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Knock knock knocking on heavens door - Page 6 Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Tue Oct 21, 2014 4:34 pm
"I'll train you in the arts of Kenjutsu, of course. Hopefully you'll make your next village invasion much more interesting and not end very.. premature." His tone was bemused, there was until, of course, the fake sympathy came from Youka. He did not need sympathy. He did not need reminders. If truth was told, Xyxer had saved many from that fateful night.. but in doing so, he had became a traitor to his people. He had abandoned them, and deep down, that wound continued to fester and gnaw away at the little sanity that Xyxer had left holding his mind together.

"Denkiteki.. Former Tenkage.." He paused for a second, "He also didn't try to reclaim his village back. Kages surely are becoming very leisurely, not even returning it seems.. Alas, however, it is a male I.." Instead of outright saying his intentions of wishing to kill the male whom had surpassed him due to his complete sanity, he swerved his wording, "Must confront, our mutual interests are quite alike, I'd imagine."
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Knock knock knocking on heavens door - Page 6 Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Tue Oct 21, 2014 5:03 pm
Youka listened to the man as he offered to teach him in the way of the blade. Although the last part of more than likely making his attempts more successful was not needed.

"The former kage is currently in Shimagakure with my partner learning of some different things. There are a few developments that might be interesting for you to go and meet him personally. Of course I'll be going there as well, I need to meet up with my partner and finish some things with him."

Naked Youka kept silent as he kept in communication with Maku over the chokers.

7/30 recovery post
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Knock knock knocking on heavens door - Page 6 Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Tue Oct 21, 2014 5:13 pm
Assuming Youka was the strongest of the pair as he was the one to invade a village alone, he still found it queer how an S-Rank shinobi relied so heavily on another shinobi. It was strange, perhaps even questionable, but it appeared to be a strong bond; one that could easily put him at a bad end if they were to attack him two on one. But, Xyxer being Xyxer, did not care too much for the odds that would happen. "Who's your partner? What's their name and specialty?"
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Knock knock knocking on heavens door - Page 6 Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Tue Oct 21, 2014 7:13 pm
The Demon of course still stood in front of Xyxer listening and watching as he asked his questions trying to find out more about Youka and his partner. How it would make the Demons day if Xyxer would kill the boy and rid Youka of one of the most annoying humans to ever breath but sadly there was a pact that prevented him from saying such things directly and only allowed him to allude to such things.

"You don't understand how happy it would make me to tell you every little detail about that obnoxious piece of flesh, sadly I work on deals and my word. I can't speak directly about his partner in anyway or I cease to exist. However his partner is a master of the mind. Also, can we please get something for my naked half please, him walking around like that is rather disturbing."
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Knock knock knocking on heavens door - Page 6 Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Wed Oct 22, 2014 4:30 pm
It was at this point that Xyxer started to feel as if Youka was attempting to pull a trick on him.. Deceive him into believing that the other form truly was a separate entity from himself. He did not enjoy being tricked, and so his anger was slowly beginning to boil inside of himself. Repressing it for now, he walked over to the metallic door and opened it with a key, ushering a few words outside before moving towards the table.

"I'm sure you won't mind, Youka." Xyxer stated, moving his hands onto either side of the demonic armour that Youka was adorning prior, shifting it from the table and into his grip fully, "However I'll need to confiscate this, seeing as how you, you know, tried to kill me whilst wearing it."There was a smirk under his mask, challenging the male for a response.
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Knock knock knocking on heavens door - Page 6 Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Wed Oct 22, 2014 5:02 pm
As Xyxer got up and walked away whispering something as he opened the door he made his way for the armor that the Demon had hand made for Youka before he went to attack Yuki. It didn't like having someone else's hands touching it in any manner.

"Please don't call me by that fools name, I understand it might be hard to get around it, but I am not him and he is not me. I work purely on survival and as I said before my word is my bond. Even if you gave my other half the armor I've already said he is weaker than me, Honestly, he doesn't know any jutsu and cant harm you. It's sort of how the jutsu works. You know I made that armor by hand for this fool of a man, it won't fit you."
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Knock knock knocking on heavens door - Page 6 Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Thu Oct 23, 2014 5:29 am
"Okay, Youka #2. I can understand an identity crisis when I see one." Xyxer looked down at the armour in front of him which was now slumped over, the cowl at least. It was weird to the male how, when adorned by a person this armour could be quite a formidable piece of kit, but without a user, well.. It was just a useless hunk of metal that could be thrown around willy nilly, then again, perhaps nothing had changed with this particular set of armour.

Looking back up from the armour as a member of Tengakure's ANBU corps entered with two sets of very basic clothing, two grey shirts, loose pants and sandals. It wouldn't cost the ANBU too much to facilitate the two people whom had wished to slaughter them, after all, if it did then this would just turn out to be a very unpopular attempt and the people would force his hand into execution.. Naturally, the ANBU threw the clothes sets at the two individuals as Xyxer spoke once more, "It does not have to fit me, as long as it is not fitting you at the moment. Though, instead of me peacefully holding it and carrying it, I can instead destroy it, ravage it and perhaps destroy you too?" The piquing anger of Xyxer was always somewhere to be found.

With that anger, he instructed the ANBU member to come over, then whispering some explicit instructions to him, and so he picked up the letter, the finger and the necklace before departing the vicinity.
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Knock knock knocking on heavens door - Page 6 Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Thu Oct 23, 2014 9:30 am
Having the armor destroyed was something that just couldn't happen, something he would have to ensure didn't happen which mean playing along till he was trusted enough to actually get his items back and get the hell out of here.

"Destroying it won't be necessary, however I can't help but shake this feeling that you don't believe me about the man you talked to earlier being gone now."

As he Talked he had clothes thrown at him which naked Youka switched into rather quickly, thank god. While this happened and they switched, he watch as his own finger with the necklace Youka had been given leave the room and be transported to where he guessed was going to be Konoha for Shinji......awkwarrrrrrdd.......

13/30 recovery
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Knock knock knocking on heavens door - Page 6 Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Thu Oct 23, 2014 9:45 am
Finally nodding at how the person, well, people before him had bended the knee and allowed him to do whatever with the armour providing that he did not wear it. Nodding his head, he allowed his ring to absorb the armour and keep it within his own little realm for trinkets. Perhaps he would give it back at a later date, perhaps he would keep it as a souvenir.. Who knows. It then dawned on Xyxer that he had continued to speak, and thankfully Xyxer had continued to listen.

"What're you on about, Youka? You're right there. Talk about split personalities, huh." He looked to his side and nudged an invisible figure, making his way over to the door after collecting everything he would need within the room, making a mental note to have somebody carry his cross at a later date, or perhaps, just keep it there. Chilling, killing, having a good time. "Come, Youka, we have much more to discuss, and you're a wanted criminal, there's quite a bounty on your head."

He exited the sinister room and made his way slowly towards the village gates, hoping that Youka cared enough for the armour to not wrench his spinal cord from his back.


[4695 WC so I'll put that towards stats and stuff, and towards a jutsu when I think of one]
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Knock knock knocking on heavens door - Page 6 Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Thu Oct 23, 2014 10:06 am
The Demon followed behind with the other whom he had now named Akuoy following behind him. Whatever was going to happen he would just have to see it through.

(TWC 5377)
5377-3852=1525 which I will put towards memory alteration +21 stats for Akuoy
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