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Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Shojiro's Valiant Transgressions
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Wind Remove Remove Remove Remove Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 2000

Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO)

Wed Apr 24, 2013 1:00 am
The group finally chose to enter the sewers. But they were slow, most likely walking in the dark. Rin would wait for them to get closer, but he wanted out of this place quite badly at this point. So, considering Haru had byakugan able to track him, he just started walking towards an exit, which led out of the village. Outside the exit, he remembered there was a river. Next stop. Hopefully the kids will not stay in the sewers for too long.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO)

Wed Apr 24, 2013 1:16 am
"What are you talking about?" Asked Haru angrily, shaking her arm off his shoulder. "I'm getting out of here as fast as I can, and I don't care if you foliow me or not!" He yelled, picking up his pace. Haru rarely got scared, but when he was, he tended to be moody and aggressive, sullen and hostile. He realized this, and sighed. "Sorry, but we're a team. We're supposed to rely on each other anyways, so why don't we take advantage of what we have? Grandma always told me not to waste my gift." He said apologetically. He took another deep breath, and started jogging slightly.

"Probably. I don't think I told him about my problem with small spaces, so it's not just Rin trying to single me out as the weak link. He wouldn't do that." He said, responding to Furozan. His heartbeat was slowing again, though his muscles were still tense, and he was shaking terribly. "Just stay close to me. I think he's heading for the river that these sewers flow out to. God knows I want to be out of here." He said, leading the way.
Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Shojiro's Valiant Transgressions
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 2000

Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO)

Thu May 02, 2013 6:25 am
[Skipping both Furo and Gamer. Assuming the characters follow Haru, if not they can specify it during the next round]

Rin opened the sewer exit and using the water walking technique walked on the flow coming out of the sewers into the river. Then crossing the river he measured it - it was too wide to jump over without a good run and there was no room for that in the exit. It was possible, but crossing it the way Rin did would be easier and less time consuming. Here he hoped to see them use the move. He would step on the ground on the other side of the river and hide in the shade of nearby trees to watch how the group fared with this little part of the test.

Before they would come out, he would make 3 simple clones at his side and when they were about to cross the river, he would send them in all directions, while taking a path away from the village himself. Hopefully the group would not get confused and follow him. After a few hundred meters from the river, just out of their sight range when they crossed, he would start leaving trail of petals again.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO)

Thu May 02, 2013 9:12 pm
Haru would see the light from when Rin opened the exit, and would begin breathing spastically, gaining speed until he was running at his top speed, the sight of sunlight sending him into a frenzied state, as he tried to get out of the tunnels as fast as he could. He would see Rin form his clones, sending them running in several directions. The Byakugan pulled through for him again, however, as their chakra was divided. The real Rin was running away from the village.
"Come on, Come on!" He would shout, propelling himself out of the tunnel, into the river. Without missing a beat, Haru would land on the surface of the water, letting the chakra flow to his feet, running across the surface of the water. He would stop at the edge of the water, glancing back.
"This way! The real one went this way!" He would call, before starting to run once more. Sure enough, the trail of petals appeared, marking their trail as the correct one.
Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Shojiro's Valiant Transgressions
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Remove Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 2000

Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO)

Sat May 04, 2013 3:59 am
Skip Furo and continue without him. If he comes back he may post ignoring the posting order. If he does not post before this meeting has ended, he'll be removed from the team and I'll ask for replacement. For now assume his character got lost in the sewers or something.
New order:
Currently Yuri's turn.
Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : mhm
Remove Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Lollygagging
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 181400

Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO)

Mon May 06, 2013 10:09 am
Sure, sure. Yuri simply followed suit though she can't be bothered with the composure her leading teammate have now, letting her location be made known through the sense of hearing only to let the runner extend his distance over theirs'. She is sure that she wanna get to the leader, and not just keep chasing it. She made sure that her steps were all balanced and purposely distanced herself and Haru a bit. It didn't take very long before light start taking part of her vision again. She could see Haru getting further when that happens. It was the end of the trail in sewer as she found herself in mid for a moment upon exit.
Oh, water. She prepared herself as her focus shifted a little to the incoming task to balance on water, she looked up and a river is what she could immediately see. She looked in front and saw Haru shouting, she doesn't seems to have a choice except to follow her for now since she could not see any obstruction made for hiding.
Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Shojiro's Valiant Transgressions
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Remove Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 2000

Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO)

Tue May 07, 2013 3:20 am
Apparently Haru saw through the clone trick. His byakugan gave him an edge in this, considering he could always see where Rin actually went and so far he did not seemed to have come out of its range. The information was gathered while Rin was standing still on a branch in a tree, focusing on his eye of kagura. Yuri seemed to follow Haru, but the third kid still remained in the sewers. Well, this seemed appropriate to end now. He had gathered that the kids knew some stuff, although not all of them did what he wants or expected them to do. It did not matter. The two outside were a little bit behind and would take a few moments to get to where Rin was. He would use that time to set up the finish. Jumping down onto the ground, Rin slammed his hand together into a snake hand seal. He would then enter a clearing and activate his technique. Wooden stumps and logs would rise from the ground, some remaining there to be used as training dummies, others growing together into brown and green wooden structures. Pretty soon, Rin had his own, well, their own, private training grounds. He had grown dummies, some wooden training equipment, like bokkens, staffs, chin up bar, wooden weights and such. He also grew a shed with only two walls to serve as a shade during hotter days and to store equipment. Lucky for them, nearby there was also a rivulet, which was clean and only later joined with the river into which the sewers were being dumped. Basically Rin just made something like what he had back in the Hidden Mist. He needed a place like this, in the nature and it seemed fitting to have one for the team, if he was to train with them. His hands would move apart as the technique ended. Soon the kids would enter the clearing. By that time Rin would be already sitting in the shade he just built, waving and smiling at them.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO)

Tue May 07, 2013 10:18 pm
(I'm just not going to make Haru point out Furozn is missing, since i'm not sure what to do)

Haru would watch as Rin formed his wood release training ground... thing. He would head toward the huge grouping of trees in the distance, slowing down gradually, before arriving in front of Rin, falling onto the grass face first, looking up at Rin.
"Oh, for the love of God, never take us back there." He would say. He was unbelievably happy to be out of the cramped conditions of that sewer, though he felt he could handle it a little better next time. Oh, God, let there not be a next time. "I... Hate... small spaces..." He would explain, sighing. "Remember that time when you tried to box me in with those trees? How I tried to get out as fast as possible? That's why." He would add. He'd never really told Rin, so it wasn't his fault, but it still was not a pleasant experience for him.

When Yuri arrived, Haru would decide it would be better to change the subject.
"You're pretty fond of that wood release technique, aren't you, Rin?" He would ask, as the shaking in his hands finally stopped.

(Sorry for the short post, I've got a lot of homework to do)
Yuri Yamikumo
Yuri Yamikumo
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : mhm
Remove Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Lollygagging
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 181400

Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO)

Sat May 11, 2013 3:27 am
An area started taking shape as Yuri followed Haru, she wasn't clear of the point of this session as this clearly isn't another test to chase the leader. However, this allowed her to have a look at her leader's ability but it definitely wasn't the fullest extent of it since the end result looks like what is meant for a training ground to be like, not to test any of her abilities yet. It is obvious tat her team was missing a member by now. Too far to look back for now and it wouldn't be needed since it should be the leader's task to do it even so. It did not take very long for both of them to stop in their steps. Yuri took a clear look around her, its wood all around her now. The objectives are clearly changing now. A pity that all of them came from wood even though there are equipment lying around for everyone to use.

She finally saw her leader waving at them under a wooden shade. She really wanted to ask him the meaning of this session right now. But looking as Haru looking not even surprised, she decided to hold back as she was late from the start.
Shojiro Shinkou
Shojiro Shinkou
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Shojiro's Valiant Transgressions
Remove Bukijutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Remove Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 2000

Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO) - Page 3 Empty Re: Meeting of Team One (P, NK, IO)

Sat May 11, 2013 5:31 pm
Soon the two would follow him into the clearing. Haru fell into the grass in front of him, explaining. "Oh, for the love of God, never take us back there. I... Hate... small spaces... Remember that time when you tried to box me in with those trees? How I tried to get out as fast as possible? That's why." Rin smiled listening. He liked the way the boy explained him this, honestly and straight forwardly. When Haru finished, Rin slightly laughed. "Ah, hah, well, I'll keep that in mind..." When Yuri got closer Haru changed the subject asking Rin about his wood release, the girl remained silent although briefly looking into her Rin noticed she had different thoughts and feeling swirling, nothing specific he could work on though. "Yes, I do. If you had studied history of major shinobi clans at any point, you would know that Wood Release is specific to Senju clan. It is my heritage, just like the Gentle Fist is yours. The technique itself requires a lot of training and is rarely seen used, or even achieved, people who ever wielded this gift could probably be counted on your ten fingers. But when mastered it offers great versatility in combat, as well as has its uses in situations like this. I could probably create a whole forest, each leaf and branch curve shaped exactly as I envisioned in my mind... And still I never pass a chance to keep developing it. Mastery has no end."

As he finished, assuming they listened to all of it and did not interrupt him, he would remain blank for a moment, deep in thought about mastery of chakra and the power a shinobi wields. Then he would return, looking at his two students in front of him. "Well, back to life, eh?" He'd chuckle. "So... you've passed my little test, you managed to keep up with me, though not all of you, as we can see..." His eyes would look back, as his mind's eye told him the Furozan boy was still in the sewers. He'd get him later. "...Anyway, for now we'll talk and wait for the last member to arrive. So, get yourself comfortable, on the grass or under the shade next to me, if you will. I'll want to talk." Rin would wait for them to do so, if they were going to. Then he would start. "So, I know Haru here to some extent, but I'd like to know more. And I mean more. So, we'll have a full-blown introduction. What I want to hear is: your name - full, please - where have you grown up, what you like and dislike, what are your goals, what is your favorite ninja art and anything else you might want to add." After having them heed this, he would begin. "I'll start. My name is Rin Taiki, although I trace my bloodlines to Senju. I hail from village Hidden in the Mist, Kirigakure, which now lays in ruins sunken in the grand sea. I like forests, history and waterfalls. I don't like noise and people who bully others. My goals are to maintain balance, find myself a cute and understanding girl and leave a legacy behind when I die. My favorite art is Ninjutsu and I also deeply admire Fuuinjutsu." He'd ease down with his tone, letting them know he finished, then he would look at Haru nodding him to continue. When the boy would finished, he'd nod again and look at Yuri.
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