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Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Knock knock knocking on heavens door - Page 4 Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Mon Oct 20, 2014 4:21 pm
Hmmm Xyxer was calmer and listening slightly more to reason, but he was still fairly ticked, how could one tell that he was ticked, well the hand to the throat slightly squeezing on the voicebox was a pretty good indication. It seemed he would have to speak straight as well instead of drawing these things out.

"There is another form after what you have already attained, and I know the secret to unlocking it, you'll have to allow me movement though. My partner is another strong fighter as myself plotting something very interesting. You shouldn't trust my word, but why would I lie given my circumstances?"

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Knock knock knocking on heavens door - Page 4 Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Mon Oct 20, 2014 4:35 pm
Xyxer looked at the male for a few seconds, his eyes appraised him, the mangekyo sharingan adding a primal ferocity to his gaze. The male had acted a little slower than him before in the fight, and he knew that.. he also knew that his current sharingan, when activated, made him see into the future, making everything more clear, something this shinobi had done. Not only that, but he had spoke of a perfected sharingan.. He knew of the sharingan himself, and a way to attain a level beyond it. Although he did not truly know whether the male had the sharingan he had promised, Xyxer stepped back to look Youka up and down, no humour in his voice.

"Show me your sharingan."

He did not truly know Youka had the sharingan, and if he was to refuse showing Xyxer then Xyxer would have no reason to continue the torture, but alas, no reason to keep him alive due to his threat of an active partner, whom he said to be strong. After all, why would Xyxer believe a male in being able to get a stronger sharingan if he did not have that form himself?
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Knock knock knocking on heavens door - Page 4 Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Mon Oct 20, 2014 4:40 pm
Well damnit why were these situations so nerve racking and pulse pounding? Couldn't they all just get along and shake hands and forgive, it's not like this was personal or anything right??? It would just have to oblige and see where things went from there although this situation was getting very bleak. Opening his left eye his EMS swirled into active state and he blinked through the blood still dripping slowly into his eye before deactivating it again due to the strain it was putting on his body not having enough chakra to maintain it.
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Knock knock knocking on heavens door - Page 4 Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Mon Oct 20, 2014 4:47 pm
It did seem different to his.. Nodding his head, he accepted that perhaps he was not yet in the perfect state, perhaps he'd just have to take it. Stepping towards the male, he pressed his index and middle finger against the top lid and his thumb just under the eyelid of the eye that Youka had changed. Xyxer aimed to scare him, people were a lot more truthful when they knew their life could soon be ending.

"Tell me what you know of me."
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Knock knock knocking on heavens door - Page 4 Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Mon Oct 20, 2014 4:51 pm
Hmm, he had been truthful up to this point without the torturing being needed, and now that he was more than likely going to lose an eye ball he still felt even less reason to well start lying to the man about what he knew.

"I know you're Xyxer, I know you manipulate water to a perfect degree. I was told you might be a little crazy, and well this room makes that a fact. That's all I know honestly, everything else was a learning experience for me."
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Knock knock knocking on heavens door - Page 4 Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Mon Oct 20, 2014 4:54 pm
There were very little tales of his name from Kirigakure, he was often referred to as another coming of a demon.. That of course, left Shinji as this males sole informant, solidifying Xyxer's understanding of the two's contract. Entangling the necklace Youka had around his neck in his hand, he tugged on it and moved backwards, moving the severed finger as well as the necklace towards the table where he rested them; he'd need parchment soon.

"And what does this process involve, Youka?"
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Knock knock knocking on heavens door - Page 4 Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Mon Oct 20, 2014 5:01 pm
There wen't the only thing that drew Youka to his human self, the one thing he had to remember his dad by that had sheltered him and hid him from the evils of the world. Now it was no longer a part of him and it lay on a table as a sign of the last of his humanity being torn away.

"This process involves you letting me down from here....and actually touching you....I need to remove your eye and replace it with mine for this to work....I know it sounds wrong...but it's the only way for this t be done......."
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 352200

Knock knock knocking on heavens door - Page 4 Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Tue Oct 21, 2014 12:43 pm
Allowing his fingers to rest on the edge of the dark, study table before him, Xyxer allowed various trains of throat drive through his mind and leave their impression on him. He could outright execute the threat right now, that was true, and it would earn him some hefty ryo in the form of his corpse. He could simply continue to torture him and appease himself.. Hurting someone of power was quite fun. Turning around, he paced slowly towards the restrained fellow, pondering his conclusion a final time before he went to work on loosening one side of the restraints for Youka's left wrist, making smalltalk as he went about releasing him from his current position. "What village are you from and what's your rank, Youka?" He read somewhere that repeating a persons name builds a bridge of trust, it was funny how such subjective things could affect a situation. 

One by one he removed the restraints, not requiring his sword currently and as a sign of no longer needing to harm him, Xyxer had dispelled it; of course he'd summon it once more if a particular danger was to arise, but he had been through the procedure of an eye transplant and so he should know if this male was trying anything funny. Something funny would perhaps be asking to see the genitalia of Xyxer despite it being an eye transplant (You see, Xyxer was a smart lad and had learned from his mistakes in Kirigakure No Sato).

Once done, he stepped backwards a few paces and looked around, smirking a little under the burlap and speaking in a bemused manner, "You can perform an eye transplant whilst standing? Why, how skilled of you."
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Knock knock knocking on heavens door - Page 4 Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Tue Oct 21, 2014 1:10 pm
As he was finally being released from the hell on earth that was the cross of torture he winced as the pain was relieved from his wrists. The questions were odd coming from the man after he had just spent time cutting into him. Maybe he was trying to build good rapport, this was a very awkward should the Demon respond.

"He's not from any village, he was raised in a small convent. As far as ranks go well if i'm correct he is S."

Standing and cracking his bones to relieve tension and rotating his neck he looked over the man once more. The demon needed to get in contact with Maku as well to maybe get some information that would help get him out of here quicker as well.

"Yes standing is no problem for me if it's not for you. If you don't mind though, my partner is expecting me to check in around this time. If you don't mind I would like to get in contact with him so he knows everything is ok, I'll need that choker you took off of me. If you hear anything that sounds like code well..yeah...Also, I would like to use my helper for this transplant, he's ten times weaker than I am but he'll be able to facilitate this event, since i'm already out of my armor it's the perfect time to use him."

(requesting body replication as I'm at 3852 words right now and already have 1k from previous topic)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Knock knock knocking on heavens door - Page 4 Empty Re: Knock knock knocking on heavens door

Tue Oct 21, 2014 1:11 pm
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