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Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Knock knock knocking on heavens door - Page 3 Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Sun Oct 19, 2014 3:38 pm
Coughing up a small trickle of blood that slid down his lips the Demon smiled a faint grin towards the would be torturer standing now in front of him.

"His name is useless right now, you have him captured, the only information you need is who sent him."

Taking in a labored breath from being tied up in a very inconvenient position the Demon never turned it's face from the man in front of him and winced slightly as the blade cut into his cheek again causing a trickle of blood to seep from the wound.

"Sadly this fool didn't take any payment, he came merely seeking an interesting a fun fight, forgoing everything else for that one goal. The highest form of a fool. What are you going to do with him?"
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Knock knock knocking on heavens door - Page 3 Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Sun Oct 19, 2014 3:43 pm
The male spoke in third person and still refused to give his name.. how very strange indeed, it was almost as if he was handling another psychopath. "Oh, I don't know.. probably kill him unless he proves to actually be useful, what is his name?"

The small influx of blood from the cheek wound amused Xyxer, and so this time he elevated the blade, slicing it gently under both eyebrows of Youka, aiming to have blood slowly drip down and alleviate him of the pain that was vision, temporarily of course.
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Knock knock knocking on heavens door - Page 3 Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Sun Oct 19, 2014 5:02 pm
Hmm it seemed this man got off on inflicting pain on others. It was just like the Demon, two of the same thing just from different sides. Well then by all means the Demon would oblige and let the man continue his torture but of course first in had to slightly mock the human into punishing Youka's body some more. As Xyxer made more cuts into the mans flesh causing the blood to not only seep into his eyes but also force them shut a snarl escaped his lips.

It would more than likely only be able to do this once because the post that it was connected to was also eating away at their chakra ensuring jutsu was not a viable means of escape once attached to the torture device. Activating yin healing wound the cuts and bruises that were over his face would slightly smoke from how fast they were healing closing shut as if the cut was never there in the first place.

Smiling again the Demon opened one eye and winked at the man in front of him.

"I think you missed a spot, try...again. Before you do though, I know how much fun you get out of this, wouldn't it be more fun, if somehow you could do this with more people? I have a few Konoha shinobi marked and ready to be transported. Sure i'm fun to torture, but as they say, the more the merrier....His name is Youka...."
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Knock knock knocking on heavens door - Page 3 Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Mon Oct 20, 2014 11:57 am
Xyxer looked intently at Youka, intrigued at how, despite being unable to perform hand seals, his body had healed itself of it's wounds. A very.. intricate power. Pausing for a few seconds, Xyxer turned around while he spoke,

"Tell me, do you like my mask?"

Instantly, the armour he was previously wearing had now disappeared, revealing instead a neat greysuit with a red tie, with black gloves accompanying it of course.

Turning around, there was now a burlap mask over his face, one commonly used for scarecrows. He looked into the males eyes opposite of him, mentioning a possibly suspects name offhandedly, snarling once more.

"How is Shinji doing in the Village Hidden in leaves? I must say.. he doesn't seem very intent on returning to his people, does he?"

As instructed however, as Xyxer was a very courteous person, he reopened the wounds under the males eyebrows, baring the konoha genin in mind as a possible prize.

"Also.. What makes the genin more valuable to me to torture than yourself? You're quite a prominent figure, attacking a village by yourself."
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Knock knock knocking on heavens door - Page 3 Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Mon Oct 20, 2014 12:37 pm
Watching the man walk back for a moment before his armor changed into that of a much more formal ware. Except was that a trash bag on his head, why the hell know what, fuck it, Youka was being tortured he had no right to judge the mans taste in clothing.

"It's practically mortifying."

It seemed that the man had also figured out via a few ques who had sent him to the village as well. Despite being a man fueled on giving pain to others he had a nice head on his shoulders.

"Oh, I didn't say a name...that was from your lips first. The kon..."

That was all the Demon had time to let out before his captor went back to the task of cutting into his flesh again. There was no healing that, his chakra was reaching the very low state.

"Don't know if you've ever been to Konoha, but it's full of people that think the world should be given to them. They pride themselves on being the strongest, without any type of training what so ever. What better way to show them they were wrong than by letting them live their days out as canvas's for your art?"

The Demon was very good with his tongue, he just had to ensure the man was actually listening and not thinking of more ways to torture.
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 352200

Knock knock knocking on heavens door - Page 3 Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Mon Oct 20, 2014 1:11 pm
"That's why I think Shinji is there. He seemed like a very self-important man.. After all, he didn't even try to reclaim the village himself." He paused for a second, peering down at his sword as he took in what Youka was saying, nodding his head somewhat. He looked back into his eyes.

"I feel like being nice, allow me to dull the pain." With that, the eye of darkness that was next to his amber eye suddenly flushed a crimson red, an eerie blood moon. With the eyes locked, a genjutsu was soon formed with appearance of shit going crazy like man, have you seen the genjutsus in the anime? Inverted colours and shit man idk, like it is in the anime with crimson. However, Xyxer was quite a liar and this was not truly to numb his pain, instead, in this reality.. He was going to turn him into a eunuch.

Approaching in the true reality, he pressed the sword gently against the joint of his pinkie finger and pressed it in roughly, cutting through the finger and bone with very little resistance thanks to how sharp his sword was. The same happened in the illusion, only, to his groin..
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Knock knock knocking on heavens door - Page 3 Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Mon Oct 20, 2014 2:45 pm
'Just remember I never said that....not that it matters anymore."

It was the truth he was being slowly bled out by small cuts, if this were to be the death by a thousands cuts method then Xyxer was doing a great job at it. It simply sucked that this couldn't have happened at a worse time when Youka was so close to completing his body replication jutsu. If he would have done that then this body dying would have been fine, the Demon could simply jump to the next and live on.

Once the man started talking about dulling pain he instantly knew it was a lie, no one ties someone up to a cross and tortures them only to dull the pain later. That's when something interesting happened, something the demon knew it could use for its own ends, it was a grasp at straws but it would work if Xyxer truly wanted it.

The genjutsu that was cast was dark and void of all happiness almost like looking into his own soul but more menacing to say the least. Watching the Xyxer in this world approach a nude Youka, you could only imagine the things that went on, they were too brutal to actually say. It took forever and felt like years of pain flowed down on him like a torrent. The Demon snapped back to reality due to the physical pain coming from his finger being severed. Breathing heavily and feeling his strength waning due to the awkwardness of sitting on a cross he tried one last thing to get himself down from here.

"I...I saw it, before you activated the genjutsu, I saw your eye...It's imperfect. I can fix that if you let me down from here."
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Knock knock knocking on heavens door - Page 3 Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Mon Oct 20, 2014 2:54 pm
It's.. Imperfect? Not only was the male in front of him in bondage, but now he also mocked him? He implied.. Xyxer was not perfect? Feeling a cold wave wash over him, he turned to the side, laughing a little, but it was obviously forced. Without any hesitation, the male spun around towards Youka with his fist clenched, aiming to impact his cheek for such a blasphemous mockery of himself. He did not care whether he died or not now, for he had just mocked his executioner. After the singular head shot, not checking to see on his vitals or waiting, he instead launched a flurry of punches into the gut and ribs of Youka, the small ring on his finger leaving small indentations over his body.
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Knock knock knocking on heavens door - Page 3 Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Mon Oct 20, 2014 3:06 pm
It seemed the priest had struck a chord in the wrong way with the man on his last words. He hadn't meant any disrespect by it, ok well maybe a little the Demon was still as defiant as ever and honestly he didn't feel the pain that came from his insolence, Youka did. After the first punch rocked his head, causing it to crack back on the wood and also loosing about four of his teeth Youka's head went limp against his chest as the blows continuously rained down.

Had it not been for his continuous punishment of his own body to get used to such blows this would have spelt the end for our friendly neighborhood touch you in all the wrong places priest. Once the man had his fill of using him as a meaty punching bag, the Demon coughed up more blood before spitting out one of his molars to the side covered in thick blood. Ribs were sure to be broken, along with a little internal bleeding, still nothing that he couldn't heal on his own once he found a way to get down from here.

Barely keeping himself lucid enough to speak he interjected again, this time softly and with a lot more gaps in between as he strove to catch his breath.

"Offer..still stands...When was the last time you got to have fun like this, and cut loose on someone. I could promise a lot more powerful people to your cross if you join up with myself and my partner."
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Knock knock knocking on heavens door - Page 3 Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Mon Oct 20, 2014 3:10 pm
Xyxer paused, looking down at his bloodied gloves. It had been a while since he had unloaded on another person, that was sure.. In times of confusion, however, he did not trust himself to make these decisions alone. That's why, Xyxer now fondled the taurus auracite around his neck, seemingly enraptured by it and it's special way to enlighten him. His anger had now dropped considerably, but it was still there, which was evident by how Xyxer now grasped the throat of Youka, currently able to rip out his throat if he so desired.

"How is it imperfect? Who is your partner? Why should I trust your word?"

His sentence was short and to the point, he no longer felt the need to try sugar coat his words.
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