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Furozan Yuki
Furozan Yuki
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Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO)

Tue Apr 16, 2013 8:18 pm
Furozan was not gaining any ground on the two who were ahead of him but he noticed the third member of the team was starting to catch up. He grumbled to himself when he realized he was probably the slowest of the three. This hurt his morale a bit because he had always been one of the slowest ninja's in Kirigakure. It did not help that his legs were shorter than the other students and he had to compensate by running his little legs harder.

It was not enough for him to give up, though, because he may not have been the strongest or the fastest but he had a never give up attitude. Quitting was not in his vocabulary and he was not about to start now. He had a chance at redemption and he was not going to be deterred so easily.

When Rin jumped onto the building and started running up, Furozan followed suit, and he flew over to the building. He went at an angle so that he was gaining height instead of going straight at the building. The one advantage he did have over the other two was being able to get to higher places. Once he was close enough to the building he leaped off his water and stuck to the side of the building. He followed the other two and started sprinting up the side of the building, his water ride following closely behind, just in case Rin decided to change.
Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO)

Wed Apr 17, 2013 6:22 am
While keeping track of the teammate in front of him and maintaining the hassle to avoid collision on the ground. Yuri went out of vision for the 2 front runners in the process. That will not affect her as long as the afloat one stays in vision. She did not intend to overtake him but just maintaining the current distance so that her energy won't be wasted for the next twist of event that her team leader had in mind. She feels that if this keeps up, its most likely that the leader had much planned for the day, which in turns brings knowing the location even more important than trying to keep up. It did not take very long before a problem on her level occurred. Her vision of her teammates became smaller. She thought to herself that the platform that the leader had stepped on by this point of time had already switched. If she would have any problems keeping an eye on him now would mean that a higher ground is needed for her, but that wasn't the end of her problems.

A lower row of buildings stands in her way between herself and her team. She could see that being afloat has no problems crossing this obstacle at all. But for her to go through it would mean going through the building from inside, this would result in her losing trail of her teammates if she is slow in doing this. She wouldn't want to climb up just yet, since she is confident that this is not the end of the test. For a moment, she stopped in her tracks and focused on her nearest teammate which eventually led to her seeing the other teammates. Noting that 2 of them are going upwards, this would mean the total loss of vision on them if she were to maintain her level of ground. But again, the sky is still bright, if they were to make any movement above her their silhouette would show provided that she isn't obstructed by anything to see them. Obstruction... She told herself as she used as little time as possible to make it to the roof of the obstacle just to keep an eye on them, preparing for the next thing that will happen.
Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO)

Wed Apr 17, 2013 10:43 am
Rin's gray eyes followed Haru as he used another building on his right to jump higher landing not too far from Rin and following his up the wall. He would smile at the boy "Impressive..." the words were not spoken too loud nor too silent, just enough for him to hear them. The white haired kid using his water manipulation started flowing higher before reaching the building, doing a bit of a shortcut. It was a good idea to use the advantage his technique provided. Before reaching the top Rin glimpsed Yuri on the roof tops down bellow, not even starting to climb the Skyscraper. He had no idea what was happening in the girl's head, but she appeared to be just standing there and observing them.

Finally at the top Rin landed horizontally again, dissipating the chakra on his feet. The flower he was holding had no more petals, he had torn them all off. So, he grew another one, while walking towards the edge on the other side of the skyscraper's roof. This time he did not grow the whole flower, only the petals. Purple. Standing on the edge he threw the torn flower at the spot where he reached the top, timing it to fly past the point about when Haru would emerge. The flower did not have thorns, so at most it would blind or confuse if he did not miss. Without waiting to see Haru's reaction Rin fell down, reactivating the tree walking technique using the gravity as well as his legs, running down the tower and leaving a trail of flower petals behind him. The side he was on now, was the opposite of the one he ran up, so they would not see him descend before getting up there first.

Less than halfway down the wall, Rin spotted an entrance to sewers. Quickly performing the bird hand seal he created one earth spike to open the cover for him before jumping inside and covering the entrance again. Hopefully they will figure it out as the petal trail would end right at the entrance. In the sewers Rin would jump from one corner to another leaving the petals behind him. He would slow down some, waiting for them to catch up a bit.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO)

Wed Apr 17, 2013 7:58 pm
Haru smirked as he heard Rin speak, for praise was something he received very little at home. Or anywhere. He saw Furozan land just ahead of them and start running the wall, and Haru quickened his pace. He'd pull himself up as Rin reached the top, expecting the challenge to be over. Then Rin started walking toward the edge, and Haru sighed. It was far from over, he guessed. Rin started down the other end of the building, and Haru trailed after him. He saw Yuri with the aid of the Byakugan, and she didn't seem to be doing very well. His eyes darted back to Rin as he descended the building after him, before he threw a rock spike at the manhole leading to the city sewers, and jumped in.

He would jump from the side of the building to the opening of the sewer, looking down.
"You've got to be kidding me." He'd say, looking down into the dark spaces of the sewer. If one of his teammates stopped to check the entrance, as he did, he would say "I'm Claustrophobic.", glancing back at the manhole. He had no problem with the interior of the buildings in Tenkagure, as long as he could see the sunlight, but down in the tunnels... He was much less at ease.
Furozan Yuki
Furozan Yuki
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Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO)

Wed Apr 17, 2013 8:04 pm
Furozan reached the top of the building just in time to see Haru go down the other side of the building. He glanced around and spotted the petals and then he followed suit, not wanting to waste any more time than he had to. He was impressed that he was still in second and that he was actually kind of close to Haru. He knew, if it came down to it, the boy would outrun him with ease but luckily he was on his team. He hoped he could make friends with both his teammates and his team leader.

As he reached the other side and started to go down he saw Haru who was standing over a manhole. Furozan guessed that he was either scared of tight spaces or was waiting on Furozan, which did not make much sense. Furozan leaped from the building and he landed beside Haru just in time to hear him mention he was claustrophobic.

"We can't stop now," Furozan stated, nodding his head and trying to acknowledge the boy and show he was friendly towards him. It was hard for him to interact with other kids his age for some reason. "Claustrophobic or not, we have to go down there, and I will be right beside you the whole way. I'll carry you to the finish line if I have to, that's a promise."
Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : mhm
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Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO)

Thu Apr 18, 2013 3:17 am
From Yuri's current view, she could at least see her teammates continue getting smaller. But there was a blind side that she would need to cater to. She could not see the 1 out of the 4 sides the building had to offer. Even so, there was still a solution to this with the help of her teammates even though they were not helping her directly, she checked the sides of the taller building from her view that could split the building into 2 should such a force surface. There was no movement from the front runner and her teammates took a while to finally lose themselves from their bottom, giving Yuri the answer of the next general direction her leader headed to. There is no perpendicular roofs of the same height from her vision.

Wasting no time on tracking while knowing the fact that she could lose the trail, she jumped down from the roof to cross the obstacle to get to the blind side of the building. Before she hit the ground, her curled into a posture that would execute a forward roll allowing herself not to stop and making a safe landing to continue the pursue at the same time. Unfortunately, things did not go smoothly as she thought. When the blind side of the building revealed itself to her, she stopped for a moment and focused on the surroundings for a clue. He could go left twice to make things harder. The thought of it made her ran straight to the other side of the path's bend. However, she stopped in her tracks thanks to her teammates.

She was pretty sure she missed the use of the petal at her first observation. She looked up at the wall to confirm its possibility and looked around again for any petals. Nevertheless, their presence tell her that going down is the correct option.
Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Mission Record : Shojiro's Valiant Transgressions
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Ryo : 2000

Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO)

Fri Apr 19, 2013 7:06 am
Rin stopped. It seemed he was no longer being followed. Hiding behind a corner he focused on his mind's eye tracing his way back to the surface to find his genins. All three of them were near the point he entered the sewers. Not really sure what made them stop he sensed some hesitation. Well, since there was no point in doing this if they all failed completely, he decided to wait here for the moment. The petals would mark the way to him and as soon as they enter he would start moving again.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO)

Fri Apr 19, 2013 9:26 am
Haru sighed, staring down at the sewer opening.
"Fine." He said at last, looking back to Furozan "Let's just get this over with." And with that, he peered over the edge one last time, and jumped down. He landed on the cement walkway near the entrance, shaking heavily. It was somewhat Ironic that he lived in Tenkagure, a crowded, cramped city, and yet he was claustrophobic. He would wait for Furozan to jump down, before pointing out the way they needed to go. "This way." He said quietly, pointing the way Rin had gone. Ordinarily, it would have been too dark to see where Rin had gone, but Haru could see up to a mile with his Byakugan, and the entire sewer system was stretched out before him. Rin's chakra signature was scrunched behind one of the corners, out of their line of sight. He took a few shaky steps towards Rin, though his heart wasn't in it. With every step he took, the urge to run back to the entrance grew stronger, but he kept on going.

(Sorry it's short, I'm posting from my phone.)
Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : mhm
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Clan Focus : Lollygagging
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Ryo : 181400

Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO)

Mon Apr 22, 2013 10:34 pm
Yuri saw her teammates go down the manhole as she followed behind them. It is clear that one of them came down reluctantly due to her fear taking over her mind, hopefully not her body as well. If this was a few years back Yuri would have offered help without any hesitation. Times have changed and allies would probably change too. She held back the offer and continues to observe, she knows that one of them had the vision that she doesn't. That's an advantage to her, it saves her the hassle to look for the leader herself which reminds herself that she did not even do that from the start.

The search starts when the one who sees moves forward by a few steps. Darkness always brings some inconvenience as Yuri had to be more focused while using the fundamentals to ensure safety. She had a feeling that if this keeps up her leading teammate won't be doing well since he is the worst affected by the surroundings. This is where she takes a few careful steps faster to grab onto his shoulder in order. Stop was all she said before it gets any darker, hopefully the other guy will listen to her as well as he is still on his way. It would be bad enough if both of us had to rely on you all the way.
Furozan Yuki
Furozan Yuki
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Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO) - Page 2 Empty Re: Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO)

Tue Apr 23, 2013 7:18 pm
Furozan followed behind Haru based on sound alone. He could barely see a thing but he could detect the signature of Haru's chakra and it was enough for him to follow with relative ease. "What do you think the point of all this is? To test us I suppose."

( Very short, sorry, on my phone at work )
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