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Yukan Nara
Yukan Nara
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Sat Jun 15, 2013 11:23 pm
Weeks after the random phenomenon...There was news going around about an unidentified enemy retreating from Tengakure, the village won the battle. A remarkable story, Yukan was just to march back home. Late at night he slept in and his family had already gone on without him, Yukan took his headband out of his pocket and tied it along his forehead. "Here I come!" he said as he began to charge in the direction of the village. He then saw the entrance seal to teleport into the village, Yukan rubbed his chin. What would happen if he got held prisoner for abandoning the village? Well, all he wanted to do was to survive. He appeared into the village and was there at once, "Tengakure! I'm back" he yelled with a load of enthusiasm. He began to walk around spotting no one, "Where did everyone go?". His eyebrow raised, maybe they all went out to the same time. Yukan shrugged, and entered the town. Was there really any damage? If there was he didn't see much off it, maybe it was just him but everything seemed fine but creepy. He put his back up against a wall and looked from right to left.
Nero Yuki
Nero Yuki
Stat Page : Ice, Ice Baby
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

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Mon Jun 17, 2013 8:50 am
Dante suddenly heard a voice... It was only minutes after he was returned back to the village by someone called Rin. Dante would have walked towards the boy shouting, or perhaps only speaking. The Uzumaki heir was not sure. His senses were being interrupted by his mind. He was thinking of the sudden events, and what was it that happened. What happened ? What happened exactly ? He would hear a whisper, that was perhaps an answer to Dante's questions. "Tengakure! I'm back". Yes, more likely the boy did not actually whisper, but Dante was so lost within his thoughts, he could hardly hear the boy's shout.

Dante was behinf the boy. If the boy hadn't realised him and turned back, Dante would have put his right hand on the boy's shoulder, which he knew, was a bit risky. "Hey !" he would have said, regardless of if he put his hand on the boy's shoulder or not, "Welcome back to the village...".
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

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Mon Jun 17, 2013 11:31 am
The old haggled figure of a man walked towards the grand village of Tengakure. To anyone without the proper skill this man's face was wrinkled with deep set blue eyes. This man wore a long flowing brown robes making him look almost monk like. On his head sat a shock of white hair that flowed as if it had not been cut in a while. However, in reality, this was Tengakure's second Tenkage: Shinji Uzumaki using the henge jutsu. He was on his way back from the kage summit and did not want to be disturbed by meaningless fanfare. After passing through the gates of Tengakure without much incident Shinji, still in his guise, walked through his beloved village. 

After a while he happened upon two figures-younger people or so it seemed. Normally Shinji would have paid it no mind, but their words were quite perplexing: why would someone need to be welcomed back to the village? Had people been leaving? Intrigued on multiple levels Shinji chose to get some more information from these children. Working up his best old man voice he spoke up, so both the boy's could hear him: "Hey you two, where has everyone been? I have been waiting for my sponge bath for a good long time, but the nurse who was supposed to give it to me up and left a while ago...." At this point Shinji flashed a deranged toothy smile at the two boys-he had to stay in character after all didn't he?
Yukan Nara
Yukan Nara
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Mon Jun 17, 2013 12:52 pm
"Ah!" Yukan said as he finally heard a voice, he turned around to meet another genin in the village. "Thanks! I'm Yukan..Hey, do you know where I can find a registration around here?", it was quite a weird question but he was determined on coming back to the sky. While he thanked the boy he hid his surname from him, he wasn't to sure if it'd be reasonable to give it out. He examined the boy in front of him, he wasn't any rank ahead or below from him. He saw his tengakure headband across his head, where Yukan's was right around his own neck. He began to scratch his chin and listen to whatever the boy was going to say. Then there was a few slow foot steps, maybe another individual coming to greet him? He looked over behind Dante's shoulder's to see some over-aged old man who forgot to bring back walkin' stick from the grave.

Well, this is Yukan. Brilliant Nara Blood, Adventurous Spirit, Obnoxious Personality. Yukan hardly listened to him, he just walked around Dante and eyed him. "Eh Gramps! Can't you see we're talking here? Did you lose your way up here or something? Get lost old man" Yukan couldn't help the feeling he was going to explode with laughter in his head, but he couldn't hold back the feeling he was bad mouthing a elderly man. He had to respect the ones who had nothing to look forward to other then Death. "Alright Alright, sorry for my outburst there. I'm not sure where everyone is. Maybe the nurse ditched you in the long ru-" he stopped before saying any more. He was just worried he'd get jumped by any elderly people like last time.

"I'm just joking gramps, I'm Yukan. Everyone seems to be somewhere at this point in time, maybe they all gathered to fix the village from the attack?"
Nero Yuki
Nero Yuki
Stat Page : Ice, Ice Baby
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

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Mon Jun 17, 2013 2:10 pm
Dante listened to Yukan and his question. Dante was not sure what the kid was exactly asking it in the first place. "Unfortunately not..." Dante answered, as he then realised the old man. He wanted to answer the man in a different way, not liking the answer given by Yukan, he would add, "Well, I have heard of the people shouting and warning people. Though it was days ago, old man. Perhaps the kid is right and the nurse is not coming back. I guess there was an attack on the village. I do not know the details, which I am looking forward to find out...". 

Dante felt the same way about the old man walking in as Yukan did (or perhaps the way he acted to feel like), but he didn't want to hurt an old man's feelings. "Anyway, Yukan..." he said, turning his face once again towards the young one amongst the two people in front of him, "My name is Dante Uzumaki, a Genin of the Skyscraper village. So, by the way you introduce yourself, I assume that you're not a ninja of the village, are you ? Oh, wait... By "registrations", did you mean the registrations for the Genin Exams ?".
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

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Tue Jun 18, 2013 1:58 am
Kids these days...They had no respect for the elderly. Squinting ever so slightly at both the boy's responses Shinji's henged face looked like a confused wrinkled prune. An attack was never good, but it seemed that the village of Tengakure had reigned victorious, which, in Shinji's mind, was a win in all respects as it meant that the village defensive's' could hold even without a kage on watch. However, Shinji was sure he would hear more about this later from his anbu-that was probably why they never showed up at the kage summit. All the same the Tenkage chose to scare a little respect into these young whippersnappers-scaring was always an effective way of gaining respect. After all he had been cooped up far too much as a kage and a little fun would do him some good especially considering he no doubt had a bunch of work in front of him. 

When the one by the name of Dante turned his head back to talk with the one called Yukan Shinji knew he had his chance and he flashed a wide devilish grin right after Dante mentioned the word "registrations" for the second time. It was on the very end of this word that Shinji utilized all his speed, which was rather intense (150) to cover the ground between him and Dante. Were either of the two children to be watching they would likely see naught, but Shinji disappearing in a blur of speed. The only thing remaining being two small craters in the ground where Shinji kicked off from in his short speed blitz-not even his footsteps would be heard as they were cloaked by the silent steps technique. His ultimate goal was Dante's left shoulder. As he moved towards the boy he extended his right hand and if all went perfectly Shinji's right hand would come to rest firmly on Dante's left shoulder. Were the boy to try and escape Shinji's grasp he would tighten his grip, thus precluding the boy from escaping, but not enough to hurt the boy. 

If nothing were to alter this plan too much Shinji would then speak up once again in his same elderly voice as before only this time a lot louder: "Sorry you two whippersnappers, but I simply couldn't hear you the first time my hearing is bad in both my left and right ears...Now what were you two saying? Registration? The last time I registered for something they took me to that "home". I never saw my family again it was simply awful....Now if I recall correctly you two were going to take me to get some ramen...I like ramen. Come on hop to it! I don't have all the time in the world ya know?" With that Shinji would merely wait for a reply from either of the two boys. If all went well he could get a free meal and if it went poorly then he was content with putting the fear of god into these kids.
Yukan Nara
Yukan Nara
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Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:09 am
"Well I guess you can say that. I use to be a ninja of tengakure...No not the genin exams..." Yukan replied, to his surprise the old man was right near Dante patting his shoulder. Yukan's eyes widened, did he lost track of something? What the hell was that? Was this old man a superstar or something? Yukan couldn't tell. He wiped the nervous sweat off his forehead and heard the elderly voice coming from him. "Well you know, I was a genin here once, left during the attack and now, kinda came back just like you did.." he wasn't sure what to talk to now. 

"Ramen? Sorry gramps but I literally am a poor broker. My old squad which I never met has never went on a mission. I spent all my rental money on goggles and a special self defense weapon", maybe he had said to much...Yukan breathed in then out. He turned his head to Dante who in Yukan's eyes was getting molested from a tight grip of the ol' geezer. He nodded at Dante and tried to whisper in a soft voice to him, "It's your treat Dante".
Nero Yuki
Nero Yuki
Stat Page : Ice, Ice Baby
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

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Thu Jun 20, 2013 4:24 am
Dante was quite nervous upon seeing the man instantly move to his left shoulder. "Yes... Yes..." he would say, nervously, and a bit scared, "Let's go to the Ramen shop.". "This speed..." Date thought, "It is obviously not the speed a man that old could have been moving at, nor an average citizen. This man should be a ninja. But not a village ninja, probably. Seeing as he doesn't have a headband, and seeing as he is making us go to the ramen shop... Perhaps... Perhaps this man was one of those who attacked the village...".

Dante would start walking fromt the front of the old man, byt slowly so the man didn't ddo anything dangerous to him. The genin would look at the boy's, Yukan's eyes, with his own eyes wide open, after which he would point the man with his pupils; warning Yukan of the man, in case he thought that the man just came back to life because he wanted to have ramen. Yes, it was a stupid idea, which Dante wouldn't have thought of in normal circumstances. But he was nervous. Nervous and scared.

He would answer to Yukan, "A-Alright...". He would move towards the ramen shop slowly. He knew that he had to act if the man was in fact a missing nin (which he seemed he was), but he also knew that neither of the boys would have been a match for him with the man's speed. Dante hoped they would have seen a village ninja inside the Ramen shop...
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
Stat Page : Link
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

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Fri Jun 21, 2013 12:30 am
Shinji smiled a creepy grandpa smile at both the boys and allowed them to lead the way by simply gesturing towards the ramen shop. Naturally he released his grip from Dante so that he could walk freely. At this point assuming both boys were walking away from Shinji he chose now as the moment to shock these young tikes to the bone. Well at least he hoped it worked like that. All the same this meant dispelling the transformation jutsu, which he did in a small puff of smoke. Were the genin shinobi worth their salt they would turn around at that sound, but if they didn't it would not matter as they would be followed by Shinji in his true form.

On his head rested the Tenkage's hat with its sky grey color that looked like the sky before a storm. His cloak matched the hat to a tee. Across his right eye Shinji had wrapped a Tengakure headband, which currently covered one eye-his right eye where a sharingan had been transplanted. Granted he could control the sharingan it was just easier to keep a headband handy for use. The one eye that could be visible was a brilliant blue like the sky on a clear day. Also framing his face from underneath his kage hat was his dirty blonde hair that seemed to spike out at random here and there-he was not meant to wear a hat like this, but he did all the same. And on his feet he wore wooden geta shoes that now clicked on the pavement as he walked. All the while he kept a rather sleepy smile on his face. It was a look of pure stupor and sleepiness, but as always he was anything but these. He especially wanted to see how these two genin would react to their kage appearing behind them in the place of a wizened old man. Perhaps they would not notice for a while or maybe they would notice right away all the same Shinji was quite content to wait and see.
Nero Yuki
Nero Yuki
Stat Page : Ice, Ice Baby
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

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Mon Jun 24, 2013 4:44 pm
[Sorry Bee, 48-houring you so the topic goes on]

A sound would be heard by The ears of the Uzumaki. The eyes were familiar with this sound from before, when he was training with his parents outside the village, and more recently, from the Genin Exams, when not just this Genin, but many other applicants, dozens of children have used a technique creating this sound. Dante expected the man to use a jutsu now or later, but he didn't expect it to be Jutsu so easy that he knew himself, the Transformation Technique, that Dante thought would have been no use the to missing nin (if the old man was one, that is). He would then realise a much younger man with the Tenkage hat standing before them once the smoke cleared out. "Is the missing nin mocking us ? Or is he the Tenkage who just mocked us by turning into an old man ?". Dante was not sure, but either way, he was going to play dumb and believe the man was the Tenkage, then examining his behavior to decide if the man was a missing nin or not.

"Te-Tenkage-sama !" Dante would have said, judging by the hat, bowing down before the hat. "Dante Uzumaki, Village Genin. It's a pleasure to meet you."  he would keep his position until ordered to stand up by the man.
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