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Kyoto Ametsuchi
Kyoto Ametsuchi
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Library Shenanigans (P,NK,Ashie) - Page 2 Empty Re: Library Shenanigans (P,NK,Ashie)

Wed Feb 10, 2016 5:18 pm
As Kyoto waited for the girl, Ashie to respond the snow in the air would begin to fall a little faster causing the ground to become covered with more snow. "I'm telling you and other's my story because I don't want people to continue fearing my family anymore. I don't want to lose another uncle or worse my father because people cannot understand that even God-like shinobi can love, can protect. Just as my uncles did for Konoha. My brother who has gotten the worst of the disgust of the village because of our combined bloodlines, my father and mother who are wracked with grief, need a light in this dark like many others. I will become such. I will be a pillar of strength, for both humans and my family." said Ashie catching Kyoto off guard. The little girl seemed like she had so much sadness within her life. So much pain that would either turn into the Will of Fire or the Curse of Uchiha. She would smile down at the little girl and say "Come on Ashie, let's go spar or something. It'll help take your mind off of things."
Ashie Uchiha
Ashie Uchiha
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Library Shenanigans (P,NK,Ashie) - Page 2 Empty Re: Library Shenanigans (P,NK,Ashie)

Thu Feb 11, 2016 2:21 pm
Ashie's eyes widened for a moment. S-spar? Ashie has only ever sparred against her brother, who was always ten steps ahead of her in terms of strength, speed...just about everything. Against a genin though, she would have to hold back, she didn't want to harm her. That was the difference between Ashei and Samuru was that her brother sparred he did it to make sure they knew he was the alpha, but Ashie? Ashie fought to better both herself and her opponent. She walked into the training grounds hoping Kyoto would follow. Ashie stood in front of the tree that had a pad tied against the trunk. She smiled remembering putting that up so she could practice striking. This is where she turned facing Kyoto if she had followed behind her, "I do not wish to harm you today, lets just say...hand to hand combat? No weapons no jutsu?" She questioned, she may have been small, but Ashie knew if she had used gentle fist against her it would hurt.

Ashie reached into her pocket and pulled out a small black hair tie, she'd turn her back to Kyoto as Ashie used the reflection in a puddle by her feet to tie back her hair, only her bangs remained to frame her face. She looked like her father, she tsked at her reflection as she now faced Kyoto, her eyes activate, not at full power though, all Kyoto could see now, was silver stain her normally pink eyes and three black tomoes surrounding her constricted pupils. This was the power of Viper's heirs, the power of the Masutaai.
Kyoto Ametsuchi
Kyoto Ametsuchi
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Library Shenanigans (P,NK,Ashie) - Page 2 Empty Re: Library Shenanigans (P,NK,Ashie)

Thu Feb 11, 2016 4:07 pm
Ashie would look surprised at Kyoto at the mention of a spar. Kyoto nearly thought that she had scared the small. Ashie would turn and walk inside the training grounds causing Kyoto to follow her merely 3 meters behind her so she wouldn't step on Ashie's heel and end up breaking her ankle or something along the lines of that. The girl would continue to walk, before un-knowlingly stop in front of a tree that had a pad like thing tied around it. Upon further examination Kyoto would see that the pad had stab marks in it as if someone went on a rampage, though after looking at the tree itself she would see that the tree also had marks on it meaning that this pad was used for throwing projectile training.  "I do not wish to harm you today, lets just say...hand to hand combat? No weapons no jutsu?" said Ashie causing Kyoto's eyes to widen at what she said. Her voice, it sounded more mature? As if she had years of training. Kyoto knew that age was not a difference in battle but the way she spoke seemed as if she could kill Kyoto with one punch.

Kyoto would from as she sweatdropped "Ok, that isn't a problem not at all." but almost instantly after she would speak her words Ashie's eyes would turn to a silver color with three tomoe in them and her pupil in the middle of the tomoe. Kyoto knew those eyes, it was the Sharingan. But it didn't have it's regular scarlet color. Maybe this was the fusion of the Byakugan and the Sharingan? Kyoto would only stare at Ashie and not her eyes seeing as that was rude and would back up 2 meters leaving only 5 meters between the to."You get first move." Kyoto would say gently as she kept her hands to her sides.
Ashie Uchiha
Ashie Uchiha
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Library Shenanigans (P,NK,Ashie) - Page 2 Empty Re: Library Shenanigans (P,NK,Ashie)

Thu Feb 11, 2016 5:38 pm
As soon as the girl had told Ashie that she was ready and that Ashie could have the first move, in her own mind she kind of felt scared for the girl in front of her, Ashie was going to still be moving at full speed and still going to be using her full strength to strike at her. But that armor was indeed going to be an issue, there was no way Ashie was going to strike hard enough to even have some sort of effect on that. "Alright, do your best!" She said with one last smile before her visage became serious, emotionless, blank.

She turned sideways leaned one leg forward and bent her knees holding her left hand in front of her palm facing her one palm up by her chest as she got into the stance of a hyuuga. She inhaled deeply before she release the air through her teeth jolting forward and by time Ashie got within a meter she was now moving at her full speed of 75, once she got within two feet of the girl she would thrust her left palm down at the girls right thigh using her full strength of 40.

Her next action is completely dependant of what kyoto does in response to her first attack, if she were to dodge Ashie wouldn't move forward, but if her strike were to land on her thigh the blow would almost be crippling, it would indeed be enough force to push her leg back making the girl fall or loose her balance.
Kyoto Ametsuchi
Kyoto Ametsuchi
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Library Shenanigans (P,NK,Ashie) - Page 2 Empty Re: Library Shenanigans (P,NK,Ashie)

Thu Feb 11, 2016 6:29 pm
"Alright, do your best!" said Ashie with a smile causing something to burst in the pit of Kyoto's stomach. It felt like something was tugging her gut, a frown appeared on her face. Ashie had gotten into some sort of position as her palms were extended towards Kyoto, when Kyoto was about to ask the name of the stance Ashie would shoot forward. Kyoto almost unable to see her, but as Ashie ran she saw what the small girl was aiming for. Her thigh, her right one to be exact. Now what Ashie didn't know was that her skirt was also armor even though it did not look like it. She would smirk as the girl got close to her, her palm connecting to the skirt, though before the palm even got close to touching her skirt she would begin thinking that she should thrust her right fist down donkey kong style to bash Ashie's head in, but would only allow the girl to hit her skirt sure that the girl would probably feel the pain later on from hitting something so tuff.

After the hit would land Kyoto did not feel anything whatsoever and would quickly raise her left knee aiming it for the chin of the young girl at her maximum speed. Kyoto knew that her max speed was not much but if her hit landed the small girl would feel the blow of a dryer hitting her.
Ashie Uchiha
Ashie Uchiha
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Library Shenanigans (P,NK,Ashie) - Page 2 Empty Re: Library Shenanigans (P,NK,Ashie)

Fri Feb 12, 2016 1:29 am
With Ashie's eyes she was a great goddess in this exact moment, but her lack of knowledge still illuded her. As her opponents armor seemed to have flatted her strike she gasped as her eyes saw the muscles of her right leg constrict to bring her knee up to her chin, but Ashie could see the movement from a mile away, it was a very basic manuver.

She grunted as she flipped back wards about a meter before landing on her feet and sliding her left leg out again holding her stance. "There is no name to this stance, for it has been used for all of the Hyuuga's history." She gave a small smirk, "Looks can be deceiving, I didn't know that your skirt was made out of such a defensive material." Ashie knew it wasn't going to be easy to beat her with that armor with simple hand to hand combat. From the looks of it her boots were made out of the same thing, Ashie would have to aim for the places which her armor, skirt and boots did not cover. That left very little spots as such, the Head, common point of knock out. Her knees were another possibility, but Ashie would have to be careful a knock to her head might hurt a bit.

Ashie left a good couple of seconds for them to grasp the situation, the girl must have common sense, that if Ashie couldn't hit the skirt, than she'd have to go for the 'jugular' so to speak. With that Ashie jolted forward again but as soon as she came within hitting range she would shift left, running circles around the girl, soon enough the small ninja should become a blur with her boots of kagura becoming active, topping her speed at a 95 as she built momentum unless stopped. If Ashie isn't stopped she would poise herself at the back of the girl and jump but she didn't want to land a fierce blow.

So Ashie decided to pull what she calls, 'A Samuru'. She would prep her Air walking technique as she jumped and she would walk on the air as if they were stairs down to Kyoto's head before she bent down to gently thrust her pointer finger forward to poke the top of Kyoto's head. "Hit!" She spoke out almost giggling. No wonder why Samuru did this, it was fun!
Kyoto Ametsuchi
Kyoto Ametsuchi
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Library Shenanigans (P,NK,Ashie) - Page 2 Empty Re: Library Shenanigans (P,NK,Ashie)

Fri Feb 12, 2016 8:17 am
(You probably wanna update that air walk, also jumping is not recommended now a days since people can control your momentum however they feel. But I'll let it slide cause I am a newb :tongue:)

   Kyoto would slowly smirk upon seeing that Ashie would gasp upon her handing hitting the skirt that put a veil between her thigh and Ashie's palm. As Kyoto's knee was moving upward to hit Ashie the little girl would give a grunt as she hit a back flip that took her roughly one meter away from Kyoto. Kyoto would have ran to the girl and begin to attack her, but she knew that the girl had more battle knowledge and would probably even hurt Kyoto if she landed a good hit. The girl upon landing from her flip would go back into her previous stance as she would say "There is no name to this stance, for it has been used for all of the Hyuuga's history. Looks can be deceiving, I didn't know that your skirt was made out of such a defensive material." giving a small smirk to Kyoto. Upon the girl saying it was a stance of the Hyuuga she would begin to think whether if it was one of those chakra network attacking things.

The girl seemed to be thinking hard before she shot forward coming a few feet in front of Kyoto then shifting her position running circles around Kyoto as if she was taunting he. By how fast the small girl was moving she would doubt that she would land a successful hit on her causing her to just stand there. She would see the girl jump but did not see her anymore. Kyoto then felt something touch her head. As well as a giggle causing her to turn around seeing a floating Ashie in the air. She would have asked Ashie how she did that but chose not to seeing as this was the ninja world. Kyoto would let out a sigh of relief as she would say "Ok, I have to admit you are pretty strong. I give up, you win." though, she was sure that this was not even the full power of the young child
Ashie Uchiha
Ashie Uchiha
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Library Shenanigans (P,NK,Ashie) - Page 2 Empty Re: Library Shenanigans (P,NK,Ashie)

Wed Mar 02, 2016 1:32 pm
Ashie upon hearing Kyoto throw in the white flag, would begin walking down off the air until she stood calmly on the dirt, she looked up at Kyoto smiling, "No, you win out of default silly, we did agreed, only hand to hand. I used a technique." Ashie frowned as she looked at the growned, she still had so much more to learn, she needed to get stronger. If she had punched that armor she'd be out of training or any missions for awhile.

She put on her best smile, she didn't want people to feel inferior, specially when there is so much potential within these shinobi. With her smile she spoke as she stood behind Kyoto, "Keep practicing, and stay Determined. I hope I will see you again soon. Thank you...Kyoto." Those were the last words Kyoto would hear before Ashie focuses her chakra into her slepnir, vanishing in a crimson light, and if Kyoto were to turn around its as if Ashie wasn't even there.

(Ashie exits unless she is stopped.)
Kyoto Ametsuchi
Kyoto Ametsuchi
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Library Shenanigans (P,NK,Ashie) - Page 2 Empty Re: Library Shenanigans (P,NK,Ashie)

Fri Mar 11, 2016 3:03 pm
Kyoto would nod accepting what her "cousin" had just told her as she would turn away and begin walking to the exits of the training grounds. Heading back to the library to read up on some more things involving weapons. But as she walked she would not forget what her cousin had said about her unique bloodline.

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Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Library Shenanigans (P,NK,Ashie) - Page 2 Empty Re: Library Shenanigans (P,NK,Ashie)

Fri Mar 11, 2016 3:12 pm
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