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Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING) Empty Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING)

Sun Oct 06, 2013 11:04 am
Rin moved threw the town and got to the kages office and put a letter on his door that said 
Dear Tenkage:
I have left on a journey around the world ... or most likely kumo if you need me i will be at Kumo for a period of time send the letter there please.
Rin ran to the gates
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 27500

Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING) Empty Re: Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING)

Sun Oct 06, 2013 2:47 pm
It was a glorious day in Tengakure and Shinji was on the way back from one of thee crocodile farms that lay outside the village walls of Tengakure. After the odd appearance of crocodiles people opened the farms to hold the creatures. Shinji, as a general rule enjoyed going to see the creatures as, honestly, he had nothing better to do. As chance would have it the second Tenkage would pass through the gates just as a kid ran towards the gates themselves. Naturally, this struck Shinji as rather odd-who would be in such a hurry to get out of the village? Seeing as he had nothing better to do the Uzumaki moved with an incredible speed such that he would stop two meters in front of the boy, who unbeknownst to him, was named Rin. If the boy did indeed stop then Shinji would speak in a rather sleepy voice, "Where are you off to in such a hurry?" Shinji had no where to be at the moment, so hopefully this kid had something interesting to say. Even if the kid did dodge the former kage and ignore him then surely the gate guards would not let the boy just run out without checking out with the proper paperwork. Such was the bureaucracy of the village, or at least it had been, maybe the new kage had an open door policy? Hell if Shinji knew.

{Exit stopped}
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Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING) Empty Re: Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING)

Sun Oct 06, 2013 5:38 pm
Rins head whipped around with a rather quickly to the mans call he saw his Tenkage and his face turned into a grin with a familiar misdeed look "um... Adventure" Rin said with a chuckle his voice calmed and he looked the kage in the eyes "honestly... i planned to go out of the village for awhile get some air and probably make some friends and some powerful allies i hope you don't have a problem with that" Rin said his voice cool as a flowing stream he brought his hand up his face his palm was on his eye."You know, i could also make some allies and most likely get just a little more powerful" Rin said fast as to not let the tenkage say anything.

"I wont get enough training here people are too soft on there own ninja, i want to fight someone at there full strength" Rin said coldly not attempting to hurt his kages pride but it was true a Tenga nija would never go his hardest on another ninja unless it was necessary.
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 42970

Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING) Empty Re: Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING)

Sun Oct 06, 2013 5:56 pm

It was a rather nice day for a walk. And that was the reason why Takeo, newly 'crowned' a Chuunin, was taking a stroll through the village of Tengakure. In his hands currently was a bag of sweets which he was currently rummaging through. Earlier that day he had attempted to track down his old Genin team leader Denkiteki. It was quite a surprising thing to find out that the man was now in fact running the village was the third Tenkage. Takeo wasn't quite sure when that had happened but he assumed it was around the time he was fighting in the first Chuunin Exam held in Konohagakure, that explained why the guy hadn't come to watch him which he was quite depressed about. He had invited Den to come on a nice stroll through the village to discuss recent events, after all it had been quite awhile since he had spoken with the now Tenkage, not that he had spoken with him that much before. Though they did have that rather special moment when Den had caught Takeo in his arms, so now he felt the two had a semi-close relationship which justified a walk together. He had been passing by the village gates when he noticed out of the corner of his vision two people discussing something. He did in fact vaguely remember one of them from somewhere, though he wasn't entirely sure where from. Though he was quite a bit away from the two of them he did in fact hear bits of the conversation between the two of them. The last thing that the one he had never seen before made him quite amused. "Who have you been sparring against then kid? You do know that six year old kids don't exactly count as shinobi right?" He personally felt quite insulted by what the boy had said, and that was the reason he had decided to engage himself in this conversation.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 27500

Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING) Empty Re: Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING)

Sun Oct 06, 2013 7:17 pm
Quirking an eyebrow the second Tenkage listened to the boy without flinching. Instead his eyes were trained on the boy with an odd attentiveness that befit a bird of prey watching a squirming rabbit. However, Shinji did not even try to get a word in edgewise. When the man named Takeo spoke up Shinji shrugged and nodded curtly while still watching Rin's every move. He then spoke, "Well, why not prove your point and try to take down that Chuunin over there? He wont hurt you, right? At least according to you. So, go beat his ass." Shinji's voice was filled with malice as the small boy named Rin had insulted Tengakure, the village Shinji had sworn to watch over. Shinji had brought the village into a new age and here this little runt was acting like the shinobi within the walls were second rate. The streets were empty, the sky clear, and the buildings strong and sturdy. The only thing holding Shinji back from smashing this kid's brains in was his good nature and general dislike of killing unless needed. He rather hoped that Rin would try and fight Takeo, it would be amusing to say the least.
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Living Clones : Isamu
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 271700

Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING) Empty Re: Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING)

Sun Oct 06, 2013 8:02 pm
Den walked out of his office quickly not noticing the letter that was somehow on his door. Was it nailed, glued? He knew not, because that was not clarified and he failed to notice the letter entirely. He was to busy to, on his way to find Takeo. He heard the young man was attempting to find him, and wanted to congratulate him on becoming a Chuunin. He found that Takeo wasn't home, so he began to wonder the village, not feeling like going into Sanctuary to find him.

He was passing by the village gates when he found him, alongside Shinji and some random kid. He stood about 30 meters away, and Shinji was saying something to the boy. Curious, Den stood where he was and waited to see what happened.
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Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING) Empty Re: Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING)

Mon Oct 07, 2013 3:37 pm
Rin walked back in the village passing the chuunin and the second Tenkage yelling to the tenkage "Maybe in a couple of days let me train and get back to you on that ok?" Rin walked past the chuunin whispering in his ear ever so softly "When i get stronger... your going to die first" and Rin would walk past the boy with white hair so long as the boy didn't attack him for the comment he had just made.

Rin would then walk past the third Tenkage and stroll up to his house and sleep the rest of the day off.

{Possible exit?}
Stat Page : The Child
Mission Record : Mission Log
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 42970

Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING) Empty Re: Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING)

Mon Oct 07, 2013 3:52 pm
It seemed that the boy had backed down from the challenge of fighting him. It was no real surprise seeing how he was way out of his league anyway. It seemed that in the face of the three of them, Takeo did notice Den off to the side, the boy had chosen to back down. Takeo was fine with that. As long as the boy didn't try to pull off anything stupid then he didn't really care what happened that much. It was as he was turning to greet Den with a wave was when he heard a faint whisper from the boy. A threat? Takeo's now raised hand froze for the briefest of moments before rage consumed him. He didn't take kindly to threats from nobodies such as this child. It was for that reason as the boy was walking past he swung out his hand towards the neck of the boy. Now what would most likely happen if nothing else occurred was that Takeo's fingers would simply jab into the side of the boy's head if he failed to move. However Takeo wasn't exactly thinking straight at the present moment. It was for that reason as he moved at a speed most likely untraceable by the boy that from his finger tips extended the Blades of Superiorness. It was with that decision that a simple poke in the temple turned into what could only be described as a killing blow. Should the boy fail to move away from the fingers then the blades would skewer him through the head. Now if he had simply extended out the blades a few inches it wouldn't probably be that severe. But not, a threat warranted a rather more extreme course. Should the blades impale into the boy's head they would continue to extend, drilling their way through the skull and piercing into the boy's brain. If all of this happened as per expectation Takeo would retract his blood stained hand, and the boy would fall to the floor either dead, or bleeding out with possible brain damage. That is if all went as according to the 'plan'.
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Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING) Empty Re: Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING)

Mon Oct 07, 2013 6:01 pm
Hacker wrote this therefor i demand a redo...

Last edited by Rin on Mon Oct 07, 2013 6:26 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING) Empty Re: Visiting Kumo (I NEED TRAINING)

Mon Oct 07, 2013 6:06 pm
Hacker wrote this therefor it is false and i demand a redo...

Last edited by Rin on Mon Oct 07, 2013 6:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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