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Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Visiting Family Empty Visiting Family

Thu May 10, 2018 3:25 pm
A small boat drifted through the waters. The journey had taken some time, though the man hadn't noticed it much. Forever the voice had droned on in the back of his mind. After weeks and days of listening to the voice it had become nothing more than background noise.

That isn't to say Takeo had accepted it. Even now he thought of ways to rid himself of this curse. It was partly the reason why the man had been drawn to the approaching storm. His eyes steered away from the bundle of blankets that lay on the opposite side of the boat and toward the storm circle that lay ahead.

Takeo had made his brother aware of his coming in advance. Takeo simply hoped the younger of the Tadashi twins had remembered of the date. It had been a long journey and Takeo didn't wish to have to wake the other occupant of the boat in order to avoid the storm all together.

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Visiting Family Empty Re: Visiting Family

Thu May 10, 2018 3:38 pm
As the narrow, wooden boat made its gentle way towards the violent storm it'd witness an opening develop in the middle of the hostile wall of elements. The rage of the storm seemed to temporarily simmer down while the boat passed through it, yet it still flung droplets of rain down upon the occupants of the vessel. It was difficult to avoid such things when traveling through such a creation.

On the opposite side of the wall would be perhaps the most trusted operative of Xyxer, a man by the name of Jester. A man that the Tadashi's were well acquainted of. Without offering any greeting he'd close the storm behind the venturing boat with a sly handsign, following shortly behind to ensure it got to the destination without any issues.

Once they were to come to the shore near the village gates they'd finally witness the figure of Xyxer, dressed lightly for the occasion. Once outside of the boat he'd welcome the duo in the boat while ushering a few words to the youngest, "Xaeri can't wait to meet you." The man grinned, and for a moment, any outsider would find it difficult to imagine this man as the warmonger he was often painted to be. Perhaps family brings something different out in monsters.

If the two were not to object then Xyxer would lead them towards the residence of the Tadashi in the cold village. Around them people would still carry the high spirits after a victory in war, with even a few festivals of taste being announced in the coming months.

[Letting the ol' man in & exiting]
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 24470

Visiting Family Empty Re: Visiting Family

Thu May 10, 2018 4:24 pm
Takeo had ventured through the storm itself many times. This was the first time it had willingly opened the way for him. It was a surreal experience witnessing nature bending the knee to the will of shinobi. A few stray drops of water here and there paid Takeo no mind. Though the one who had been dozing up until this point was awoken by the cold salt water spraying against their face.

The white haired man smirked, his eyes flickering briefly over to the one who had let the boat in via the storm circle. As the boat drifted by Takeo would afford the man known only as Jester a nod. "I'm surprised you can still tolerate your boss enough to continue working for him." Takeo quipped in passing. Jester had always been a good sort, a bit on the strange side but none the less trustworthy.

With the distance between the shore and the boat drawing ever closer Takeo moved himself from his seated position. He straightened up to his full height. It had been awhile since the man had felt..right, but something seemed to have sparked itself within him. The shell of a man for now receded, replacing itself with the man who had a stake to the claim of the world's strongest.

Another claimant's appearance was shortly noted by Takeo himself soon after. A grin flashed across his features, the man raising a hand in a small greeting as the boat finally rocked up to the shoreline. Once more the other occupant stirred, having drifted off as the boat had made it's trip inward, and finally awoke fully. Takeo crossed the boat length to get to the edge. He dropped onto the ground from there as Xyxer spoke with the other person. "You look well brother." Takeo greeted his younger twin as the trio, shadowed by Jester a few meters behind, made their way inland. "I think it's the first time I've actually travelled through the circle in a boat." Takeo commented lightly as they made their way to the residence.

[Exit into Kiri]
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Visiting Family Empty Re: Visiting Family

Thu May 10, 2018 7:53 pm
Approved big dawgs
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