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Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

The Tea Shop with Jurei Pt 2. Empty The Tea Shop with Jurei Pt 2.

Mon May 20, 2024 5:23 pm

Joro woke to the sound of rain pounding onto the roof of his apartment. Stout had stirred and was curled up at the bottom of the bed near Joro's feet. Joro liked the rain; it had always been soothing. It reminded him of peace and the time Joro had spent in the rain, running, jumping, fighting trying to perfect his craft. It also reminded him of his parents, sitting out on their patio, drinking tea, talking about the day and all the good the rain brought to the world, especially the plants.

"You ready for day two of working with Jurei and Ninjiro, Stout?" he said, propping himself up and looking down at the Stoat. Stout replied with a slight flinch, indicating he wasn't ready to get up. "Oh, you. Take a minute, but we do have to get going soon."

With that, Joro started to get ready. He first hopped out of bed and headed to his bathroom, he stripped and jumped in the shower. The cool water seemed to stick to Joro, as he remembered that the water heater had gone out last night. He would be having cool showers for a while. As he got back out and dried off. He could still hear the rain pounding on the roof. He knew he had to dress for the weather today. He threw on another pair of jeans he had, a shirt, and a rain jacket. He made sure to brush his teeth and everything else. As he stood back waiting to see if Stout was ready he flowed his hands threw his hair and threw up his hood.

"So you want to walk in the rain or stay up here in my hood?" he said, giving the Stoat a questioning look. He smirked at how only a short while ago it would have seemed like a silly question. But now Stout had become an important part of Joro's life and allowed him to have a companion. Stout eventually chose to just make his way up onto Joro and nestle into his hood.

"Okay, you ready?" he asked the Stoat, as he took some time to channel his chakra and teleported to the street of the teashop. Walking through the last bit of distance Joro couldn't help but feel a sense of joy for the rain and the summer coming soon. He hoped to see all of the beautiful flowers soon popping up.

"Alrighty, we are finally here and ready to go," as he walked in Jurei was already there waiting for him, and she was already hard at work preparing the beverages that were ordered. Without skipping a beat, Joro hopped to. He made sure to use the proper ingredients for the food and the drinks. As he made his way through the day the manager asked them to also make some deliveries as the shop began to slow down going into the afternoon. As they made their deliveries they all had a good laugh and smiles filled the air. They would drop off the bags they used to deliver the bread and pastries from the shop and head their separate ways till the next day for their third and final day working at the tea shop.

Claims to be made.
Jurei Ryoinsatsu
Jurei Ryoinsatsu
Stat Page : The Pearl of the Angels

Health: 300
AP: 1,884
Vigor: 150
Chakra: 100
Speed: 45
Strength: 5

Business : Ryōin Investments
Mission Record : Mission Log
Familiar : Ninjiro, The Big-bellied Bake-danuki
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 10000

The Tea Shop with Jurei Pt 2. Empty Re: The Tea Shop with Jurei Pt 2.

Tue May 21, 2024 1:22 pm
Meanwhile, within the bustling inner City Square of Hoshigakure-no-Sato…

Jurei awakes to the sound of her alarm clock buzzing atop a drawer near her bedside and the heavy pitter-patters of rain against her roof. She feels groggy as she rises from her bed and heads to her bathroom to wash up. She brushes her teeth, washes her face, and puts on her kunoichi attire. She looks into the mirror and smiles at herself, feeling ready for the day ahead. Ninjiro, on the other hand after swiping away the last vestiges of sleep from his eyes, simply performs a series of calisthenics and grooming his fur before donning his straw hat and cloth cap. By the time Jurei's ready to get going, he's already waiting for her at the doorway, his paws flexing toward her. Jurei smiles and cups her hands beneath his arms and hoists him up to her shoulders, to which her familiar's quick to coil himself around.

Making their way downstairs, her mother and father are already sitting in their living room, sipping tea as they watch the morning news. Jurei greets them with a smile, to which they return with one of their own. After getting she and Ninjiro get their morning fill, they then head out the door and makes their way to the tea shop where she'll be fulfilling a subsequent request of working their today. Jurei walks into the shop to see Joro already there, setting up the tables with plates and utensils. She smiles at him before taking off her raincoat and hanging it on a coat rack by the door. Ninjiro hops off her and down to the floor, flicking off the residual raindrops that snaked their way onto his fur past the raincoat.

She introduces herself to the store manager from prior and is given a brief summary of what to do. The task itself being simple enough to follow, Jurei gets right to work alongside her fellow Genin, Joro, who arrives shortly after. The two work well together and get along quite nicely. Jurei takes note of Joro's stoat companion, Stout, and she smiles as she watches them interact with one another. She finds it rather cute how they talk to each other like they're having a conversation. She also notices that Joro's quite skilled in making tea and baking pastries.

The day passes by quickly and smoothly for the most part. The only hiccup being when Jurei accidentally spills some tea on herself while serving a customer. Thankfully, Joro is quick to come to the rescue and helps clean up the mess. After that minor blunder, the rest of the day goes without a hitch and they soon find themselves closing up shop for the day. They bid their farewells to the manager and head out into the pouring rain, pulling up their hoods over their heads to keep themselves dry. Jurei looks at Joro and smiles at him, giving him her thanks for his help today before parting ways and resigning for the rest of the day.

“Related Stats”:


WC: 509
TWC: 509/500
TMWC: Donezo/1,000

Requesting approval for the following claim(s):

Claiming the following *mission reward(s):
Total Ryo Earned: +5,000 Ryo
Total AP Earned: +24 AP
Current Total Bonus AP: +904
New Total Bonus AP: +928
*Mission Rewards doubled via Beloved Presence

Investing 509 TWC into the following Jutsu:
► Training Earth Release: Swamp of the Underworld [775/1,875] → (1,284/1,875) [0 TWC Left] [Prog' Here]

Last edited by Jurei Ryoinsatsu on Thu May 23, 2024 5:00 am; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : Edited and fixed Mission Reward claims due to human error)
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

The Tea Shop with Jurei Pt 2. Empty Re: The Tea Shop with Jurei Pt 2.

Tue May 21, 2024 9:37 pm
2500 Ryo
12 AP for a new total of 757 Bonus AP.
336 to Summoning Art: Rashomon [v7.2] A-Rank (Already have B Rank) 750/750 Rest of Progress from Here.
204 to One-Handed Seals [V7.2] 204/1500
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
Remove Taijutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

The Tea Shop with Jurei Pt 2. Empty Re: The Tea Shop with Jurei Pt 2.

Wed May 22, 2024 9:34 am
Joro Shokku wrote:Claims:
2500 Ryo
12 AP for a new total of 757 Bonus AP.
336 to Summoning Art: Rashomon [v7.2] A-Rank (Already have B Rank) 750/750 Rest of Progress from Here.
204 to One-Handed Seals [V7.2] 204/1500

Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
Remove Taijutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

The Tea Shop with Jurei Pt 2. Empty Re: The Tea Shop with Jurei Pt 2.

Thu May 23, 2024 6:10 am
Jurei Ryoinsatsu wrote:Requesting approval for the following claim(s):

Claiming the following *mission reward(s):
Total Ryo Earned: +5,000 Ryo
Total AP Earned: +24 AP
Current Total Bonus AP: +904
New Total Bonus AP: +928
*Mission Rewards doubled via Beloved Presence

Investing 509 TWC into the following Jutsu:
► Training Earth Release: Swamp of the Underworld [775/1,875] → (1,284/1,875) [0 TWC Left] [Prog' Here]

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