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Incalculable Ambition Empty Incalculable Ambition

Mon Sep 28, 2020 12:07 am
Halcyon was the setting of Konohagakure's training grounds. Tranquil ponds and inoffensive animals were in perfect harmony. Dazzling skies carried pure clouds like gossamer. The anthem of the birds traveled through the air in random fashion. The scent of fresh air would fill the nostrils of anyone that was there.

Souji, newly promoted to Genin, a member of the Hyuuga clan was stationary in this environment. His eyes closed, centering himself. His hair tenderly sways in the breeze; as did the leaves of the countless trees rustled. The entire being of the boy was in harmony with his surroundings. Through the nose he inhales and the slightly parted lips he exhaled.

One would consider this to be a form of meditation, one would not be far off. However, this was more than just grounding of spirit, body and mind. This was ascension. A number of veins would bulge around the closed eyes and temples of the head. Vision was then bolstered by a total number of one hundred meters by three-hundred-sixty degrees.

Eye lids slowly opens, revealing pearl eyes, iris and pupils with a hint of violet in color. The chakra circulatory system of every living creature of reasonable size was made vivid to this boy. With those eyes he could see the chakra washing about the beings insides as if looking at a flame through glass. Should he will it, Souji now had the ability to penetrate solid objects and structures with his gaze. His gaze was not aimed towards doing that, instead it was fixed on a training dummy.

The Hyuuga boy's body began to take motion, right foot and leg sliding back as left knee bends slightly. Right arm and left mirrors the same actions as right palm faced the surface of the ground and left the dummy. Chakra pervade his body as his focus deepens. Swiftly did his right side pivot and jolt forward as his left foot remained stationed. His right palm that was once facing the ground was now thrusted towards the dummy that was exactly twenty centimeters before him.

From his right palm manifest a soft, yet ripping blur within the space between it and the dummy. His eyes, Byakugan recorded an image to relay to his understanding of a cylinder-like vacuum of pressurized air. This vacuum was dense of chakra that upon making contact with the dummy caused the frontal cushioning to split and erupt. The straw was then carried off in the direction of the force. The pond rippled as the force of this attack flew over only to die after an additional five centimeters.

"Dammit, this will have to do for now in regards of this technique." Souji words, not pleased with his results. Not too sure if he could even consider that mediocre at best. But it cannot be helped, the boy was fully aware of his own capabilities and knew he needed to continue with his training. "I will revisit that technique some other time. I cannot allow myself to get swallowed up in my own failures...not when everyone is counting on me."

Lowering his palm and returning to a normal standing position. Souji took a few steps to reach the dummy to analyze the damage closer. His eyes closed, simultaneously deactivating his Byakugan, upon opening his eyes his natural royal purple iris and black pupils are shown. Reaching the dummy he leans in a bit, scratching the back of his head with his right hand. It would see that he found the attack to be useful in regards of surprise. Considering that he was a Hyuuga and he bares his clan symbol on his back it would mostly likely indicate to others that he is a close quarters fighter, which was not entirely untrue. Although the boy does not rely on one method of victory.

Despite this personal information, no one knows that he also excel at ninjutsu as well. Such a secret makes him proud as he did his very best to keep that quiet. It would bother him if anyone was to find out. That being said, the technique that he just used would be ideal in both creating distance from someone suddenly and striking those would fear his close range capabilities. But it would not be enough to end a fight, judging from what he analyzed the attack has some good blunt force, but it wouldn't do much if someone manages to dodge or brace themselves. That is considering that they could see it coming, but the subtle blur in space could give heed to them. But again they would need to have some pretty fast reflexes to dodge his attack and Souji is a pretty swift striker.

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Blaisa Sarutobi
Blaisa Sarutobi
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Incalculable Ambition Empty Re: Incalculable Ambition

Mon Sep 28, 2020 5:18 am
It was a warm, slightly breezy day within the walls of the Hidden Leaf Village.  With weather like this, it was uncommon to see aspiring shinobi of the Leaf found within doors.  Even excluding shinobi, the village felt alive - with the marketplace booming and the citizens conversing, it was a rare sight to see for our young Sarutobi shinobi.  Onward to the training grounds located within the village, you can find Blaisa Sarutobi strutting her way to her favorite location in the grounds.  

With the wind rustling the surrounding trees, Blaisa took in a deep breath of air before examining the vicinity of the training grounds in order to admire it properly.  It had been a while since she had last been here, the last time being the Genin exams where she learned that she possessed the fire element, Katon.  Although she was hoping for the earth element of Doton, the young shinobi was content with her blessing after a period of acceptance, and was determined to grow in strength.  'I've wasted too much time slacking off and resting' Blaisa began to think to herself, 'I won't get anything done if I keep ignoring my elemental affinity'.  

Finally arriving to her favorite spot, she took another glance around - noticing another young shinobi at the training grounds with her.  Blaisa began squinting her eyes over at his direction, not being able to get a very good view of him.  'Oh jeez, I hope he doesn't think I'm snoopin.... even though I'm totally snoopin', she thought to herself.  Upon further inspection, she came to the conclusion that he was doing some form of meditation, and decided to leave him be as to not feel bothersome.  Although she didn't want to intrude, she had no problem keeping one eye on him occasionally, just to see any presentation of abilities or special attributes as she was curious.

Turning her attention to the set of three training dummies, Blaisa began to rub her hands together while inspecting the defenseless wooden opponents.  "Now let's see here...", she began to say out loud before closing her eyes to reminisce back to the time spent with her mother learning countless hand seals for basic fire abilities.  "Ah... Of course.." she continued on, "How could I forget THOSE hands....", shedding a slight smile out of the corner of her mouth before regaining her focus.  Opening her eyes once again, she took a deep breath before raising her arms to form the correct hand seals.

'Snake.', she began to think as she formed first one - 'Ram...', she continued with the second - 'Tiger!', she finished before inhaling a gigantic flow of oxygen.  Holding her breath, she tried to focus on blowing out the air as strong as possible, with no focus on concentrating her chakra and actually using some of it.  'Okay, I think I got it!', she thought excitedly as she blew out a huge puff of.... absolutely nothing.  "WHAAAAAT?!?!", she exclaimed loudly with the most shocked and disappointed look on her face.  'But I could feel it in my lungs.... Hmm...', Blaisa continued to think to herself, placing her hand on her chin out of contemplation.  

Referring back to the basics, the young shinobi conducted various breathing exercises just to confirm that everything was functioning bodily-wise.  'Check.... That's okay.... Check.....", she thought continuing down her mental checklist.  All of a sudden, it was as if a lightbulb had turned on inside Blaisa's skull for a second, as her confused look turned in to an excited one.  'I've been going about it all wrong!  It's not about the strength of the exhale, it's about the amount of infusion!', she thought.  

With a new grasp of understanding chakra and how to form Jutsu, Blaisa began to form the snake, ram, and tiger hand seals once again.  'Okay... I've got it this time.', she continued to think with hopefulness and confidence.  Taking in yet another huge intake of oxygen, the young shinobi could feel her ribcage expanding to an abnormal degree, similar to what she saw when her mother had demonstrated the same ability.  Holding her breath, she tried to focus on manipulating the air in her stomach with her own elemental chakra in order to infuse the air with fire.  With her body temperatures rising at a rapid rate, Blaisa couldn't spend anymore time with the infusion - she had to let the air out as it was getting too hot for her internally.  

As she began the exhale process, a small, pathetic stream of fire began to emerge from her throat, with the end of the stream producing a slightly bigger ball of fire.  Cutting off the stream by closing her lips, Blaisa began to look at her progress with disgust.  While letting out moans of disappointment and acting out in frustration, she kicks a medium sized rock across the field, landing closer over there towards the other shinobi in which she was sharing the training grounds with.  Upon looking in the direction of where she kicked the rock, she noticed that the young shinobi had stopped meditating and taken a fighting stance.  The young shinobi was still, and then in an instant, began to attack the training dummy - doing considerable damage to it.  Watching him practice his technique, she began to look at him in awe.  'That form.... that speed!', she began to think to herself, impressed by the fluid stance and preciseness of his attack.  

Turning her attention back to her own training, she began to look down at the palm of her hands, ferociously closing them in to fists.  'The technique..... The form... The speed.', Blaisa began to think to herself before having another eureka moment.  "That's it!", the hopeful shinobi exclaimed before getting ready to form the hand seals one last time, "It's not just the strength, or just the infusion.... The power of the fireball is determined by both factors!".  She formed the following snake, ram, and tiger seals respectively before intaking yet another huge intake of oxygen.  With her ribcage expanding more than ever before, Blaisa was beginning to get in the groove with it.  Closing her eyes, she focused one hundred percent of her senses towards infusing the chakra while preparing to release it at an exhilarating speed.  

Not only could she feel the fire element infusing with the air at a much faster rate than before, she could also begin to tolerate the higher temperatures of holding it in for so long.  'I've got it this time - I know I do.', she thought to herself before releasing a much bigger fireball than previously in the direction of the training dummies - 'Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu!'.

Growing the fireball to about 5 meters, Blaisa cut the stream of fire from her lips in order to send the fireball flying towards the training dummies.  Smacking only the middle dummy dead center with her fireball, the dummy turned to a burnt, black crisp of wood, before wobbling forwards and backwards, still standing it's ground.  In a quick moment of cheerfulness, Blaisa jumped in air with her hands up proud, feeling accomplished of learning her first jutsu.  

Out of air, the young Sarutobi decides to sit down knees up on the grassy plains of the training grounds.  Craving a break with the beautiful skies, she lays down flat on her back to look up at the breath-taking views.  'Hmph.', she began to think to herself, 'I wonder if that other kid next to me learned something new today'.

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Incalculable Ambition Empty Re: Incalculable Ambition

Mon Sep 28, 2020 2:36 pm
The boy would be remiss if he not notice the snooping girl near the other training dummies during his stillness. He found her gawking to be somewhat of a nuisance, but chose to ignore her for the time being. He could not allow his own concentration to be be dwindled. At the same time, he could not pass up the opportunity to...snoop himself. At the time, his right was mirroring her left. Those eyes of his allowed him to monitor her and her own chakra circulatory network.

Upon her forming the seals neccessary for the technique that she decided to train on, Souji honed in on her chakra. It would seem that she hadn't quite grasped kneading it. This became evident when she blew nothing but hot air. "...what a loser." he thought to himself. The girl's outburst made the situation that more apparent, as well as his thoughts on her.

The boy found her lack of knowledge to be distasteful. Why would she come out here to practice a jutsu without fully understanding how chakra works kneading works? A novice approach to say the least. Souji, being of the Hyuuga, understood how chakra worked. From the flowing of it to the releasing. It is a give and take situation, like yin and yang. Creation and far superior than destruction, but destruction is swifter than creation. Something he learned from his parents. Do not be fooled, the boy does not fully comprehend the depths of this, but his understanding forms ripples.

"Trying it again?" he thought. Observation was inevitable in his field of vision. The girl seemed to be utilizing her chakra some. It was like watching an immediate build up in her chest. Souji could not help but to keen in on her, wondering if she actually had it this time. Could she be a genius? Alas, her display was nothing more than inferior. Subtle relief washed over him, he was happy to see that amongst his peers that he wss still somewhat of a prodigy in terms of chakra.

His focus was ripped forcefully from her. Proceeding to his own training and carrying out all his intended actions as planned. Now at his training target he inspects it. The air grew quiet, almost tranquil. Of course this made the young Hyuuga boy turn his attention over to the other person on the grounds. Though his eyes were normal, he did not expect to occur what did. She seems completely focused this time. What changed? Lilac orbes of visual recognition laid fixed on her person.

Before his very eyes he bare witness to a beautifully executed Katon jutsu. Its beginning and end was magnificent. Its coloring was as vibrant as sunlight. The calcification of the jutsu was well done. The span of her jutsu made him look to his right palm, his hand began to rattle from his own frustration. Now shaking with anger, Souji felt that his dissatisfaction within himself more of a nuisance than this girl. He shook his head only once, regaining his composure. "Emotions only leads to irrational actions. Get ahold of yourself Souji." he says. Ensuing the exhibit of the girl who was now looking towards the heavens. Souji motions towards her attack dummy to grasp a better look. Investigating it he discovered the extent of the damage. Eyes narrows, it was better than that of his own. Turning to have his eyes fall upon her as she lays. Roving in her direction coming, offensively glaring at her. "There are three things that stress me out... Hot days. Annoying people. And standing close to annoying people on hot days. Guess where you fall in that." The tone he took was cold and it carried a trace of annoyance.

His hands were in concealed within the confines of his pockets. Gently did his black hair sway as the wind whispers. Analyzing her, he noticed...her. She was pretty, but he wouldn't admit this aloud, it wasn't like him to. Adding that he almost lost his composure already today, twice is unbecoming.

From the depths of his consciousness scaled that unbearable feeling of feeling inferior. Being aware of her growth in accomplishing the technique really was eating away at him. Feeling as if he wss deteriorating from the inside. Teeth clenched as his glare took a metamorphosis to detest. The more he looked at her the more he repudiate her existence. Why was she even there would cross his mind, on this day at the same time.

Souji, tilts his head to the left. For a moment his eyes drifts from her to the ground. He was absent, lost in thought. Feeling as his emotions suffocating him. Was he not living up to his responsibilities as he promised he would? It was clear that he carried a large burden, larger than a child of hks age should regardless of his title. To think that he was not living to the standard set for him would crush him, he did not welcome that scenario. Lilac eyes flicked back onto her. Snapping back into reality. He hates it when he gets lost in space like that. Leaves him vulnerable.

"H-how did you do that...back there?" gesturing to the blackened training target. Slightly embarrassed to ask, but he hid it pretty his knowledge anyway. Curious to know because he was not "watching" in regards of his Byakugan. Perhaps he will get a better perception of how she did it. That is if she even speaks to him, he can be a bit if a jerk upon first encounters, oddly enough he does not see how. To him he is straightforward when it comes to just about any and everything. Blunt, maybe, but what you see is what you get from him.

Used to everyone finding him popular during his days in the academy. It matter not to him for popularity, only results and progression. She did something that helped her gain a better handling over that technique and he desired to know what it was. In truth, though he wouldn't admit this even to himself, he subconsciously wanted to see if it can be used to help him improve the Hyuuga style technique that he used.

Suddenly he silently scuffs, realizing that she looked familiar to him. Could they have shared the same class in the academy? Or was it that he saw her once or twice before, perhaps in passing. Her face was vague, he couldn't put his finger on it.

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Incalculable Ambition Empty Re: Incalculable Ambition

Mon Sep 28, 2020 5:14 pm
Continuing with a moment of rest after using her first fire oriented jutsu, the young shinobi could not help but notice an individual approaching up to her area of the training grounds.  'Oh?' she began to think to herself, 'And what is this?'.  Upon further inspection, Blaisa realized it was the other shinobi that had been practicing a few moments earlier.  'Wow, great minds DO think a like', she continued to think to herself.   “H-hey!  I was just going to come ov-“, she began to say before stopping in her tracks.  As he approached, Blaisa could feel a cold presence as he walked closer and closer.  Passing right by her she looked up at him in utter shock and confusion - he walked right past her before even saying a word and began to pay attention to the wooden dummy that she had just set ablaze a few moments prior.

After a thorough inspection of the damage, the young shinobi began to approach Blaisa – standing right over top of her as she lay flat on her back.  Blaisa looked up at the shinobi speechless, thinking of something witty to say to introduce herself.  She began to raise her hand up slightly in order to block out one half of the sunlight in her eyes, as the shinobi’s stature was blocking the other half.  “Thanks for showing up, that sun was re-“, she began to say before being cut off rather quickly by the approaching shinobi.  “There are three things that stress me out…”, the shinobi begins to say.  ‘Oh, god…’, Blaisa begins to think in immediate rebuttal.  “Hot days.  Annoying people.  And standing close to annoying people on hot days.  Guess where you fall in that”, he finished. 
Blaisa broke off eye contact with the shinobi, looking off to the distance in immediate embarrassment with yet another one of her peers who judges a book by the cover.  Visibly, you could tell that she was upset and took it to heart.  Although it is nothing she has not dealt with before, she quickly got over it and replaced her expression with a snarky smile on her face.  She could tell that the shinobi had a sense of annoyance in his voice, but it was not out of a place of spite for Blaisa herself.  She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but something spoke out to her that they weren’t too different from one another.  “Simple answer”, she began to respond with to the rather blunt individual, “All of the above.  I’m simply a combination of a scorching day and a persisting annoyance – a hot distraction”, she continued as she giggled off her silly joke of a comment.

Analyzing the young shinobi from top to bottom, she raised herself from laying on her back to standing straight up, only just a couple feet apart from him.  The first feature she noticed was his eyes, they were a shade of lilac with a white pupil that had looked familiar to her.  She tried to detect the emotions that he was giving off with his facial expressions, but she was never particularly good at reading other people.  As the shinobi began to ask Blaisa how she burnt the training target to a crisp, she couldn’t help but let out a little burst of laughter.

It was actually pretty easy”, she began to explain, “I thought it would be harder, it being my first and only jutsu”.  She continued trying to laugh off the topic, “But all you have to do is have a knack for it, and you’ll get it eventually!”.  Not wanting to be too informative, Blaisa tried to restrict as much information as she could while still showing kindness.  She was proud of learning her first jutsu so fast, so to give away such secrets she deemed invaluable would be considered blasphemy.  It was one thing she hadn’t known about herself – sometimes she has a wish to be selfish.

Anyways”, she continued to speak after pondering the shinobis identity for a little while, “Who… exactly are you?

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Incalculable Ambition Empty Re: Incalculable Ambition

Mon Sep 28, 2020 6:51 pm
What was to be a simple exchanged of words between the two promising youths; sprouted into witty remarks and sarcasm. Upon voicing himself to her, she replied to him, making light of his expression, proclaiming to be "a hot distraction". Souji was taken back by this, his mouth slightly adjourn as his eyes noted bewilderment. The Hyuuga's right brow raised with a twitch being the byproduct of his bafflement. Certainly was not the response that he was expecting.

Fuzzy on the matter of this being a light moment or a serious one, because last he checked, he was not smiling nor asked for a mundane jokey that was barely good enough to make an infant smile. Markedly, a feint corner smile manifested on his face. It should go unnoticed how handsome he really is when he smiles. Even if it is for a moment or the opposite of its intent. "Wishful thinking is one thing, reality is another." he continues as he lazily look off into the distance. Souji was always pretty good when it comes to sarcastic rebuttals and making them sound like compliments.

He was often told that this trait would render him in trouble should he keep it up. Seems like he thinks very little of trouble as he still showcase his witty arsenal. Taking note that the female was making her way to her feet he would also notice that she was a tower of a female, standing almost a whole foot taller than him. 'She's a giant!...' he thought to himself. Feeling like a child looking up to an adult, the boy took two additional steps back as to relieve himself of looking directly up at her.

But still...she was pretty...and monstrously tall. Blinking repeatedly he was trying to grasp it. Just wasn't working out for him. Picturing himself standing next to her 'I just haven't hit my growth spurt yet!' he told himself mentally. Aiming to ease his shattered height disposition. Upon hearing her laugh at his question about the target and her jutsu and her response "It was actually pretty easy" Souji was once again very annoyed by her.

The explanation she gave him was utterly audacious. Did she take him for a fool, "So you don't know?", he speaks boldly. Now sporting a lackadaisical expression on his face. He thought that she was better than him, but it would turn out that she was just a "Baaaka... You failed twice in attempting that jutsu. The first time you did not knead your chakra with your breath, thus causing you to spew only what you, yourself are full of, hot air. The second time around you managed to understand the grasp of molding your chakra within yourself as you produced that sorry excuse of a flickering flame." he took one step forward as to get a bit more personal as he breaks down the events. Aware that he was blatantly informing her that he was observing her from the very beginning up until, "I removed my focus from you to complete my own technique, which I did accomplish on the first try; to find that you managed to successfully do yours. So"

The Hyuuga boy now looking up to the girl, finding that he took a couple more steps and I now one feet or less closer to her. But then he realize that she was just..staring at him, really staring. He tensed up and his face began to turn a shade of red. Immediately after he took some steps back, several steps in fact which landed him next to the burnt dummy. Not sure what that was, it was bizarre and made him feel nervous. 'Was she about to attack me? No, that wasn't it. Hm, what was that just now?' hand on chin as he contemplate that feeling.

She asked who he was, this unlocked his concentration. She clearly wanted to ascertain his identity. At first he was reluctant to oblige, but he too wanted to know who she was, perhaps her name would help jog his memory of why she seem familiar to him. "Souji... Hyuuga Souji. I'm a Genin also. Now, who are you?" Removing his hand from his chin, slipping them back into his pockets; he awaits her answer.

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Incalculable Ambition Empty Re: Incalculable Ambition

Tue Sep 29, 2020 11:22 pm
The Hyuuga boy released a subtle sigh. It had occurred to him that he really did not care to know who this girl was, it would have been a complete waste of his time and further went to annoy him for that matter. "...Nevermind, forget that I even asked. You've wasted enough of my time as it is already with your pressence." Annoyed, he turn to the path to leave the training grounds. Looking past her as if she didn't even exist. His vibe definitely indicates that he was over their encounter.

Passing her he says, "It's all yours, knock yourself out while you're at it. You'll be doing me a favor..." continuing in his stride he glances back at her for one last look. "Don't let me see you again." Harshly spoken, but not without reason. It would be for the best if she did not see him again, though they may seem similar in more ways than was made clear, they were not meant to walk the same paths. Souji understood that. Hopefully she would have too.

It wasn't longer before he was out of her line of sight, heading towards the valley. He would be remiss if he did not admit to himself that the encounter was a pleasant one, and he wouldn't mind seeing her once again. 'Whoever you are... Keep working at mastering that jutsu. Katon is a not to be taken lightly. It demands respect, a delicate approach to all its variations is also required. Once that much is understood you can channel that flame into a weapon for greater manipulation of the flames; or even create some form of barrier or binding. I truly believe that you will become a master over your flames... someday I would like to see just how strong you really are.' thoughts of positivity swelled his head as he made way.


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Incalculable Ambition Empty Re: Incalculable Ambition

Wed Sep 30, 2020 2:32 pm
2,180 words remaining from this topic. 
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680 Words remaining spending 500 towards Mist Servant
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Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
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Incalculable Ambition Empty Re: Incalculable Ambition

Wed Sep 30, 2020 5:46 pm
Blaisa Sarutobi
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Incalculable Ambition Empty Re: Incalculable Ambition

Fri Nov 13, 2020 10:19 am
Blaisa stood there emotionless and dazed as the words of Souji went in one ear and out the other.  She couldn't remember why or how she got in to this odd state of social anxiety.  Without even attempting to take another breath, she witnessed her potential new friend begin to walk past her with a hateful, negative attitude.  

'Souji....', she began to think to herself.

Inflated with thoughts of cowardly embarrassment, she was overcome with a feeling of dread knowing that there was nothing she could do at this point in time to attempt a rekindling of the friendship.  She turned to the opposite direction of Souji and began to walk out of the training grounds of Konoha, ridden with personal disappointment.  

'I hope I get a chance to meet you again...', she thought to herself, as she began to walk home in order to sleep, ponder, and get out of this terrible mood that she was in.


(Souji I am so sorry for going MIA mid topic that's mad embarrassing D: plz forgive me)

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Last edited by Blaisa Sarutobi on Sat Dec 05, 2020 11:05 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : added specific rank of jutsu learned, added what im saving extra words for)
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Incalculable Ambition Empty Re: Incalculable Ambition

Fri Nov 13, 2020 7:33 pm
Approved, please make the adjustments to your stat sheet
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