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Arrival! Empty Arrival!

Mon May 12, 2014 8:46 pm
Taiga walked up to the gates, He must have pasted Chrollo considering he got there before him. He stood awaiting the leader to join him in front of these gate to a new experience. He looked back waiting to see where Chrollo would come from and if he was gonna be quick.
Chrollo Senju
Chrollo Senju
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Arrival! Empty Re: Arrival!

Mon May 12, 2014 8:52 pm
Chrollo arrives behind Taiga. He had spent a few moments walking around the gate area, having stopped running. He reminisces on the past events, and hopes that he's made the right decision by choosing Shimagakure as his place of training. Though before that, he would have to greet the kage if the man was around, and begin the usual formalities. He would also make sure to inform the man of the previous events. Walking beside Taiga, he stops, and waits for a member of the village to greet them like before.
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Arrival! Empty Re: Arrival!

Mon May 12, 2014 9:20 pm
Alas both Saiga and Taiga were unaware of the defensive mechanism of Shimagakure, the oceanic storm circle. Their approach would likely end in there demise if not for the fact that Kaede had knew of the Chrollo's coming back to Shimagakure. As such the circle was taken down in the area in which they arrived by the boat, only long enough for the boat itself to travel through however. The pair arrived at the gates, upon the top which Kaede stood. He gazed down upon the two guests a slight grin on his features. Chrollo he had seen before, however the one next to him was a new face to him. Perhaps that Shingetsu character was left in charge of the village in their absence? Maybe. "Welcome back to Shimagakure." He spoke aloud, his voice crisp and clear. Once more had he adopted the guise of the village leader of Shimagakure. His posture was straight and upright, giving him an air of authority. Not recalling the last time they had met and how the strength between the two had changed, if at all, he let out a silent challenge. His aura burst forth, the skill of displaying his power was one that Kaede did not use often enough honestly, it was always quite fun to see the reactions in his opinion. "I trust you know the way to the chambers. Feel free to enjoy yourself beforehand however, I have plenty of time." With that he hopped down from the gates, which opened for the two guests in order to allow them to enter.
Sabaku Garuda
Sabaku Garuda
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Arrival! Empty Re: Arrival!

Mon May 12, 2014 9:24 pm
It's a trap!!!!!
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Arrival! Empty Re: Arrival!

Mon May 12, 2014 10:00 pm
Taiga didn't move he was already a few meters ahead of his leader and this was unfamiliar territory to him, but he knew Chrollo would also wish to enter first plus it was a sign of respect in some ways. Taiga turned around looking at Chrollo and began to speak calm and collectively "So Chrollo, shall we proceed into the village of Shimagakure? Or would you rather stand here for the time being? Whatever you choose I'll follow as promised." a smile had risen across his face with the words "as promised" left his tongue. He knew if Chrollo was in good humor he might return the smile and show that this was a friendly environment, he would then wait and watch Chrollo to see the next events unfold. He was surprised the man who opened the gate didn't ask who Chrollo had brought with him as they weren't familiar with one another.
Chrollo Senju
Chrollo Senju
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Arrival! Empty Re: Arrival!

Mon May 12, 2014 10:41 pm
Chrollo looks towards the Gates at Kaede, smiling he remains still, and speaks loud enough for the man to here him where he stands. "Thanks for having me back, and of course. I will make sure to speak with you while I'm here." Looking over at Taiga, he places a hand on he boy's shoulder. "This is another one of my Shinobi, his name is Taiga." He says this casually, and begins to walk pass the boy, and towards the gates. "We'll walk in of course." He says this in response to Taiga's question smiling slightly he would attempt to enter the village, unless stopped. Finally he could begin his training, but first he had a few important matters to discuss with Kaede.

[Exit, into the village]
Stat Page : The Child
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Arrival! Empty Re: Arrival!

Tue May 13, 2014 12:20 pm
[Exit for Kaede also]
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Arrival! Empty Re: Arrival!

Tue May 13, 2014 5:10 pm
Taiga smiled and followed Chrollo into the unknown village. He knew it was about to get political and serious very fast but then the training would begin. Taiga proceeded towards the Leader's building.

[Exit/Entered Village]
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