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Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Knock knock knocking on heavens door Empty Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Sat Oct 18, 2014 11:56 am
Well it was time to get to work, Youka made it to Tenga and now there was only one thing to do, find Takeo and Xyxer. There were a few big chakra signatures that he could pick up but no one that was coming yet. He stood at the entrance clad in his all black armor and his demons mask protecting his face and also his eternal manekyo sharingan from being spotted. He would wait to see who came to the gates to greet him, he wasn't here to destroy the entire village, just two people. Walking over to the gate guards he guessed he would do this with as much class as possible.

"I'm requesting an audience with Takeo, and Xyxer, I would like to meet them here if at all possible. Tell them it's urgent."

With that he waited for his message to be delivered by standing at attention at the entrance of the village feeling out the surroundings around him to ensure a sneak attack was not imminent.
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Knock knock knocking on heavens door Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Sat Oct 18, 2014 12:57 pm
Xyxer never did consider himself a kage of this village. He cared very little for the village, in all honesty, perhaps even less for the people. There were few here he considered decent people.. but, there was a different matter emerging within the beast that was Xyxer. Who was he? Sitting in his full armour, the demon was sat on a building that was directly viewing the gates, which was why he was somewhat intrigued when he heard his name be spoken, as well as a request to meet him.

How irking.

The guards merely shifted their hands towards the male that was poised on the edge like a gargoyle, yet he did not flinch or attempt to move towards the man that was Youka.
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Knock knock knocking on heavens door Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Sat Oct 18, 2014 1:06 pm
Hmm, after Youka mentioned the name Xyxer the guards simply moved their arms in the direction of a man sitting atop a building like a protector. The man didn't move nor make any sound, he just watched. Noting what features Youka could he viewed the mans armor as something that looked like his from the outside. A smile crept across his face under his mask as his blood pumped again in anticipation of what might come from this meeting. Turning his body slightly to face the statuesque man Youka would begin to talk directly to him.

"I assume you are one of the people I seek, I like this village, and was wondering if you wouldn't mind giving it to me."

Youka had to gauge the mans mental state to see where things stood, Shinji did mention that he was a tad bit eccentric so he needed to see just what he was dealing with.
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Knock knock knocking on heavens door Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Sat Oct 18, 2014 1:10 pm
Listening to the mans request for the village, Xyxer did have to think on it for a little.. With Takeo being hospitalised, perhaps the village did need a new leader? Turning his head slightly to the side, looking at the guards, a metallic claw crept up next to his face and tapped hollowly onto his helmet, acting as if he was thinking.

"You know what, Lionheart?"

He paused a little while longer before turning his head towards the male, nodding his head as if consolidating a matter.

"You can have it. After all, the dead do technically own everything, dont they?"

As he spoke he stood up on the roof of the building, staring down upon the male, wondering if anything of interest was going to emerge from his lips.
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Knock knock knocking on heavens door Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Sat Oct 18, 2014 1:21 pm
Well the man was moving, that was a good sign, although he was talking in bad riddles. The man held the advatage in high ground as well and Youka wasn't as dumb to rush the opponent without knowing what he could do.

"Eh, that's true I suppose, if you want you can come down here and I can give you the rite of passage to ensure you inherit every last bit."

It was obvious that there wasn't going to be a civil ending to this from the mans tone, he guessed it was all the same. He could of course keep talking once things got started depending on the mans skill. Raising his right arm he waved the man down and over, Youka had time to spare anyways, if this was going to be a match of who could not move from their spot the longest then by god he would win that too.
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 352200

Knock knock knocking on heavens door Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Sat Oct 18, 2014 1:31 pm
The male wished for him to.. move down to his level? He laughed. Even if this guy was not a very good shinobi, he would make one hell of a comedian. It was just a shame that, well, his career would be cut extremely short if he was to make any advancement on taking the village.

"What's your name, stranger? I wish to know what letters I shall have burnt into your skin while you're crucified. Hell, why stop there? Tell me why you're here as well, since if you did intend to take the village.. You wouldn't stand around like a nitwit."
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Knock knock knocking on heavens door Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Sat Oct 18, 2014 1:46 pm
Dear god, this was going to turn into the worst stall match in all the lands if this continued. Youka simply wanted to do what needed to be done and then leave to go get some lunch honestly.

"I just told you, I like the village, and thought, hell why not take it. I need a place for my kind to feel safe and be protected so they aren't living in caves and watching their backs."

While talking he began walking towards the wall that the statue stood on, Might as well get closer, so they weren't yelling at each other, this seen probably looked very awkward to the guards listening to them go back and forth. If allowed he would reach the bottom of the wall and stand a mere two meters from it looking up at the man.

"Come on down, hell you look like a sick fuck, tell you what, you give this to me, and I'll invite you on all my killing vacations, send you a post card and everything."
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 352200

Knock knock knocking on heavens door Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Sat Oct 18, 2014 2:06 pm
Alas, the name was not told so he would, unfortunately, have to wipe the unsaid name from the world. Allowing his hand to reach into his ninja pouch, he pulled out two shuriken and held them loosely inbetween his fingers, gazing down upon the man.

"I'm not surrendering a village to some hobo with no claim to fame."

With that, the male simply dropped his hand and released his grip on the shurikens, throwing them directly towards the chest cavity of the male. Of course, they were at the angle where they would simply carry on through the chest cavity and straight down into the pelvic region. (133 speed + 76 sharpness, dat momentum tho)
Stat Page : The Plague
Remove Iryōjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Knock knock knocking on heavens door Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Sat Oct 18, 2014 3:05 pm
Ok so Youka had more than enough time to study the armored mans movements as he reached into something and pulled out two shuriken that could easily be seen. No lie, the dude was only 12 feet off the ground, so Youka responded well in fashion to the man raising his arm and dropping it at enough speed for him to know that he was going to throw them. Stepping off of his right foot placing his weight on the left he propelled his body two meters to left before bounding the height of the building in one jump.

If allowed to do so he would reach the top of the building and stand opposite of the mans side a mere two meters in distance. Raising his right hand he would push his threads from the center of his palm out in the direction of the armored man attempting to wrap around his armored head and crush it in one go. The roof they were standing on was 4x4 meters in width and length giving them both small amounts of room to play around with.

(thread stats at bottom of post)
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 352200

Knock knock knocking on heavens door Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Sat Oct 18, 2014 3:38 pm
It seemed the rookie trick was working, and the bait had been snapped up. The unnamed stranger had dodged the shurikens easily enough with an easy jump to the side, a movement that Xyxer had matched within the shadows. Yet now, the boy sought to alleviate himself to the same level as Xyxer, as if his place allowed him so.. This, of course, angered the mentally unstable guy. As the male began his jump up, Xyxer extended his hand downwards towards the male as he left the ground.

Instantly, a sword seemed to appear in the hand of Xyxer aiming down towards the bounding figure, the sword being roughly two meters with Youka now being 5 feet off the air, giving him half a foot of thinking time. The sword was angled so that it would, quite simply, cut straight downwards through the figure through the head and directly cleave through the groin. His senses remained aware around himself, anticipating for a great battle.

(Tidebreaker summoned)
(196 sharpness + 150 health)
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