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Atem <3
Atem <3
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Chuunin Mission Part II [NK] Empty Chuunin Mission Part II [NK]

Mon May 09, 2016 6:24 pm
It was finally the day, it was show time for Atem and he felt better than he had in the past few weeks. It wasn’t that he was feeling bad, but now he was at the peak of his condition feeling as though no one could stop him, but that would be foretold today as he had a chunin battle to attend at the beautiful dueling stadium. It is a circular stadium where the inner ring consist of a 50 meter diameter where the contestants fight it out hoping to prove their usefulness to the higher ups. “Ah, how refreshing. Combat is something I haven’t seen in quite some time, I don’t feel as though I am rusty, but a slight nervousness has cradled my stomach giving it the feeling I have now.” Atem said as he began to walk out of his door with all of his ninja items prepared, even his two weapons around his hips. When he stepped out of the house the sun was blazing, it felt good against his pale skin and squinted eyes. Everything for some strange reason felt good, “The day was going to be very good.” Atem thought to himself as he began to walk to the City Square where the dueling stadium was. Once there he would see a gigantic stadium that had Hoshi’s massive symbol smack in the middle to symbolize the importance of the building. On top of that, many people began to enter the stadium hoping to see some good fights and who would advance to the rank of chunin. Some were there to support their children and others were there for the sheer excitement that this event brought.

Atem stepping in the stadium himself walked to the front desk that seemed to be for registration. He gave the nice young kunoichi his name and then took his number which was 13 along with him to the waiting area until his name was called. Upon entering the waiting area he could see there were many ninja that he had never seen before, he took his seat and awaited for his name and the name’s of his opponents to be called.
Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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Chuunin Mission Part II [NK] Empty Re: Chuunin Mission Part II [NK]

Mon May 09, 2016 7:05 pm
Lucien was glad that he had finally gotten his sword. With it now, he would attend that secondary section of his chuunin missions which he knew involved fighting people, thus he wanted to get his specific bladed weapon first. Lucien, getting ready, would talk to himself at a pretty low volume capable for normal ears however. "I wonder how a sword will fare in a competition where I can't kill anyone anyway. Guess I'll just have to act like it's kendo. That is, if I do well anyway. There's a fine possibility to fail given that I don't know many of the Genin around Hoshi and what talents they do and don't possess. All in all, today will be rather fun." Lucien nearly geared up by now in his house. He wielded his Galaken in his left sheath and his ninjato in his right sheath as a back up. 

Within a moments notice, he was already at the sign in area where he'd get his number and head to the waiting room. His number was 14. In the waiting room, Lucien would then go to sit down and speculate on his possible opponents. "Welp, from here I'll get to know when I'm next in line to battle. Spectating these preceding fights should be quite the event as well. But I'll keep the focus on performing to my max and keenly seeing through my opponent's tactics. After all, tactics tend to win the battle in the end." 
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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Chuunin Mission Part II [NK] Empty Re: Chuunin Mission Part II [NK]

Tue May 10, 2016 1:16 am
The large ring roared with applause as the first two combatants entered, ninja cheering in excitement that the spar to decide who would become a newly ranked chuunin would soon begin, however after several minutes the cheering would seem to die down with one clear reason. The third combatant, or more so the third team, considering the twins would as always battle together, was nowhere to be found. Now you may thing this an odd occurrence, specifically you dear reader who have not been following the story of our strange tiny terrors. See that, I used alliteration. I'm so clever. Aaaannnyywaaaayyy, for those who are more used to the method by which Ash and Rei operate, or any who've seen this situation before, You'll know that it is not at all out of character. Both twins woke early, as always, Ashareial and Reial sun were up early, Rei taking the time to meticulously check and clean all of her weaponry, and Ash well..... sewing. A bright new day means exciting new chances to show off cosplay for the young blonde, and this would be exactly the same. The time would seem to tick on with the two waiting, and then all at once the flood lights illuminating the battle area would go out, the lighting in the area not making it dificult to see, but the lack of harsh yellow flood lights beaming down making a clear distinction between what was before and what currently is.  

At this point you may be asking a few questions. First, already having figured out that this had something to do with the twins, one would ask "but third person omniscient narrator, how did they tap into the hoshikagure power grid, and why would they do such a thing simply to make an entrance?" Other questions may include "What even is going on?" or, "Is this really even happening?". These questions are rediculous and unfortunately I don't get paid to answer questions, however just for you, my dear dedicated reader, I will answer one. The simple answer to the first question is of course, they didn't. The floodlights set up to beam down at the center ring, preparing for their big entrance were, as always, owned by the sun twins, set up before daylight in preparation for this exciting performance. 

The shrill sound of an electric guitar rang out through stacked speakers that had been set up around the area, an ungodly expensive set up for what would be a few minutes of excitement. 

As the music began to increase in tempo, becoming more exciting with every moment a girl could be seen with long light pink hair, the tips dyed quite a bit darker as they set about her chest and across her back. Her battle outfit was....... These children really need adult supervision. To call the girl's outfit clothes would be the loosest definition of the word. Even calling it a bathing suit would be questionable, the neck line plunged down to her naval to reveal quie a bit of soft milky white skin as she rushed forward to the edge of the ring. THe black haired twin stopped, looking between her two opponents, suprisingly comfortable with the revealing outfit she currently wore, and taking slow methodical breaths as she stood, nodding to the other two. Then an uproar of applause happened. 
rei's outfit:

The second of the duo entered wearing a simple school uniform, Ash clearly crossplaying as the main character of the story created totally of her head, that for copyright reasons I cannot say the name of. (The narrator mubles for several moments, quickly disclaimering that they hold no ownership, and other important bits of information that he didn't really want to be understood, but that needed to be said) With practiced perfection the girl walked quickly to stop beside her sister, short brown hair with bangs that set just above her eyes. SHe wore a white button down shirt with black slacks and a jacket, and on the back of her hand could be seen a symbol that looked almost like a cross drawn in black marker. 
ash's outfit:

As the two entered the lights would seem to go wild, flashing multiple colors as the flood lights were shifted and turned to create quite the spectacle for the duo. Then, finally as they stood beside one another, the lights focused in on the two. "Shu.... Use me......" Rei would speak, holding out what would seem to be a string woven about her fingers to look similar to a bridge with a hole in the center just large enough for the other girl to fit her hand through. With a nod Ash reached forward, forming the hand seals just out of sight of the ground, hidden beneath the edge of her jacket to form the summoning jutsu, and as she pulled her hand backwards from within the string shape, an enormous sword would seem to appear in a puff of smoke. 

"Now. Whenever the proctors are ready I suppose we can begin." The flood lights turned off, drawing attention away from an important factor that could easily be missed at first. From above seven small figures would jump down, landing just behind the twins, five looking like teddy bears, one looking like the fabled character pinochio, and one... well looking like the pokemon meowth. Ash controled the two signature puppets of the twins, while reial controled the five teddy bear knights. Each puppet was equiped with a single kunai and a single shuriken, one held in each hand. Turning to face her team she handed one of the teddy bear knights the sword, smiling. 

"THAT WAS AWESOME!!!! DID YOU EVEN SEE THAT INTRO?! IT. WAS. SO COOOOOOOL. WE'RE THE BEST EEEVVVEEEEEERRRRRRRR. Sorry. We're ready when you guys are." Ash jumped about as she spoke, a tap on her shoulder claming her. The twins would be about twenty meters from the closest ally, and the puppets about two meters behind them. 

Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Chuunin Mission Part II [NK] Empty Re: Chuunin Mission Part II [NK]

Tue May 10, 2016 8:33 am
Another hot day as the sun shone down upon the Hoshigakure arena where young genin would compete to move on to their next mission. These missions had been set up neigh a year ago and this was the first this particular village elder had seen carried out. These kids must be made of sterner stuff than the rest.

Shina, the village jounin stood inconspiciously beside the elder, guarding him as much as judging the kids about to begin. To pass this stage the candidates would need to show both ninja skills as well as Hoshi values. Shina was here for the first, a member of the royal family for the second.

The gong sounded when all four individuals had taken their place, calling them forth to the arena. Markers were set 20 meters apart for each genin to assume position on with the full circumference of the ring being 100 meters.

"Ready," a clear voice boomed to thousands of cheers. "And may the odds be ever on your favour. Begin!"
Atem <3
Atem <3
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Chuunin Mission Part II [NK] Empty Re: Chuunin Mission Part II [NK]

Tue May 10, 2016 7:13 pm
Atem stepping in the stadium himself walked to the front desk that seemed to be for registration. He gave the nice young kunoichi his name and then took his number which was 13 along with him to the waiting area until his name was called. Upon entering the waiting area he could see there were many ninja that he had never seen before, he took his seat and awaited for his name and the name’s of his opponents to be called.

Hearing his name and the other’s he was shocked, he would be fighting his friend Lucien and a female? And a male? It made no sense to him that there were four people fighting when they were supposed to be three. The only thing he could assume was that the two people fighting were linked together in some way and inseparable. Atem then walked out of the door and into a corridor that seemed long and unwinding, finally reaching the door that led to the outside of the arena the sun would immediately beam into his eyes causing him to squint and place his right hand over his forehead. With that he could also hear the roaring of the crowd as if this were some sort of coliseum fight to the death; humans always had a interests in seeing fights that were important.
"It’s in their nature. Atem said to himself not including him with the masses.

Soon, he looked at the other two contestants who would appear, Atem didn’t even look in the direction of Lucien as he knew what he looked like. He was more interested in the two contestants that seemed to be twins. “Ah, I see.” Atem said to himself with a grin. The one on the left was a female who wore a red latex-looking outfit that had flowers of different colors on the side close to her hips and the boy looked as though he was some sort of private academy student who wore a suit and lose tie seeming to be navy blue in color. As he tried to analyze them further flood lights would begin to shine in various colors making it hard to see them, “How, exasperating.” Atem thought to himself as he gave up on looking at any of their details. From what he gathered, they looked pretty agile, but not very strong. Looks could be deceiving though, as a wise detective once said, “'It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data…”.

For what seemed like an eternity the match was finally about to start, in a fair comprehensible voice “Ready” rang out through the stadium as if it were a gunshot. “And may the odds be ever in your favor. Begin!

Seeing as though Atem was 20 meters away from both of his opponents he would grab a smoke bomb from his ninja pouch at the speed of 57 using his right hand and then immediately throwing it down in front of him at the speed 57 to disperse a dark cloud of smoke that made him invisible to the eye as the smoke dispersed 10 meters at 50 speed. Once in the smoke Atem would use the three hand seals for the Clone Jutsu, Ram → Snake → Tiger, immediately after doing the hand seals two clones would appear beside him mirroring his movements. Running out at the speed of 28 right before getting through the thick of the smoke meaning he would be around 11 meters from his opponents he would throw two shurikens(with his right hand) on top of each other making it seem as though they were one at the male twin seeing how he would react. Atem through this kunai with at the speed of 83 just to see how fast these twins really were, it was aimed at the boy’s chest.

After emerging from the smoke with his shurikens well ahead he would then turn to Lucien to see if he had made any moves, if he had he would grab the both of his sickles with his clones doing the same and run towards him at the speed of 28 to begin the fight. As for the twins he would be very careful as to hear any steps, the slicing of air, or sounds of deflected shurikens. This would be his first move.

[-5AP, -10AP = 227AP]
Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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Chuunin Mission Part II [NK] Empty Re: Chuunin Mission Part II [NK]

Tue May 10, 2016 8:21 pm
[Just gonna set up this battle diagram here.] 

Lucien walked onto his position for the start of the match and could easily identify his two opponents. "Hmm... Looks like I've got Atem on my left. As expected, I knew he wouldn't miss this nor be in the crowd. Over there... two ninjas? I thought this was 3 FFA, hmm whatever, just another variable I suppose. That being said, I won't be letting my guard down however." Lucien thought to himself.

With a loud shouting of "Ready" along with "And may the odds be ever in your favor. Begin!" The match had started. 

Before the match had started, Lucien was already in a battle stance that was a semi-squat with both hands to either side as if he were playing defensive in a sport. 

As the match started, Lucien used his near perfect peripheral vision to keep a good watch on Atem as well as the two, what looked be twins of some sort. The twins currently were to his right and forward with a fair 20 meters between him and them. There was also 20 meters between himself and Atem. Out of the peripheral vision of the left eye, Lucien saw Atem grab and throw a smoke bomb directly down. While keeping an eye on both of them, Lucien would ready his sword. Grabbing both at 50 speed with no wasted movement, Lucien would grab his Galaken from his left sheath with his right hand and bring it to his right at a 45 degree angle forward also at 50 speed.
The Galaken was near mid-section of his chest. 

By this time, Atem had successfully thrown his smoke bomb as the smoke engulfed 10 meters outward. 

"Smoke heh? Nice intro I suppose. He already knows my capabilities thus I don't expect him to attack me first but I will allocate attention there nevertheless." 

Lucien could easily detect the fact that near Atem's position, new metal smells were entering the air specifically that of standard Kunais and Shuriken. "Hmm. I suppose he's perplexed by having two fighters as well. I presume he'll attempt to engage them from a distance with those because otherwise, he would have just wielded his primary weapons had he wanted close range combat. And obviously, he'd follow up with a ranged attack if he used the smoke bomb specifically within the area of himself." Lucien thought to himself.

Lucien would turn to his left and fake focusing only on Atem, granted he could sense the surrounding area,up and down, left and right etc, for any sounds or new smells or smells of even sweat if the twins had any adrenaline, he would purposely appear to not be paying attention baiting in an attack. This turn was done at 50 speed. 

Using his vision, Lucien could still see near perfectly directly to his right and left so all of them were technically still in view. The smoke however covered Atem until Lucien could make him out just barely as he flew out of the smoke and looked at Lucien from 21 meters away. "Heh, Let's see how these twins will react. I'm quite intrigued." Lucien thought to himself.

Last edited by Lucien Chasseur on Wed May 11, 2016 7:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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Chuunin Mission Part II [NK] Empty Re: Chuunin Mission Part II [NK]

Wed May 11, 2016 1:48 am
The call to begin was given, and the twins got strait to work. Meowth rushed forward towards the first boy at a speed of ninety, though his attack was thwarted quickly. The small long nosed puppet skidded to a stop just as the boy drew something from his pouch. As he released the smoke bomb, attempting to remove their ability to see their opponent the puppet acted in kind, invisible strings shifting the puppets movements only slightly. A panel in it's chest opened up, firing ten senbon at the boy as smoke began to pour across the battle field, peppering a ten meter area, the weapons activation hidden behind the smoke obscuring his vision to ensure he would have little to no ability to notice. Unfortunately due to his small stature and the distance only two would be able to hit, one each aimed at each of the boy's shoulders, a non lethal blow well calculated and moving at a speed of one hundred and thirty three(unless this breaks reaction time at which point they'll go at the highest speed atem can see) 

At the same time the teddy bear knights would move forward, fueled by Ash. as they moved to engage the second boy each would release the shuuriken in their hand, aimed in a similar cone to the attack attacking Atem. Just as before the spread would be mostly a warm up, testing their reflexes with only two of the weapons actually aimed to make contact with the boy, one each on his shoulders. the Hidden threads  of both girls held tightly to the weapons as they flew, both from the senbon fired at Atem and the shuuriken fired at lucien, impossible for the two to see unless they have the chakra sensory skill, allowing them to make a second attack in the event the two dodged the first. These, unfortunately would be a bit more powerful then the ones sent at atem, moving at a speed of one hundred and fourty six(once more unless this breaks reaction time at which point they come at the highest speed you can see) 

Meanwhile the teddy bear knight puppets, controlled currently by Ash, though more invisible strings were attached to each of them by her sister in the event they needed to swap control, began to circle the battle field, coming completely around the smoke to finally rush in from behind, entering the fray from behind where Atem was once standing. 

Atem would meet a small puppet standing about five meters from the edge of the smoke, between his masters and the boy, the puppets head cocking to the side assuming he dodged the attack and continued to throw the weapons. here, Rei would come in, watching the weapon and releasing another set of invisible strings at the weapons coming towards them. Both twins dodged to the left, the strings catching the weapons coming onto them and latching on as they passed, and Atem's weapons would seem to spin around them before going towards whichever opponent was closest and undamaged. 

each of the five teddy bear puppets would have 10 strings from each of the twins connected to them, the dominant twin controling them with 2 and the other eight simply waiting to be used. Pinochio and Meowth would each have twenty strings each, one each on each senbon and the rest waiting to be needed, meaning each of the weapons coming at either opponent would have a string each from each of the twins to ensure the most useful to shift the direction of the weaponry would be able to control them. 

Atem <3
Atem <3
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Chuunin Mission Part II [NK] Empty Re: Chuunin Mission Part II [NK]

Wed May 11, 2016 3:04 pm
Atem noticed as he reached to the back of his ninja pouch for his smoke bomb that the cat-eared was about to rush the boy, the speed at which it had moved amazed Atem as he was not expecting anything of the sort. At this point he realized that the only way to defend against these puppets was to enhance his own abilities, his adrenaline began to pump through his body overloading it. At this moment he felt no fear, but all of his body moved at a faster speed. Knowing nothing of puppets Atem would speculate everything looking deep within the puppet to understand how it moved and worked. Although he didn’t know it was connected by strings he could see that it had slits where the chest area was, these slits indicated that the puppet was able to open up its chest, but for what? If a puppet were to open its chest it would be letting something out and in the ninja world that is very valuable, especially if whatever was let out came out at an alarming rate. The only possible deduction from this is that it let out projectiles, maybe bombs, or kunai. Seeing as though he wasn’t one to theorize in battle he went either all or nothing for this thought. Also, seeing as though the puppet stopped at a range it would have to be skilled at mid to long range battle. 

Atem would not stop the first step to his plan, but he soon realized that if projectiles poured into the smoke he would have to rely on his hearing to detect them which could be pretty risky. As he through the smoke down at the speed of 67 the smoke would fill the 10 meter diameter at the speed of 50. Fully aware of a ranged attack Atem would immediately after clap his hands together at the speed of 67 to push a strong gust of wind with the power and speed of 30 that ranged at 180 degrees and 5 meters from his position deflecting any ranged projectiles that came his way. Along with the wind, the smoke would be pushed in that direction as well making it hard to tell a wind attack is coming. But, Atem was also well aware that this could be used against him as he was concealing his opponents. He backed away at the speed of 33 around 5 meters making sure all his steps were careful and considerate causing him to be more balanced than ever. At the same time as he backed away he grabbed two shurikens out of his bag with his left hand at the speed of 67 making no unnecessary movements as he immediately threw the kunai at the speed of 67. They traveled at the speed of 93 until it was caught by the gale that Atem had previously made and boosted it to the speed of 123. It was headed for wear he last seen the puppet aiming for the chest where he seen the slits seeing if he deduction was true. Knowing his right side was still covered he knew Lucien couldn’t see or the new place he had moved. Atem is now 5 meters from getting out of the smoke behind him and in front of him a 4 meter part of the arena is visible from diagonal proportions.

Lucien Chasseur
Lucien Chasseur
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Chuunin Mission Part II [NK] Empty Re: Chuunin Mission Part II [NK]

Wed May 11, 2016 9:22 pm
[Lmao, dropped these puppets out automatically like this shiz was pokemon.]

Lucien would watch as he drew his Galaken at the speed of 60 from his left side to his right at the start of the match. Within his vision, he saw both his opponents, Atem, got ready to throw a smoke bomb. Lucien saw all the puppets on the 2nd opponent's side before the match even started. It was obvious they had little health and also chests that could open and fire what seemed to be senbon like formed metals among other things. 

This was all done by some simple deduction moments before the match started. 

Mentally, before the battle had even started, Lucien analyzed the lineup. There were two twins in the center. Boy on right, Girl on left. A cat like puppet to left from the left twin. A cartoon character seeming puppet on the right side of the boy. The twins had 2 meters between them both. Each of the two puppets had 2 meters between their closest twin as well. 1 Meter in front of the twins were 5 equally distanced teddy-bear looking things. Realizing he was also up against a puppet user, Lucien would pay close attention to them and all their puppets. 

[Back into current time]
As the battle would start, Lucien saw the cat puppet rush at Atem. In the exact same time, Atem would grab for his smoke bomb. As the smoke nearly began covering 10 meters from Atem, the puppet opened its chest and fired senbon at Atem. This confirmed what Lucien had suspected before because the smell no longer seemed to be originating from within the chest of the puppet. He then knew that the puppets used senbon from the chest to attack. 
The cat puppet, upon firing, was some 12 meters from Atem and out of the smoke radius. Lucien could hear a very faint clap sound come from within the smoke as the smoke poured outward. By deduction, Lucien was able to assume he used his Gale Palm to counter the projectiles. He'd still be pretty low to the ground as well. Lucien saw the size of the smoke extend forward, thus reinforcing his assumption that a wind-based counter was launched because it would also send the smoke moving forward. Lucien would then notice the adding of 2 metal pieces from Atem, these were moving scents and essentially meant they were thrown, likely forward in his mind. 

Lucien, now effectively, would grab a kunai with an explosive tag attached with another finger mid-motion, using his left hand at the speed 60 from his left weapon pouch. Lucien would then throw the explosive tag kunai from 20 meters toward the center of the 5 Teddy bear things at 95 speed in such a way that it would explode 1 meter above the Twin's height. 

Lucien was then on standby, waiting to see if anything occurred, ready to move at his top speed if needed. The battle had just begun. 

272 AP - 5 AP = 267 AP
- 5 AP for focusing too hard
Ash & Rei Sun
Ash & Rei Sun
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Chuunin Mission Part II [NK] Empty Re: Chuunin Mission Part II [NK]

Thu May 12, 2016 5:19 pm
One out of two, the twins thought in unison as lucien was taking out of the battle, though he wouldn't reailze it right away. Due to not interacting with the barage of shuuriken aimed at him in any way the boy would be clipped twice, once in each shoulder by the weapons which dug into his skin. The rest of course would land a short distance behind him as the twins reacted to the rest of the situation. Feeling their chakra strings shifted in odd directions the twins knew that something had happened to send their weapons off course, and with a shift in their hands opposite directions the weapons aimed at both boys who'd not already hit would be pulled taunt to fall down, those aimed at atem landing harmlessly around him and those aimed at lucien falling harmlessly about one meter behind. 

With the smoke obscuring sight each group knew better then to stay still, the attack thrown by lucien was countered by the shuuriken that would take away use of his arms, or at least ensure they had little strength to throw weapons, hitting just before he could throw the exploding kunai thanks to the magic of time line. The five teddy bear puppets continued to circle, two going around the opponents on the left as three went around on the right. Pinochio and meowth moved backwards once more, the attack of atem missing solely by happenstance, as the target was not where the boy would remember. Now all that was left was to finish this. Another stream of weapons came flying into the smoke, peppering the entire area hidden from their view with three shuuriken and two kunai thrown by meowth and two shuuriken and two kunai thrown by Pinochio, though only one of the weapons would actually have made it on the correct path to hit their target because of the inability to see it. A single shuuriken flew true aimed at the boy's chest center mass while the rest would simply fly around him all moving at a speed of one hundred and thirty. 

As this happened the teddy bear knight puppets moving at a speed of one hundred and ten would finally have finished their movement to get behind the pair, simply continuing to circle the opponents, their formation closing in to make a smaller area then before around the two. 

This left the current field status drastically different then before. The teddy bear knights would be behind the enemies, with Ash and rei having moved about five meters more toward lucians side of the battlefield and the puppets following suit to be two meters ahead in the same area. were luciens attack to some how have still gone off with the shuuriken he forgot to respond to not stopping him his exploding kunai would meet open air as the description of where he threw it was impossible, making towards the teddy bear puppets while one meter above the twins be a large 30m wide area where nothing was. Likewise Atem's ranged attack was easily thwarted by simple movement, the puppets getting out of the area to shift the battle ten meters or so to the right as the teddy bear knight puppets continued to circle like sharks.
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