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Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Wind and Lightning[Private] Empty Wind and Lightning[Private]

Wed Oct 17, 2012 12:50 am
Through his masterful stealth, and the fact that he really doesn't care much right now, he busts through the village wall...he's confused on why the Ninja don't react like they should....Maybe they sense his generous intentions..? Or they are in awe of his prowess as a Ninja!

He chuckles as he walks down the street, he glances up towards the Raikage's mansion remembering his brief meeting with the man, grinning and floating upwards he decides to pay the man a visit....glowing red with 1 Tails worth of his version one cloak he bursts forward blasting through the side of the mansion directly inside his office...When in Rome and all that..

He lands casually and waves with his right hand "Yo! Echo Uchiha Sannin of Konoha! Here on a mission of peace..! And awesomeness...That's the most important part!" He states with a jaunty step before he takes a casual seat in front of the desk.
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Wind and Lightning[Private] Empty Re: Wind and Lightning[Private]

Wed Oct 17, 2012 1:05 am
Sitting at his desk, leaned back in the chair, bottles of Jack Daniels scattered around the floor of his large office room. He was chugging another bottle of Jack Daniels while looking drunkenly at the door across the room that seemed to mock him. 'Stupid door, I don't need you.' he thought in his mind.

Finishing the bottle of Jack Daniels, he smashed it against his desk breaking the glass of the bottle and denting the desk. Reaching down for another bottle of Jack Daniels that he had under his desk and pretty much all around him, something surprising happened. A person came crashing through the wall in a style that was worthy of being called Raikage-style.

Through his drunken haze he somewhat recognized the man just before the man introduced himself as none other than Echo Uchiha, Viper's Brother and Sannin of Konohagakure no Sato. "Welcome, welcome. Impressive entry." he greet Echo in a manner he would rarely greet someone. 'Yes idiot, be proud of someone just breaking through your wall into your office, clearly he wants peace.' his inner retarded remarked. 'I buy the statement, he was just doing what you would do, can't be that bad." the yonbi argued. 'Yes idiot, listen to the monster monkey in your belly, there's nothing wrong with that idea at all.' his inner retard stated. 'How dare you speak of me like that, I am the almighty Son Goku!' the yonbi roared in anger.

"WOULD YOU GUYS SHUT UP I'M TRYING TO TALK TO SOMEONE!" he yelled out in the open, making his voices shut up for a moment, but not before his inner retard made one last comment, 'Even better idiot, you just yelled outloud and made yourself look really crazy. Great impression you're making.' He ignored the comment and grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniels and tossed it at Echo. "Drink that, its amazing."

[30/30 Posts for Rinnegan, Recovery Complete]
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 49110

Wind and Lightning[Private] Empty Re: Wind and Lightning[Private]

Wed Oct 17, 2012 1:10 am
Echo's grin never fades though he does tilt his head at the random outburst, the Kyuubi is laughing in his head..Echo ignores him in favor of the bottle of booze flying towards him which his left hand catches casually "FUCK YEAH BOOZE!!!" he shouts happily uncaring of the unseemly appearance as he uses Jigen to to slice off the top of the bottle and begin downing the bottle chugging it with barely a pause.

When he finishes he chucks it against the wall his grin widening "So how are ya Kur?? You been alright since we had those eyes shoved into your head??"
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Wind and Lightning[Private] Empty Re: Wind and Lightning[Private]

Wed Oct 17, 2012 1:47 am
It was becoming apparent to him that Echo Uchiha was one of the few people in the world he was not only going to get along with, but was going to enjoy hanging out with at times.

He finished off the bottle of Jack that he was drinking and tossed it at the door just to the right side and behind Echo, leaving a dent. "I've been great, love the new eyes. I do have a question for you though." He said, his inner retard instantly reacting to the statement, "Don't do it idiot, you're gonna ask something bad, I know you." but he ignored the warning.

"If you were a mint, what flavor of mint would you be?" he questioned, the question itself being rather random, but he was still curious to find out in order to get a better idea of Echo's personality. Out of nowhere, another voice entered his mind. "Why aren't you drinking more of me, I taste amazing." the voice of Jack Daniels spoke to him. "I have no words for this one idiot, you're going more crazy than I thought. Hello new voice, welcome to the mind of this alcoholic idiot." his inner retard commented.

Responding to his new favorite voice, he grabbed a large bottle of Jack Daniels and began to drink it while waiting for Echo's responce to his unusual question.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Wind and Lightning[Private] Empty Re: Wind and Lightning[Private]

Wed Oct 17, 2012 1:50 am
"Awesome flavored" He says without a moments hesitation, the Kyuubi intentionally keeping him from getting drunk...."THAT SON OF A BITCH!!! STOP FUCKING WITH MY BUZZ YOU STUPID FOX!!!" He shouts absently punching himself in the stomach..he doubles over and coughs slightly...that wasn't his best idea..

Almost immediately he sits up once more blinking twice "But yeah...Awesom flavored." he states again nodding sagely...He's gonna have fun in Kumo..he can already tell.
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 104300

Wind and Lightning[Private] Empty Re: Wind and Lightning[Private]

Wed Oct 17, 2012 1:55 am
He wasn't exactly sure about Echo's answer, but it did seem to be true considering the entrance the man had made earlier. He was a little surprised about the next statement and then Echo punching himself in the stomach. 'Way to go idiot, you've found a friend that's perfect for you. He's as crazy as you.'

"Good answer. Now let's go have some fun? I'll give you a tour of Kumo." he said, grabbing a bag of Jack Daniels and slinging it over his back. "Yay I get to go with you." the Jack Daniels voice said. With that he stood up and slammed his fist down on the desk and broke it into pieces. "I hate desks and doors." he remarked to explain why he did that.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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Wind and Lightning[Private] Empty Re: Wind and Lightning[Private]

Wed Oct 17, 2012 1:58 am
"Cool!" He shouts hopping up to his feet and turning his body towards the door...Pfft...they're ninja...what do they need doors for?

The Raikage's statment merely confirms his suspicions and nods "So do I" He states raising his right hand a palm sized blast of chakra impacting the door blowing a hole where it used to be "Us Konoha ninja use windows!" He says "Doors are for weaklings and people who aren't awesome!!" He says walking over towards the side of the room near an unblemished wall. "You want the honors?" He asks gesturing towards the unbroken wall...
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 104300

Wind and Lightning[Private] Empty Re: Wind and Lightning[Private]

Wed Oct 17, 2012 2:03 am
"You are awesome!" he remarked as Echo destroyed the disgusting door. "I've been wanting to do that for a while now."

Stepping over to the untouched wall that seemed to be begging him to break it, another voice, much deeper popped into his head, it was the voice of the wall, "Break me" was all he heard, and he was glad to do so. Smashing through the wall, with his right hand extended outward with lightning chakra crackling off it, he made it look rather easy considering he had been doing it for so long. Now he needed to confirm that Echo enjoyed breaking walls. He called his guards over before Echo came through the hole and had the Earth Release guard rebuild the wall perfectly.

"Your turn" he yelled out from behind the wall, taking a step to the side, drinking more of his Jack Daniels. "I taste great." the Jack Daniels commented.
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 49110

Wind and Lightning[Private] Empty Re: Wind and Lightning[Private]

Wed Oct 17, 2012 2:08 am
"Doors are for pansies!" He remarks watching the Raikage bust the wall before clapping "Excellent form...My Brother never lets me break his walls your awesome!" He states with a grin his goggles still obscuring his crazy mismatched eyes.

He watches the wall being rebuilt and hears the Raikage's declaration, he grins in a feral manner wind swirling around him as he cracks his knuckles and stalks forward, he blurs forward his right leg kicking outwards busting out the wall of the office once more "WHOO!!" He shouts.
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 104300

Wind and Lightning[Private] Empty Re: Wind and Lightning[Private]

Wed Oct 17, 2012 2:16 am
"This is so much fun! I must break Viper's walls someday to show him how great it is, its a shame you weren't able to do it before." he said in responce. "Oh wow idiot, you're infecting him with your craziness, you shouldn't be allowed around other people." his inner retarded critized him.

"Break us, Break us, Break us, Break us." the walls around the area started to cry out to him, clearly the voice of the walls were not a good thing, he instantly turned to a wall behind hiim and punched a large hole in it to make the wall voice stop. "They never shut up, right?" he asked Echo, not explaining the voices he was hearing, instead assuming everyone could hear the walls asking to be broken.

After that he walked towards the end of the hallway and broke right through the wall of the entire building and out into the streets of Kumogakure no Sato, deciding to have some fun with his villagers. Remembering his incredible speed, he decided to show off a little bit. "Alright, watch this." he said, assuming Echo had followed him at this point. Moving at a unseen type of speed with his Raiton no Yoroi, he went by an unsuspecting woman nearby and removed all her clothing expect for her bra and panties and was instantly back in front of Echo with the clothes. "Neat trick, right?" he asked, undoing his Raiton no Yoroi. "Great, now you're going to have some help in terrorizing your villagers." his inner retard commented. Taking another drink of his Jack Daniels, he waited for Echo's reaction.
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