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Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Mon Jun 24, 2013 5:02 pm
A thin fleeting smile spread onto Shinji's face as the boy recognized him as the Tenkage. Alas this smile quickly turned in to a rather saddened frown: Dante had bowed. If there was one thing that Shinji hated above all else it was this bowing thing. People seemed to have it in their heads that they should bow to him since he was the Tenkage-it was irksome and it made Shinji feel uncomfortable. And quite frankly Shinji was not afraid to tell people that. Thus, speaking up in a slow sleepy voice, Shinji spoke to Dante: "It is nice to meet you Dante. Please don't bow to me and call me Shinji-these formalities are all so...frivolous. And either way I figure you are like family...or something like that. This whole clan thing gets a bit confusing." To accent his point Shinji leveled his palm such that it was facing the ground. He then shot out a single chakra chain. Retracting it he began to speak once again: "Hmm...Well I suppose it would be rude of me to make you pay for the ramen, but all the same I would be honored to have you two come have lunch. I just got back from a long trip and, quite honestly, I do not really want to go back to filing papers right away, so what do you say?"

Naturally Shinji would allow the two shinobi to chose whether or not they went, but all he knew was that he was going to get something either way. Furthermore the Tenkage was interested in Dante: he was part of the Uzumaki clan. There were not many members of that clan in Tengakure and Shinji would do most anything for a member of his clan if it were within his power and even if it were not within his power he would try all the same. It was both a blessing and a curse. In the back of his mind he recalled how he had only met two Uzumaki clansmen-he had never met his parents. Dante would be the third one. As for the other shinobi present Shinji found it odd that he did not speak: shock maybe?
Yukan Nara
Yukan Nara
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Mon Jun 24, 2013 7:20 pm
{Sorry about that & this short post}

Yukan didn't know what to expect, but he didn't like where it was going. He was walking with a genin and some wind demon. Whatever he was, Yukan turned around and saw his grin. He shivered, turning his head back he heard a popping noise. To his surprise there was a gust of wind, what was the geezer up to now? Yukan raised an eyebrow, was the old man playing a prank on them? Yukan sighed, it didn't look like they were under another attack. Now that the tenkage was here they were safe..wait..the Tenkage. "Oh..Wow, hello humble tenkage", his voice didn't tremble, he wasn't scared. He heard Dante's introduction and he continued, "I'm Yukan Nara. Former Genin of Tengakure, I wish to come back to the noble village". How did he learn how to talk like that? On his way here he stopped by towns for directions.

The tenkage explained most of his reasoning. Yukan still didn't understand most of it, where was the great kage? A meeting, a party, helping a local resident's home? Well whatever it was, it must have had a good reason. Yukan's stomach growled, being a missing ninja didn't have it's perks. Especially when you were broke and didn't have a job at a ninja shop.
Nero Yuki
Nero Yuki
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Wed Jun 26, 2013 2:07 pm
[Sorry for posting late. I somehow didN't realise you 2 have posted .s]

Dante got up from the ground after hearing Shinji's words. With the warm attitude and a voice that matched it, the man was no longer a danger in Dante's mind. "As you wish, Shinji." the Genin would have said in happy attitude, smiling from the point he was told to call the man Shinji. Only then did it hit him "Family ? Clan ?". He would have been distracted by the words. "Family ?". Dante remembered unpleasant memories of his parents. The word family did not have good memories or good thoughts for him. Though that was the past of that words. The word had a present and a future too. Its meaning could be changed. After that day, it had a greater possibilty, now that he had found Shinji.

Dante would then get his thoughts in order, being able to speak again, "You are saying that you are also ?". He couldn't finish the sentence. He was too nervous, and perhaps excited. He would be too interested in this part of the conversation than the rest, so his feet would have followed the other two wherever they went. He would have been agreeing to anything for this short time, it was fortunate that Shinji invited them for lunch and not to be his slaves.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Wed Jun 26, 2013 3:15 pm
Shinji led the way to the ramen bar with a rather elevated spring in his  step. he had to keep up appearances. No one wanted to see a half asleep kage quite literally sleep walking through the streets. Lcukily for once Shinji had gotten a reasonable four hours of sleep, which was more than enough to keep him going for the day. While walking he listened silently to first the question of the one named Yukon Nara. Apparently the boy had been away from the village and wished re-admittance to Tengakure. This was interesting as from what the boy said he had run away from Tengakure: a missing ninja perhaps? Shinji could not be sure and he did not want to be hasty. Either way the boy did not seem like all that much of a threat.

With those things in mind Shinji spoke slowly and though his words were still said in a sleepy voice there was a very subtle edge to his voice: "Oh really? Well why exactly were you away from the village in the first place?" Shinji had a fairly good idea of why: the attack, but he wanted to hear it directly from the boy. The next thing said came from Dante who seemed rather...distracted? The kage was not too sure what it was that tinged the boy's voice, but he did trail off like he was thinking, so Shinji figured he would answer the question that he seemed unable or rather unwilling to form. His tone now more conversational than before: "Yes, I am indeed an Uzumaki. Shinji Uzumaki. Its not often that I have the privilege of meeting someone else from my clan." 

At this point Shinji would arrive at the ramen restaurant. He quickly took a seat at a table that looked out into the bustling streets of Tengakure. In taking a seat he removed his hat and placed on the ground beneath his feet, which revealed his dirty blonde hair that was just a bit too long and spiked back naturally. At the table, there were three seats, which was the perfect number. If the other two shinobi followed suit then he would pass them a menu each and speak up again: "Feel free to order whatever your want. Its on me I suppose." Shinji also figured this would be a good time to deal with Yukan's bid to come back to Tengakure and to catch up with one of his clansmen. Shinji never knew his parents, but he still grew to care deeply for the clan he was born into. In the mean time he would simply glance over the menu. He already knew what he was getting, but it was a minor formality.
Yukan Nara
Yukan Nara
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Wed Jun 26, 2013 6:04 pm
Yukan took a deep breath as he followed the trail of the tenkage. He only hoped that he wasn't in any sort of trouble when running off to safety. There was no real "panic room" that he knew of, the invaders went through the gates. That's one thing he knew, besides when he was gone he was getting ready to be in the fight next time. On the borders he was getting his chakra supply on the training trail, and eventually was able to use the shadow clone jutsu. Unfortunately, he could only make up to six clones at a time. This was his weakness, in case he was in a bundle and needed to retreat. Of course, he'd think of something. There was a sweet spot inside of his brain.

Yukan flinched when he heard Shinji's voice, he remembered how desperately he tried to turn around but that would mean playing with death as his father would always say. "I was following the ones coming out, most importantly because I heard that the village was being invaded. The best I could get out of it was to stay away from the village gates". After explaining himself he took the time to clear his throat. He was nervous if he was in trouble or if he was in luck. He ignored that thought, as he heard another thing. Uzumaki, a clan with an ability which is not elemental nor doujutsu specific. Just like the Nara clan, masters of the shadow he'd say. As they arrived at the restaurant, Yukan was feeling the need to pull out the tenkage's seat. Instead, the tenkage went to fast for him to keep up with.

Yukan followed the tengake to the table of 3, and took his own seat. He awaited for Dante to arrive also, "How generous of you Lord Tenkage, I just hope you can also be as much letting me take my role as a genin of this village again". He worked his eyes back and forth upwards pointing at the tengakure head band across his forehead. Definitely there was a sign in that, was there?
Nero Yuki
Nero Yuki
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Thu Jun 27, 2013 12:18 pm
"Yes, I am indeed an Uzumaki. Shinji Uzumaki. Its not often that I have the privilege of meeting someone else from my clan."

Dante would have answered the Tenkage as they entered the ramen shop. "Forgive me for not being able to concentrate. It's just that... Neither do I meet someone else from my clan so often. And up to now, none of those whom I have met were worth meeting.". He would have set on a chair in the bar. He would have contniued talking, "Since we're going to eat here anyway, I would not be stealing your time, so I suppose I can talk freely. They were not worthy, as I said before. Not even my parents, when I look back. Hearing the two words "family" and "clan" from you has brought up many supressed feelings, and also reminded me of unpleasant memories, which were better left in the deep parts of my mind were I hid them...".

He would have ordered a bowl of ramen. "Also thank you for your generousity. I would like to threat you on a later date, after once I go to a mission with my team. Anyway, sorry for the boring melancholic speech from before. I am ruining the air, aren't I ? So, tell me about yourself, Shinji ? Were you born in this village, or did you come here when you grew up ? I would really like to hear your story. Well both of your stories, if you have time.".
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Thu Jun 27, 2013 10:22 pm
Upon sitting down considered what Yukan had said. He did not seem like a missing ninja to Shinji. Though one thing he had said made Shinji think justa  bit: panic room...Perhaps he would create one of those. He had the perfect place. It had been created by the former Tenkage. Shaking the thought from his mind he listened to the Naru once again. What he heard was rather shocking: weren't the Naru supposed to be smart? Instead the kid kept pressing the matter, which he had already told Shinji about. All the same he felt inlcined to repond to the boy in a pleasant manner, "Remember, kid, its Shinji. Not 'Lord Tenkage'. As for your wish to come back into the village consider it granted. Just reapply and I will expedite your application to the village." At this point Shinji was cut off as he had to order. He was able to answer without skipping a beat: "I will have the boiled octopus please." The cute waiter girl ran back to the kitchen to fetch his order. In the mean time Shinji listened to Dante who seemed to have regained his speech.

It seemed that Dante had not had the best experiences with the Uzumaki clan. Shinji had never known his parents, so he did not know whether they were nice or not nice. Hell, he had no clue what they even looked like. All the same he was more than willing to indulge Dante in conversation. At first Shinji gave his words a bit of thought, but then started talking in a  rather thoughtful tone, "Well I grew up here in Tengakure. In an orphanage to be exact. I can't say I ever knew my parents. Then, well, the rest is history. I went through the ranks of shinobi until I reached the rank of jounin. At the rank of jounin I was promoted to Tenkage by the former Tenkage: Zachariah. I've been Tenkage ever since...And that is the reader's digest version of my life. How about you two?" Everyone seemed to ask him about his life, so much so Shinji had hones the skill of condensing his life into a few easy memorable  sequences. Why people were so interested in his life was beyond him, but he was never rude enough to outright refuse. Waiting to hear the other's stories he grabbed the orange soda that a waiter had brought by and took a swig.
Yukan Nara
Yukan Nara
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Fri Jun 28, 2013 7:38 pm
Yukan raised an eyebrow at the tenkage, surely someone as powerful as him would need a high name too. Maybe it didn't roll with him, he looked quite young in Yukan's eyes too. Dirty blonde hair, growing a beard in a way and looking like he's in his mid 20's. Yukan didn't want to get carried away with calling him Shinji, for he might get himself in trouble in the future. For now Yukan would stick to calling him Shinji, "All right Shinji, thank you for your approval". Taunting about the matter (joining the village again) at first was risky to Yukan, but the Tenkage was letting Dante call him by his first name. That was the first sign Yukan had, even if it was pushing the tenkage's buttons. Yukan spotted a very curvaceous woman, also known as there waiter come to there table to take there order. After shinji ordered boiled octopus, Yukan settled for something less. "My beverage today will be a glass of lemonade please, and my meal...One fresh bowl of spicy ramen please. Leave the chopsticks on the side". Yukan's eyes then trailed back at the two shinobi who he sat with, he knew nothing about one of them. Dante, Yukan was actually curious about him. But not really him in particular, the Uzumaki clan. Was there something bad that happened to it? Was there a massacre?

Yukan turned his head to Shinji who was answering all of Dante's questions, "Well since you asked" Yukan said clearing his throat. "I've lived most of my life in the famous Nara clan, being raised as a Nara was having a big legacy I'd have to live up to. And the thing is I still do, I passed the Genin Exam with no problem. Since being stuck in the academy my goal is still the same, to become tenkage of the sky". He finished his sentence with a swift smile, the same cockiness that almost got him to stay and fight during the attack. The waiter came back with there drinks, Yukan noticed he was thirsty from walking all the way and drank some of his lemonade in a second.
Nero Yuki
Nero Yuki
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Sun Jun 30, 2013 12:20 pm
[Sorry for the late post again]

Dante listened to both of the brief stories of the two ninja carefully while eating his Ramen. Usually it would have taken him a much longer time to finish the bowl, but that day, just the amount of time given to him during the two stories was enough for him to complete the meal. "I will also have a glass of lemonade please." Dante would have told the waitress, as he would thent turn his head back to the others, talking once again, "My story ?" he would have said, "Well... Unlike you, Shinji, I was not born within the gates of the Skyscraper village. And then once again unlike you, I was raised by my parents, 2 of the other Uzumaki I have previously known. They were both members of the uzumaki clan and capable ninja. They taught me the ways of the village shinobi and kunouchi, as well as other things, including how to fight...".

"And also the ways of Nukenin..." Dante thought to himself. He figured that at the moment, he was not ready to tell about his past with the missing ninjas, neither to Yukan, nor his clanmate Shinji. "So..." he said, "You said you were out of the village during the attack, Shinji ? Why so ? And also Yukan, I2m not sure if you mentioned it but, were you also born and raised in the village or not ?".
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Mon Jul 01, 2013 6:40 pm
Shinji listened to both boys with an attentive ear. He was not one to miss details despite his sleepy facade his minds was as quick as they come. He could not help, but smile at the Nara's ambition to become Tenkage. It was odd Shinji had never wanted to be Tenkage. In fact, he would have been more than happy to have remained at jounin rank for the rest of his life. Alas, Zachariah had to mess it all up and make him a kage. What a shame. All the same Shinji found it commendable that Yukan had such a lofty goal and was not afraid to tell him so, "Well, Yukan, I wish you luck in your goal to become Tenkage. Though I will warn you it is not all it is cracked up to be. Its a lot more work than it is fun..." Shinji trailed off as he now listened to what Dante had to say.

In many ways Shinji envied Dante's life. He had parents. Shinji had no one. Granted he had been adopted, but it never really filled a void left in his soul. Luckily Dante's question was an easy one, which Shinji responded to in a clear fluid voice, " I was off in the land of Iron at a meeting. Well, I suppose it would be called a summit. It was a meeting between the five kages. I would say it was rather productive..." Shinji would have asked a few questions, but at this point his lunch came. Maybe it was just him, but he could have sworn the octopus moved a bit. Surely it was his imagination? He was not sure, but he slurped away at the octopus and waited to see what the others had to say.
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