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Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING) - Page 2 Empty Re: Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING)

Mon Oct 07, 2013 6:12 pm
[There was no assuming he stood still. Even if you are walking the fact that you whispered in my ear implies that you are next to me. And even though you did mention hating stats I'll have to mention them. You are walking past me with a speed of 15, my hand was moving down with a speed of 100. Given the fact that it was also already up waving at the time makes it highly unlikely you would be able to avoid it simply because of the fact you are moving.]
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Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING) - Page 2 Empty Re: Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING)

Mon Oct 07, 2013 6:30 pm
can I fix please hacker did that
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING) - Page 2 Empty Re: Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING)

Mon Oct 07, 2013 6:31 pm
[We'll ignore the posts this supposed hacker made after mine and will continue on with the order. Shinji's up next I believe.]
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Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING) - Page 2 Empty Re: Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING)

Mon Oct 07, 2013 6:33 pm
OOC: Yes i think so...
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING) - Page 2 Empty Re: Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING)

Mon Oct 07, 2013 6:54 pm
{Not exactly sure what happened, but hacking does not really work like that. All the same I do not really care.}

Shinji shrugged at the rude boy's words, but watched him go on his way-safely turning his body to watch him if need be. The second Tenkage would watch as Rin whispered something in Takeo's ear, which struck Shinji as odd, because to whisper in someone's ear they had to be awful close. All the same he would watch whatever unfolded with a rather blase and unflinching face, though he would act with lightning quick speed if need be. All he could think was..."kids these days". Naturally he also wondered if that kid even had permission to be leaving the village. Of course he would have to check out with the gate guards if leaving the village was his course of action. And, well, if he did not have the right papers there was no way the kid was getting out and he may well be branded an attempted escapee.
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Living Clones : Isamu
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING) - Page 2 Empty Re: Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING)

Mon Oct 07, 2013 7:20 pm
Den wasn't really sure what happened. Takeo was raising his hand to wave at Den when the other boy passed him, Den barely seeing the boys lips move. Den was no lip reader, but he was fairly sure that nothing should have provoked the response that Takeo gave.

Den had actually begun to raise his own hand to wave when Takeo began to move his towards Rin's temple. For a split second Den wondered what he was trying to do, but he realized to late. Whether his eyes would see blood from Takeo killing Rin or the young boy avoiding the attack somehow has yet to be determined, but whichever happened would decide how he would react.

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Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING) - Page 2 Empty Re: Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING)

Tue Oct 08, 2013 10:17 pm
OOC:This post is going according to simple logic of his hand stopping for along with the attack preparation my speed may not be high but simple logic proves this attack would not hit Rin...
Rins felt a slight wind past his head he turn to see the boy tried to mercilessly kill him Rin fell back to the ground butt first he was about to learn a lesson in manners by this boy named takeo most likely threw him getting ripped into nothingness. 

Rin was afraid of dying his body wasn't ready he would so so soon never feeling the power of a true Anbu his dreams would be crushed, His body mourned his disappointment turned into sorrow that would grow and grow then taking its rightful place in his eyes, they began to change into a red color with a tomoe in it his black pupil his anger fueled him he would soon get up insanity and Adrenalin was his only chance his body got up his body went numb Rin was no longer in control it was his mental insanitys turn to take this small chance where this chuunin failed to hit him."What was that you idiot" Rins voice began to echo "That could have killed me what are you, a pussy get you pussy moves out of here and actually try to kill me!" The Voice said in an echo.Rins body began to walk away from the boy showing his back to the boy "If you want to kill me now go ahead explain to the authority how you killed a genin in cold blood, then the anbu will come for you..." The voice said out loud he didn't need to attack the boy justice would take its toll on him.

{Enraged takeo XD and possible exit...
 Again if you feel this post should be fixed or completely voided it really doesn't matter to me... it is all up to you also with the sharingan thing disappointment counts towards sorrow towards the sharingan... hope you have fun}
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING) - Page 2 Empty Re: Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING)

Wed Oct 09, 2013 4:40 am
[My hand stopped when you spoke, and the time it stopped was most likely not even a full second. You whispering in my ear either means you were right beside me or right in front of me, as you stated walking past me after speaking. The attack 'preparation' doesn't exist. I swung my hand down towards your neck and moved my fingers to your temple as that happened. For that reason I'll claim that hit, if a mod/admin thinks my own logic is wrong then feel free to correct it.]

With the boy's own movement being too slow compared to Takeo's own strike it left no time at all for the blades to strike into the temple of the boy. The blades punctured through skin, skull then brain before Takeo's hand pulled away, the blades tearing a large gash through the head due to the hand's movement before they were dispersed away. The boy was dead before he hit the floor, with blood dripping out from the gashes in the side of his head it soon pooled around. Takeo's rage subsided somewhat at the sight of the body and he wiped his hand in his coat to get some of the blood specks off from it. All in all this had turned out to be quite troublesome. His face changed in an instant, a smile taking place on his face once more as he spun and looked over towards Den, "Hey I was looking for you." He had already discarded any thought of the boy from his head, and ignoring the body beside him he stepped over it and made his way over towards the Tenkage.

{A side note by the way, Rin's post actually kills himself.

'Rin fell back'

Even if my blades did miss because of Rin's logic from his post he would of fallen back into the blades anyway.

On another side note Shinji wanted me to play this}

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Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING) - Page 2 Empty Re: Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING)

Wed Oct 09, 2013 3:02 pm
OOC: ^ This man is a murderer... be raped mah brain with his speed...
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING) - Page 2 Empty Re: Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING)

Thu Oct 10, 2013 12:09 pm
{I am taking the last post and the fact that Rin has created a new character as confirmation of his death.}

FATALITY!!?!!!?!!! Shinji was not exactly sure why it happened, all he was sure about was that it happened seemingly in slow motion. The rude genin was stabbed straight through the head by Takeo. Although Shinji did not really see this coming he did react accordingly. In a show of his full speed the second Tenkage rose both palms of his hands such that the right one was aimed at Takeo and the left one at the corpse of the still falling genin.  The instant they were aimed he fired forth a chakra chain from each palm at a speed of 270. The chakra chain stemming from the right hand would attempt to ensnare Takeo by wrapping around his body and holding him firmly without harming him. The second chakra chain would catch the falling body of the genin just after he hit the ground. As opposed to simply holding the body Shinji would drag the body towards him by retracting the chain at its full speed. Had Shinji been paying closer attention he would have noticed that somewhere between being grabbed by the chakra chain and being dragged back towards him that a long scratch was etched into Rin's headband such that it seemed as if the mighty symbol of Tengakure had been defaced.

Thus, when the boy was raised in front of Shinji via chakra chain he instantly spied the defaced headband. Then in a quick show of his Byakugan Shinji glanced at the man, but he forgot that he had not yet honed his skill the the eye of a hyuuga and as such did not have x-ray vision of the famed taijutsu clan. All the same he kept his byakugan active as he dropped the corpse in front of him. At the same moment, with a half shrug, Shinji would, assuming he had actually captured Takeo before, release him from the chakra chain snare as the chains simply dissolved into nothingness. Assuming he was not stopped the Uzumaki would speak up, so Denkiteki and Takeo could both hear, "As it appears now....Tiko was it? You have assisted in apprehending a dangerous missing ninja, well done. Although the evidence here is rather conclusive, a defaced headband and seemingly lack of travel paper or permission." At this point Shinji glanced at Denkiteki for confirmation of this and if some sort of confirmation was given he would continue, "Not to mention his rather rude manner. All the same I must ask: why did you just do that?" Waiting for a response Shinji would glance down at the dead body with a clear look of disgust on his face. This needles violence was quite honestly sickening.
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