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Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P)

Fri May 27, 2016 8:13 pm
Happy to see that the genin was eager to begin Tomoya followed him outside. Standing just outside the door Tomoya would close it behind him before turning back to Taiyo.

"Alright, I'll admit I'm better at studying seals than combat but I think this should be enough of a challenge for you. Let's begin!" Tomoya did the seals and 3 clones would come into existence in front of him, this wasn't your average shadow clone technique. Wondering if Taiyo was familiar with how this technique worked one of the clones charge directly towards Taiyo, the other two circling around him from either side. The one charging was going 40 speed while the ones circling were going at 30. Those who were circling would keep a 5 meter distance from Taiyo as they did so.

The first clone started running a bit after the other clones as well, by the time the charging clone reached Taiyo the other 2 would be directly to his right and left if he remained in the same spot. The clone that was charging would plant his feet in front of Taiyo and aimed a punch directly at the Kaguya's face at a speed of 100, the clone relying on its raw speed as well as a little trick up  its sleeve rather than planning out a decent attack.

-80 for lightning clones
181.5 AP in Tomoya and each clone
Satoru Nara
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Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P)

Fri May 27, 2016 8:57 pm
As the three clones make their moves, one running at 40 speed and the other two running at 30 speed, Shiro has switched into a more combat ready mind. Before him, is a basic formation of a combat team and Shiro had, like many other formations, thought it through before hand during his free time. When he has nothing better to do, Shiro plays scenarios through his head and creates ways to react to those situations. This being one of those scenes, he has a clue as to what he should or should not do. However, this is all done with his and only his opinion. Because of this, Shiro has no way to be sure if the reactions he has come up with are the best ones. Now, though, he does not really have the time to pick and choose which of the counters he should attempt to perform.

"Direct." That is all Shiro has time to think before the lightning clone in front of him throws his punch at 100 speed. Being just barely within his reaction time, Shiro has the time to put his right arm up to block the punch. "With lightning clones, that's a dangerous style for me to have to fight."

Quickly, Shiro takes a back step of a body flicker, traveling ten meters away from the three clones at a speed of 132. Relative to the clone who had tried to throw an opening punch, Shiro is straight ahead and ten meters away, the distance he traveled.

"He doesn't want to give me time to think. And having to make that time is going to be taxing..." His head is going left and right, processing the location of all three clones at once. "Let's look at this. These are lightning clones and, even though I don't know much about the jutsu, I probably shouldn't be too close to them when they disperse. Electricity doesn't just disappear when nothing controls it. I have no doubt that those things will detonate. Maybe that's his plan, to blow one up. After all, he could have used only two, that would have outnumbered me already. One is definitely meant to blow itself up as an attack and it doesn't matter which one. As long as I keep good distance... damn."

The terrible realization finally hits him.

"No taijutsu. Well played." He whispers, grabbing one of the two fuma shuriken from his hip and flicking it to open completely.  "I have just the thing, the inability to get too close is no problem."

At a speed of 102 and a sharpness of 101, Shiro throws his fuma shuriken in an arch trajectory. It flies at a height of 1 meter, about right at the clone's torsos and is aimed at the clone more towards Shiro's right. Next, from his left ninja pouch, Shiro removes a a kunai and throws it with a speed of 102 and a sharpness of 81. This projectile is aimed at the middle clone. Running behind the kunai knife at a speed of 31, Shiro unsheathes his katana with his right hand and holds it backhand as he closes the ten meter distance.

[Note: Using word count towards stats starting this post]


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Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P)

Sun May 29, 2016 4:23 pm
(If the attack hits rather than be paralyzed a whole post just recover after a few moments)

As the center clone began his punch the boy brought his hands together to form the Ram Seal. He was cutting it close but by waiting for the center clone to plant his feet he'd made it harder for the shadow clone to chase after him. The clone simply stopped his punch and started chasing after Shiro at 50 speed.

The clone to Shiro's left decided to teach the boy a lesson involving the Body Flicker technique, however due to Tomoya's limited array of equipment and techniques the clone would have to try and stop him with his hands. Making the Ram seal as the boy took his first step back with his enhanced speed the shadow clone activated the body flicker technique himself. The clone was 5 meters from Shiro's original point and planned on intercepting him a meter before he reached his destination. At 200 Speed the clone traveled the needed distance which would be just over 11 meters before Shiro had managed to travel the 9 that would put him at the same point,the difference in speed allowing the clone to easily overtake him.

Tomoya's clone didn't know it but his plan was similiar to one the village leader had almost employed against the missing ninja that had attacked Shiro, where if the missing ninja had used the body flicker technique Den had planned on intercepting him mid way through the movement. While under the influence of the body flicker technique a person couldn't make any other actions rendering them vulnerable to faster opponents.

The clone hadn't been sure what would happen when Shiro slammed into him, but if it did it would became obvious that the Genin was much more durable than Tomoya. Rather than stop him the clone was simply smashed through, reverting back into its lightning form and shocking the genin with a power of 80, though the jutsu wouldn't directly cause damage to Shiro. The effect would render Shiro paralyzed for a brief moment as the two clones walked over to him, they had stopped running when the other clone had blurred out of existence. He'd likely have fallen after being shocked so whichever reached him first would try and make sure he wasn't laying in an uncomfortable position.

The other would look down at Shiro and start explaining what had happened, "The body flicker technique is definitely useful however you have to be careful of when you use it. If your opponent can find a way to intercept you, whether through the use of jutsu or simply by overtaking you, they can sometimes end the fight right then and there."

The clones would wait for the jutsus effect to start wearing off before one of them would offer a hand to Shiro in order to help him up, "Well it seems the other clone got you with a lightning jutsu but was taken out by the force that you slammed into him with, do you want to continue or take a break for now?" The two clones would still be standing near Shiro, though they'd stand back to give him some room. If he agreed one of them would step back until he was 3 meters away from Shiro while the other would stand next to that clone, 5 meters to it's right.

The whole time this was occurring Tomoya would be watching, his yellow eyes keeping track of Shiro's movements.

-30 for lightning clone upkeep
-10 for Body Flicker

Surviving clones have same AP
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
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Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P)

Sun May 29, 2016 5:33 pm
Shiro lays temporarily paralyzed by the lightning jutsu that the clone had hit him with. His muscles do not respond to his directions to move and, despite his will, he cannot bring himself to get up. He can sense, though, the steps of the remaining two clones as they get closer. Once there, one of the clones gives him advice on the body flicker technique, how it should be used in battle.

Now, with the two remaining clones wait for Shiro's paralysis to die off, he finalizes the rest of his strategy. "I wasn't planning on his being this swift. And I especially wasn't planning on getting paralyzed by one of his clones. But, I guess it has given me time to think about my next moves..." Shiro thinks, contemplating his stamina and how to best use what is left of it.

Because the clone waits until the paralyzation before extending his hand, Shiro proceeds to lift his legs and spin on his back at a speed of 65 as if break-dancing. Turning continuously, he uses the momentum built up in the short time to perform the Leaf Gale. His sweeping kick swipes at both of the clone's lower legs at a speed of 75 and a strength of 65, causing them to fall backward at their loss of balance.

He gets up and stabilizes after the attack, removing his katana from his scabbard and flipping it in his hand so that it is held traditionally rather than backhand. With his sword at the ready, he also jumps back to be five meters away from the clones and a total of sixteen meters from Tomoya, the caster. Once there, Shiro grabs two shuriken from his ninja pouch at a speed of 65. At a speed of 102, the shuriken fly towards the downed clones, having a sharpness of 61. From that distance, he runs in a circular motion at a speed of 35 with the clones at the center, stopping when he is directly in front of Tomoya with a distance of six meters.


The Numbers:
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Stat Page : Stat Page
Living Clones : Isamu
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Ryo : 271700

Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P)

Wed Jun 01, 2016 7:32 am
The clone that wasn't planning on helping Shiro up was a step back from the one that was. Sometime after finishing his short lesson on the body flicker technique the clone, along with the one that had planned to help Shiro up, would notice the genin shifting his body as he presumably used his arms to push his body and make it spin on the ground, bringing his legs up as he did so.

The farther away clone easily moved out of range of the coming attack by stepping back at 50 speed as Shiro began shifting his weight and moving his legs. The closer one had a different plan however. As Shiro's feet neared the clones shins the clone decided to shift its weight forward, towards Shiro. He'd lift up his right foot, the one that Shiro would have struck first, at 100 speed to avoid the sweeping kick and hopped off of the ground with his left foot, propelling him upwards and slightly forward at 35 speed. As he left the ground he'd lift his left foot up at 100 speed, just quick enough that the sweeping kick would pass a few cms below.

The clone would turn his body so that it would be parallel to the ground and Shiro as his body would start to fall back down to the earth after the small hop. Extending his hand outwards towards the rotating torso of Shiro at 100, activating the Rasengan technique and manipulating his chakra into rotating in the opposite direction of the Genin, the clone wondered how the boy would respond to this attack. The clone had reduced the power of the blow to 50, thinking it'd be enough that it'd hurt Shiro without inflicting any major injuries should the attack land.

While this was happening the second clone would watch and wait for Shiro's reaction, curious to see what his move against his now airborne twin would be as well.

-20 From Tomoya for Clone upkeep
-40 AP from Clone A for Rasengan

Clone A: 141.5 AP
Clone B:181.5 AP
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Summoning Contract : Salamanders of Rain Country
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Ryo : 10650

Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P)

Fri Jun 03, 2016 4:16 pm
Upon realizing that his sweeping kick had not made contact with any object at all, Shiro body flickers himself using his arms as his push. To his right, he reappears eight meters away from his previous position after traveling at a speed of 135. From there, at a speed of 65, he rises from the ground and claps his hands together before placing his palms into the grass. The ground under the standing clone, in a five meter by five meter square rises at a speed of forty. The platform rises by five meters and is tilted while forming so that the standing clone is forced towards the clone falling with the rasengan.

With his right hand rising at a speed of 65, Shiro reaches towards the top of his back and pulls from it a long and flexible spine that acts just as a whip does. It curves onto the ground as his hand falls back down and his left hand pulls his katana from the scabbard also at a speed of 65. The bone whip has a health of 105 and the sharp spiked edges have a sharpness of 97.5.


AP = 192

-10 for Moving Earth Core

AP = 182

Removed Spine: 2 posts left
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Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P)

Sat Jul 09, 2016 6:59 pm
The clones Rasengan smashed into the ground, creating a spiraling crater as it propelled the clone back upwards into the air.

The clone that had been on stand by would perform the body flicker technique after it became obvious what direction Shiro was going in. Appearing directly in his path, a meter before his destination. This clone would disperse just before making contact with Shiro, electricity moving outwards from what had been the clones body as it transformed back into lightning chakra. Due to the mechanics of body flicker it'd be unlikely that Shiro would be able to avoid the lightning and would once again be rendered immobile.

The surviving clone would land back on his feet and then dispersed if Shiro was paralyzed, otherwise he'd wait for the boy to attack him a second time.

If Shiro was stunned Tomoya would walk over to him, briefly looking at the small crater his clone had created. The spar had been interesting, the boy definitely had the talent to be a skilled shinobi. He just seemed over reliant on the body flicker technique to try and create distance between himself and his opponent. The being from Sanctuary hoped the boy would remain more aware of the weaknesses the technique possessed in the future, now that Tomoya had exploited it against him twice.

Approaching the paralyzed teen Tomoya would kneel next to him, "Well I've definitely got a good idea of how fast you are now." Tomoya would move Shiro's shirt so that his shoulder would be exposed, "Only use this if you have to, I'm serious. Only if it means life or death, or if you and I are running tests on the seal. If you use this to much it can make you sick."

Channleing a large portion of his chakra Tomoya would make the mark Shiro where he had requested earlier, branding the genin with the mark that would allow him access to Nature Energy. Being that these events would only occur if Shiro was paralyzed, he wouldn't be able to stop this and would be rendered unconscious after the seal was placed.

As the mark was completed Tomoya felt a sudden presence approach from the edges of his sensory.

"Shit." In a panic Tomoya would lift Shiro in his arms and start running back to the boys house. Before Tomoya made it to the door he appeared in front of, the only sign of his body flicker being a gust of wind that blew past Tomoya as the golden figure barred his path.

Tomoya had only seen him use this form once before, which meant there was a reason for this.

"I.. I know you said I shouldn't. But.. I... I was just wanted to help."

If the events above transpired Shiro would find himself in his bed when he woke up, Tomoya no where to be found. The golden figure wouldn't be their either, who would only show up if Tomoya had rendered Shiro unconscious. There would also be no npc witnesses to the goldnen figure.

(Tomoya giving Shiro Cursed Seal of Kidomaru)
TWC: 1824
18 AP for Tomoya
Satoru Nara
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Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P)

Sat Jul 09, 2016 8:33 pm
(OOC: It's too bad Shiro didn't see any of that mysterious action, it'd be good motivation for him to start investigation into Hoshi's secrets and get him some fine character development. But good topic. Also, where would this go on my stats page, in the skill section?)


[Claims: 5 stats, Curse Deal of Kidomaru, a nap in my bed]
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Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P)

Sat Jul 09, 2016 9:16 pm

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