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Another chase of power {IO} - Page 2 Empty Re: Another chase of power {IO}

Fri Jun 19, 2015 6:44 pm
Monarch didn't have much time to talk as the slap rendered itself so quick Monarch didn't even see it coming, it hurt a lot but Monarch was more shocked as the Mizukages' fist impacted with his lower jaw only understanding because of  the mass force the man did being at it rendered Monarch speechless  it took Monarch moments to regain his composure from his also sudden defeat he couldn't move, his couldn't manage to talk it hurt so bad just to move his jaw to spit out the blood that was coming from the slap odd to monarch how the mizukage didn't break his neck he assumed that by the end of the slap he would've been dead, Monarch assumed he had his a nerve of the man that made him act this way even so Monarch had more rage than ever, now his composure regained would he look at his kage the man who'd strung him up on a cross and just stair into his eyes with a blank gaze.
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Another chase of power {IO} - Page 2 Empty Re: Another chase of power {IO}

Sat Jun 20, 2015 11:12 am
Now, Xyxer's left hand would rise up from the side of the boy, grasping his chin firmly, but not putting too much strength in it in case he tried to, you know, say I broke his jaw. Pulling it open slowly, he'd see that the entirety of the boy's teeth had now broken off, mostly on the floor from him spitting out the blood. Sending his right hand in with his left hand firmly pulling the mouth lower in case he tried to suck Atlas' fingers now since he has no teeth. Removing the teeth from his tongue and what not, he'd also rip out the remaining broken fragments of the teeth in the gums, just to make sure the boy wouldn't develop rot or something, that'd be cruel. "So, how's your family?"
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Another chase of power {IO} - Page 2 Empty Re: Another chase of power {IO}

Sat Jun 20, 2015 12:09 pm
Monarch was forced to open his mouth by his madman of a Kage Monarch wasn't sure he was even able to understand what he was doing, he didn't seem like a dentist, Monarchs bloody teeth came out quickly as the Kage's hand jerked out more blood gushing out of Monarch's mouth him in extreme pain gripping his hands into fist as hard as he possibly could basically pinching himself trying to maintain the pain, at the man asked him the question it set Monarch off.

"THE HELL WOULD I OWWWWWWW" said as he began a sentence then had it end in terrible agony his jaw was in such pain that he couldn't speak a sentence "GOD DAMN THIS FUCKING ASSHOLE ONCE I'M OFF THIS CROSS HE IS SO GETTING STABBED NOT EVEN KIDDING" Monarch though to himself in rage pretty much the only thing he could do as he looked at the man with cold killer eyes his teeth were gone but his glare still stood as dark and evil as ever.
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Another chase of power {IO} - Page 2 Empty Re: Another chase of power {IO}

Sat Jun 20, 2015 12:16 pm
"There's a lot of iron in your mouth, currently." He rubbed the blood from his hands onto the boy's shirt, he looked up to him briefly and grinned. "Most people your age still have their teeth, which must suck. Don't worry, I'll find food that you can suck through a straw, or maybe I can mother bird you if you wish?" He directed his gaze along the boy's body, examining his legs, his shoes, his torso, and of course, his hands. "My, they seem soft. Do you use lotion?"
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Another chase of power {IO} - Page 2 Empty Re: Another chase of power {IO}

Sat Jun 20, 2015 12:38 pm
Monarch was surprised at how his kage could keep a cool composure throughout this "torture" Monarch smiled he would bite his lip if he had teeth to bite with, however the Kage seems to like Monarch toothless Monarch got annoyed with the lotion and smooth skin part as he just crooked his head still starring at his kage "Are you checking me out you Perv!" Monarch said coldly to his Kage with a hint of suspicion "I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU TRY ANY-" Monarchs speak was cut out from the pain in his jaw.

Monarch looked at Atlas with a 'you fucked up, now I'm gonna hurt you' type of gaze and with a sigh he'd wait for Atlas to do something cruel to him again, maybe rip out his eyes or something painful like that, however Monarch wouldn't let Atlas do it easily, he'd fight as much as possible but he was still chain "You know you're a Asshole right, Like that's your title" Monarch said in a slowed pace as to not upset his painful gums more than he had already.
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Another chase of power {IO} - Page 2 Empty Re: Another chase of power {IO}

Mon Jun 22, 2015 2:55 pm
"The lotion you use must be very effective. You have baby hands and an adorable baby face. You'll have to tell me what it is some time, preferably before you decide to sleep." Crouching down to the floor, Xyxer picked up one of the teeth that had prematurely escaped the mouth of Monarch. Examining it, he frowned somewhat, "You should floss more." His head shook gently from side to side, moving towards the right side of Monarch, as that was by default most people's main hand. The leather strap binding his wrist would do an effective job at restraining his hand, at least covering what Xyxer couldn't do himself. Xyxer's left hand reached out to the boy's own hand, gripping his ring finger unless he could somehow avoid the toy grabber made of flesh. If it came into his possession, Xyxer would turn the tooth around in his hand, the root of it, covered in blood and partially broken, now aiming towards the finger that was being forced to bend. "Cut your nails more often too." He'd nod his head, pressing the root of the tooth against the top of the boy's finger, but just under the nail. The broken edges would gently serrate the flesh just beneath the nail, forcing itself slowly but surely under the gel of the nail and into the sensitive flesh just beneath it. Xyxer wriggled the tooth, jiggling the nail a little to make it more loose. Dropping the tooth after that, he'd gently take the loose nail into his right hand, between his forefinger and thumb, grasping it firmly. "Maybe a bit like this." Slowly, he'd press the nail upwards, peeling the bone from it's fleshy sanctuary, forcing it's way from the thing folds of flesh that nestled it around the bottom of the fingernail and around the sides. Once that fiasco was done, he'd pull the nail slowly over the sensitive flesh, scraping it with the now dislodged nail before flicking it to the ground, allowing for the nail matrix to be damaged further, sending an extraordinary amount of pain to the nerve cells. But, since Monarch was still screaming and fighting, that implied he had a lot of adrenaline, and as we know, adrenaline prevents you from being knocked unconscious from the pain. How fortunate!
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Another chase of power {IO} - Page 2 Empty Re: Another chase of power {IO}

Mon Jun 22, 2015 6:53 pm
Monarch felt the kages rude yet slightly gentle touch as he was in all basics using Monarchs' teeth to rip off Monarchs' nail.Pulling the separate nail off running it across the flesh under his nail causing Monarch unimaginable pain thinking to himself as the nail ran over his flesh "DAMN THIS HURTS LIKE A BITCH." Monarch thought looking at his severed nail he knew he messed up.He wasn't sure what atlas was looking for but Monarch assumed the kicks he gets out of torture was from his victims screaming, Monarchs lungs were crushing them selves trying to scream he refused to however even as his nail was flicked to the ground he looked at his mizukage with pure hate in his eyes.

Monarch instead of screaming in pain would remove his finger from the mans grip and tighten it into a fist it wasn't hard to tell that Monarch was in utter undeniable pain "N...Nice tactic in torture" Monarch said with a rasp looking at him "However, to really get the most out of your victim. You have to break their rib, that'll make them scream and cry without much trouble." Monarch said with another raspy tone knowing how to torture his kage would probably cut out his tongue eventually due to Monarchs excessive talking, however Monarch was too badly beaten to even care.He was a Academy Student slowly tortured by his kage, he had nothing to lose at this point not die he intend to die for this fucking kage he starred right at the kage "Lets cut to the chase shit for brains, You gonna kill me, or just torture me?" Monarch said in a dark tone showing no emotion but giving a smirk however internally screaming from the pain he had received.
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Another chase of power {IO} - Page 2 Empty Re: Another chase of power {IO}

Tue Jun 23, 2015 3:21 pm
"Breaking your rib? That'd be brutish!" A quiet laugh poured from the man's throat like the buzzing of a hornet's wings. He shook his head moments after he had said that, still faintly chuckling as his hand trailed down the boy's wrist, along his forearm and the bicep towards his collar bone. There, it'd rest momentarily before pressing against it gently, grabbing the fabric that made up the neck of the shirt he currently wore, tugging it back towards his body; now, as Monarch's shirt was probably not made of titanium, he'd simply rip it from his body to expose his bare torso, allowing the shirt to fall to the floor, a smile upon his lips. "No, no, breaking a rib would be too mean of me, Monarch. I'm no brute. I'm the Mizukage."

His eyes scouted the boy's torso, an excitement growing deep within him. This torture he could revel in, it was finally his very own. Flicking his right hand to the side, Tidebreaker in it's smallest form would be summoned into it instantly, his left hand moving across teh abdomen of the boy and slowly up to his right breast, his smile twisting into a grin ever so slightly, "Males don't need to breast feed, do they? I don't believe we do lactate.. At least, we'll see if you are a male after perhaps." He nodded his head sympathetically, dragging the cool, gnarled blade gently up against the boy's flesh, not cutting it until he finally reached the bottom of the boy's right breast, where he'd press the blade in horizontally and slowly drag it up, slightly cutting the muscle as he brought it up and fully flicked his hand to the left, relieving the boy of his right breast and nipple, exposing the muscle to the dry air. In fact, most of this was deliberate as over time, the open wounds he had created in the boy's finger and torso would become too dry, cracking the muscle that was exposed and causing even more pain than perhaps Xyxer could ever dream of. Although, that was unlikely, he could dream of it in great amounts.
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Another chase of power {IO} - Page 2 Empty Re: Another chase of power {IO}

Wed Jun 24, 2015 1:45 am
Monarch screamed in agony and anger as  the blade run it's way under Monarch's skin slicing threw his little layer of muscle he had, the cut itself let loose a gigantic amount of adrenaline threw his veins filling Monarch veins with itself, Monarch with 5 health was severely bleeding whilst being drained of his life he was also going threw all this pain while he would normally have passed out within the first cut however Monarch had seemed to have a major adrenaline build up which caused him to stay awake, however what the mizukage didn't know was Monarch had a low tolerance to pain and was a bleeder, henceforth instead of just knocking off the cut Monarch was 100% most likely going to die from the cut, however Atlas may have a way to save the young boy.

While Monarch was bleeding he would stair the Mizukage down saying rude things to him as he did most of the time, however from the recent pain Monarch would be tearing up due to his right nipple being tossed away by his kage "H...Having fun bastard..." Monarch would say in a woozy tone knowing the Kage might pick something up.
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Another chase of power {IO} - Page 2 Empty Re: Another chase of power {IO}

Wed Jun 24, 2015 1:45 pm
Xyxer heard the weakness in the voice of Monarch, he also noted that the blood that seemed to be seeping from his broken body was almost.. almost, too much. Frowning at the destruction of his game, he crouched down and snatched up the shirt he ripped from the boy prior, forcing it around the back of the boy's back over the top of his left trap, pulling it over the exposed flesh of his breast before tying it at the back, with the other end under the right arm pit of Monarch, tying it at the back tightly to act as a tourqinet and stop his death from blood loss. However, Xyxer had decided a more fun game as he was tending to the boy. Sliding his hand down into his pockets, he pulled out a single coin, a regular ryo with a heads and a tails or whatever. Smiling, he spoke once more, "I'll give you a chance for freedom, let us see whether the gods favour Monarch the Bold, or whether they laugh at you. Pick a side, if the coin lands on that side, I will grant you your freedom, if not.. you have a lot to dread, young one."
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