed. "In the corner of my sight, Dusk performed a few hand seals while I was preparing my Tearing Earth Turning Palm technique. Because Kenshin's hand seals were for his Hiding Like a Mole, I know that the seals which Dusk had used must have been for this rain jutsu."

Still running along the circle of the stadium boundary wall, Shiro keeps his eyes fixed on the only competitor that he can see: Dusk.

"Over all, I have obtained new information. For one thing, Dusk utilizes water style. Second, Kenshin knows earth style techniques along with water style. But that's all. And there is still information that I don't have such as whether Dusk possesses a second nature or if water style is his only one. What's worse is that I can't go using fire style techniques in this rain or I would waste chakra on a weakened attack. However, there are things that my opponents do not know about my abilities. Dusk doesn't know about my clan abilities or nature types. Kenshin, on the other hand, knows of my earth style but not my fire style or clan abilities. I need to use these factors to my advantage when I can."



(OOC: I stopped the Tearing Earth Turning Palm due to seeing Kenshin's submergence. I don't actually know if the jutsu closes the hole after the user sinks so whether or not Dusk's rain water seeps into it and branches out is up to a mod)

Last edited by Shiro Kaguya <3 on Mon Jul 11, 2016 2:34 pm; edited 2 times in total
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On the Road to Chuunin [Part 2] Empty Re: On the Road to Chuunin [Part 2]

Mon Jul 11, 2016 1:23 am
Because he had used the earth release technique Hiding Like a Mole the silver haired teen was able to get a better of sense of everything that was happening on the surface, with his chakra sensory he had felt Dusk cast some form of jutsu and almost immediately after he felt the rain begin to fall, but based on the fact that the rain was infused with Dusks chakra he knew that it was not simple rain, without a doubt it had some hidden use, and Kenshin was eager to find out exactly what that use was. He had felt Shiro cancel his jutsu as soon as he had gone underground and instead felt him perform the Body Flicker technique to appear next to the wall of the arena, followed by him using what Kenshin assumed to be the surface walking technique to climb the walls of the arena, no doubt to get himself off the ground in case Kenshin decided to try and launch a sneak attack on him, a smart move on his part.

The silver haired teen would briefly considering launching some form of attack on Dusk, and began to move upwards towards his blue haired friend, but once he reached exactly ten meters beneath him Kenshin decided that he could afford to wait a little longer before launching his attack on either Dusk or Shiro, his main goal was to get them to waste energy fighting each other after all. Kenshin would stop his climb directly beneath the position of Dusk, exactly ten meters beneath the surface of the ground that Dusk was standing on, he would continue to bide his time and wait for the perfect moment for him to launch his attack, sure he could launch some form of attack on Dusk right now, but one must never pounce on an advantage as soon as it appears, they should wait till it stands to have the maximum effect.

WC: 324


(OOC: Yo Shiro, you forgot to include the -10 AP from Body Flicker and the -1AP from using Surface Walking for 1 post)
Toshiro Senju
Toshiro Senju
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On the Road to Chuunin [Part 2] Empty Re: On the Road to Chuunin [Part 2]

Tue Jul 12, 2016 10:54 am
Through blue eyes he calculated what would be happening before him, many scenes played in his head and yet he couldn't find one that would come out with him on top. Looking up for a single moment into the rain that he had created he knew that his path wasn't meant for this trail yet. Forming the tiger seal, the rain would disappear as he held his hand up and spoke," I hereby concede in this exam," he wouldn't give his reasons why, it would either disappoint someone or make them angry. Either way he bowed to Shiro and even though he didn't know where Kenshin was he smiled," Good luck Kenshin and knock him dead alright?," with that he exited the area and left for him unless stopped.

[Exit and forfeiting]
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