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Ryo : 271700

Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P) Empty Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P)

Wed May 11, 2016 2:39 pm
Tomoya would approach the house of a Taiyo Kaguya, a genin who while still an academy student had an unfortunate run in with a missing ninja near the gates of the village. Fortunately a number of shinobi had been there to help at the time, including Denkiteki himself, from what Shina had told him the boy would have likely died if no one had been there to assist him.

And yet since then he had grown strong enough to defeat Shina in a suprise spar she had orchestrated for him, his skill seemed to be increasing at an alarming rate. Dressed in a casual t shirt and shorts, with his Hoshi headband tied to his shoulder, Tomoya would knock on the door to Taiyo's home.
Satoru Nara
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Ryo : 10650

Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P) Empty Re: Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P)

Wed May 11, 2016 4:37 pm
A small book on medical ninjutsu in hand, Shiro sits on his small couch and reads through the pages. Within them is extensive information on the art of medical techniques and chakra control. For the past half hour, Shiro had been reading up on this book which he had taken from the village library.

When the sound of a visitor knocking his door registers, Shiro looks up from his book and reaches his right hand into his right ninja pouch. With his other hand, Shiro places the book down onto the wooden table in front of him. Rising from the small couch, he removes a kunai from the ninja pouch that had been reached into.

"I'll be there in a second." He calls to whoever it is requesting that Shiro open the door. Walking over to it, he places the kunai down onto a stool next to him. As he opens opens the door, he uses his left hand so that his right is free to grab the kunai if needed again. A jonin of Hoshigakure stands before him. Shiro eyes the headband tied around his shoulder and recognizes the symbol. It is the same as the headband tied against Shiro's right hip. The metal plate is at his right but not positioned so that it is at a ninety degree angle to his front. Instead, it faces forward on the right side of his lower abdomen.

"Good afternoon. How are you?" He reaches to retrieve the kunai and places it back into his right pouch, feeling quite silly for having been so on guard within the safe walls of his home village. After the shinobi responds, Shiro continues. "Do you need something?"

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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P) Empty Re: Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P)

Tue May 24, 2016 6:13 pm
Tomoya took note of the kunai but made no mention of it, he supposed it made sense for the boy to be cautious as he had been attacked near the main gates of the village not long ago.

"I'm well, I'm here to offer you the chance in being part of an.. experimental program. You've been making astounding progress in your training recently which is why I think you will be perfect for this program. May I come inside so we can speak privately, I'll be able to go over the details then." Tomoya wasn't one for small talk, not even returning the gesture of asking Taiyo how he was.
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
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Ryo : 10650

Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P) Empty Re: Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P)

Tue May 24, 2016 8:35 pm
Shiro searches his mind for any information on the shinobi in front of him.

"Tomoya." He repeats in his head. "What do I know about him? Jounin ninja of Hoshigakure. Specializes in... ninjutsu and sealing jutsu. I don't quite know what elements he uses. As for jutsu, he must know some fuinjutsu. I think that's all I have on him. I guess now is my chance to learn some more."

"Sure you can." Shiro steps aside and extends his hand out into his house, motioning the visiting ninja to enter. After he has entered, the door is closed behind him. Pointing towards the small couch he had been sitting in before, Shiro suggests it as a seat. "You can sit right there on that couch if you would like."

Opposite of that side of the room, Shiro takes a seat onto a lone cushioned recliner that is too broken to actually recline.

"If I could know the details of this program, I would be happy to participate. Is it for some sort of medical progress?" Shiro comments, sitting back into his seat. Not having any knowledge on Tomoya's connections to the medical field or medical ninjutsu, Shiro takes this opportunity of talk to obtain more information on him. "Is this an independent experiment or do you have more coworkers? Also, how many other ninja in the village have you selected?"

Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
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Living Clones : Isamu
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P) Empty Re: Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P)

Wed May 25, 2016 2:55 pm
"Thank you." Sitting on the coach Tomoya listened as Taiyo explained to him that he of course wanted to know the details of the program but he was definitely interested. He also wanted to know who was involved in the experiment beyond simply Tomoya and himself.

"It's not exactly a medical procedure, however the Hoshikage himself lent me his knowledge of medical ninjutsu when I first began this experiment. He's the only one who has assisted me other than a few volunteers who helped ensure that the procedure would be both successful and safe." Tomoya would pause for a moment after saying this to collect his thoughts, trying tothink of how to best explain the procedure to Taiyo.

"What the procedure will do is... it'll infuse use with some of the Hoshikage's power. Or rather... give you access to a power I've only seen him use. There's this... energy.. it's everywhere and when its combined with chakra there are amazing results. I don't know to much about it but the Hoshikage helped me figure out what sort of affects it could have on a persons body. With my fuinjutsu I can now make a mark that will gather that energy and release it into a persons body, enhancing their abilities far beyond what they normally could accomplish." At first tomoya seemed a bit uncertain, as he was talking about a concept that was still somewhat unfamiliar to him. Den had tried to explain Sage Mode to him a few times but Tomoya still was struggling with the concept of Nature Energy even though his new technique employed it.
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Summoning Contract : Salamanders of Rain Country
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Ryo : 10650

Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P) Empty Re: Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P)

Wed May 25, 2016 3:05 pm
"Well, if the Hoshikage approves, then the procedure must be safe." Shiro thinks, listening to the jounin as he explains the details. "And it sounds beneficial. It sounds like it will give me advantages in battle."

"I can accept." He responds, standing from the recliner. "What is it that you need me to do exactly? Also, if you have the information, I would like to know which of my aspects it will enhance. That way, I can know how to modify my training to better master this new power."

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Missing-Nin (A-rank)
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Living Clones : Isamu
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P) Empty Re: Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P)

Thu May 26, 2016 7:22 pm
"The seal I'll be giving you would increase your strength and speed when used. I'll have to perform a ritual on you and afterwards the seal will be on your body. Make sure you only use it when you have to however, there aren't any permanent drawbacks but depending on how long you use it the seal can leave you weakened when you deactivate it." Tomoya would stand up a she finished the sentence, and would extend his hand outwards, hoping Taiyo would get out of his seat so the two could shake hands.

"Thank you for joining up with this program, I'm sure you'll be a perfect fit." Tooya woud smile as he waited for Taiyo to shake his hand.
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Summoning Contract : Salamanders of Rain Country
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Ryo : 10650

Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P) Empty Re: Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P)

Thu May 26, 2016 10:04 pm
Reaching out to shake Tomoya's hand, Shiro smiles and responds. "Of course, I'm happy to comply. And thank you for selecting me as a candidate for your program. I'm complemented that I've been noticed for my abilities."

His lets go of his hand and reaches for his left short sleeve with his right hand. "If I may suggest a location for the mark before we begin..." Rolling up the sleeve he places his hand onto the now bare left shoulder. "I would favor my left shoulder as a location for the seal. Can that be arranged?"

Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
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Living Clones : Isamu
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P) Empty Re: Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P)

Fri May 27, 2016 1:33 pm
Tomoya thought about simply putting the curse mark on Taiyo right then and there, as they shook hands. He doubted the Genin would appreciate that though, considering the mark would render him unconscious.

After they shook hands Taiyo showed Tomoya where he wished to be marked, on his left shoulder. "Yes I definitely can put the mark there. Now before I give it to you I'd like to test your combat prowess. I read Shina's report about your encounter with her but I'd like to see what you can do for myself so I can have a better idea how the mark effects you. We can do that now if you like or whenever you feel up to it, just let me know when and where you'd like to do it. I'll just want you to fight some shadow clones."
Satoru Nara
Satoru Nara
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Summoning Contract : Salamanders of Rain Country
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Ryo : 10650

Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P) Empty Re: Nothing suspicious happening here (NK/P)

Fri May 27, 2016 1:49 pm
His request is approved and everything is in order for Shiro to undergo this experiment. After Tomoya has concluded his suggestion and informed Shiro that a combat test would need to be run, he knows exactly where to hold such an examination.

"Some sparring? Sure, we can do that outside in front of this building." He turns and, assuming that the jounin will follow him, walks out opening the door as he leaves.

The sun is not too scorching today. The sky has few clouds and the temperature is mild. It being spring, the trees have blossoms on their branches giving the scene much more white and pink. In the sky, the petals of the flowers slowly fall and are blown by the wind. Each of the little petals can be picked out individually and the tall grass blows in the same wind.

"Now," Shiro begins, turnign towards Tomoya. "How many shadow clones are we talking about? The greater the number, the more fun this will be. And don't hold back, that would take away the thrill."

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