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Another chase of power {IO} Empty Another chase of power {IO}

Mon Jun 15, 2015 2:31 pm
Monarch sighed as he slowly walked up the stairs, Monarch felt the cold power of a presence above all else in the corridor but he kept moving up the stairs, goosebumps going up and down his body with every step he could feel his body moving on it's own at this point "Why am i doing this?I should be training" Monarch thought to himself as he got to the Mizukage door, it was a pretty large door and Monarch had no idea what he was going to do with this, Monarchs arm stretched out to the door, seemingly hard wood door, Monarch sighed as he began to knock on the door in a attempt to make them open up "H...Hello?" Monarch said to the door hoping his kage would hear and let him into the chamber.
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Another chase of power {IO} Empty Re: Another chase of power {IO}

Mon Jun 15, 2015 3:08 pm
Now, Atlas had been analysing varying members of the village, their place in the grand scheme of things, and plotting malevolently about the new Seven Swordsmen of the Mist that he wished to form. It would all happen sooner or later, whether by his hand or anothers, he knew the legacy would remain, just like the village as it had in itself been reborn, a reborn group was only right. His three hounds were chained towards his left at the wall, currently fighting over the remains of a large turkey. Violence was key in bringing up great pets, Xyxer had discovered.
The entire wall behind Xyxer was not truly a wall, but rather, a window. He liked to look out of it and remark to visitors that entered, 'If you fell from here, it would be extremely painful', although there had been one guy, a rather big guy if Xyxer recalled correctly whom had remarked, "For you." Now, that was a guy of intrigue, a masked guy if you will, the Bane of Xyxer. Regardless, upon hearing the knock, he settled his papers down onto the glass desk before him, housing Aquatic fish! (There are land fish fuck you). Nodding his head, one of the two ANBU guards stationed inside of the room at either side of the door, Jester, who was an alleged molester but Takeo insisted the true molester was Jesters twin, Lester, and Xyxer could not dispute the fact that Lester gave a weird vibe like a molester but the courts had ruled it was in fact Jester, so who knows whether the molester's Jester or Lester. Jester opened the door to allow the boy in, and once he was inside of the room, he would close it. Now, Xyxer would simply wait to see what the boy wanted, hoping his time was not being wasted.
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Another chase of power {IO} Empty Re: Another chase of power {IO}

Tue Jun 16, 2015 2:08 pm
Monarch entered the chamber where he saw his Kage waiting, there were two anbus', on on each side of him who seemed rather strange, Monarch noted this and basically discarded it as though it were unneeded info and looked to his kage, although he had never met the mizukage before he knew for the mizukage to keep his place he must have had to do some pretty drastic things, Again Monarch took note no matter due to the fact he probably wouldn't need this info Monarch gulped as he took a step, tucking his arms in a neat form "...Mizukage sir..." Monarch said with a gulp.

Monarchs eyes went blanks as thousands of thoughts and possibilities were running threw his head every second not knowing what he wanted he forced his thoughts into on single thought something he wanted more than anything else in this world "Mizukage Sir, Please...I need power, and you're the only person who can give or even show me how to achieve this power!" Monarch said in a rather desperate tone Monarchs eyes dimmed from his normal red glow, as though all he loved died, that of like a puppy who was kicked one to many times and was getting tired of being kicked by it's owner and began to gain hate and despise and ran to get stronger, even more powerful to protect himself.Monarch waited moment after moment for what the Kage had to say to his request.
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Another chase of power {IO} Empty Re: Another chase of power {IO}

Wed Jun 17, 2015 3:48 pm
Xyxer looked down towards his documents for a few seconds, listening to what the boy was saying, before he looked back up towards him. His amber eye studied him silently, with the other eye that held the deactivated enternal mangekyo sharingan deciding to activate and deactivate just as soon as it had revealed itself, playing a mental trick of sorts. His lips pulled into a thin line across his face and he looked down once more when the boy had finished, then he slowly looked back at him once more. "What have you accomplished, boy, to deserve power? In Kirigakure No Sato, the strong are heated by the boiling blood of those they slay, tempered upon their study skeletons.. Who have you killed, to warrant a ranking up? Aspiration is a great trait, but aspiration without drive.. believing you deserve more power just because you want it.. now, isn't that an arrogant presumption?" He paused for a little while, his head tilted, "Tell me, boy, what is your name?"
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Another chase of power {IO} Empty Re: Another chase of power {IO}

Wed Jun 17, 2015 4:37 pm
Monarch listened to the Mizukages words, seemingly that the Mizukage was attempting to insult and injure his ego, Monarch saw the Mizukages eyes turn from their normal color to red then back to their normal color, it was then that Monarch knew... was at the must disadvantage he'd ever been in "He's the Mizukage for a reason...I hate him...I need more power..." Monarch thought to himself then looked at the Mizukage with cold darkened eyes "My name is...Monarch...and I need power above all else, i will kill anyone in my way of my goal...Including you Kage..." Monarch said issuing a threat towards the Mizukage, even though Monarch wasn't one hundred percent sure he was on the level of growth that the Mizukage was on but he still refused to let the insult come towards him without him insulting the Mizukage right back even if it did end up in a "Punishment" Monarch didn't care as he starred down the Mizukage with inner hate towards his own leader.
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Another chase of power {IO} Empty Re: Another chase of power {IO}

Wed Jun 17, 2015 4:55 pm
Xyxer listened to the words of the boy before him. He spoke like a man, not a child.. There was a fire in him, one that would continue to fight.. it refused to let him take the blow to his ego. A smile formed upon the lips of the male at the man's audacity, his sheer brazenness. "You have balls, Monarch. That I will admit. Your parents raised you well." He nodded with a slight twist of his head, still thinking about the threat he had received from such a low ranking shinobi. Now, that truly was a fire. "You see these dogs, Monarch? They have names. The one on the left is called Youka. The one in the middle is called Tatsuya. The one on the right, well.. they lack a name currently, but they'll be getting one soon. Monarch sounds like a fitting name for him, I think." He turned his head back towards the boy, smiling softly still, "Do you wish to know what those three names have in common?" He'd nod his head to the guards, both of them stretching their arms out to the boy's shoulders, on their respective sides of course, in order to begin to restrain him by twisting his arms behind his back at their respective speeds (70 for Jester, 79 for Wraith) Given that this was happening from behind the boy, it'd be unlikely he'd be able to see it coming due to the absence of reflective surfaces in the room.

( )
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Another chase of power {IO} Empty Re: Another chase of power {IO}

Wed Jun 17, 2015 5:04 pm
Monarch without a word was apparently "Praised" for his threat to the kage, the kage spewing a bunch of bullshit from his mouth about two dogs as he hinted that the name Monarch would be a fitting name for a low level dog, Monarch without a word was retrained by the two Anbu ninja, they help him in a way he couldn't get out of this completely and utterly threw Monarch into a rage looking at his kage "I SWEAR TO GOD YOU BASTARD IF THESE GUYS HOLD ME FOR ONE MORE FUCKING SECOND I'LL KILL YOU, YOUR FAMILY. AND EVERYONE WHO LOVES YOU, YOU WILL BE THE ONE GOAL I HAVE THE ONE GOAL I WILL HAVE IS BURNING DOWN THIS VILLAGE WHILE YOU WATCH JUST TO SHOW YOU HOW MUCH YOU SUCK!!!" Monarch said in a dark evil almost brutal tone Starring the kage down with hate in his eye before Monarchs mouth moved one more "I will be the one to end your life[/color]" Monarch said dead serious right to him with no emotion but a dim sign of hate.
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Another chase of power {IO} Empty Re: Another chase of power {IO}

Wed Jun 17, 2015 5:27 pm
Naturally, Xyxer would be scared of the person uttering these threats if they were of actual concern. Well, no, he wouldn't, he attacked two missing shinobi ranks higher than him because he thought it'd be a laugh. Never the less, the words of the boy cemented his place in history. "Ambitions! Those are good! Allow them to fester!" He nodded once more, this time the elbow of Wraith would snap around from behind the boy and thump into the back of the boy's head, cracking it forward if it was to connect, and of course, since he's restrained and unable to see, or barely even react to the attack, he'd probably going to be unconscious (Thankfully not dead due to Wraith's strength restraint!). If this goes smoothly, the boy would awaken, now strapped to Xyxer's cross which was still in the dungeons that he had fashioned underneath the Mizukage building itself. The room was large and hollow with torches barely causing a light with their roaring flames. The cross, of course, was in the center, and Xyxer was about five meters in front of the boy. "Please, tell me more about how you're going to kill me and you're one goal!"
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Another chase of power {IO} Empty Re: Another chase of power {IO}

Wed Jun 17, 2015 5:35 pm
Monarch barely saw it coming the restraints got tighter as the fist clonked out Monarch however the man didn't kill him he would still have a gash due to the mans fist being incredibly strong and fast Monarch wouldn't have been able to move in the first place the fist crashed against a unmovable object which just obviously knocked out the unmovable object being Monarch as the object, ad so he'd be knocked out.

When Monarch awoke he was on a cross in what seemed to be a torture room with the Mizukage standing their with a rather annoying look on his face as he asked more about how Monarch was going to kill him ad what his one goals was Monarch was obviously not okay with his confinement 

Monarch looked at the Kage "Like i said I'm going to kill you, I'm going to destroy everything you hold of value and I'm going to piss on your grave you bastard, My one goal right now is to see you cry and then tear out your heart and keep it so whenever I'm made i'll squeeze it and remember that because i have that heart i kill the first man to ever piss me off beyond compare you fucking bastard I WILL BE THE MAN TO KILL YOU EVE IF I HAVE TO KILL MYSELF TO DO IT" Monarch said in a cold rage moving around his shackles slightly waiting for the Kage to do something.
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Another chase of power {IO} Empty Re: Another chase of power {IO}

Fri Jun 19, 2015 9:11 am
Xyxer walked closer to the boy, closing the gap relatively quickly as the boy continued to speak. The look in his eyes remained the same, an electrical excitement that seemed to warp the air around him. Now, as Monarch started to shout along the part of "I WILL BE THE MAN", Xyxer's right hand twitched and found itself no longer at his side, but instead hurtling towards the left cheek of the male on the cross before him at the speed of 125 (100 naturally, 25 from the ring, etc etc) which is probably way above his reaction time. If that was to land, however, as we have to put this stupid shit in, Xyxer would follow through with another attack during the boy's dazed state; his fingers curled as they gripped an invisible hilt, they rose up from his other side in the left hand towards the boy's now turned head after his slap, the knuckles aiming to collide with the boy's jaw, specifically the lower part of his lips. Of course, he had done it in the boy's best interest. The teeth he would have there would grow to be quite annoying when he got tooth pains with the absence of a dentist in this dark place. If the attack was to land, the teeth in the mouth of the boy would be broken almost in their entirety, hoping that the boy didn't deepthroat giants during his spare time and thus have an extremely large, worrying maw. Of course, Xyxer had retained a lot of his strength during these attacks to make sure he didn't not break the bones, other than the teeth. That'd be mean, and breaking someone's neck by slapping them would be weird.
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