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Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Letter to Maku Empty Letter to Maku

Tue Oct 14, 2014 11:29 am
Youka sat for a moment while he was in Konoha at the messenger services office. It was here that he would send his partner the information he had gotten up to this point, which was nothing on Echo honestly, the man was a ghost, maybe he went by his other name here just as he had when sending them both to other villages. It was worth checking on, but for now the letter would just entail the people he had met and the things he's sen of them.

"Maku, I hope this letter get's to you in a timely manner, I'm finishing up my tie in Konoha, still turning up empty handed on the task, but finding things that are fun to play with that could be used for the grand scheme of things. NOt too many interesting people in the village besides another traveler that I met who used to be a part of Tenga, Goes by the name of Shinji, other than him, everyone else is just beginning their journey, but I'll be watching them grow I think. I'll either be heading to Tenga after I'm done here checking the libraries for anything else on the subject of you know who."

Youka handed the sealed letter to the male behind the counter and ensured to watch them so they wouldn't read the letter. In moments it was strapped to the leg of a pigeon and sent to deliver the message.
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Letter to Maku Empty Re: Letter to Maku

Tue Oct 14, 2014 11:49 am
Maku recieved the letter and read it over.  "Things to play with" made him smile.  Wondering how high the body count was in konoha Maku took a piece of paper and began to write a return letter.  

"Seems fine.  I didn't expect much to be honest, the wind is often fleeting and leaves no trace save for the objects it has moved.  I would be saddened if I didn't tell you my time in Shimagakure has not been successful.  While I am still unsure on many things I have a feeling I have made two dear friends.  Well maybe dear one day, all the same I met two people I guess who seem friendly enough.  I volunteered us for some dangerous work possibly, not a big deal.  

I don't think you should go to Tenga.  One of my new friends once traveled those parts, and she said the place was recently taken over.  I just don't know if there would be much to be gained there.  Didn't you say once that Uncle Edward had a daughter from Kumo?  Maybe that would be a spot to find him a good present for the surprise party we intend on throwing him.  Anyway, it's up to you, if you think it's the best I default to your intuition, please do not let this sway you, let it merely assist your decision.  If I can recruit my friends to our dodgeball team I'll let you know, I think they could be good players.  Keep me posted, I'll do the same with you.  

P.s.  Look at this tan!!!!!

Maku included a photo of himself since his arrival.  The sun had already began to bronze his skin and he thought Youla would like to see it.  The letter was full of code, with obvious mistakes.  They should be rather obvious to Youka, as the mistakes were so bold it would cause one to review their history for the correct selections.  He also hoped he would pick up on the joining the team, but alas not so important.  May had wanted to mention one of them being the former tenkage, but alas he would not risk it.  If this den was being pursued this would be the simple mistake that an ANBU would be looking for.  Thus making him never actually being from tenga and instead a simple traveler, and calling him a she.  Didn't seem logical anyone could crack that without some kind of metaphysical knowledge.  

Making sure to push the photo in the envelope, Maku took a drink of his pineapple beer before licking the envelop closed.  It seemed to hold the smell as Maku handed it over and watched as it was returned.  Hopefully Youka was still in Konoha by the time this reached him, after all he had sent it off a mere 20 minutes from its initial arrival.
Stat Page : The Plague
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 134237

Letter to Maku Empty Re: Letter to Maku

Tue Oct 14, 2014 12:04 pm
Opening the letter and reading the content he understood what Maku was saying and should think a bit more on where it was that he was headed. As for the picture, Youka tore it into tiny pieces and left.

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