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Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

The Tea Shop with Jurei Pt 3. Empty The Tea Shop with Jurei Pt 3.

Mon May 20, 2024 6:07 pm
The third and final day had arrived. Joro and Jurei had their last day at the tea shop. As Joro was heading that way smelling the sweet aromas from the shop. The shop, with its charming facade and welcoming atmosphere, was his favorite retreat from the chaos of everyday life. As he pushed open the door, a soothing wave of warmth and a gentle tone enveloped him. Joro settled into a cushioned chair at a small, square table near the window, his anticipation growing as he waited for Jurei to arrive. Their shift at the tea shop didn't start for a while, so he had some time to relax and prepare for the day ahead. He sat there, idly tracing the intricate patterns on the table with his fingertips, his mind drifting to the tasks that awaited them. The gentle murmur of conversation and the clinking of teacups provided a soothing backdrop, and Joro took a moment to appreciate the peace before the bustling day began.

As the bell on the door began to ring, Joro looked up from his pattern tracing to see Jurei and Ninjiro. Stout jumped up from his seat on the floor to say hi.

"Hey! How are you this morning? It's nice to see the sun, especially after all the rain we got yesterday," he said with a fun smile, happy to see his friend. He would wait for her reply before he planned to ask her what she wanted to do today considering they had learned all the positions the day before.

As they stood there a man ran past them and out of the store. Joro turned with anticipation as the manager began to yell. "Thief! Thief! Thief! After him," pointing at the two of them. "Well, we better get going then, can't have a thief on the loose," he added with a chuckle, enjoying the feeling of the chase.

As the thief was running down the street Joro nodded to Jurei and placed his hand on her shoulder if she would allow him. He then made sure Stout and Ninjiro were touching both of them and he teleported all of them outside in the direction of the thief. With them now in the direction of the thief Joro took out a few Senbon and threw them at the thief he hoped they would hit his target. Only one of the five did piercing into the back of his hamstring. The man began to limp and in doing so, Joro knew he could teleport to him. He drew his katana and teleported to him, making sure he didn't pull anything slick. As Jurei arrived Joro asked her to please bind him, so they could take him down to the station and be dealt with according to his crimes. They would both escort him together, splitting the reward for his capture as it only seemed fair. Joro would be sad their missions were over, for the time being, it was rather bittersweet. He was sure they would have some later on though.

"It's been a pleasure, Jurei, Ninjiro. It always is. Hopefully, we'll be on some more missions soon. I'm looking forward to it," as he said that and waited for her reply he would wave goodbye. He would then turn and teleport away into thin air. He would then head home for the night. Making sure to take care of both his need for food after their day and Stout's.

"What do you want to do tomorrow, Stout? I'm thinking we either go training or spend some time along the borders. Might even pick up gate guard duty, shouldn't be too busy. Although it has been in the past when we have been there, either way, it should be fine."

Claims to be made.
Jurei Ryoinsatsu
Jurei Ryoinsatsu
Stat Page : The Pearl of the Angels

Health: 300
AP: 1,884
Vigor: 150
Chakra: 100
Speed: 45
Strength: 5

Business : Ryōin Investments
Mission Record : Mission Log
Familiar : Ninjiro, The Big-bellied Bake-danuki
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Space-Time
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 10000

The Tea Shop with Jurei Pt 3. Empty Re: The Tea Shop with Jurei Pt 3.

Tue May 21, 2024 3:12 pm
Meanwhile, within the bustling inner City Square of Hoshigakure-no-Sato…

The last and final day. Juei's actually beginning to get into the groove of things with how simplistic her workload from the tea shop owner has been. And Joro's company made for what would've otherwise have been a lukewarm experience into a much more enjoyable one. She was looking forward to spending more time with him, even if they were just going to be doing menial tasks for their pay. With the weather letting up a little more since yesterday, the cloudy skies above her when she exits her home seem to be clearing up and giving way to a clearer blue sky. The sun is still hidden behind the clouds, but it's rays are peeking through them enough to give some light. It's a welcome sight after the rain that had been pouring down for days on end now.

Juei arrives at the tea house dressed in her usual attire and Ninjiro, the rapscallion, coiled around her shoulders and purring the day away. While they wait for Joro's arrival as she makes small talk with the store owner, she soon hears the the bell atop the entranceway ring, signaling the arrival of another. She turns to face the new arrival and nods in his general direction. "Good morrow, Joro. I hope the morning has treated you and your friend here, well... it is a nice day, isn't it? Much better than yesterday, although I wouldn't mind if it rained again later today if I were inside all day, instead."

The conversation seemed to be going well, until, suddenly, a man bolts past them, throwing the entrance door wide open and makes a beeline.

"Thief! Thief! Thief! After him!"

'Ninji, on me!'

'Already on it!'

Ninjiro jumps up atop her shoulders and before the kunoichi could give chase, she feels Joro's cool hand rest upon her shoulder. Perturbed, she faces him with an urgent glance. "Hm? What is it—" And before she could complete her question, her body is engulfed in a distorted spatial environment devoid of any inertia, a timeless space encompassed by ambient darkness. It was as if time itself had been frozen still. The sensation of being pulled through this space like water down a drain lasted only for but a moment, and when she opened her eyes, she found herself standing outside of the tea house. She looks down at the hand still resting upon her shoulder, then back to Joro with a perplexed gaze, who was already ready to apprehend the culprit as he vanishies into thin air before reappearing and brandishing his weapon in front of the robber.

"... I should learn that." She mutters to herself before running forward, weaving the following hand seals: Tiger → Rat → Ox, when she is within five meters as an invisible chakra field expels from her person and quickly coils itself around the robber to immobilize them. "That should do it. He shouldn't be able to move for a good while." Returning to the shop and receiving their bounty, the perpetrator is relinquished to the respective authorities for processing. A relatively short day, to say the least, but it helped shake up the expectation of monotony. She can only hope the same for what her schedule has planned for her the rest of the day.

Bobbing her head in Joro's direction she answers, "The feelings mutual. I imagine we'll probably cross paths again sometime in the near future, but until then, take care of yourselves, you hear?" Waving goodbye, he vanishes once more. "I should learn how to do that, in all honesty. You know much it kills my feet to have to work around all day?"

Ninji emits a whine. 'Ahuh, yeah. You say that now, but you know you love running around.'

"Oh, shut up." She retorts with a roll of her eyes before making her way back home for the evening. The rest of the day is spent tending to Ninjiro's needs as well as preparing for what tomorrow will bring for her.

“Related Stats”:


WC: 679
TWC: 679/500
TMWC: Donezo/1,000

Requesting approval for the following claim(s):

Claiming the following *mission reward(s):
Total Ryo Earned: +2,500 Ryo
Total AP Earned: +24 AP
Current Total Bonus AP: +928
New Total Bonus AP: +952
*Mission Rewards doubled via Beloved Presence

Investing 679 TWC into the following Jutsu:
► Training Earth Release: Swamp of the Underworld [1,284/1,875] → (1,875/1,875) [88 TWC Left] [Prog' Here]
► Training Gold Release: Crippling Debt @ B-Rank (88/1,125) [0 TWC Left]

Last edited by Jurei Ryoinsatsu on Thu May 23, 2024 5:04 am; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : Edited and fixed Mission Reward claims due to human error)
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

The Tea Shop with Jurei Pt 3. Empty Re: The Tea Shop with Jurei Pt 3.

Tue May 21, 2024 9:40 pm
1250 Ryo
12 Ap for a total of 769 Bonus AP.
TWC: 627
627 to One-Handed Seals [V7.2] 831/1500 Rest of progress from Here.
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
Remove Taijutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

The Tea Shop with Jurei Pt 3. Empty Re: The Tea Shop with Jurei Pt 3.

Wed May 22, 2024 9:36 am
Joro Shokku wrote:Claims:
1250 Ryo
12 Ap for a total of 769 Bonus AP.
TWC: 627
627 to One-Handed Seals [V7.2] 831/1500 Rest of progress from Here.

Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
Remove Taijutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

The Tea Shop with Jurei Pt 3. Empty Re: The Tea Shop with Jurei Pt 3.

Thu May 23, 2024 6:11 am
Jurei Ryoinsatsu wrote:Requesting approval for the following claim(s):

Claiming the following *mission reward(s):
Total Ryo Earned: +2,500 Ryo
Total AP Earned: +24 AP
Current Total Bonus AP: +928
New Total Bonus AP: +952
*Mission Rewards doubled via Beloved Presence

Investing 679 TWC into the following Jutsu:
► Training Earth Release: Swamp of the Underworld [1,284/1,875] → (1,875/1,875) [88 TWC Left] [Prog' Here]
► Training Gold Release: Crippling Debt @ B-Rank (88/1,125) [0 TWC Left]

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