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Training with a view. [Private,NK, Haru and Ken] - Page 5 Empty Re: Training with a view. [Private,NK, Haru and Ken]

Sat Apr 27, 2013 9:32 am
[It's fine, more or less. Though it's funny how your character is being very careful with any water as he knows I can do some nasty things with water and yet he's going for my water clone... Which I won't let you do, as it might get bad xD
Exploding clone into needles point-blank? Trick, blind spot shots through my clone's body with wood? Last moment technique activation? Damn there's a lot of nasty stuff you can get into by going there
Then again, if you used your Byakugan more, you could foresee most of those]

Haru managed to avoid the three sharp branches. Just barely - he got his shirt torn - but it was enough and Rin did not change them. Though he thought he could keep manipulating them, he decided not to. No need to play this like a bully. The boy would then get out of range of the three branches created at the second log, but not before catching a hit from one of them. By that time Rin's clone would go into the final spurt towards Haru, already holding a kunai in its hand. That is, it would be doing that a moment before a chakra sphere surrounded the boy protecting from any attacks if any were attempted. Basically this only resulted in the clone being reduced back to water. At this point in time the technique Rin's other clone was preparing was almost done. To assure its success Rin, after landing on the second stump, would channel more chakra into his wood release just a moment before the chakra around Haru dispersed and a kunai came flying towards Rin. The weapon was not as fast as Rin's wood, allowing him to produce a branch that would block the dagger right in front of him. Even though the branch prevented him to directly see the boy down there, Rin could navigate his attacks through his mind's eye of Kagura which remained active at all times now. Just before the kunai struck the wood, Rin grew vines at Haru's feet, grabbing them to hold him in place. If the young Hyuuga could not muster enough force he would find himself unable to escape them leaving him pinned down for the clone's Water Dragon Bullet, which activated at that exact moment. The water next to the clone shot upwards forming into a roaring dragon head which then descended onto the probably bound Haru. As the swirling water mass was coming down on the kid, the wooden wall would sway a bit, as if it was alive, a forest. New logs appearing and fusing with the old ones forming a 5 meter radius and 5 meter high barrier, which would then curl up into a dome before the dragon hit. The dome would be partially open to allow the kid to see the possible end of his, descending like a reaper. To boost the effect Rin made sharp wooden spikes shoot from the dome's walls. None of them would hit the boy, but it would hopefully deliver how potentially deadly the situation was. And at the very last moment Rin would close the dome, blocking the way for water, making it crash onto the wood allowing the boy inside to hear the roaring torrent, at the same time leaving him in complete dark for the moment.

463 (4730) w.
[Show me if you manage to get out of this one. And don't worry, I'll release you, if you don't.]
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Training with a view. [Private,NK, Haru and Ken] - Page 5 Empty Re: Training with a view. [Private,NK, Haru and Ken]

Sat Apr 27, 2013 11:19 am
Haru would watch as his plan fell to pieces, for as he neared the wall, Rin blocked his kunia throw, which, in itself, was no big deal. But as soon as the kunia was blocked, Rin would grow vines at his feet, trapping him. He would nearly fall foreword, regaining his balance just in time to avoid a full face plant. He would look up now, as Rin's clone finished it's technique, sending a water dragon towards him. He swore silently, tugging against the vines, which refused to break. He would not give in...

That was when Rin created the opening in the trees, so that he could see the attack descending. Then he would spot it, the loophole to the puzzle. He would grin, forming hand seals, preforming a substitution technique. He would disappear in a poof of smoke, replaced by one of the Earth Flow spears that Rin had launched earlier. Luckily for Haru, the spear had reached it's maximum flight distance (15 Meters) before reaching the edge of the roof.

He would breath a sigh of relief as he appeared where the spear had previously rested. He would watch as the water crashed into the domed structure made out of trees, letting out a low whistle. He was glad he had escaped, though Rin had sealed it off at the last minute to prevent the water from entering. He supposed that Rin had never intended to let the attack hit him, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment at having successfully gotten out of that mess.

(Wc:262 TWC:4542)
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Training with a view. [Private,NK, Haru and Ken] - Page 5 Empty Re: Training with a view. [Private,NK, Haru and Ken]

Sat Apr 27, 2013 12:41 pm
[..... Okay. Nicely done. I guess kawarimi mechanics are pretty broken or at least not explained properly, but nvm.]

Rin sensed Haru substitute before the dome completely closed, using one of Rin's own rock spikes. As the water crashed into the dome, the young Senju formed ridges on the wood to catch the water flow redirecting most of the water from the technique into a small river, at the same time growing multiple trees and manifesting a garden on the tower's roof, also using the wood to create sort of a pool and then filling it with the water from his technique. The dome would open up the top again, to let in sunlight. When one of the walls of the dome opened after being shaped like a doorway, the inside would have changed dramatically - there were tables and stools inside, bushes and some smaller trees. Rin even grew grass on the rooftop. He must have missed the forests that much. It was now done. The gardened sparkled on the roof, grass growing on the floor, various different types of trees blooming, the dome, the pool, he even made a water flow system under the grass that would collect any rainfall and send it down into the pool. Growing stumps with each step Rin walked down from the one he was standing one. And after finishing all the stumps he had grown he canceled the technique, letting his hands go apart. The whole process took a minute or two. Obviously if Haru attacked him in that time, he could interrupt him. If not, Rin would now look at him, saying from the distance. Well, what do you think?... Good job on getting away, too.

267 (4997) w.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Training with a view. [Private,NK, Haru and Ken] - Page 5 Empty Re: Training with a view. [Private,NK, Haru and Ken]

Sun Apr 28, 2013 5:01 pm
(It was a bit of a cheap trick, I'll admit.)

Haru would watch Rin work his magic on the dome, changing it from a place of fear, as it had been for Haru, into a place of beauty. It looked like a house of some sort, with a doorway forming, tables and stools growing from stumps, and even a rooftop garden.
Heh, a rooftop garden, on a rooftop... Thought Haru. How Ironic.

"Thanks. I thought I was a goner there, for a second." Haru would say, slowly walking towards him. Rin made his dramatic descent, and Haru couldn't help but admire this technique. It was insanely powerful, and luck was the only thing that got him out of there in time. Now he got to wondering. Who was in charge of cleaning the towers? He felt sorry for them, as they'd sort of trashed the place.
Haru would walk to the rail. They'd been there for quite a while, though it felt very short. He hadn't had a spar like this in... Well, he'd never had a spar like this.
"Do you want to keep going, or are you done?" He would ask, looking back to Rin. He didn't care either way, he had all the time in the world.

(WC: 210 TWC: 4752)
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Training with a view. [Private,NK, Haru and Ken] - Page 5 Empty Re: Training with a view. [Private,NK, Haru and Ken]

Mon Apr 29, 2013 3:30 am
As if reading Haru's mind, which I assure you was not the case, Rin said "Well, gardens don't and woods don't seem common around here, I hope they don't decide to cut my creation and that it will be here the next time I visit..." Haru would then ask him "Do you want to keep going, or are you done?" Rin would look as his last clone collapsed into a small pool of water which immediately was absorbed by the grass. "If you wish. I guess I'll stick to the basics this time..." With that he would make sure the distance between them was about five meters and assume a stance. The Chuunin decided to test effectiveness of Mind's Eye of Kagura in close combat. He would let Haru attack again. After all hand to hand was not his specialty and he rarely ever used it. In fact he hardly ever used it, when he needed something down and he did not want to waste chakra on it, he'd cut it with his ninjato. This will be new.

178 (5175) w.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Training with a view. [Private,NK, Haru and Ken] - Page 5 Empty Re: Training with a view. [Private,NK, Haru and Ken]

Mon Apr 29, 2013 6:51 pm
Haru woud pump his arms excitedly. This was more his speed, up close and personal. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes, and assumed the gentle fist stance. Already, his chakra began to radiate from his hands, though it wasn't visible to the naked eye. He would place his left foot foreword, with one hand outstretched, and the other drawn back.
"Alright. Here I come!" He'd shout, before drawing his right leg back, and launching himself foreword. He was exited about finally being able to show his area of expertise.

He would dash straight at him, deciding to open up with a weaker version of what he'd used on Kenchi; Eight Trigrams: Sixty-Four Palms. This would give him a boost to speed (+10) as he rushed towards Rin, closing the short distance between them quickly. He would begin the technique by striking at a Tenketsu on his left hip. If this blow made contact, he would continue by striking at Rin's stomach, and if that one made contact, he would strike once more at the left side of his neck. If each blow met it's mark, he would continue the onslaught of strikes (In the next post). For each strike that made contact, it would take a reduction of -5 chakra, which could be recovered if all the attacks didn't make contact. (+5 coming back per post)

(Wc: 231 TWC: 4983)

(You ever notice that Taijutsu posts are really short, compared to ninjutsu fights?)
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Training with a view. [Private,NK, Haru and Ken] - Page 5 Empty Re: Training with a view. [Private,NK, Haru and Ken]

Tue Apr 30, 2013 5:19 am
[Yeah, posts are more simple and there aren't many combos you can drop, while with Nin you can throw a tech, then move then throw another one, then say that while you were doing this something else was happening due to your techniques and at the same time your clone was charging some tech and another clone was banging a flower or something. With Tai it's just, I charged, I punched. Next post, I blocked, I punched.]

Without much delay Haru would assume his Gentle Fist stance and dash at Rin with an impressive speed. Normally Rin would substitute or use body flicker to get out the this, but with his eye of Kagura he now had other options. Even with inferior speed he could still track Haru's movement and the eye allowed him to sense the way Haru's body moved and where his chakra was flowing. Simply put the allowed limited prediction of boy's attacks. The attacks did not seem deadly, but there was no point in taking a hit. The strike coming at Rin's hip would be gently pushed aside by Rin's right palm, while he would twist his body left, stepping in that direction with his right leg. Using boy's own momentum it would not be difficult to redirect the strike, although Rin felt being in a major disadvantage here - he did not have speed superiority, nor did he have strength superiority, after all he did not train to fight in close quarters. To top it all his little friend here possessed on of the most powerful Taijutsu styles as well as very special eyes which eliminated all of his blind spots. Only points Rin had to his side was his experience and Kagura's Eye. The goal was pretty much to survive Haru's strike barrage. The Chuunin was prepared to substitute at any moment if he got a decent hit. While his body was twisting and Haru's strike was being push away, Rin's left hand would swing from behind the boy aiming for his neck. Normally something like this might as well be enough, but there was no way he would not see this with Byakugan.

284 (5459) w.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Training with a view. [Private,NK, Haru and Ken] - Page 5 Empty Re: Training with a view. [Private,NK, Haru and Ken]

Wed May 01, 2013 7:02 am
The strike that Haru sent Rin's hip would be gently pushed aside by Rin's right palm. Unfortunately, not much power went behind gentle fist strikes, so little effort would be required to push aside a blow from the gentle fist. Rin would then twist his body left, stepping with his right leg. Using his momentum to strengthen the blow as he came back around, Rin would finish spinning at Haru's side, effectively side stepping him, and strike at Haru's neck with his left hand. Luckily, he had practically no blind spots, so Haru would attempt match him step for step, turning so that they were face to face once more. Haru would feel the adrenaline rush of fighting close quarters, a feeling he had only recently come to love. He would move to block Rin's attack, grabbing his left arm by the wrist with his right hand, gripping him tightly. If he managed to grab his wrist, he would then try to sweep Rin's legs with his left leg, which would hopefully send him tumbling to the ground. If he managed to trip Rin, he would release his wrist on the way down, spinning away quickly, and forming the gentle fist stance once more, politely waiting for his opponent to stand back up, as if he had forgotten they he had been the cause of the fall in the first place.

(WC:234 TWC:5214)
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Training with a view. [Private,NK, Haru and Ken] - Page 5 Empty Re: Training with a view. [Private,NK, Haru and Ken]

Thu May 02, 2013 6:49 am
As expected Haru foresaw the attack and made steps to match Rin's movement and remain in front of him. With his right hand he would grab Rin's left arm by his wrist. This not only served to stop the attack but also bound them together, that is if Rin returned the favor, which he did by grabbing the boy's hand too. That way if both of them did not release it, the hands would be together. This was actually a disadvantage to both of them, but if one knew how to manipulate it, it could turn into an advantage.

The chakra flow in Haru suggested he was shifting his weight, preparing for a kick or a sweep. If it was a kick it may have been blocked, if a sweep was more problematic. So, not knowing which one it will be, Rin decided a counter for both. He would step back once more, placing his left foot on the ground and quickly shifting his weight on it. The foot was now out of Haru's sweep range and since his right leg did not carry any weight, it would be harmless if it took a hit. In fact it could serve to block it. To improve the situation even more, Rin would use the shifted weight to pull Haru's hand. If he was to continue his sweep or kick, this would completely throw him out of balance, providing Rin with an opening. Probably.

241 (5700) w.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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Training with a view. [Private,NK, Haru and Ken] - Page 5 Empty Re: Training with a view. [Private,NK, Haru and Ken]

Fri May 03, 2013 7:10 pm
Breathing faster from exitement now, Haru felt satisfied that Rin knew how to fight up close. Meaning he wouldn't fall for the simple leg sweep he'd started. Rin had already dodged the sweep, and grabbed his wrist to eleminate his advantage. He stopped the sweep abruptly, digging his foot into the ground, and pivoting off that leg, releasing his grip on Rin's hand. He would spin until he faced Rin's back, Attempting to use his momentum, combined with his strength, to pull himself free in the process. If his spin was succesful, he would be facing towards Rin's back, free of Rin's grip. He would have the option to kick him in the back, but that seemed a tad unfair to Haru, so he would simply step back, giving Rin the chance to strike.

(Sorry, posted from my phone at camp counselor training)

WC:144 TWC:5358
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