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Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Shojiro's Valiant Transgressions
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 2000

Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO) Empty Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO)

Wed Apr 03, 2013 5:32 pm
It was morning, alright. At least that's the conclusion Rin came to while still sleeping and he felt very against waking up. Like a slowly loading system his mind began to recover lost pieces of his memory, remembering where he was, what day it was and what plans did he have for today. As that information was being processed a problem appeared. Today was the day he had the first meeting with the Team One as their captain. Normal people would not bother will this, they used alarms to wake them up. Rin did not use them as he would always wake up on time, this was no exception - he knew it was still early. The problem was his will to do what he knew needed doing. Rolling in his bed, the young Chuunin tried to think of some way around this. Obviously not doing anything was not an option. First was an idea to send water clones in his place and get some more sleep, but that would not have worked as water clones have fairly limited range. Of course there was always an option to send them a quick message telling the meeting would happen tomorrow or something. But, it was inappropriate. Finally after gathering some guts to face the reality Rin sat in his bed and slowly opened his gray eyes. While swearing to make clones that could do his job at any range, he got out of bed and dressed up. After walking up to a mirror the boy looked at his own image. If his thoughts before were sluggish like cold oil, then now they were turning into a boiling storm. There was a lot of power in his mind and it was easy to tap some of it to find some motivation for today. It was enough to think a moment before he was too lazy to get out of bed...

In roughly half an hour Rin left his apartment and made his way to Tengakure's western gates. This is where they were supposed to meet, a few hours before noon. He arrived early on purpose, he wanted to be first. After jumping on the gates and sitting down Rin remembered the day he got assigned as the team's captain. He was both surprised and happy. This will be the first team he leads. It was fairly strange how a Chuunin got to lead a team where it's usually a Jounin that does the job, but it probably meant the Tenkage trusted him. Last evening Rin took some time to read through his team's files. He had an interesting set: two boys and one girl, as usual; the girl was fairly recently accepted into the village, before that she appeared to be a wanderer; one of the boys was from Hyuuga clan and one more who was in fact a survivor from Kirigakure and just like Rin himself later joined Tengakure. None of them seemed to have been in any trouble since becoming Genins or coming here, though the first two had recently failed their Chuunin exams. This year none from Tengakure had attained Chuunin rank, maybe this was the reason to assign freelancing Genins into teams, to let them work on their teamwork and not send them by one next time. Those were the thoughts that were in Rin's head while he waited for his team to gather.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO) Empty Re: Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO)

Thu Apr 04, 2013 8:04 pm
Haru rubbed his eyes sleepily as his alarm clock blared at him. He slammed his fist against it several times, before giving up and rolling onto his stomach, reaching for the off button. Then he realized what day it was. He sat up reluctantly, scratching his head. His dog, timber, looked at him excitedly. Apparently, he'd had enough of sitting around in this room, and was ready to stretch his legs. Haru could not agree less. He was too tired to think. (As he was every morning)
"Five more minutes, buddy..." He muttered, falling back over, as he drifted off back into sleep...
"WAKE UP!!!" Shouted someone, throwing the blankets off of him. His sister, Aryll, stood before him, attempting to pull him out of the bed. "You'll be late if you stall anymore, Haru!" She yelled at him. Haru grunted, pushing her off of him and sitting up. He slowly slid out of the bed and onto his feet, rubbing his eyes.
"Get dressed, I'll make breakfast." Ordered Aryll, flicking on the lights, and slamming the door. Haru walked across the room, putting on his jacket, pulling his headband around his neck, and finally pulling his hidden blade onto his wrist. He sighed, opening the door and walking down the hall to the dining room, sitting down at the table, as Aryll dropped a plate of eggs in front of him. He picked at the eggs, staring out the window in the distance, until Aryll yelled at him to hurry up. Quickly, he finished his eggs, and headed down the elevator to the ground floor. He stepped out of the elevator, and through the doors, into the street. He started to wonder about what it would be like having a team.

He was glad to have a team, at last, but in a way, he'd miss the days where he could do what he pleased. He'd come pretty far considering he did almost all of it by himself. But with a team, and a more experienced ninja to guide them, there was a good chance he'd get even farther then he could have alone. Rounding the corner, he was now in sight of the gates. A figure was visible in the distance, sitting on the gate. He figured that was his team leader, but no one else was there yet. Weird. Haru was never late, but he lived for the last minute. He headed towards the gate, within speaking distance of the man on the fence, and waved, not sure what to say. He'd never been any good at talking, especially around new people, so it would likely be pretty awkward for a while, until he got used to the team.
"Hi... Are you Rin?" He asked at last. "I'm Haru, reporting in for Tenkagure Team One." he said, in an official tone.
Furozan Yuki
Furozan Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6000

Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO) Empty Re: Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO)

Fri Apr 05, 2013 11:25 am
Furozan was awake well before it was time for his team to meet for the first time. He was used to getting up early to train so, mixed with the fact that he was excited to be on a team, he was up and about Tengakure a few hours before their scheduled meeting time. He spent most of it walking around the Tenkage chambers and eating a bit of breakfast and then the other half reading in his room.

He did not know what to expect from his other team members. He had never met any of them and he also did not know their captain. He was excited to actually be able to do missions again. Tengakure was different in that he was not allowed to do missions by himself but with a team. He did not exactly like the system but there was really nothing he could do about it. But, now, he was on a team and did not have to worry about it anymore.

When the time finally came he took off in the direction of the meeting place. He had high hopes for his team mates and he hoped they liked him. It had been hard making friends seeing as how he was from a not destroyed village. Getting people to trust him seemed to be a constant battle, one that he was losing, but one that he would eventually come out on top of. Furozan was as determined as ever.

He arrived to find two others already there. One of them had an air about them and Furozan got the feeling that he was the Captain. There was something about the way a ninja carried themselves that helped him to figure it out. "Furozan Hearutsu here for team one."
Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : mhm
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Clan Specialty : Lollygagging
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 181400

Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO) Empty Re: Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO)

Mon Apr 08, 2013 5:43 am
Punctuality matters little by this point of time since the fact that her legs are running to the designated location is already a settled fact. Even since the setback, Yuri had been too lazy to be doing even anything. The feelings are understandable, but there is something more to it that made her stopped totally for a period of time. She tried putting it into words as her instinct guides her in the meantime. It was how she saw the world as, she was totally sure about that. To make it worse, she couldn't do anything about it. Even so, the world continues to spin in the same manner. The difference it made to her at this point of time is having members, those that were assigned to help, rather than volunteering to. This reason alone is enough of a discouragement for the group meeting. Even so, at the least she could expect is a fragile alliance, hopefully enough to keep her own life intact.

It still means something She told herself to keep the enthusiasm going. At the very least you still know someone within the group Her sights now surfaced to reality again. She is part of "Team One" now, something that was assigned to her team. Not that she would mind, but she would have to keep up with 2 other new members, one of them being higher up in the hierarchy though Yuri had always doubted their resilience. Taking her steps through the gates revealed her entire team. New members wasn't invented just yesterday but there is still much to do. She looked at them I hope the information is accurate, reporting for Team One.
Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Shojiro's Valiant Transgressions
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 2000

Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO) Empty Re: Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO)

Tue Apr 09, 2013 12:38 pm
Rin was sitting on the gates structure in a meditative pose with his eyes closed. He was relaxing, feeling the not yet hot morning sun shining on his face, the wind going through his hair, the mighty stone and wood construct underneath him. Almost any aspects of nature could be felt here. And the water... it was in the people around him. While focusing on the feeling of this tranquility he felt a familiar presence with his inner eye. It was not far, from what he could tell directly in front of him. The Chuunin opened his gray eyes to notice one of his students, who he already knew from a previous encounter. The boy's name was Haru. He noticed Rin and stopped, a moment later reporting in. Rin responed "Hey Haru-kun! You're the first one to make it, so let's wait a bit more for others to get here." As he said that, one more of his walked into the square in front of the gates. He was a bit short for his age and had pure white hair. The boy introduced himself as Furozan Hearutsu and reported for team one too. Rin smiled and nodded, then jumped down appearing in front of the two. "Right on time. Good." He looked at the sun. They indeed were right on time, which meant the last was is being late. Timing for shinobi was crucial, being inpunctual wasn't be best of way to appear in front of your team for the first time. "I see our last member is a bit late, but I think we'll give her some more time. In the mean time... my name is Rin Taiki and I will be leading team one. Nice to meet you two." He raised his right hand, but not for a handshake. Opening his palm to face the sun Rin focused a bit of chakra into it. In front of the boys' eyes a single flower grew up. Rin had an idea, which he thought of while waiting for them. Instead of going straight to introducing and getting to know each other, he would first test them... a bit. See if they barely clawed their way out of the academy or if they flew out on a rocket, whatever that is. The flower had four blossoms with blue petals just like Rin's clothes. He would take two of those blossoms and give one to each boy. "Here, it's a gift. I hope you won't need it, but if you do, then you'll know what it means." As he finished saying that, his inner eye caught somebody at roughly his level coming through the gates, behind them. Rin would pick the flower off his palm and turn around to see the last member. Without saying her name, she reported for team one. "A bit late, but you made it. This is team one." Rin knew her name, but they could have an introduction later. He looked at the flower he was holding. Something about the way girl moved told him she would not need it. "Well then... now that we're all here..." He began looking back at the other two, but saying it loud enough for Yuri to hear too. "I have a small test planned before we go any further. Nothing big, I just want to see how you manage it." He would smirk, then continue already preparing in his mind "The objective:... Do not fall behind." With the last word he activated body flicker technique without a hand seal, as he had already performed them in his mind. Still with the flower in his left hand, he disappeared in a poof of smoke appearing on top of a building in team's sight's range. Picking a petal from the flower he would let it float in the air as a trail for the slower ones to follow in case they missed him and then jumped on the next building trying to increase the distance between him and his team, making his way through the rooftops nearly at his top speed. Every now and then he would let another petal soar to mark his path.

[So, the post order:

And gamer, next time you read the PM and plan to be late, shoot me on skype or something]
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO) Empty Re: Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO)

Tue Apr 09, 2013 6:45 pm
"Hey Haru-kun! You're the first one to make it, so let's wait a bit more for others to get here." Said Rin to Haru, who was glad to actually know the person who'd be leading his team. Before Haru could open his mouth to answer, a short boy about his age approached them, who turned out to be the other boy on their team, Furozon Hearutsu. Haru did not speak, he figured Rin could talk for him anyways. "Here, it's a gift. I hope you won't need it, but if you do, then you'll know what it means." Rin said as he handed each of them a petal. Haru was confused by this, was he supposed to not lose the petal? He was about to voice those concerns, when yet another member of the group approached. This must be Yuri, the girl who was supposed to be one of his partners in the Chunin exams. He didn't know the details of why she didn't show up, but he wasn't particularly angry about it. He hadn't been ready for them anyways.

Then Rin told them about the test, and what they'd have to do. Without warning, Rin used the body flicker technique to disappear, reappearing on top of one of tenkagure's many buildings. Haru quickly made the hand signs for the body flicker technique, before disappearing in a blur of motion, reappearing on the building Rin had appeared on before. By that time, Rin had already gained quite a bit of ground in the time it took him to make hand signs. Haru chased after Rin, watching him leap across the rooftops, picking petals off of his flower and lwtting them float in the wind as he went.
"Oh, THAT'S what these are for." He said, looking to the petal in his hand, still keeping it gripped in his hand.
He was a fair bit slower then Rin from what he'd seen, and Rin didn't seem to be trying quite as hard as he could, possibly to give the Genin some breathing room. Because of this, Haru activated his Byakugan to track him, and improve his reaction time. With the Byakugan, he could easily keep up with Rin, provided he didn't try anything crafty. He'd check in his peripheral vision (Which was almost 360 degrees with the Byakugan) to keep track of his teammates, who he doubted would be having too much trouble.
Furozan Yuki
Furozan Yuki
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6000

Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO) Empty Re: Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO)

Sun Apr 14, 2013 2:26 pm
Furozan did not speak after he made his introductions. He was always relatively shy when it came to speaking to other people, and even though he was pulsing with excitement, he could not muster up any courage to say anything. So he stood still and quietly waited for their last team member. The two must have thought he was very anti social and did not like talking, when it was the opposite, he just never knew what to say.

Finally their last teammate showed up and Rin started the introductions. Furozan looked down at the leaf he had been giving and he spun it around in his fingers. He wondered what it was for and why Yuri had not been given one. He shrugged his shoulders and he pocketed the leaf on the inside of his jacket pocket while paying attention to the lesson.

Rin used the body flicker technique and, just like that, he appeared much further away than he had been before. So, a speed test, just like that? Furozan frowned a bit, he was not that fast, his short legs did not help at all. Then his teammate took off and Furozan did the only thing that would make him quick, his water.

The Convergence technique allowed him to ride the water if he was skilled enough. Luckily enough for him he had just learned how to master the water enough to ride it and it increased his speed by a large margin. So, without hesitation, Furozan pulled enough water from the ground to be placed under his feet. As the water came up, Furozan slowly rose into the air, and when he had enough to keep himself balanced he took off behind Haru. He did not seem to move as fast as Haru, but he was quick enough to stay just far enough behind him to get to the next part of the lesson.

( The water moves the same as my chakra stat so that is how I am a bit faster. )
Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : mhm
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Clan Specialty : Lollygagging
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 181400

Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO) Empty Re: Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO)

Sun Apr 14, 2013 9:17 pm
Yuri looked at the commotion caused shortly after her arrival, first she had to get herself here and next face a chasing game. Keep up? she looked at the blurred ninja with a note of sarcasm. It might not mean anything directly, but she wondered was it her punishment for her being late. To make her thoughts closer to conclusion, she could clearly see the other 2 members were given a small flower petal but none for her. She could also see the use of the flower clearly but doesn't know what follows after leaving a small portion of it as a trail. The next thing that happened was seeing 2 others followed, she figured that she could regard them as teammates for now. The one she knew immediately went on with straining her eyes and went into a blur as well. As for the new guy, he chooses to use a water technique to give chase rather than going int a blur as well, she saw water gathered around his feet as he went off using his own ways. They were all at the at least meters above her by now.

Maybe too much thinking would hinder team efforts now, maybe it was just a simple test given to all members of the team. As of right now, she could see one of them afloat and not picking up much pace as the other 2. She knows she could still make it to the last guy if she took off right now. Seeing that she could keep up without stretching the distance from him, she didn't bothered going to the rooftop and just ran after the last guy while keeping track of him.
Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Shojiro's Valiant Transgressions
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 2000

Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO) Empty Re: Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO)

Mon Apr 15, 2013 8:07 am
Continuing on his path through the rooftops Rin briefly looked back. Haru seemed to be the closest to him, the boy managed to match his speed, the second one was Furozan using some sort of water manipulation to float in the air, a move Rin had not seen yet. Yuri was out of Rin's vision range which was a bit surprising as he believed her to be fastest of them all. Well, at least she shouldn't get lost if she followed his trail of flower petals.

Rin smirked letting go of one more petal before suddenly launching himself left, into a nearby skyscraper. Focusing chakra on his feet he started climbing the building's wall. A bit wondering if they taught the trick in Tengakure's academy he looked back to see if his team followed him.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO) Empty Re: Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO)

Mon Apr 15, 2013 7:13 pm
(Gamerebels, I'm just pointing out that our characters don't know each other, since you weren't technically at the chunin exams. I guess you know my name, from the team listings, though.)

Haru smirked as he realized he was at the front of the pack. Furozan was not too far behind him, and Yuri didn't seem to have even left the streets yet. Was she trying to show off, or did she not know a way to get to rooftop level? It would be strange to live in Tenkagure without knowing at least one method to get off the streets.

Haru watched as Rin jumped at the side of a building, running up it like a spider. He smiled to himself, for that technique had been his favorite as an academy student. He'd always enjoyed the feeling of running straight up a wall, defying the laws of nature. He leaped to the right, into a wall, before pushing himself off, flying towards the skyscraper. As he neared the building, he pulled his feet up to face the building, before landing a few feet lower then Rin had. He dashed up the building, trying to predict what Rin would do next.
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