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Island of Fire pt 2 Empty Island of Fire pt 2

Mon Jul 06, 2015 8:25 pm
Levi had a bad day before he was able to susccefuly summon Shaleh.

"Wait What?" Levi said as he slowly scooted back after the realazation of him being played, the entire time. "So your Juno...and I basically went on a wild gooes chase?" He said in disbelive. He watched as Juno would nod eagerly as she pulled out a scroll. " You mind signing this?" She said as Levi was still tring to get over the fact that he was sorta in a different world and Shaleh's  flaming hair. Fire everywhere burning..just like...nvm. Taking a moment to think he thought of how good this could be, I mean they're summons after all! "So just sign here right? Seems easy, I'm a business man after all." He said as he would search himself for a pen bu with zero luck. "PDo you have a pen, Juno I mean Shaleh.." Shaleh held the sroll up as she looked in confusion at him. "Oh you just need to sign with blood." She said in a sigh as she forgot to tell him. "Blood?" He said as he pulled out a senben to prick his finger with. "Not like i'm signing my sould to the devil." He said as he stabbed the needle in his finger and then placed his thumb on the dotted line smearing his blood on it.  Once dopne Shaleh would only grin before opening her hand as a flame engulged the scroll into nothing. "Totally didn't just sold my soul to the devil right?" Man did he just probaly  messed up, Levi wasn't familair with the whole summoning contracts and things nor did he take a chance to read it except for the part saying ownership of the beach resort. "So Beach Resort...pretty nice" He said as he followed Shaleh towards the main office he would grin. "So what I got to do to summon you?"

"Burn" Her words came out quick, and cold as steel despite her being ya know, made of fire. "What?" Levi said as he was quickly shoved down a hill, no a pit before they made it to the entrance of the main office.  "Whoa WHAT THE HELL!?" He shouted as he fell rapidly down the pit as he watched the opening close above him. Then he hit the ground.
Waking up he would slowly sit up to find lions. Really big scary lions with flaming mains. "Dude what the heck?!?!" He shouted up at the place he fell from only to realize it wasn't there. He was in a lions Den of really mean looking flaming lions. "This was not what i signed up for!" He shouted as one of the lion leaped at him. Quickly ducking and dodging to the right he would examine his area. "So three lions made of fire, One exit, And not enough choices." He thought to himself as one lion began to circle him as the others hanged back blcoking the exit. "Just.." He said as he stood up. "My..." The lion charged at him as he backed up against a wall. Forming the handseal for the substition jutsue he would sigh. "Luck!" he shouted as he subbed out of the way from the lion who collided head first into the rock and dispearsed in a puff of smoke. "Ok...that's not normal. Then again this day have been anything but normal." Turning his attention back to the other two lions he would examine their  movements. "Great they probably wont let me do that again." He said as he watched them circle around him in different directions, one clockwise and the other counterclockwise. "Great just great. Shaleh is sooo going to get it after I get out of here." The lions seemed to be stalking him as they didn't try to do anything like attack immeditaly.   "Nice..kitties..nice flaming...scary looking.big kitties." He said as he  moved his foot an inch forward and in response they stopped moving now one on either side of him.

'So laaaame" He said as they both lunged at him which he expected no less. So he ducked, ducked righ under them and rolled out the way as the collided and both turned to smoke. So he ran to the exit and dropped to his knees when he saw where he was now. He was on a cliff. "What the.." He said as he looked for the beach which was all the way down there. The ground benath his feet felt hot, he knew it was since he felt the heat through his shoes which was bad. "What am I supposed to do know?" he thought to himself as he looked down the steep cliff which lead to a really nice spot to die on impact. "Jump" A voice said which was similair to Juno's..WAIT IT WAS SHALEH'S. "Jump? You must be insane if you think I will jump from here and go splat!." He shouted out. After a moment of silence he would hear her voice again. "Then Die." She said as the ground began to shake. "Don't tell me.." Yes an explosion happened so he was on the volcano, sweet, that's just, really really nice. He looked up to see the lava coming down slowly and tauntingly. "Wait..I'm a ninja..I can just run down the side." HE said as he bega to focus chakra into his feet however the cave behind him seemed to explode as an intense heat wave pushed him towards the edge and causing him to loose focus. "SHit." He shouted as he jumped well technically he was forced to jump as the explosion pushed him off but he still jumped. 

So here he was falling rapidly towards the ground and his death. "I guess...I won't get to see CoRin again.." He said right before he hit the..he hit nothing. Opening his eyes he was now under water? No lava he was in lava but it was cold like water? Swimming up he would examine the area to see where he was. And then he saw he was not near the island as it was barely in his view. "Lion's Den..Falling to my a frickin ocean of lava. What's next? Sharks?" He began to swam towards the island but as he continued to swim the more hotter the lava got. "This is the lava I know.." He said as he felt it begin to burn his body. He wasn't even close to the beach and he just felt like he was gonna melt there. "Go Swim the rest of the way under." Her voice once again ringed into his head. Great now he actaully trusted her this time. So going under water(Well lava) he would notice as it got colder and colder. However he was begining to loose oxygen so he went up but the heat returned and it was way more intense than before. So he was either gonna die drownng or by being burned to death. Once again just great. He decided to go deeper under water and even more deeper until he somehow resurfaced in a a swamp. "What's going on shaleh?" He said as he got out of the swamp and walked around the swamps which held way too much similairty to the one in Ame. Once reaching the exit he was greeted with a hug. "CoRin?" He said as he examined the girl before him. "This isn't possible I was just..what?" Was everything just a dream until now? He seriously needed to go see a doctor. "I missed you, I mean who said you were off on your parole?" Yep this was the CoRin he knew. "You can't run from justice Levi! But just this ince I'll let off of with a warning." Yeah this was totally CoRin. "I..I..I don't know what happened. Wasn't I dragged out of Ame and taken to Kiri?" He asked himself mostly as he seriously didn't know what was going on. The girl who seeemed to be CoRin released him from her hugged and sighed. "Geez Levi, Do you k\not remember? Those Kiri scumbags let you off after breaking your arm. The other white haired one uh Altar convinced the other guy to let you stay." Something wasn't right. Levi remembered exactly what happened and he remembered that CoRin and Li were missing during the time that took place. He didn't care much for that he would just laugh it off. "Oh I think I was in the swamps way too long then..hehe." Something about CoRin was a bit off too, she wasn't wearing her usual armor plus she was smiling way too much. "Uh...CoRin? Is someti-" he was meeet with a kiss before he could finish. He was a bit surprised but he continiued to kiss and he closed his eyes.

Upon reopening he saw something way different. In his arms was a dead CoRin, and everything was on fire. He saw whatr looked to be the remains of Li's puppets and even Ai and picnnochio. "Li?" He said as he saw his friend with a sword in his shoulder. The boy didn't respond so he was most likely dead. "Aios!" He shouted as he saw her castle of what remained of her castle. Levi would begin to tear up as he tried to wake up CoRin but with no response. "Come on dammit!" He shouted as his voice began to waver. It wasn't working she was gone. "Please...Please..please..." He would begin to cry in her shoulder until he heard laughing. Looking up he would see someone, a guy, wearing a really expensive looking suit. "That's...."

"You? Dude your so pathetic, do you not remember what your master tought you? Don't trust anyone, don't fall in love, basically don't let anyone get close!" The other him said as he walked closer. "I actaully liked's too bad then, she got close and learned about us. So WE had to kill her, erase this village and everything just like that time." Levi was confused WE? whate did he men by we? "What we did? I didn't..kill her...I didn't kill them! You did!" The other him would only grin. "Yuudai your so stupid...look around you. These aren't ordinary flames, these are your flames. The flames from YOUR scorch release." Levi flinched at the mention of the name Kato. His name...that was his name, someone just called him his name. "Yuudai Shinyaru who are you? Are you the murder Yuudai or are you the person you created, the false you, Leviticis Sin? Make up your mind now!" He demanded. Levi was still sobbing as he treid to think of what to do or say...really who was Levi? " I'm.....Leviticus Sin. chuunin of Kirigakure, Boyfriend of CoRin Kura, Friend of Ame's leader Li Dian and Bussiness Partner of Aios the Queen of Cosplay." The other him would laugh at his answer. "I'm Leviticus Sin, Killer of Family, Betrayer of Friends, Liar to all! So far you got the lying part done...but your Yuudai Shinyara the passionite flame, the failure, the weak. You don't deserve to exist in this world." And with those words a blade would peice levi, a blade of fire. As soon as it peirced him he awoke in a bed with Shaleh near him looking concered. "I'm sorry I had to put you through that got out of hand..." Yes this is real. This is where he was before everything went...bad. " out of hand?" He said as he got up still shaken up from what just happened. "Before you can summon us, we put our soon to be summoners through a series of test.....trails you may call it. We used a genjutsu  well my brother got out of hand you started to freak out we are." Trail? Levi thought as he looked at her and then her supposdly brother. "Trails? You just put me through hell!" HE shouted at her. "Yeah..that was the point to see if you can fit our expexctions but then it got oout of interfered with something. Like you were already under a Genjutsu and so we decided to remove that one....then that's when everything went bad. On the bright side it looks like you passed them all and are fit to summon me and any other of us." Shaleh said cheerfully.
"Under another Genjutsu? But that's..." And in that exact instant everything  became clear to him he remebered everything clearly the slave camp, how his family hated him, the assassin's, his old master the one who put him in the genjutsu and now his family's blood was on his hands. "Thanks....I guess." HE said as he got up from the bed. "I guess i'll summon you when your needed....he said as he left the room." He headed towards the beach entrance the one he walked through when he entered and in doing so he appreaded back on the beach which seemed normal. "Juno?" He said as he waved to the girl who was supposedly Shaleh. She ran towards him with a smile on her face as usaul. "Your I new boss? Geez you must be really important or something like that to become owner of this resort. "Huh?" He said as he was still trying to put everything back together. "Sorry about that boss, telling you to go look for the a made up hot spring, it's just a prank we employees play on people who can't pay for membership. "Shaleh? What are you talking about?" Juno looked confused at the mention of Shaleh. "Sorry you got the wrong person anyway congrats on becoming owner..i got to catch up with my friends, my shift just ended so see you later>" She said as she ran off.

"Was that not Shaleh?" He thought to himself as he headed home.
"I knew I forgot something! Yeah I sorta used her earlier to get you to go in the forest, No big deal!" Her voice ranged loudly in his head. "How are you doing this again? I didn't summon you"

"Oh Telepathy! All ifrits have telepathy otherwise we couldn't be great for battle summons!" She said proudly.

"WAIT WHAT?!?!?!" 
And thus end the tale of how levi got his summons and regained his memory~

[EXIT, TWC 2414
Claiming 12 sp
Claiming summon access to Shaleh or however you word it gg]
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Island of Fire pt 2 Empty Re: Island of Fire pt 2

Tue Jul 07, 2015 12:24 am
approved? yeh sure
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