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Speaking With The "Leader"(P,Den) Empty Speaking With The "Leader"(P,Den)

Mon Sep 07, 2015 5:59 pm
Kyofu was kinda frustrated as he stood at the University. He had gotten word that the leader wanted to see him for some reason. Maybe it was because he had gotten that Kaguya kidney from Travis or that guy with the owl snitched on him." Let me show you to the chambers " said one of the few ninja of Hoshi as he escorted Kyo through the "Unseen" gates towards the leader chambers. He continued to think about why the leader wanted to see him. Could it be because of his Earth Grudge Fear? The only people who knew about it were Maku and Arashi. Maku said he would keep it a secret and Arashi said it as well. As they walked through the twists and turn of the university and up the stairs they came upon a door that said "Leader's Chamber". 

The ninja waved Kyofu goodbye and left Kyo by himself. Kyofu stared at the door and raced his hand and knocked 3 times.
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Speaking With The "Leader"(P,Den) Empty Re: Speaking With The "Leader"(P,Den)

Wed Sep 09, 2015 11:24 am
Den had called the boy in for a specific reason. Unfortunately Den wasn't yet up to date on the activities of the newly promoted shinobi within Hoshi as he had more duties than just dealing with the academy, or even just leading the shinobi of the village. He had found an interesting piece of information about one of his new shinobi however, that he possessed an ability called Earth Grudge Fear.

A jar was on Den's wooden desk as he sat in his small office space looking over paperwork, unlike in Tengakure he had to do it within his office, he couldn't just go to Sanctuary and finish the paperwork at his own pace. It made the whole proccess even more unappealing, but someone had to do it.

Den would sense a decently sized chakra signature being escorted by the shinobi Den sent after the boy, Kyofu.

"You should probably go home, I don't think it would be wise for anyone here to know about you guys." Den was speaking to 3 young snakes he had summoned earlier, the children of Katsuro and the great grandchildren of Shou, one of the Snake Sages, the one who had taught Den Sage Mode to be more specific.

"But this office is fun!" It was Ichimura, the youngest. He and his sisters were trying to wrestle each other, wrapping around each other and seeing who could win in a fight without using their fangs. Natsumi was older than the other two by a bit and was much faster, though surprisingly Ichimura was almost as strong.

Sighing, Den would let the 3 snakes continue their game in a corner of the office. The room was 5 meters from the front to back wall and 4 from one side of the wall to the other, with the ceiling being 3 meters up from the floor,which was a nice lament. The room wasn't really that furnished as Den had really only bothered to put a desk and some chairs in it, with one behind the desk and 2 in front of it. Beyond that the room was barren, Den hadn't had time to put anything in there to make the space seem less empty and he really wasn't sure what he would want to put in the office.

When the chakra signature that Den figured was Kyofu knocked he called out, "Come in." Outting his paperwork down as he waited for Kyofu to enter. Once the genin walked in Den would begin speaking, "It's come to my attention that you possess a... unique power. It just so happens that I possess something that could be of use to you, which is why i called you here."

As Den finished speaking he would motion with his head towards the jar that was at the opposite end of his desk, the end closer to Kyo upon walking into the room. Within was a heart that Den had kept frozen within Sanctuary for who knew how long, but it was still in good shape despite that.

If Kyo didn't seem to understand that Den wanted him to pick up the jar he would add, "Take the jar, be quick though I'm not sure how long its contents have before they go bad."
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Speaking With The "Leader"(P,Den) Empty Re: Speaking With The "Leader"(P,Den)

Wed Sep 09, 2015 12:17 pm
As Kyofu stood at the door he heard at least 3 or 4 different voices speaking. He heard someone say " Come In " which he figured was the village leader. He twisted the doorknob and walked through the door to see a man with sharp black hair sitting down at a desk with multiple stacks of paper and some snakes play fighting in the corner. He stared at the desk and saw a jar with greenish brown liquid in it holding a item that was shaped like the human heart. He looked closer at the jar and realised it was a actual human heart. Kyo wondered if the leader put it there to taunt him showing him he knew Kyo was a Earth Grudge Fear user.

     Kyofu still shocked looked back at the corner with the snaked trying to see if they were summons or familiars. He continued to stare at the snaked and realised there were 4 of them not counting the other voice he heard. He knew some summons were able to develop human speech." Hello sir, I was told you wanted to see me " said Kyo as he looked at the leader and waved/nodded at the snaked.
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Speaking With The "Leader"(P,Den) Empty Re: Speaking With The "Leader"(P,Den)

Wed Sep 09, 2015 12:22 pm
The boy must have been to busy looking at Den's summons to hear him at all, sighing the young leader repeated himself, albeit even more briefly, "I called you here to give you this jar because I heard about your ability."

Waiting for the boy to hopefully respond this time, Den sat in his chair, his blue eyes looking at the genin as he waited for him to take the jar.

Hiroko would start to slither toward Kyo when he waved, the multi colored snake eager to meet people. She'd stop about a quarter of a meter from Kyo and would say, "Hi." in a voice that sounded like a young girls. Natsumi and Ichimura continued to wrestle.
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Speaking With The "Leader"(P,Den) Empty Re: Speaking With The "Leader"(P,Den)

Wed Sep 09, 2015 12:59 pm
After the leader said his words Kyofu would say " I am so sorry sir I wasn't paying attention. I was to busy staring at the snakees in the corner " as if on cue a single multi colored snake would slither up to Kyofu and say Hi. Kyo being gentle would reach down with his left hand and rub the top of it's head and say " Hey there little one ". 

  Raising his hands and body back up Kyofu would grab for the jar that held the heart with his left hand and would say " Do you mind telling me the nature affinity of the heart sir ".
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Missing-Nin (A-rank)
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Ryo : 271700

Speaking With The "Leader"(P,Den) Empty Re: Speaking With The "Leader"(P,Den)

Fri Sep 11, 2015 11:09 pm
The genin didn't seem phased by the snakes like most people, but then again even if he was lower ranked he was a shinobi. He wondered if the boy was familiar with summons seeing as he hadn't been surprised to hear Hiroko speak, though he didn't another to ask the question.

When the boy asked him the element of the heart den shrugged, "I never saw it''s owner use any elemental jutsu honestly, but I figure there's only a 1 in 5 chance that its an element you don't need... unless you've acquired other containers somehow."

The two snakes in the corner continued to wrestle while Hiroko looked between Den and Kyofu, wondering what they were talking about.
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Speaking With The "Leader"(P,Den) Empty Re: Speaking With The "Leader"(P,Den)

Sat Sep 12, 2015 3:32 am
As Kyo looked at the man sitting behind the desk, the man replied saying " I never saw it's owner using any elemental jutsu honestly, but I figure that there is only 1 in 5 chance that it's a element you don't need. Unless you've acquired other containers some how ". Kyofu would nod at the man and say " Well I suppose I will only find out once I use it ".

  He looked at the snakes wresting in the corner, he wondered if the leader would let him sign a snake summoning contract to be able to summon the snake. Maybe he should ask he thought as he continued to look at the snakes. Moving his head back towards the face of the leader Kyo would say " Sir, is it possible for me to sign a summoning contract with the snakes ".

  Kyo would wait on the most likely answer of maybe or no as he looked at the man.
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Missing-Nin (A-rank)
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Ryo : 271700

Speaking With The "Leader"(P,Den) Empty Re: Speaking With The "Leader"(P,Den)

Mon Sep 14, 2015 10:50 pm
Den was sort of curious as to how this Earth Grudge Fear thing worked, but it didn't seem that Kyofu was going to demonstrate how it assimilated hearts for him.

Their business was concluded then, however the boy did seem to have another request of Den. he wanted to sign a contract with the snakes, so he was aware of the existence of summons races then?

"It's not really my decision... I could speak with their grandfather perhaps, see what he and the other elder snakes think." As far as Den knew only he and his father had signed a contract with those snakes. He didn't even know how his father originally got the snakes to trust him, as he was apparently the first human they had conversed with.

Den wasn't really sure what the sages would think of letting the genin sign the contract. Den could put in a good word for him, but beyond having a decently high chakra signature Den didn't know how capable the boy was, or if he could be trusted with the summoning contract. Deciding he would need to keep a close eye on the boy before he told the elders about his request, Den would finish with, "If you really are interested I'll send for you once I get an answer from them."

After that Den would nod towards the door, their business was done and Den wasn't really good at small talk.
Rikaro Shinkou
Rikaro Shinkou
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Speaking With The "Leader"(P,Den) Empty Re: Speaking With The "Leader"(P,Den)

Mon Sep 14, 2015 11:02 pm
After the leader would give an assorted pack of answers Kyofu would nod and say " Well thank you for the time " bowing to the man and then to the snakes he would exit the room closing the door as he walked down the stairs and out the university. It seemed his business here was done, if the leader needed him again he would call as he had only said minutes ago.

Holding the jar tightly in his left hand Kyofu would go to his place under the castle to begin his first assimilation.

(Claiming Hyuuga Heart with Wind Release also Exiting)
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Speaking With The "Leader"(P,Den) Empty Re: Speaking With The "Leader"(P,Den)

Tue Sep 15, 2015 7:13 am

Approved @ Kyofu <3
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