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Shinjirama Senju
Shinjirama Senju
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Thu May 19, 2016 5:40 pm
Shinjirama watched Kosurama perform the technique, yet again, and decided he would have another go at it himself. He formed a handsign to gather his chakra. Shinjirama closed his eyes, and began to concentrate. He envisioned his chakra flowing throughout his body, and the major concentration was in his hands, as he was used to using just earth style. He attempted to gather his chakra at the back of his throat, like Kosurama had told him to do. He then tried to convert it to the water nature, as he tilted his head back. He then thought this was absolutely necessary for him, if he was to make any progress. He then suddenly, within a blink of a second, he felt water form in his throat. He then spit it out, but it was only a few drops of water. This, he knew, was not right, and decided he would try again. He formed the handsign, and closed his eyes, concentrating on his chakra flow. This enabled him to get his chakra up to his throat, where he would convert it. Once he channeled a significant amount of his chakra into his throat, he tilted his head back. This time, he felt much more water form, and he actually felt like he was starting to drown. 
          Not expecting this feeling so suddenly, he actually acted like he was drowning at first, waving his arms in the air, and gagging. He then spewed it all out, without putting the chakra behind it for the pressure. 'I think I got the technique down, now I just need to to not drown in the process, and put chakra behind me spewing it, to give it some pressure.' Shinjirama formed the handsign yet again, gathering his chakra in his throat. He tilted his head back, and he molded the chakra into water. This time, right after the water had formed, Shinjirama focused even more chakra into the water, causing it to travel a short distance, as he had successfully placed the basic pressure to the water. "Alright Kosurama, I am ready to be taught how to mold the water chakra properly, and how to change the pressure of the water." Shinjirama said to Kosurama.

WC: 370/807
Kosurama Senju
Kosurama Senju
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Thu May 19, 2016 10:44 pm
Kosurama nodded, ensuring Tatsurama he had given a descent explanation of how to use the doton. As his brother walked off in the opposite direction to practice water manipulation, Kosurama handed Shinjirama the note book he had lent to his brother earlier, in hopes it would better elaborate on the ideologies of water manipulation than him showing them how to use. 
"Here Shinjirama, this seemed to help my brother. It's full of notes I had taken over the past few weeks on how to manipulate and control the water nature. I'm going to go attempt to perform earth style while Tatsu's words are still fresh in my mind, don't be afraid to ask if you have any questions."
Kosurama  then walked a fair distance away from both his brother and Shinjirama so that he would not bother either of their practices. 
That mud technique Tatasurama performed earlier didn't seem much different than the water spout move I showed him... Perhaps I should start there.
Kosurama formed the snake hand seal as his brother instructed. He began to channel his chakra, collecting a small pocket of earth chakra in his throat. Once he formed the earth chakra, he collected a small amount of excess chakra in the back of his throat in order to project the mud in a spout-like fashion. Kosurama opened his mouth and expelled the supposed mud stream. Although it was shaped correctly, the jutsu was rather diluted with a large amount of water, appearing like murky water. 
I need to gather more earth chakra... I treated that too much like a water stream.
Kosurama closed his mouth, cutting off the jutsu- his hands still forming the snake hand seal. Kosurama then gathered a large amount of earth chakra in his throat, hoping this would solve his error. He collected a small amount of chakra in the back of his throat to expel the justu. Kosurama tightened the grip of his hands and released the mud from his mouth. It was far more potent this time. He adjusted the pressure willingly, just like he would with the generic water spout. The mud began to shoot at a  greater velocity, he quickly backed off the amount of the chakra expelled as it seamlessly reduced in speed and distance. Kosurama closed his mouth, ceasing the justu. In front of him lied a long line of mud with a few rocks here and there. 
Now, if earth chakra follows the same laws as water chakra, then I should be able to shape its form at will. 
Kosurama, still holding the snake hand seal, gathered the same amount of chakra in his throat as he did during his last attempt. He followed all the same steps, this time he would manipulate the earth chakra itself, in hopes it would take a different form. Kosurama opened his mouth expelling the mud at a moderate pressure. As soon as the mud left his mouth, he manipulated the chakra in the mud, spreading it thin. This created a mud like wave. He spewed the mud for a few seconds then stopped, the mud began to stack on itself, forming a small wall. The wall couldn't be used for defensive purposes because it was so short, but it was a wall none the less. Kosurama smiled to himself in amazement- he had just learned a new nature.

Now onto that other jutsu Tatsurama had showed me. Earth Style: Moving Earth Core I believe it was. 
Kosurama formed the necessary hand signs. He had remembered his brother mentioning the act of using your palms to control the earth around you. Kosurama slammed his palms onto the ground, exerting his chakra into the earth. A small block of earth began to lower into the ground. It was roughly 3 feet deep with a foot a 1 foot by 1 foot dimension.. It paled in comparison to the 5' by 5' hole his brother created, but he performed the jutsu none the less. He slammed his palms on the ground once more, causing the earth to rise back up to its original state. Kosurama would attempt to perform the jutsu again, only this time he would direct the flow of chakra upwards. Kosurama gathered an ever greater amount of chakra this time and formed the necessary hand seals. He slammed his palms into the ground, exerting his chakra into the earth. He focused on the chakra that he transferred into the ground, attempting to move it in an upward direction. A large slab of earth began to rise out of the ground at a slow rate. It was roughly the size he brother created, only it was a pillar. Kosurama continued to focus he chakra as the pillar grew taller and tall, until it stopped at about 8 feet. Kosurama stood up and jumped onto the pillar.
Now, for a bit of experimentation. 
Kosurama quickly formed the necessary hand seals and slammed his hands into the pillar. He focused his chakra somewhere in the middle of it. A pillar then shot out from the initial pillar he had created, extending about four feet outwards. The extension he had created could be used for offensive purposes, if there was a great enough amount of force behind it. Kosurama’s eyes lit up in amusement; although suiton was very different than doton, it was similar in many aspects. Kosurama hand signed and slammed his palms back onto the pillar. The pillar then slowly retracted back into the earth. 
“Better check up on Tatsu’s progress.” he then began to walk in his brother’s direction. 
“Hey Tatsu, how’s the water technique I showed you coming along?” 

Word Count: 942/1,911
Tatsurama Senju
Tatsurama Senju
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Fri May 20, 2016 1:21 pm
After practicing his water style for a bit, he noticed his brother walk up to him.
"It's going fine. I think i have it down by now. How's the Earth Release training coming along?"
He asked, curious to see if he was able to learn it, given his explanation and example of the earth release to him. He had decided to summon Gamakuro, his toad summoning to practice the water release with him in the training grounds pond. So after asking, he bit his thumb, getting the blood over his fingertips, then formed the 5 handsigns and palmed the ground. A large poof of smoke appeared, showing a large toad, 20 ft tall and 12 ft wide out of the puff of smoke.
"Welcome, Gamakuro! I would like to ask if you wanted to train in the water style. I have just learned how to use it."
The toad then turned his gaze towards Kosurama, eyeing him.
"Yeah yeah whatever. Who is that?"
He said pointing towards Kosurama.
"Ah, that's right. This is the first time you guys have seen eachother. Gamakuro, this is Kosurama, my brother, and brother this is Gamakuro. He is my summoning."
The toad then gave a curt nod in approval, before beginning to form a few handsigns and practice his water release in the river. Tatsurama then turned towards his brother.
"You should probably get a summoning too. They can be extremely helpful in battle."
He said in a serious tone, as summoning could save his life one day if he had one.

Total WC: 258/2685 [2000/2000 for Water Release]
Shinjirama Senju
Shinjirama Senju
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Fri May 20, 2016 9:06 pm
Shinjirama took the notebook, and opened it up. He browsed through the pages, looking at the notes and diagrams that Kosurama had written down. He looked up from the notebook, and seen Kosurama practicing the earth style, and seen Tatsurama practicing his water style. Shinjirama looked back down at the notebook, and studied from it for a bit longer, before walking to his own area of the training field, and set down the notebook to use as reference later on. Wow, it is impressive that he took so many notes about performing the style. Maybe I should do the same. He knew that in order to get this next step down, he would have to master the part he learned how to do earlier. Shinjirama formed his hands together to create a handsign. He gathered his chakra and waited until he had a large amount built up. He tilted his back, manipulating his chakra to the back of his throat. Shinjirama waited for a period of time until he felt the water in the back oh his throat, like he was drowning. He then aimed his head forward and spewed out the water at minimal pressure. Okay, so I am good on that part. Now I must change the pressure of the water to a higher pressure. Shinjirama thought to himself as he walked over to the notebook he had set down earlier, and opened it up, rereading the diagrams to ensure that he would be doing this next part correctly. 
          Shinjirama wondered how Tatsurama had learned the new nature so fast, unlike himself, where it was talking hours on end to get the right steps down to do the nature. Shinjirama set down the notebook and formed the handsign again. His chakra had flowed through his body, and towards his throat. He soon felt a rushing feeling of water, which gave him the feeling of drowning. Which he had gotten used to by now, as he had been doing this practice repeatedly for some time now. He then spewed out a small beam of non pressurized water, at a slow pace, as to not waste all of the water. Now, if I recall correctly, I was supposed to tighten the handsign, and strengthen the chakra flow, or something along those lines. Guess I will find out soon enough. He thought to himself. Shinjirama tightened his handsign and focused more chakra to the back of his throat. When he spit it out of his mouth, the beam was slightly more pressurized than before, but not nearly enough. What am I doing wrong? That is how I was supposed to do it, was I not. Perhaps I should check the notes again. This is going to make things more complicated in the future if I cannot pick up on how to do these techniques good enough. Shinjirama thought. He picked up the notebook and studied the part about controlling the pressure. Once he read how to do it, Shinjirama tried once again. He knew that after this, he would have to try and change its shape, as he had witnessed Tatsurama do while studying the notes from before. 
          "Alright. One more try. This time, I will succeed!" Shinjirama said quietly enough so the others would not here him. Once again, he formed the handsign, and began gathering the chakra. He leaned his head back, and used chakra control to focus it at the back of his throat. The water formed at a rapid speed, giving him the notion of drowning. Once Shinjirama felt this sensation, he used his chakra control yet again. This time, the water beam that he had spewed out had a much higher pressure, speed, and distance. With practice, I can get that part fully mastered, and use it as a legitimate jutsu at some point, maybe. But I will see about that later. Now, I must try to shape the water, this way I can form different shapes of water attacks. He thought to himself. Shinjirama then walked over to the notebook again, and sat down, taking a small break. Reading through Kosurama's notes about how to transform water. So I have to mold my chakra to a desired object, as it is coming out of my mouth. This sounds about just as hard as it actually will be to do. Shinjirama sighed at the pain of figuring out part three to nature learning. But he knew it would be necessary if he wanted to learn wood style. Shinjirama formed the handsign yet again, doing this trial and error, over and over. And he knew he would be doing more trials, and more failed trials at this next, but thankfully last stage of learning the water nature. He formed the handsign, and focused his chakra for a moment, to go to the back of his throat. Once he got it there, he transformed it into the water nature, however, this was not enough. He needed to add pressure to it, which is step two. Once he felt his chakra was at a appropriate point to stop adding he pressure, he spewed a small amount out, to ensure it was a mild pressure, but just a mere small amount, to make sure he had enough for the rest of technique. He knew he would have to be fast at molding the chakra, as it would already be exiting his mouth when he formed it. He spewed out the water, trying to get mold his chakra into it as it was coming out. However, all this did was force his water to fall on the ground, as if it had no pressure. 
          Hmm... This is quite a problem. Perhaps I should not add the chakra as it is exiting the mouth, but rather, right before it exits, this way, it will take form when I have it leave my mouth. I do not know how well that will work exactly, but it is worth a shot. This time, he had to repeat the process again. Shinjirama formed the handsign and gathered his chakra once more. If he failed this time, he would want to take a break for a few minutes. Once his chakra had gathered accordingly, he set out to alter the pressure of the water by tightening his seal, which concentrated the chakra to enhance the pressure. He then began to release a stream of water, making it take shape of a thin, and narrow stream, but with high pressure. This began digging away at the ground he aimed for. But it was not enough. Using some water he kept in reserve, Shinjirama added even more amounts of chakra to it, increasing its pressure, and thereby increasing its damage output. Once he spewed it, he aimed for a tree. The tree's bark had been ripped to shreds, and the tree had also taken a small amount of damage itself. Not bad. Not bad at all. Shinjirama thought. He walked over ttothe notebook, and picked it up, brushing off any dirt from the ground, and walked over to Tatsurama. "Here is your notebook back. It helped me quite alot. Thank you for your time and patience with me. I think with enough practice, I will be able to do proper jutsu to a much higher capability than a small water stream."

WC: 1223/2030 [2000/2000 for Water Style (50% reduction for being taught)]
Kosurama Senju
Kosurama Senju
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Sun May 22, 2016 2:06 pm
Kosurama, not noticing Shinjirama had handed the notebook to the wrong brother, stared wide-eyed at the massive toad that stood before him. It was like nothing he's seen before. The conversing between Shinjirama and Tatsurama eventually broke him out of his trance. He listened as Shinjirama gave a brief report of his experience with the water nature.
"I'm glad you were able to grasp the concept with the help of my notebook. I put a lot of time and effort into writing my findings." He quickly turned his attention back towards Gamakuro. 
Kosurama, dumbfounded by the discovery of his brother having a summoning, watched as the toad turned to the river and began to form a series of handsigns.
It can use ninjutsu!? He thought to himself
"Summonings are incredible, Tatsu. You really must teach me how to acquire one." 
Kosurama watched in awe as the toad prepared to execute its water style jutsu. 

WC: 154/2,065 [2,000/2,000 for Earth Style (50% reduction for being taught) ]
Tatsurama Senju
Tatsurama Senju
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Sun May 22, 2016 5:48 pm
"I can absolutely. In fact, why don't you go ahead and just get toad summonings with me?"
He said as Gamakuro began to spew out a large wave of water which formed into a wall infront of him. The toad then turned towards them both.
"Toads are too good for just any shinobi to summon.."
The toad said in contempt. Unsure of how well Kosurama would do with his fellow Toads.
Tatsurama then turned towards Gamakuro to assure him that he would do fine.
"Trust me Gamakuro, my brother is a good shinobi, and i am sure he will do well with the toads of Mt. Myoboku."
He then turned back towards Kosurama.
"I will summon the scroll toad, then you can sign the contract with him and then you will be able to summon toads."
Tatsurama then bit his finger and spread the blood on his fingertips before forming five handsigns and slamming his palm on the ground causing a small poof of smoke to appear. Out of the puff of smoke revealed a toad about half the size of a human, and it's stomach was elongated and replaced by a scroll.
"Ah Tatsurama. What can i do for you?"
Tatsurama then showed him to Kosurama.
"This is my brother, Kosurama. He wishes to sign a contract with the Toads of Mt. Myoboku like i did."
The contract toad then opened the scroll on his abdomen showing a contract in the ink on there.
"Okay Kosurama, you just need to place your palm on the circle, and use chakra to carve your blood signature in it. After that it will be done."
Tatsurama left them both to it, and walked back over to his original spot where he learned the water release.
Alright now that i have learned Suiton, i will try and start my training to learn Mokuton. Let's see..i'm supposed to combine the earth and water chakra together in palms, then hold the palms together, sometimes slamming it into the ground similar to earth release. The clan's scroll also said it uses the snake hand seal primarily.. so let's try this out.
Tatsurama then began to focus and channel his chakra into his right palm, then turning the chakra into the earth element. After that he began channeling it into his left palm, and turning the chakra into the water element.
Let's see what happens..
He then palmed both of his hands together, and then slammed it into the ground, releasing them both at the same time to mix together and hopefully create something. After a moment, he began to see a small plant stalk and bud coming out of the ground. It may have been small, but it was still something. He at least knew he was getting there at this point, and with just some more training, he will have the wood style.
Yes! I'm getting somewhere now. I'll just practice it a few more times then say my farewells and head out.
After a moment he began again, attempting to do the same thing and make a bigger plant this time. So after a moment of gathering and molding his chakra into his palms, he slammed them into the ground again and released them at the same time to mix together like last time. Except this time he added more chakra into it, to hopefully make it bigger. After a moment or two, the plant grew bigger and bigger until finally stopping at about half his size, and formed a red flower on it's top.
Pretty soon i'll have this in the bag, and then i can start learning some of the wood release jutsu that is in our clan's scroll.
He left it at that, and turned to walked back towards Kosurama and Shinjirama.
"Hey guys, in a few minutes i'm probably gonna head out of here. I'll wait for you to finish up with the Toads, brother."

Total WC: 656/3341 [2000/2000 for Water Release(50% WC Reduction due to being taught)] [1341/2000 for Wood Release]
Shinjirama Senju
Shinjirama Senju
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Sun May 22, 2016 6:18 pm
Shinjirama was looking at the toad thinking, Wow. This guy is something else. To perform a summoning like that at genin is impressive. Perhaps in time, I could do something like that. But for now, I must focus on learning wood style. Shinjirama walked off to his own area of the training field. Shinjirama muttered to himself "So.. I have never done a combination before, let us see what happens when I mix the two natures together. Shinjirama did the handsigns for an earth nature transformation, and palmed the ground by him, sending his chakra into the earth. Shinjirama then formed handsigns for the water nature transformation, and spewed his water onto the earth, hoping that it might get somewhere. All that happened was the earth got washed away by the water. "Well.. That did not work as I had anticipated. Maybe I need to try and put my earth chakra in one hand, and my water chakra in my other." Shinjirama stood still, thinking about how to do this. He formed the Snake handsign, as that was the most common seal for wood release, and then palmed the ground with both hands. At first, nothing had happened. Then after a few moments, a small leaf, on a small branch of about five centimeters tall emerged. Upon seeing this, shinjirama's face became excited, but he knew it wasn't enough, and he would probably have to practice this more on his own, later on, which would probably take a few more days to accomplish. 


WC: 253/2283 (2000/2000 for Water Release [50% off for being taught] 283/2000 for Wood Release) 

Claims: Water Release, 11 Stat Points, +283 words towards Wood Release
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Sun May 22, 2016 10:08 pm

Approved @ Shinjirama <3
Kosurama Senju
Kosurama Senju
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Mon May 23, 2016 12:16 pm
Kosurama listened carefully as the stubby toad explained the process of creating a contract. The toad then unraveled the scroll that was placed on its stomach. There were a few names already signed in their intended spaces, one of them being Tatsurama. He stared intently at all of the names. They were written in blood, just as the toad said. Kosurama looked up to the toad and nodded.
"I understand." 
Kosurama bit the tip of his thumb, drawing a small amount of blood from it. He then knelt down and began to sign his name. Once he finished, he touched his thumb to each of his fingers, imprinting his blood on them. He pressed his fingers into the blank space at the bottom of where he had signed his name. 
Now I have the ability to summon the toad species... All I need to do now is earn the respect of a toad that I can summon.
Kosurama stood up and bowed to the contract toad.
"Thank you for this opportunity. I will not disappoint the toad species." 
Kosurama had noticed his brother was calling out to him- it was about time to head home. 
"Sounds like a plan. I'll grab my bag and then we can wrap this up."
Kosurama walked to the tree he had set his bag down at to retrieve his belongings. He threw the bag over his shoulder and ran to his brother, noticing he was still holding his notebook. 


WC: 245/2,310 [2,000/2,000 for Earth Style (50% reduction for being taught) ]
Claims: Earth Release, Summoning Contract and +11 Stat Points
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

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Mon May 23, 2016 12:20 pm

Approved @ Kosurama <3
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