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Advance fuin (training, open, nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Advance fuin (training, open, nk)

Wed Oct 28, 2015 4:34 am
Segri safe in nekus body sighed as Neku glared down at the boy. He felt the life of his brother was well in his hands as segris head  slumped behind him slept almost at peace. Glaring down at the boy Neku  clenched his fist a silent howl of rage surging through him . And yet he cried in agony and relief. He cried as silent tears fell down him as his resolve stood firm  As he vowed silently in his defeat to not be able to stop everything he had to face the reality that right there it wpuldve been game over for segri. Dispair in himself being the mind of the two as he was thankful the boy complied but then sat there in anguish as he hugged his brother close to him. 

His tears were like hot embers that soaked the grass as  he proceeded over towards the tree he sat in meditation as he  gazed at the boy yazu a frown came over his face as he considered on the next action to do. To release the seal required work and hence his actions spoke the same mercey was in the making for the only conscious twin as he thought to the boy and segir at that moment. 

He always rush forward because he's the fist while I'm the eye. And yet he was stopped by this boy. This boy wielding wires in his body. His wires daring to defile segri and could kill him just like I could tie the metal wires around his neck and hang him like game now... Life and death at the hand and blood begets blood as we look at this. Blood then we shall use blood to bind him to us and our will. He dares to make mockery to our game. And further beat me to the ground by threatening to tear the light in my life away. We as the twins of kiri stood side by side and yet he stands there smiling to our  names... I would kill him for threatening my brother! I should! But I can't!

Neku smashed his fist on the sand in rage as their combined chakra swelled up. He above all else should be locked in a cage yet here they were up him awake while the boy was out for awhile. This fact burned inside Neku as his brother was of more value then almost anything and with that he sat there next to the boy brooding over a way to punish him. And then it hit him. Over the head by the surprise that segri would agree to he hoped an knowing he required as much. Nekus eyes flared as he sat and gazed at the seal he placed on the boy. As cruel as it was this was to be a lesson to teach the boy as his actions thus were to date threaten family but also stand between the life and sanity of another. A lesson that kicking a down body would never teach. This boy was going to learn the lesson of life and humility as frowned upon the boy would be at the mercy of segris life. His very blood and as his brother rested Neku began to formulate a way to add an requirement on the seal he placed. One that required more then a mere breaking method. No this boy would learn that even in the world there's worst things then death. And further his liberty would become tied to segris own essence. Now not chakra but his own blood. The thought that such an inhumane thing done was but the best choice. And only choice.

Neku stared down at the boy as he kneeled down And rolled him over studying the seal further. It was truely a marvel as he closed his eyes and further shook his head. It had to be done and was necessary. They boy was to learn unless he had what it took to beg segris forgiveness he would become a lackey and a slave to his brothers will in nekus fury he  studied it further as he needed a moment to also collect himself for his next technique. The boy would guess that the seal was breakable but the look of despair on his face more then satisfied Neku as he would put the boy in the pits of dispar begging and pleading for solace. It was almost maddening as Neku shook with a sad and crazy laugher his eyes bloodshot as he stared at the boy before him. 

You almost took my world you wretched fiend. Would tear out his heart and dare threaten his life . Shall your fate and world be placed in his palm as he will become your savior and further become your master. You will address my brother your reason for living and that seal will become your brand in his name. You will seek to serve and die for him and as you come crawling back to him and me you will no longer have a name but what he chooses. The life of a servant for not being compliant. Now your at my mercy and I'll show no quarter!

Neku built his chakra up as he started at the boy through all the books his memory set on one Fujitsu that met his required idea to repay the life at his hands the boy yaju would serve him when he realises his plight at hand. And segri would own his soul. In the palm of his hands. A deep shaky breath escaped Neku as he glanced at the boy the sounds of the ocean long gone now as he silently stared at the boy soon to become branded to his brother as his next technique was to come as he allowed the boy to rest a few seconds before starting. Remembering the seals required to use this technique. 

He will not do this again to segri I promise on my brother as he rests now recovering he shall no longer be one who will become a threat to my world but an asset and an example to thoes who would dare cause harm to my family. Just you watch mother and father. We will survive and this boy will know he shall not escape this unscathed!

Neku thought as he knelt down next to the boy. The flickering of his technique boosting his speed fading away. Neku proceeded to check the boys pulse.


1,0081/2,000 for self releasing blood seal

+10 actions for doing nothing

Combined twins ap:125/300
Mako Mitsurugi
Mako Mitsurugi
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Advance fuin (training, open, nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Advance fuin (training, open, nk)

Fri Oct 30, 2015 10:10 am
Yazu lay on the sandy beach of the island country.  He did not understand the vents that led to his current situation.  Even though he was unconscious, it would appear that the unique seal's form of knockout allowed him conscious thought.  He pondered over the events that led up to this.  He simply went to investigate and used the natural formed mist as cover for his investigation, and would then be assaulted.  In this case Yazu's curiosity had put him in a difficult spot, and though using his Murderous Intent jutsu had helped him overcome the first attacker he had little capability against the second.

Yazu's mind reeled, and he could clearly feel the pain in his neck like a railroad spike being driven deep within his collarbone.  He despised it and despised the twins for placing it on him.  Hos anger welled but he refused to allow such trifling emotions prevent him from focusing on a solution to this predicament he was in. he had originally set out today to learn the swamp of the underworld jutsu but he realized that there were better things to learn in this situation and he would alter his sights and training to fit his current needs.   He thought about escape and how he would manage it, he had read several scrolls detailing how some people were able to alter the earth around them allowing them to escape from difficult situations.  He had been meaning to learn this as skillfl escapes were hard to come by.  He would find a chakra formula and try to form the hand signs in his mind around the jutsu he planned on learning and it would be a seamless transition.  He would have very little difficulty as it seemed when his earth chakra found the softness of the ground he could force it to behave in any way that he so chose.

Yazu would then figure out what he would do about these twins and how to deal with the psychopaths who he assumed were hovering around his still body.  They seemed to have a knack for seals, but Yazu had encountered several fuinjutsu users in his time and knew how to deal with them.  However he would need to convince them to remove the seal that now held his chakra for ransom.  Yazu knew that it would be a tricky situation but as long as he woke up, he always had an oppurtunity to escape.

Yazu regretted resorting to violence, and murder to try and extort his way out of a difficult situation, though not quite as much as he regretted not actually going for the kill, as he now laid powerless in front of this new enemy.  He considered his options and formulated a plan for when he came to.   It would all depended on what would Happen when he found himself before the body sharing twins once again.

It was then that he slowly started to drift into a black void and the consciousness that he had would be lost.  He would rise and be at the beck and call of these.........
twc 2832
2000/2000 toward Hiding Like A Mole
832 toward increased power mastery over temp paral

(If you wanna take two posts thats fine or we can speed up to the wake up either way if you kill me you kill me but I like my character and I like you so id like to find a peaceful solution.  Im not kyofu i don't go for cheap hearts.  I was simply in character.)
Segri & Neku Synui
Segri & Neku Synui
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Advance fuin (training, open, nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Advance fuin (training, open, nk)

Sat Oct 31, 2015 5:55 am
(I won't kill you man nk means nk and besides im not that mean lol)

Neku felt the boys pulse and nodded grimly as he felt it. He was at his mercy and yet it would make him scum if he were to crush the breath out the boys neck. Neku may have felt it was right to put the boy out of his misery and yet he nodded as he felt the boys pulse the last of his rampant rage had died out to relief and further now a strange feeling of resentment filled him. His game beaten and further a larger game comming up in the horizon as he stared at the oceanswaves crashing on the sand nearby. Neku glanced back at the boy as he considered another possibility that would further make things work a tad bit in his and nekus favor as the thought of another game came to mind. Yet this was no mere game to play with the boy. It was a lesson worthy of many tales. And further required the boy to make the choices. A Nasty game that many would shy from as it was in their duty to in the essence be the shadows of others but also play this widely known game known by many the be the famed game  that made a ninjas have their identity.

with merely this seal I make it so that he's unable to use his chakra fully. Yet it's in this that the game of deception is nessary to ensure his work within the world is a hinderance we don't need such a man to run amock and further be as shady as he is without repercussions. After all what he knows is that yes he's got a mark on him and further yes it can be removed but will it and how can it be moved? With this next technique I'll assure that he will stay under the unyielding hand of the five elements seal based on segri after all this boy makes it clear he's willing to take a life at a whim then we shall have some fun with him here under it and the seal necessary to make it go under the release statesment of segri. But I am also being fair here. An eye for an eye would work but this is far better. It's under our thumb and not our concern hence after. So it's in that way that to take a life is not the question but to make ones life hell a better choice? Even I falter at the thought of such a game and yet what's one to do at that point? We play the easy games but this boy obviously didn't want to play a bubble war. So how about the servant and master? Where ones destiny is bound to the fate of another. Now he won't die but as my hand is forced he can merely suffer till the condition is met or till he asks segri with humility in his heart to free him. After all who's better to ask then the one you have wronged? It's perfect and further as long as he is alive that is. So there we have it. I'll allow him to go about his way in peace and should he take the  way out and learn I'll be great as that move of his looked fun but there is no worry. The fact that death is An option is out of the question now. He shall live on another day. But this isn't a place for the schemers. This seal will assure that as fate has it he's in our grasp. I wonder what lays ahead of him with this seal? And it goes beyond our control as he may contain a powerful ability with thoes threads. But we will let him decide his direction perhaps a push from me will do it. As lest the fun of this marvelous game will become entertaining to thoes who watch the boy struggle. And turn his very weakness into a strength. Time to set the clock forward!

Neku's thoughts were vast as they were brooding yet his orange eyes glowed with the dimness of the dying sunlight as within the iris they held the boy like a jewel his reasoning set and preferences in the full picture as he turned the boy once again exposing the right side of his neck. A moment of hesitation proceeded as Neku reconfirmed his logic of his next actions before  a quick glance at the boy and his brother confirmed his theory and decision. Extending his left hand neku began to channel  chakra in his left hand as he kneeled over the boy sweat pouring down his brows as  he began to inscribe a new sealing formula on top of the five elements seal as he began to feel the drain of chakra on the combined reserves of the twins. well here goes the fun of the game. Neku thought to himself as he preformed (ram , horse) hand signs before a nice clap  taking a biting his lip a bit softly and slowly to draw a little bit of blood.

The taste of iorn as a  confirmation  And a slight indication for the after front technique as it was done. Neku lifted his right hand as he wippe a bit of blood of his right index finger kneeling and applying a slight smear of blood on the five element seal as a slight condition was to be met. The boy spat a little more on the boys seal and drew a tiny circle barely audible on the base of the seal as his chakra molded and did the rest. Mixing and molding the seal into and around the base of the five element seal.  The drying blood began to mold as it seeped into the seal With the assistance of the chakra Neku poured out into it. A slight reddening in coloring as the black seal lines of the five elements seal began to glow red a bit as Neku continued to pour chakra into the  seal a grim look on the boys face as he examined the seal With careful eyes overlooking the slightest details as he worked on the boy.

Where many would find crulity as the correct word for Neku's actions his rage now turned int a fierce look of an person on a mission setting the tricky seal to work was but a simple job. For one in the search to protect and lead when the brother was down was his duty the greater challenge came from the fact that his duty was and always to preserve the life of his brother. Further the boy lead to a destructive conclusion one which makes it that in the real battles there would be no second chances. As an act of mercy the boy when he would awaken would find himself awake after a few moments slumped against a tree as the blood would've already had seeped into the seal binding down the the five elements seal With a further buff to the seal itself. As it was applied on the boys neck it would require the blood of a synui to break free of the five elements seal.

Neku having finished the boys new sealing problem he proceeded to undo two of the five seals (4th and 5th seal) of the five barrier seals with the third, and first seals remaining as the mirrored sudden attacker seas. And the second seal a normal seal. Since Neku  had already lifted the boy and set him against the tree sitting down crossed legged as his lip has already scabbed up And now Neku sat 12 meters across from the boy. barrier Still up as he had calmed down a bit awaiting the boy waking up and in the meantime Neku despite the exhaustion continued a special kind of training as he awaited the boys  awakening.

Where there were many among the higher ranks that could sense the essence of another Neku seeker the similar aspect as to wield such an ability as chakra one could also in a sense as well sense the universal power known as chakra this was also a further chance for Neku to also speak to the boy on a further peaceful note as his actions had exuasted his rage into a more calm rage type of mood where Neku remaining calm had started focusing on extending his chakra outwards from him expanding his self centered chakra senses as he began to feel the difficulty in acquiring such a skill to determine what one was up against in the sense of chakra. As it was an incopeal sense as thoes who developed and honed the craft learned to destiguished a powerful source of chakra from a weaker scource would become a great asset to learn in the fact that it would help him at least decipher who was to pick a target. , and who not to target. Neku felt the feeling as uncomfortable as it was to extend his own chakra senses it was like an muscle one never trained though. The wave lengths of chakra beyond the synui for now. As he would respond to the boy from awaking. "Hey sorry about knocking you out. Lost control there feeling better?"


(Skipping next post round to speed things up)
2,000/2,000 for self releasing blood seal

547/2,000 for chakra sensory


-20 for self releasing blood seal. (On yazus five elements seal on his right side of his neck)
Mako Mitsurugi
Mako Mitsurugi
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Advance fuin (training, open, nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Advance fuin (training, open, nk)

Sat Oct 31, 2015 9:56 pm
When Yazu woke up he found himself face down in the sand, his mouth had filled with the sand from the beach.  It was salty and grainy and crunched between his teeth as his jaw clenched together in a feral snarl.  He was not happy, in fact the only feeling he felt at this exact moment was pure anger and resentment,  Vivid thoughts of the removal and defiling of the twins shot through his mind.  He felt the blood boiling within him running through him red hot, every hair stood up and he knew what was happening, he was losing control.  Control that he had fought for months to maintain.  Control that he had worked so hard to acquire, after fighting in the blood games.  All he could currently see was the world in red washed lenses and his only thought was of hearts.  

He lifted his right hand up and placed his palm flat on the ground the proceeded to do the same with his left hand and lift himself up and lean against the tree. He needed to find himself and bring himself back to earth, why waste all that hard work to give into the monster within.  In fact revenge is a dish best served cold so why make a brash move right now.  He continued to tell himself reassuring himself that killing this scum would have to wait.  He looked around and would hear the words, "Hey sorry about knocking you out, kinda lost control."  Hmmmm sounds familiar he knows all about that.  How ironic really as he now currently sat with a debilitating seal due to the fact that he lacked rational thought.  

Yazu leaned forward the seal upon his neck aching thoroughly, using the tree for support and leaning back against it like an injured animal.  He mentally tried to wash away the dark thoughts feeding his temper and anger subsiding within him, thoughts of began to form of not killing him and he went back to the carefree schemer that he typically was though it wouldn't take much so pull that terrible side out of him and he hoped the twins would not force him to go to that place.  He felt it lingering far too long and wanted avoidance of that issue.  

"I do not want to offend, but it would be in your best interest to remove this from me... immediately." Yazu said biting back his anger and trying to maintain composure, if the boys before him expected him to arise and be friendly about what had just happened that would be quite ignorant.  He gave the twins, which were now combined in a singular force, a glare that could burn holes through solid rock.

1286/2000 toward mastery
twc 3286
Segri & Neku Synui
Segri & Neku Synui
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Advance fuin (training, open, nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Advance fuin (training, open, nk)

Sun Nov 01, 2015 8:47 pm
Neku stared at the boy a troubled look on his face as he was playing purely in the boys face. Most cases his thoughts turned from a look of complacited though. To a worried look. The look of his worry was not as simple as he anticipated when he looked back at the seal formation. A satisfactory thought of he lives and now he has come to clearly aware of the situaton on hand yet Neku awnsered after a second of brooding about it but for the most part it was a momentvof waiting as Neku shook his head slowly.  As he spoke to the boy.

"Sadly I have yet managed to figure a way to release that seal yet. As my chakra is limited and further segri is unconscious." Neku sighed as he glanced over at the sea and continued speaking. "you do not understand the bond of me and my brother we are one and the same and one to threaten his life is out of the question. He is my flesh and blood as it runs beyond the bounds of a village. Further i had a way to not be lethal as it stands as to show . To save ones family is our first objective so the seal on your neck is my response. But fear not in the meantime as we recover our chakra as an atonement of our actions I removed three of the seals and further can teach you the sealing mechanism technique. But as that is a simple technique to use as this is useful against most people. But now that we calmed down I'll speak further on the seal as well. Your actions were unjust despite the fact that they were as a bearing of your fangs and my understanding is that you were threatening my brothers life. As the seal is a showing of your inability to breaking free  with more or less the intent of killing. Was detected by me. Be glad it's a seal that's based not on damaging you. But keeping you under check. Kill another villages ninjas in your rage. But that seal shall be removed after segri wakes up. You got him good though so he will be out awhile. But when he wakes up in a few hours. i would suggest that since my reserves are tapped. So in that case take the seal to the hospital it should be removed there"

Nek spoke peacefully as he sat there talking to the boy. As honest as he sounded he refrained from telling the boy about the self releasing blood seal he had placed on the five elements seal that would make it so that to break the seal the blood of segri would have to be tributed to release it. On the Inside his smile was fiendish as Neku bowed slightly in an apologetic gesture. [Color=green]"We shouldn't have provoked you but we are sorry. You just have to remove the last two tags. Well the tag on the rock as this is training grounds of sorts with this. But in the sense that to bring down the barrier you will have to remove the tag from the spot to deactivate the seal formula. It's pretty simple as it stands.  I'll teach you the process as you go through breaking the seals ok?." Neku cringed at the boys look also refraining from telling the boy the seals on the rock and the tree were the upgraded mirrors attacker technique seals. Yet this wasn't important to Neku to point out the rock where the second seal was 30 meters away, and the rock with the seal in plain sight. And then followed by the one on the tree in a straight line from the tree the boy was leaning against. As his plan was simple. Give the boy a push and run for his money.

Neku as he awaited the boy speaking continued spreading his senses out into the immediate area as he started noticing there was indeed a difference in the area and in fact. Could tell that there was something further in the air then merely air and such. A deeper call like an resonating wave dancing from his own brother and the boy as well. As fascinating as it was the feeling could be felt as he began to feel out further into the waves as he could guage his own strength but this was also  the start of his chakra sensory in a raw format still far from being able to give an accurate assessment of a person's chakra nor mass fully it was a work in progress as Neku gazed at the boy awaiting his reply.


1,133/2,000 for chakra sensory

+10 actions for doing nothing

115/300 actions for segri and Neku combined
Mako Mitsurugi
Mako Mitsurugi
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Advance fuin (training, open, nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Advance fuin (training, open, nk)

Thu Nov 05, 2015 4:28 am
Yazu was furious, the mans proposal was to go to the hospital and have the seal removed.  Well, Yazu thought to himself if he was going to have to go to some outside source to remove this god forsaken seal he may as well put some distance between himself and the twins.  He was tired of fighting.  His anger welled up inside him bursting at the seams, he refused to degrade back into a common place monster.  He looked around the area and saw that Neku was not too far away but above 8 meters from him.  With his training in the Hiding Like a Mole jutsu he felt he could make a grand escape and put this in his past.  Otherwise he would be stuck in the torture that the twins would have him subject to.  Yazu hated the idea of being used as a lab rat, in fact hate was an understatement, he loathed it with every "fiber" of his being.  If this continued he would have no choice but to kill the two and he did not want to be that monster again.  He had escaped that monster's clutches and refused to return under any circumstance.

He could see in the boy's eyes he had no intention of stopping his sick twisted games.  The boy had said he had no way of removing the seal so as it stood this Neku's usefulness to Yazu was non existent and so Yazu would leave and attempt to forget about them until the day came that he returned and claimed a prize, if he ever needed to.  The twins failed to realize anything about Yazu in the time they had spent together and failed to understand what they had done to him.  They would not see reason and would not know threats.

Yazu focused the chakra to his feet feeling the ground soften beneath him and could feel the earth become his mistress a toy to be weaved for his will.  "I am sorry, but i will no longer be a part of your games, and since you cannot remove the seal I want nothing more to do with you..." As he slipped into the earth at a speed of 38 and began his flight.  He would easily make it into the earth before Neku could make it to him.  He would go down 10 meters and continue to flee using the next few rounds to gain momentum and flee the field at a speed of 50.  He would never forget the twin's faces and what they had done to him.  Though as their personality went he doubted they would remember him.  Yazu continued to leave.  If he was stopped it would only fuel his anger and urge on his need for escape. 

3769 twc claiming 2000/2000 on Hiding Like a Mole and 1769 toward mastery of Temp paralysis. Claiming Exit unless blocked Oh and 18 stats

Last edited by Yazu <3 on Thu Nov 05, 2015 7:39 am; edited 1 time in total
Akihana Akari
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Advance fuin (training, open, nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Advance fuin (training, open, nk)

Thu Nov 05, 2015 5:51 am

Approved unless blocked of course <3
Segri & Neku Synui
Segri & Neku Synui
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Advance fuin (training, open, nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Advance fuin (training, open, nk)

Thu Nov 05, 2015 7:14 am
Neku continued to watch the by as he prepaired to leave the mere fact that his fury to his honestly went beyond his reasoning.but perhaps the boys chakra was high enough to resist the sealing aspect of the 5 elements seal?. Well it was most part amateurish and Neku doubted the boy would last very long under ground as he would start sinking into the dirt. it was here neku would call out to the boy speaking " watch your chakra yet again it's not going to be very easy holding such a technique for that long As that seal will cause a lot of trouble. But rest assured you might have enough to get by"

It would be at that point after speaking Neku would mentally take note.but you see my friend. the games were over as soon as he threatend my brother's life how could he belive I was still messing around? I could just about stop him now but at the moment there is no logical reason too. However his uses are at the point that it won't be easy to run with it. Odds are he will faint not long from now as he must pay twice as much chakra to do anything even that digging technique. Odds are he may pop up in the end to the air if low as he won't last long at all in that case underground as the seal alone locked down his chakra power and use greatly. On top of the blood seal not making it any easier to release the seal. If that's the case I'll pick him up and drop him off at the hospital. Otherwise I'll  properly not see him since he will be stuck underground dead from suffocation. Sucks to know that his movements are limited in a sense but his escape from here won't be very far and in that case it won't be hard to track him since I'll have this down very soon. But he seems a little mad. He should just sleep it off in that case Neku noted as the boy began to sink into the ground as Neku further began to feel out the boys vibrations through his chakra.

It was complex as Neku focused on touching down on the sensory and as much progress as he had he could feel that the vibrations were getting more distinct and further enabling him to sense a bit further As he defined the senses more and more detecting the waves as more of a flowing manner reaching the point where his senses were starting to sense it in a more defined way as his chakra began to become more of an point of inference. As he smiled noticing and noting the change within the now radiating waves becomming more informal by the moment. so if I'm right depending on the power of one's chakra the person will release a certain ammount of chakra to demonstrate the ammount used and further the diffrence between the person at rest or actively using chakra. With this it could very well become more then just some ability gained over time that just senses ones power but also when and how one acts. Truely a fascinating ability but a directory in a sense to detect additional people and measure them accordingly. it will be quite a lot of use for this. Already the boy may be digging down but I can pick him up underneath the ground as he is keeping up the steady flow of chakra, well an way to escape is a way to escape. Let's see what happens since I can now slowly keep up with the boy's movements. As this should enable me to be able to handle people more accurately. As well as segri when he wakes up. Surely this will be the start of a fun adventure with this ability in hand.

Neku thought as he focused on the chakra waves emitting from the ground where the boy disappeared off to. Slowly as Neku was gaining more confidence in the ability he smiled noting the little effort it required to hold such a ability up since it was merely reciving and deciphering chakra signatures it was more of a way to keep an eye on curiously powerful chakra signatures as most would not require much effort in that case. Unless someone could hide their signature. Then that would spark confusion for certain. Yet that concept would make it fun as well to Neku as he walked over to the sealing tags and gazed at them in thought. As being the one to place the seals he deactivated the final two seals lowering down the barrier formula as he  noted segri resting and headed home allowing his brother to rest after the long audacious day of ruin training. Keeping in mind the boys face as he felt their encounter was going to be the start  of a tricky but mutual rivalry well. One perhaps hunting the other. Still the fun of such a hunt was exhilarating as his thoughts returned to the boy at that time. Kirigure was a brutal village and there was more then one way to be brutal in the ninja world. This Neku knew well and kept to heart as he headed home with his sibling on his back.



2,000/2,000 for chakra sensory



Five elements seal 4,000/4,000
Self releasing blood seal:2,000/2,000
Chakra sensory skill:2,000/2,000

+44 stats for Neku and segri
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Advance fuin (training, open, nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Advance fuin (training, open, nk)

Thu Nov 05, 2015 8:00 am

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