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Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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Causal Watching [p,nk,Gary] - Page 2 Empty Re: Causal Watching [p,nk,Gary]

Tue Feb 09, 2016 7:55 am
Lucian nodded understandingly at Kozai's response. The boy did not his response as an affront or an evasion. Rather he took it at face value. Being alive was a good thing. One could not complain about their place in life if they yet lived. After all, if you are alive and unhappy you have the power to change you situation. Such was a philosophy held near and dear to the Nazar clan. Self-betterment was at the core of their beliefs and was one of the reasons the genin found himself in Hoshigakure currently.

"We all face our own trials," Lucian replied. "One day you will be able to live without killing."

A slight pause here as Lucian considered his next words carefully. Sounding too preachy often put people off. Wouldn't want that, right?

"There are many paths to enlightenment. I am sure you will find your own way no matter how many switchbacks and dead ends you may encounter."

Another pause, longer than the last.

"Before, why did you attack me?"

The question was not hostile. Rather Lucian's tone was genuinely curious.  He wanted to know what made this librarian tick just as much as the librarian wanted to know how he ticked. Of course, they were both looking for different things. The librarian searched in the realm of the physical and Lucian in the realm of the spiritual. Amazing how curiosity manifested in different people.

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Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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Causal Watching [p,nk,Gary] - Page 2 Empty Re: Causal Watching [p,nk,Gary]

Wed Feb 10, 2016 1:19 pm
Forming a thin smile in response to the librarian's ambiguous 'hm', Lucian nodded ever so slightly. Well, it was more like a slight bow of the head than a nod. It did not matter what the man across from him believed. What did matter was the fact that he did not openly rebuff the Nazar's opinion. For Lucian, that was enough. To him it meant either the man wished to avoid conflict or that he agreed with him. Both were acceptable paths to take.

Even the most stubborn man cannot keep himself from seeing the rising sun.

The saying of one of his old masters came back to him now. It did not make much sense to the boy then nor did it now. However, he felt that maybe, just maybe, he could see some merit behind it. Go figure, listening in class actually helps you, kids.

"Everything has tremendous potential if given time," Lucian quoted from his studies. "You did not need to attack me, however. I would have consented to a scan, as you call it, if it would have prevented senseless violence."

That explains the odd tug.

"Plus, you needlessly terrorized my fellow genin. You should know that could have caused a riot in this village."

Another pause. Lucain was not bluffing about the riot. It was a very real possibility in Hoshigakure. A large part of the civilian population regarded shinobi as one might consider a malevolent spirit; they were things to be feared and driven out from the village. Shinobi, as the villagers said, corrupted all they touched with death and brought destruction in their wake.

"They called you the librarian, why is that?" Lucian asked with the same genuine curiosity as before. Lucian had honestly never heard of the man. Sure, he could assume why he had that name, but we all know what assumptions do, don't we?

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Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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Causal Watching [p,nk,Gary] - Page 2 Empty Re: Causal Watching [p,nk,Gary]

Thu Feb 11, 2016 4:45 pm
Lucian followed the man's finger with an appropriate twist of the head and rotation of the body. The village was littered with libraries maintained by varying religious sects. The Nazar had not taken time to visit the real library as, more often than not, the unofficial ones were much more interesting. Plus the people he met along the way made it even more worth it. Yes, he often had to hide his identity as as shinobi, but that did not bother him. Certainly being a shinobi was part of who Lucian was, but it was not so big a part that he felt guilt from hiding it. After all, his deception led to more personable encounters with the faithful and put less stress on them.

"Ah, makes sense," Lucian replied as he returned his gaze to the librarian and gave a knowing nod. "Well, you may call me Lucian Nazar."

Reverently dropping into a forty-five degree bow, Lucian hoped to express his good will as many people of Hoshigakure did upon meeting a new acquaintance.

"It is pleasant to meet you." Lucian said, rising from the bow. "Perhaps I will drop by some day. I'm embarrassed to say I have not set foot in their once during my time here."

More out of habit than embarrassment the could not help but absentmindedly scratch the back of his neck. Such was a action that would recieve a harsh reprimanding from an elder Nazar clansman back home. A Nazar was supposed be in constant control of both their body and mind.

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Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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Causal Watching [p,nk,Gary] - Page 2 Empty Re: Causal Watching [p,nk,Gary]

Sun Feb 14, 2016 3:12 am
Ah, perhaps the librarian was not from around here? Everyone in Hoshigakure was friendly and would often bow to each other. Well, unless they were merchants. Merchants had an odd custom in which they would make a deal by shaking hands. Or at least Lucian was pretty sure that was what is was called, shaking hands. Yes, shaking hands was a new custom to the boy.

Of course, the Nazar did not express any discomfort from the librarian's request. It was reasonable and Lucian could respect it. In fact, the only response that Lucian offered was looking over his shoulder at the spikes of ice that still stood in the ground.

"Yes, I suppose you are just a librarian," Lucian said turning his gaze back to the man and from the ice pillars that seemed to run contrary to such an assertion. "However, every person is deserving of respect no matter their station in life."

A slight pause as Lucian cast his gaze over the librarian's shoulders. There was a crowd gathering. The fleeing masses of would-be shinobi had attracted more than a few unwanted eyes. Lucian was pretty sure he saw more than a few religious acolytes in the swelling crowd. Curiosity often trumped fear as was proven by a few people staring in awe of the ice spears.

"Perhaps it would be best if we leave now. It appears we have attracted more attention than we should have."

Motioning to a back gate to the low wall surrounding the training area, Lucian would wait for the librarian to lead the way. The tinder was all here in the form of a veritable mob and Lucian did not much fancy sparking such a tinderbox. It would be better is there was no one to direct any violence at. Here in Hoshigakure shinobi were lower than citizens on the social scale and the Nazar boy was alright with that.

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Saladin Pendragon
Saladin Pendragon
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Causal Watching [p,nk,Gary] - Page 2 Empty Re: Causal Watching [p,nk,Gary]

Sun Feb 21, 2016 2:16 am
Jumping from rooftop to rooftop was an ill advised action in Hoshigakure. Certainly it may be permissible in most other villages, but not this one. Even the most wet behind the ears academy student knew this; Lucian picked it up quickly in talking to locals. The people of Hoshigakure were, one suspicious of shinobi and two quite religious. As a result of these two factors delinquent shinobi were looked down upon for stepping on other's roofs especially when said roofs could be the roofs of a chapel or shrine. It was very clear the librarian man did not know the village well at all.

Aren't librarians supposed to be smart?

"No," Lucian called ahead as he walked out the back gate to the foot of the building on which the Librarian stood. "People do not not much appreciate when others walk all over their property and disrespect their gods. However, you are more than welcome to walk with me on the streets."

Motioning to his side Lucian hoped the librarian could see reason. There was no reason to ferment riot in the streets. Perhaps it would be better for him to take the afternoon and educate the man about the land? Of course, that all depended on him actually accepting Lucian's well-meaning invitation.
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