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Leander Kaguya
Leander Kaguya
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Fri Aug 09, 2013 11:05 am
Lea arrived at the gates of Tenga. He had set out from Suna a while ago. His small bundle of food had run out and he was hungry. 'First place i want to go is straight to a food vendor' Lea thought to himself as he looked up at the gates. There was always something intimidating about gates. Especially village gates. They seemed to stare back at him. 
"Suna's gates are nicer." Lea said to himself, and partly to the gates, mocking them.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Fri Aug 09, 2013 11:30 am
Haru saw a boy approaching the gates. Curiously, he started to walk towards him, and caught the phrase "Suna's gates are nicer" come from him. Sighing, he walked towards him slowly.
"Y'know, insulting your host isn't the best way to make friends." He said, holding out his hand to shake. "But I'll forget I ever heard that. I'm Haru Hyuuga." He would say. "Welcome to Tengakure, the village hidden in the sky."
Leander Kaguya
Leander Kaguya
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Fri Aug 09, 2013 11:36 am
Lea blushed a little as he was caught comparing the gates. It was embarrassing for two reasons, one he had insulted his hosts village, and two, he was talking to a gate. He shook the hand as Haru introduced himself trying not to blush more.
"I'd appreciate that." Lea replied referring to Haru's offer to forget it. 
"My name is Leander Kaguya. Thank you for the welcome." Lea said watching Haru now. He hoped he hadn't upset him by insulting the gates. He didn't want to make anyone mad on his first visit.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Fri Aug 09, 2013 11:40 am
Haru would listen to him speak. His name was Leander. Leander... Kaguya? Haru hadn't heard that surname before. 
He would say, looking over his shoulder subconsciously. "So... Kaguya? Is that a clan? I haven't heard of it before..." He would say, examining the boy closely. His chakra was... about average, but maybe he would hide a secret technique. He knew from experience never to judge on appearance alone. "I mean, I'm a Hyuuga, and EVERYONE'S heard of us. It's kinda depressing, everyone already knows our fighting style..." He would add.
Leander Kaguya
Leander Kaguya
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Fri Aug 09, 2013 11:42 am
Lea sighed happily. Haru didn't seem mad. 
"I must be one of the few then who hasn't heard of the Hyuuga." Lea answered then thought for a second. 
"How about, on the count of three, we both show our abilities?" Lea suggested. He hadn't shown anyone yet that he could manipulate his bones. He was kind of eager to show off. Not waiting for a response he started to cound down from three.
"Thee. Two. One." And as he reached one he would grab at his should. As he had practiced he made the bone stick out a little before quickly pulling it out, the end sharp and ready for use. He held the bone sword out for Haru to see as the bone was replaced in his body.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Fri Aug 09, 2013 11:51 am
Well, Lea hadn't heard of the Hyuuga? That was a bit strange. Haru sort of stood there in shock, until Lea suggested they show their abilities. He started to count off.
"This might pinch a bit." He would say, as they reached three, he activated his byakugan and let the chakra flow to his hands, using Eight Trigams: Sixty Four Palms to block one of Leander's chakra points, located on his right arm. Then he saw Leander's ability.
"Are those... Bones? Woah!" Said Haru in awe, staring at him. Then something clicked in his mind. That would make an awfully good taijutsu skill...

"That bloodline... Listen, I'm a taijutsu specialist. Something like that would really come in handy. I'll pay you... quite a bit, if you would let me have some of your blood." Said Haru, pulling a bag of ryo from his pocket. "What do you say? Will you come with me to the hospital?" He would ask.
Leander Kaguya
Leander Kaguya
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Fri Aug 09, 2013 11:56 am
Between being struck on the arm and the shock of Haru's speed Lea almost dropped his sword. Then when Haru asked for his blood he did drop his sword. It feel and swung, the point digging into the ground to stay upright. Lea just stared at Haru. Lea had a mini flashback of his teammate Kenzo asking about getting a sharingan. 'So people really can mix bloodlines..' Lea thought to himself, amazed. Lea couldn't help but look at the bag of Ryo.
"..How much.." Lea finally asked shyly. It almost felt wrong to sell part of himself, almost.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Fri Aug 09, 2013 12:01 pm
"I'm sure it feels... weird, to sell a bloodline, but you'll still be able to use it just as you had before. You'd be helping me out a lot more then you can imagine" He would say, pulling a bag of ryo from his pocket, and showing it to him. "Will this cover it?" He would ask, shaking the bag. If he agreed, Haru would turn, gesturing excitedly for him to follow, and head for the hospital. "This way. It shouldn't take long."

(Possible Exit with Leander)
Leander Kaguya
Leander Kaguya
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Fri Aug 09, 2013 12:04 pm
"You Tenga Nin sure move fast." Lea would say still feeling odd about the whole thing. But he couldn't stop eyeing the money bag. Slowly he nodded his head not trusting his dry throat to convey the words. He followed Haru into the village, hoping he wasn't being lead into a trap of any kind.
Kanya Vi Capulet
Kanya Vi Capulet
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Fri Aug 09, 2013 12:57 pm
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