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Road to Genin (Part 2: Chakra Training) Empty Road to Genin (Part 2: Chakra Training)

Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:38 am
The sun had fully risen, judging by its angle Spite assumed it was about ten o'clock. He had been running after his early morning workout routine, and had been about three miles outside of the village. "Only two more miles to go," Spite said to himself as he sprinted forward. He kept his breath steady to avoid overwhelming himself, as he pushed his speed to its limits. Spite enjoyed pushing himself when he trained, and always gave himself a slight handicap. This particular time he was wearing fifty pound weights on each ankle and wore a backpack that was filled with about twenty-five pounds of weights at the bottom, it also included a lunch his mother had prepared for him the night before, but that was beside the point. To an adult it wasn't much weight but to a twelve year old child it would be almost too much to handle. But Spite needed to strengthen his body as well as his mind to prepare himself for the Genin Exams later this month. Spite was finally down to just one more mile away from his destination. Well, his stopping point at least. He didn't really have any particular place he was going to, he just headed towards the nearby forest. It was his favorite place to train. It was quiet, and at one with nature. Spite always felt a sense of solitude when he was in the forest, it was almost his second home. 

Spite finally made it to the forest, he could almost hear the forest calling out his name. He took a moment to catch his breath before entering the densely wooded area. He walked about twenty meters into the forest then sat down, leaning against a large tall tree. Spite was exhausted. "Must have pushed myself a little too hard this time...," he thought to himself. He rested his eyes for a second, or what felt like a second at least. Spite had apparently fallen asleep for a few hours, judging by the position of the sun he assumed that it was noon already. The sun was piercing its way through the thick tree line, and beamed onto Spite's face. He rubbed his eyes shielding them from the light. "I suppose now's a better time than never to eat the lunch mother packed for me," he muttered to himself as he reached for his backpack. Opening the top flap he reached into his pack and pulled out the sandwich that his mother had packed. He loved his mother's sandwiches, they were always delicious. He took a huge bite of his sandwich, then opened his notebook. Today he wanted to focus on training his chakra control, it was another reason why he liked training in the forest. It was quiet so he could put his entire focus into controlling his chakra without any distractions. Spite looked thoroughly through his notes, looking them up and down to increase his knowledge. 

Spite took another bite of his sandwich then thought about what his teachers would say about controlling chakra and the different types of training that one could do to test their abilities. One of the methods consisted of one climbing a tree without one's hands by focusing chakra into their feet. The trick was to keep your chakra at a nice even flow. After finishing his lunch Spite stood up still leaning against the tree. The meal hit the spot and he felt his energy returning to him. Spite removed the weights that had been strapped around his ankles, they were of no use to him at this moment. He walked towards the thirty foot tree directly in front of him. "Okay! Time to do this!" he said to himself confidently. Spite placed his hands together in the form of the Ram hand seal, cleared his mind, and began to focus his chakra down towards his feet. He ran towards the tree, placing his feet up against it hoping to progress upwards. Unfortunately Spite had focused too much chakra into his feet and busted a footprint deep into the tough bark of the tree. Spite pushed himself backwards away from the tree, falling on his back and slid a few feet in the opposite direction of the tree. "Dammit.." he thought to himself. It was a minor set back, but he wouldn't let it discourage him. "Round two," he thought to himself. Spite stood up and once again formed the Ram hand seal, focusing his chakra  to his feet once more. He ran towards the tree again but didn't make it very far this time. Spite didn't use enough chakra this time around and his feet slipped causing him to fall forward into the tree, slamming his head against it. The pain writhed through his skull as he fell to the ground. Spite immediately put his hand against his forehead trying to shake it off. He looked at his blood covered hand. "Damn, I hit that harder than I thought. Better patch myself up.." he said to himself. He tried to keep his cool, but the frustration of not getting it down was starting to get to him. Spite walked over to his backpack and pulled out some ointment and bandages to patch himself up quickly. "This time I'm gonna do it!" He faced the tree for a third time, then formed the hand seal once again. He felt the determination run through his body as he shifted his chakra down towards his feet. He ran towards the tree for a final time, placing his feet on the tree. This time he ran about halfway up the tree, then slid down it. He had done it. Of course it wasn't to the top of the tree but it was progress. 

Spite was tired. He had used up a lot of chakra today, and the day had long passed. It was nearly eight o'clock at night and the sun had already began to set. Exhausted, Spite grabbed his pack and placed it on his back, then grabbed his ankle weights and placed them back on his ankles. The weight seemed heavier than it was originally, it may have been a side effect from the weariness. Spite slowly made his way back home, taking it easy just in case. He didn't want to overdo it too much more. Everything in his body ached, he couldn't wait to get home and collapse into bed. Spite gazed up at the sky, the dark shroud of the night sky was quickly falling upon him. A bit of time had passed and the stars had arrived, it was a beautiful sight and one that Spite quite enjoyed. 

He arrived at the village gates, and was almost home. He had been gone for the entire day, and his parents might have been worried about him. Spite walked down the dimly lit streets of Konoha towards his house in the Uchiha District. He noticed the lights were still on meaning his parents were still awake. Spite opened the door, walked into his home, and was immediately greeted by his mother. She had a worried expression on her face, the one only a mother could have. "Where have you been young man? I've been worried sick. And what happened to your head?!" Spite knew she was more worried than angry. "Mother, I'm alright. I was just doing some training out in the forest. I made a slight error and cut my forehead a little. I'm sorry I didn't tell you were I was going." he replied kissing her on the cheek as he walked passed her. She just shook her head coming to terms that he was alright and capable of somewhat taking care of himself. Spite walked into the family room and bowed to his father. His father nodded acknowledging him of his feats. Spite then walked towards his room, opened the door, then quietly shut it closed behind him. He fell into his bed, it had never felt this comfortable than it had this night. As soon as his body hit the bed, he fell asleep, swiftly drifting off to dream land.

(Exit WC: 1356)
6 Stat Points
Surface Walking/ Tree Climbing 

Last edited by Spite on Wed Jan 13, 2016 1:34 pm; edited 2 times in total
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Road to Genin (Part 2: Chakra Training) Empty Re: Road to Genin (Part 2: Chakra Training)

Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:40 am

Hi there, please don't forget to claim your stats etc at the end of every topic. <3
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Road to Genin (Part 2: Chakra Training) Empty Re: Road to Genin (Part 2: Chakra Training)

Wed Jan 13, 2016 6:06 am
I think I fixed it. Can I put the word count towards the clone and transformation jutsu's? If not I'll make a separate topic, not a big deal just curious.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Road to Genin (Part 2: Chakra Training) Empty Re: Road to Genin (Part 2: Chakra Training)

Wed Jan 13, 2016 6:12 am
From my quick reading, I see you practiced surface walking so you can claim that (climbing up the tree). Otherwise no, you can't claim a jutsu you didn't really train for. So here you can claim 6 stats points and the surface walking technique. <3
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Road to Genin (Part 2: Chakra Training) Empty Re: Road to Genin (Part 2: Chakra Training)

Wed Jan 13, 2016 6:16 am
okay cool thanks
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Road to Genin (Part 2: Chakra Training) Empty Re: Road to Genin (Part 2: Chakra Training)

Wed Jan 13, 2016 6:22 am
Also I fixed it haha
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Road to Genin (Part 2: Chakra Training) Empty Re: Road to Genin (Part 2: Chakra Training)

Fri Jan 15, 2016 4:27 am

Approved <3
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