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Team Three Meeting (P/IO/NK)

Gilgamesh Uzumaki
Primrose Uchiha
6 posters
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Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
Stat Page : Primmys Stats
Mission Record : Prims Missions
Genjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : EMS
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12000

Team Three Meeting (P/IO/NK) Empty Team Three Meeting (P/IO/NK)

Sun May 12, 2013 9:10 am
Prim arrived before anyone else. She had sent out letters to announce the meeting the previous evening and was hoping the squad had received them. She sat in a tree as she watched the sunrise. She was unable to sleep very well the night before because she was so nervous. Now why had she offered to be a squad leader again? Oh yeah, she was trying to show she could be a responsible shinobi and that she had matured and grown up.
Despite all the thoughts running through her head, she kept watch for the squad members. She knew anytime now they would all start to show up. For the first time in her life, except for her spar with Senba, Prim was on time.

Gilgamesh Uzumaki
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
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Team Three Meeting (P/IO/NK) Empty Re: Team Three Meeting (P/IO/NK)

Sun May 12, 2013 10:24 am
Hisao had recently heard news of a meeting of his new squad. The word "new" had been quite a worry for him.. had Hikarishi been put in another? Regardless, Hisao sat up from the rather muddy earth on which he had slept the night; it was the same place that Hisao was shown by Hikarishi a few days ago. Running his hands through his hair, fully braiding his hair with dirt, he simply stood up and begun to walk towards where the random boy had told him to go. He looked filthy, much like a hobo.. and that would make sense considering he'd been sleeping on wet soil for quite a while.

Standing where the squad was supposed to meet without a single care in the world, he simply nodded at the girl he believed to be his new mentor and awaited for the rest of his squad to show up. Hopefully his new team mates would be capable of battle strategy .
Demetri Kaguya <3
Demetri Kaguya <3
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Team Three Meeting (P/IO/NK) Empty Re: Team Three Meeting (P/IO/NK)

Sun May 12, 2013 11:22 am
Hikarishi awoke as a bird with a letter arrived telling him he had been assigned to a new team, his first thoughts were of Hisao and Orochihama 'has something happened to them?' he thought as he began to get dressed. He picked out a normal shirt and pants, the shirt being blue and the pants being black, before he headed out of the house leaving a note for Kyohaku which read.

Kyo have to go meet my new team if you need me ill be at the training grounds.

Hikakrishi Uchiha

he locked the door and headed to the meeting spot, arriving pretty quickly. He looked and he saw Hisao a smile grew on his face as he thought to Hisao rather quickly. 'Oi Hisao any idea of what is going on here?' his voice would be heard in Hisao's head and only his head. He would wait for his answer.

Hikarishi looked around at the place looking for things he and his teammates could use to thier advantage, there were some logs strewn here and there along with stones and some trees to hide in, thats when he saw her. She was sitting in a tree and looking over the area 'must be the new Sensei.' he thought keeping his face passive not wanting to show any sign of strength or weakness.

[Red=me talking to Hisao via Voiceless Communication....would talk to all of yall that way but you have yet to be marked.]
Senba Utuma
Senba Utuma
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 850

Team Three Meeting (P/IO/NK) Empty Re: Team Three Meeting (P/IO/NK)

Sun May 12, 2013 3:10 pm
Senba woke up early in his apartment. He woke up to his pet, stanley the honey badger, laying on his stomach with a letter in his mouth. Senba smiled and took the letter and said "Thank you." Stanley jumps up onto the open window to lay there and feel the cool air outside.

Senba opened the letter, and noticed it was from Prim. He smiled when he realized what it was for. He thought to himself "Finally my first team meeting." He got dressed putting on his short sleeve shirt, and a pair of brown cargo shorts. He strapped on his ninja gear along with his katana on his back. He said goodbye to Stanley making sure he had food and water before Senba left. He walked out the door, locking it behind him, and proceeded to the training ground.

Senba entered the training grounds. He immediately noticed prim sitting in a tree, and then the two others. He did not know exactly who they were or any background on them. He stretched as he walked toward his new teammates saying "Good morning." He looked up at Prim and said "It is still too early."

[195 WCT]
Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
Stat Page : Primmys Stats
Mission Record : Prims Missions
Genjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : EMS
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12000

Team Three Meeting (P/IO/NK) Empty Re: Team Three Meeting (P/IO/NK)

Sun May 12, 2013 5:13 pm
Surprisingly, Senba ended up being the last one. Not a surprise really, considering the other two were Uchiha. Her fellow clan members always tended to be perfectionists. She watched as they arrived one after the other. She figured now was the time for a meet and greet. She hopped down from the tree and landed in front of her squad.
"Okay, first off I am Primrose Uchiha, your squad leader, so whose who?" She asked as she looked at each of them. The only one of them she knew was Senba Utuma, who looked pretty hot today in her eyes. She smiled as she looked at each one of them.

"More of you I see, wonder if they are as weak and pathetic as you, then again, probably not. We shall see when we all spar now won't we. At least I am sure if I were in them instead of you, they would utilize me and use me more." The Nibi seemed to want to agitate her at every possible opportunity. Ignoring it she focused on everyone else.

Gilgamesh Uzumaki
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
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Team Three Meeting (P/IO/NK) Empty Re: Team Three Meeting (P/IO/NK)

Sun May 12, 2013 5:54 pm
Crouching down to the ground, Hisao did not pay much attention to his surroundings but heard what his closest friend had said. He was using that mental play that he found quite humorous, but he indulged the boy and spoke mentally to Hikarishi as well, 'We meet our lord protector and our faithful comrade. What d'ya think, Hikarishi?' and after that, Xyxer's hands dug into the dirt and picked up some more of the caked earth. Standing back up, he'd rub it into his hands before rubbing it across his face to truly give himself that "hobo" look. Responding finally to what his new Sensei had said, "I am Hisao Uchiha. Katon user and ninjutsu specialist. You can call me the tooth fairy."
Of course, he was referring to a little title he had gained from an item he had planned to collect
Demetri Kaguya <3
Demetri Kaguya <3
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Team Three Meeting (P/IO/NK) Empty Re: Team Three Meeting (P/IO/NK)

Sun May 12, 2013 9:40 pm
Hikarishi heard Hisaos response and thought to himself before replying. "She looks to be a bit older than the both us. Not to mention while it seems she does have some muscle it doesnt appear to be much.' he said to Hisao. He prefered the mental play as it kept most things that you don't want to say out loud a secret, thus not letting an enemy know what you and your teammates are planning. A dark look came over Hikarishi as Hisao told of his nickname along with a flashback to the day of the kill, a day that would change him for the rest of his life even though he didn't know it yet.

It was Hikarishis' turn to introduce himself and as such he would would address everyone there, including Hisao even though they had already met, "My name is Hikarishi Uchiha. Also a Katon User and Ninjutsu Specialist. I have been called The weak one." he said referring to a saying that he had come up with just after attaining his third tomoe. He turned to look at the last boy to show up waiting on him to answer.

'Should i mark him Hisao? or do i need to wait to see how strong he is?' He asked his friend, if you counted anyone around his age then Hisao would be Hikarishis friend, but he did know the Hokage and a few other ninja that he would consider acquaintances but no more at this point.
Senba Utuma
Senba Utuma
Stat Page : Link
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 850

Team Three Meeting (P/IO/NK) Empty Re: Team Three Meeting (P/IO/NK)

Sun May 12, 2013 9:56 pm
Senba looked at his two new teammates and realized that they are both uchihas. He thought to himself "Well this is kind of awkward, but I guess I will have to deal with this situation. Though sparring with a team full of uchiha will help me learn how to fight them. If I ever had to really fight one." He looked over his two new teammates, and besides the fact that they were uchiha he did not see much. Senba trained constantly to get stronger and his ego was a bit elevated along with it. He knew not to judge on sight so he put that last thought to the side. He sighed scathing the back of his head momentarily because of an itch. He stated "My name is Senba Utuma, Suiton user, and Ninjutsu specialist. This is kind of awkward since I am the only none uchiha in the group." He chuckled slightly turning to prim and asked "So what are we doing today?"

[360 WCT]

[OOC: The stuff in green are Senba's thoughts and the stuff in red is what Senba is saying]
Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
Stat Page : Primmys Stats
Mission Record : Prims Missions
Genjutsu Remove Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : EMS
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12000

Team Three Meeting (P/IO/NK) Empty Re: Team Three Meeting (P/IO/NK)

Mon May 13, 2013 3:34 am
Prim smiled as she looked on at them talking about their abilities and Nicknames. Two fire and one water, all three seemed to be ninjutsu specialists. Maybe she should brag a little too. Then again was that smart? Hm, why not this may be fun. It is her first team besides the "Fucktards" as they are commonly referred to.

"Ok since we are talking elements and specialties, I may as well tell you mine. Once again. Primrose Uchiha, Fire, Lightning and Wind user, Ninjutus and Genjutsu specialist. And jinchuriki of the two tails. Any other questions for me? If not I want to see the three of you spar together. each one versus the other one, no picking sides or teaming up. Oh and nice." Prim said as she walked over to a rock and sat down. She would only jump in if need be and they were about to kill each other. She knew Senbas abilities but had no idea what the other two could do.

"Did you really just openly admit everything to these kids? You don't even know them! No wonder you are a living target." The Nibi growled at her face palming himself. He was growing more irritated by the day with Prim, who seemed to be learning to tune him out.

"Hush, it doesn't matter they are my squad, they told me everything and I had to be fair and tell them in return." Prim said in return to him. She spoke mentally instead of out loud like she normally did.

Gilgamesh Uzumaki
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
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Team Three Meeting (P/IO/NK) Empty Re: Team Three Meeting (P/IO/NK)

Mon May 13, 2013 10:43 am
Hisao looked between the two people he didn't know.. he was supposed to be sparring the male, and that was quite worrying. He had not seen the male ever before nor did he know what he was capable of doing, and if there was one thing that Hisao hated the most that was losing. Rubbing his face a little and sorting out his hair, he'd limber up a bit before jumping backwards, having enough space from him and the other two. He knew if there was one imposingly stronger than the other that person would be flanked, it was just the natural order of life. Pulling a kunai into his hand, he held it in a reversed grip as he awaited the fighting to start.
'Do not mark him yet. We do not know him at all. Mark only those whom are close to you. Speaking of which, that snake chick, what are ya' doing about her seal?'
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