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Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Wind and Lightning[Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wind and Lightning[Private]

Wed Oct 17, 2012 2:21 am
"Yes! Yes! He'll blink and not know what the fuck to do!! It'll be awesome!!" He shouts in agreement watching him shatter the walls his grin still present as he floats upwards and follows flying behind his new best friend.

He idly floats upside down beside Kur as he speaks, he blinks and watches him rush past a woman removing her clothes, he smirks taking in the sight for a moment before spiraling back upright.

'Nice, now watch this" He says activating his Fujin no Tenkei and blurring past his speed creating updrafts as he flies past the woman from earlier removing the rest of the articles of clothing before appearing back at his friends side the panties now atop his head like a hat matting his hair slightly.

"Hey can I have another Jack? Damn fox keeps killing my buzz" He states with a slight frown and glare at his stomach "..Evil...Evil creature..."
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Wind and Lightning[Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wind and Lightning[Private]

Wed Oct 17, 2012 2:27 am
As soon as he returned he caught sight of Echo just floating in the air as if it was by some sort of magic power he had never witnessed before, even more surprising was the speed that Echo had shown that was on par with his own speed and was even able to match what he had done to the woman, removing the rest of her clothing and leaving her naked in the street with no idea what was going on. "I-is he even real? Are you making me crazy too idiot, this guy he's just breaking walls, drinking Jack Daniels and floating in the air with panties on his head. You are now hallucinating, welcome to another level of insanity." his inner retard was barely even able to talk at first.

"Fine, I'll ask him," he responded to the inner retard voice outloud and then spoke to Echo, "Are you real?" he asked bluntly, curious if his inner retard was actually right about the idea of Echo being a mere hallucination right now. Even if it was true, he grabbed another bottle of Jack and tossed it over to Echo. "We're gonna have some more fun if your real and up for it." he commented.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Wind and Lightning[Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wind and Lightning[Private]

Wed Oct 17, 2012 2:33 am
He blinks at the question and responds in a serious tone still floating the tone offset by the pair of womens underwear currently on his head "Dude, I'm the realest thing you'll ever see! I'm the Most real ever! I'm gonna show you things that will turn your hair WHITE!!" he says now floating right up into the Raikage's face his eyes bugged his face downwards as he's handed the bottle of Jack "NOW YOU READY TO DO THIS THING!!!!????" He screams in a "let's fucking do this!' tone of voice before chugging his bottle and tossing the empty remains aside..a thump and ow heard followed by a scream a dot in the background falling from a roof...meh whatever.
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 104300

Wind and Lightning[Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wind and Lightning[Private]

Wed Oct 17, 2012 2:40 am
"I'm still not sure if he's real." his inner retard commented. "If this guy I'm seal inside is real, then I'm forced to believe this Echo Uchiha is real too." the yonbi countered back. "You have to be real, this is great!" he said outloud to Echo in agreement with the 'realist thing' statement. "I was born ready!" he yelled back getting excited at certain things he couldn't full do before by himself, but with an extra person that was willing, he'd be able to do even more.

An idea popped into his head, his inner retard instantly knowing the idea because of that. "No idiot, this won't end well at all, you won't have a village." but he ignored the silly warning due to the level of awesome that this idea would create. "I've always wanted to lift a building off the ground, so let's do that." he said, going over of the next building and digging his hands under the foundation. "You go to the other side and we'll do this!" he said with complete confidence, ready to take his destruction to the next level. "You need to drink more of me when you're done." the Jack Daniels voice said, just before the building screamed out to him in terror, "Please no!" but he didn't care.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Wind and Lightning[Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wind and Lightning[Private]

Wed Oct 17, 2012 2:46 am
He activates version 2 of his Kyuubi cloak and spirals around the other side of the building screaming "HELL YEAH!!!" As he goes fist pumping as he moves over to the side of the build and digs his clawed hands under the building preparing to lift "YOU READY!!???" He shouts his voice coming out as a large growl.
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Wind and Lightning[Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wind and Lightning[Private]

Wed Oct 17, 2012 2:53 am
"Alright Yonbi, Imma need you a little for this." he said, the yonbi pondering the idea for a moment. "Okay if anything else, it is entertaining being sealed inside you, so I'll help." the inner retarded took this time to get at both of them. "Amazing, you are both idiots, this village is doomed for sure. You are the greatest leader ever."

Digging into the ground and getting a good grip under the building he activated some of the V1 cloaks that he had gained and used his Raiton no Yoroi at the same time to increase his strength to a level that was even to start lifting the building off its foundation, and assuming that Echo was able to do the same, the plan of lifting the building off the ground was going to be a complete success. "You're taking a long time to drink me again." the Jack Daniels commented.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Wind and Lightning[Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wind and Lightning[Private]

Wed Oct 17, 2012 2:56 am
Echo lifts with a grin alongside his new friend who let's him wreck stuff, he is enjoying his time in Kumo the best..better then in sand where that weird kid started trying to talk..and then run at stupid was that?? He just ended up on the ground.

Echo after raising the building over his head glances at his new friend who he assumes is doing the same "Holy crap we did it!! Were the baddest motherfuckers in the world right now!!" He shouts chuckling.
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Wind and Lightning[Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wind and Lightning[Private]

Wed Oct 17, 2012 3:19 am
"Yes we are! Let us be even more badass and flip the building over, you can fly by magic, I will use my mastery of lightning." he said, creating four wings of lightning and lifting the building more into the air, assuming Mr. Magic Man was going to continue flying and lift the building into the air with him. "Oh idiot, I don't know how you come up with these ideas, but its going to destory this village. Someone needs to lock you up with walls made of doors."

"Let's flip this thing over." he yelled out to Echo, again, assuming that Mr. Magic Flying Man was continuing with the plan. "Please, you can break my walls, don't kill me!" the building cried out in hopeless sorrow. "DRINK ME ALREADY!" Jack Daniels yelled out in rage.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 49110

Wind and Lightning[Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wind and Lightning[Private]

Wed Oct 17, 2012 3:23 am
He lifts up with the wind swirling around his feet pushing him upwards as he grins the building lifting into the air by what people will forever call the 'Duo of Storm' or perhaps 'Those crazy fucks who threw a building!' Echo chuckles as the Raikage gives his orders and he flips the building in sync with the Raikage, building a camaraderie stronger then almost any other...

The buildings roof soon becomes it's basement as the building is flipped a grin still present on the Kyuubi and Jack Daniels fueled Sannin.
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 104300

Wind and Lightning[Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: Wind and Lightning[Private]

Wed Oct 17, 2012 3:33 am
"Okay, wow you flipped over a building, I can't imagine what you'll do next idiot, lift an island out of the water?" his inner retarded scarcasitically said, not realizing the idea he had given Kurisu.

"Okay, let's make exits for the villagers." he yelled out to Echo, hearing the screams of the villagers inside the upside down building. Moving down to the ground, he randomly punched large holes in the builiding to provide escape points for the villagers. Near the top of the building he said, "Some of you have to jump out," near the bottom he said, "Some of you have to walk out, but you'll all be sort of okay after this."

With this accomplishment out of the way, he waited for Echo to come back over to him so they could plan out more awesome things to do that might end up leaving Kumogakure no Sato in ruins, although it was worth it in the end. "I've never had a host like you before." the yonbi stated somewhat surprised, while his Jack Daniels voice reached a rage point, "DRINK ME ALREADY YOU CRAZY SON OF A BITCH!", which in responce to that, Kurisu simply chugged down an new bottle of Jack Daniels and grabbed another one out of his bag. "Thank you." his Jack Daniels voice said.
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