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A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY]

Gilgamesh Uzumaki
Yasahiro Yagami
Chimitsu Tanka
Sameonna Hoshigaki
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Gilgamesh Uzumaki
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
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A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY] - Page 4 Empty Re: A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY]

Mon Apr 22, 2013 5:49 pm
[Why should I be the one that needs to have evidence when you're the one that vague manip'd the puppy into being in the chambers to begin with?]
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A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY] - Page 4 Empty Re: A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY]

Mon Apr 22, 2013 6:09 pm
[Because its reasonable to believe that a puppy could be at your home, or on your person like a pet. If not specified with evidence, then I can make it wherever I want.

If I buy a katana, then never say where I put it, when I die you can do anything from specify it was in my house, to in my home village, to in some random place where I died.

Im guessing you don't have evidence, therefore I have the puppy for specifying it after you die.

(When you die, your items don't magically disappear into the void to be picked up wherever you want them to be. If people who beat you want some of your items, then they can take them xD ]
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
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A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY] - Page 4 Empty Re: A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY]

Mon Apr 22, 2013 6:11 pm
[You're the guy that yelled at me because I wasn't using logic, and now you're not using it? Seems a bit one sided, dont you think? It's logical that the puppy's not going to be on him if he's doing ANBU watches and what not, and once again, how would it get into the fridge. I didn't mention the puppy once in any post, so it's reasonable to say he's never had it on him. I think if I had a yapping dog on me or walking around me, I would include it in my posts.]
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A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY] - Page 4 Empty Re: A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY]

Mon Apr 22, 2013 6:22 pm
[Quiet puppy. Maybe it was small and liked to be in your pockets.

Also it climbed into the fridge because it was hot. Probably because you keep it in your pockets all day.

Its naruto, characters are weird and keep pets with them. Besides, I never said you always keep it on you, just that it was around since you never said it stayed at your house. (By the way, how come you never stated that puppy stayed at your house? Bad owner)

Its okay, he'll be safe with me. ]
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
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A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY] - Page 4 Empty Re: A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY]

Mon Apr 22, 2013 6:25 pm
[I give the puppy freedom like a great owner. Also, since we're acting logically, the ANBU would allow a dog to wander about where ever in the building? Since I've not stated the puppy being with him, and as it's my inventory, I don't see how it can be around him or else I would have said it affected him in some way. Honestly, it's just a puppy, I don't see why you're arguing for it when it'll achieve virtually nothing for you]
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A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY] - Page 4 Empty Re: A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY]

Mon Apr 22, 2013 6:40 pm
[If that's the case then sure, I'd be wrong. Please paste any reference of you dog staying with the ANBU or whatever.

But its in your inventory, so it makes even more sense that it would be on you or around you.

And exactly, why are you arguing for it? Its clearly mine because you died and I specified it first since it was in your inventory. Its not like it gives you any positive gain.]

Samuru Uchiha
Samuru Uchiha
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A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY] - Page 4 Empty Re: A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY]

Mon Apr 22, 2013 7:19 pm
{Ok, ending this now.
Sayomi has the puppy, and Xyxer has a random stray dog in Tengakure, just drop this whole dog thing.
Technically, Sayomi is fully valid but it is a damn dog people, not worth over a page of debating it e.o}
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY] - Page 4 Empty Re: A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY]

Tue Apr 23, 2013 2:25 am
{Well with that out of the}

The noise of a tired messenger hawk soon filled the covert anbu safe house. It seemed the hawk had returned with a new message. This time with a seal of the Hokage on it. Shinji eagerly opened it upon receiving it. To his surprise he did not find a letter, but he did find something much more intriguing a file with Sameonna's name on it. Quickly flipping through Shinji just about saw red. Who the hell was this Sameonna really? Her crimes seemed to stack higher and higher. She was a former anbu of the Leaf village until the records had her defecting. And on top of that there were a few crimes not worth mentioning. Regardless Shinji knew he had read enough. Before recent events Shinji would have asked for an explanation, but he was through playing games with these missing ninja.

He knew he had to act fast. Luckily fast was Shinji's specialty. In a flash his mind was made up and in a flash a fate was sealed. Before he had been understanding and it got him shot through the roof of his office. The last thing operative Cat would hear was that she was obligated to send another letter to the Hokage should things go poorly. Naturally, Shinji hoped that Cat would know what "going wrong" meant. It would be rather obvious considering what Shinji had planned. Walking out of the secret safe house Shinji took stock of his situation with blinding speed and accuracy. He was currently 500 meters away from the gates with various buildings in the way-basically he would be unseen from anyone outside the gates. Though, naturally, the path would be easily navigable with Shinji's knowledge of the city and his superb speed.

All that remained was a quick prep session that Shinji had practiced time and time again. Taking his headband that hung around his neck he tied it such that it covered his left eye, but left his right one completely unobstructed-using the sharingan and a normal eye at the same time does not bode well for one's brain with all the conflicting signals and such. While he quickly tied this around his head his three tome sharingan came to light in his right eye-the eye of a true devil. He then activated his strongest jutsu: the Whirlwind Waltz. His normally devilish speed was now increased off the charts. Normal ninja would not be able to keep pace in the least-let alone perceive him. It would be over soon.

Shinji quickly made his way to the village gates and his goal-Sameonna Hoshgaki. He would have obtained full speed after only a few steps, but he would be well in control of it and never have to slow down for a second. In fact, a quarter way to the gates Shinji would unsheathe Makaze and grip it comfortably in his right hand with the sharp edge pointing away from him as he ran. Oddly enough his footsteps would not make a sound as Shinji was also using the silent steps technique. In a heartbeat Shinji would arrive at the gate. Sameonna, assuming she did not stop speaking, would have just said the word "teach", but Shinji would not slow down one bit nor would his blood red eye waver from Sameonna and the area in her immediate vicinity. Shinji made a beeline for a point exactly two meters to the right of Sameonna.

At this point he would fire off two wind blades without skipping a beat. These blades were a meter and a half in length and a meter wide with a thickness of four centimeters. One blade was on course for Sameonna's knees. If all went perfectly the blade would contact Sameonna's left knee half way up the length of the wind blade. On this path it would cut the rock, but the rock on which she sat was nothing and would be decimated by the blade along with Samonna's legs-if it did indeed hit. The second blade was on track to bisect Sameonna's chest. If it connected it would rend her apart with ease. The midpoint of the blade would, if all went well, hit mid chest-the blade itself would fly parallel to the ground while the first blade would fly perpendicular to the ground. Though these two blades would not hit each other due to careful execution. The first blade would precede the second by very little, thus allowing for a seamless attack.

However, Shinji would not stop there. The firing of these blades would only be in passing as they would be emitted from his tenketsu, thus not requiring any loss of momentum. The next point Shinji would move for was one two meters behind Sameonna and stop there; facing her back, if she had not yet moved. In this movement behind her, assuming nothing went wrong, he would raise Mazkaze, which already had the starting of a black sphere around it. Thus, if he did indeed get to the point he wanted to go to, he would already have Makaze aimed at Sameonna's right shoulder-assuming she had not yet moved.

Also at that point Makaze would be all ready to fire-the black sphere that had formed would turn into a beam. This beam would, assuming Sameonna had not yet drastically moved, be on target to blast out her right shoulder. All in all the chances of Sameonna surviving were low. The speed at which Shinji moved at was imperceptible to most and the suddenness at which he had entered would have no doubt assisted in this. It would take an impressive feat to avoid Shinji's assault as if one could not track his speed then his initial attacks would almost seem to come out of no where and almost thin air itself.

{Just a few speed and strength things for clarification: Shinji is moving at 330 speed, the blades move at 105 with the same strength. And the beam has the same strength and speed as the blades.}
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
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A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY] - Page 4 Empty Re: A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY]

Tue Apr 23, 2013 2:43 am
[That's BS. Why would I have to post about my puppy when it should be irrelevant to the topic when it's not mentioned at all. Not once has it icly been mentioned in the Tenkage chambers so it's illogical for it to be there. The ruling makes no sense and so I'm claiming to still have my puppy since there's no valid reason for Sayomi to have it. He took a fridge, a puppy does not have thumbs, it can not open the door of a fridge and casually walk in. It might say that in milk adverts, but that's the closest it comes to it. I'm arguing for it because a puppy's for life, not just for christmas, and this puppy is still with me, if anything, YOU have a stray dog, not me. Also, you didn't even take the puppy, you took a god damned fridge. You didn't state taking a puppy in your exit post.]

It was now a common occurrence for Xyxer to revel on the past, despiet how many bad memories it brought to him. He wondered about that kid he had promised to have a spar with again.. what was his name.. Yusuke? No.. it wasn't that.. Kenchi.. Yeah, that might have been it. Xyxer wondered on how Kenchi was doing because the last time they met they were performing an S-Ranked mission together, so that certainly would be interesting to have the rematch. However, Xyxer soon snapped straight back into reality when he heard Sameonna speaking to him. "I wish we could speak more after the meeting, but ANBU duty is actually stressing now." He spoke with a slight smirk to add to his words, reading the face of Sameonna as he glanced off to the side. A clearly fake smile was ever present on it and that made Xyxer wonder.. what was her reason for coming here? It still puzzled Xyxer that most of the Kiri shinobi fled to Tengakure.. perhaps it was because of it's previous alliance with Kirigakure. It was funny that they never came to help the village though, even after the Mizukage had been killed in some off event. He never truly knew what was happening, and perhaps that was the grand scheme of things, but he would start to understand, and he would start to plot. It's all got to string together. Xyxer was brought back to reality by two things: A sloppy tongue running over his face from the PUPPY HE HAD SINCE CHRISTMAS, and a harrowing feeling. However, the latter could not be explained, so he simply looked around the area.

Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY] - Page 4 Empty Re: A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY]

Tue Apr 23, 2013 12:56 pm
Yozora heard Sameonna call Xyxer a brother. It was interesting to hear, though they did not look like siblings, but it could mean they were close in some way. She remembered Xyxer saying the first time they met, that he was Demon of the Mist. Also the girl's in front of her last name was Hoshigaki, which was something closely tied to Mist's foundations. It was easy to piece into a picture that both of them came from the same village, the now destroyed Hidden Mist. The young Shinkou also learned Xyxer now belonged to Tengakure's ANBU, which did not come as much of a shocker. He was very capable after all. The girl on a rock continued with a smile, now addressing Yozora. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Yozora. I hope I can either have the pleasure to teach, or fight alongside, you in the future." Yozora smiled back, about to say something in response. But she did not get that chance.
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