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Jun Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 6500

The Party is Here!  Empty The Party is Here!

Tue Mar 26, 2024 3:15 am
Way too early this morning Jun would awaken to hearing Ren’s voice in her head, telling her that Junko was requesting her presence in the village. She had been putting this off for some time, but seeing as almost everyone else was there, she figured she should listen. Plus there were new and exciting things to see, so it wouldn’t be all bad. Without a care in the world, Jun would wander up to the gates where she’d try to find a familiar face. She hoped it would be Kitsu, she hadn’t seen him in a while since he had entered the village so she wished it was him greeting her. Jun would look around for anyone who seemingly noticed her and would be compliant with whatever they asked of her.

Sakoshi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

The Party is Here!  Empty Re: The Party is Here!

Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:27 pm
Today was going to be different than his other days within the village. He had spoken to Ren about his new plans at the gates, something that he had been thinking after his dealing with the Chinoike that came across the gates. He didn't mind dying, nor did he mind ocular genjutsu, something that it seemed that the Chinoike were proficient in. But he did mind failing the village by dying such a needless death. That left him with the need to understand means to avoid such a conflict. He understood that telling people that he was going to read their mind was off putting to some, so now, he had a different goal in mind.

He was beginning to realize that there were better ways of completing such tasks, better ways than simply advertising what he was going to be doing. So now, what he believed he could do, was simply read them without letting them know just what was happening. From now on, he would just simply do it. He wouldn't ask for permission, he wouldn't let the people know what was happening. Instead, he would look into their eyes and read their minds without telling them. If he would be able to do it without them knowing, all the better.

He would think more on it, considering the prevalence of other people being able to sense chakra flow. He knew that performing this technique whilst suppressing chakra it would likely disrupt the suppression. There was more that he needed to consider when it came to what he was trying to do, but for now he would continue to let it be known that he was going to read the visitors' minds, even if he would rather leave them in the dark where they truly should belong.

For now, however. He would leave Ren's home. Slightly perturbed at the idea of having to put himself in danger, but he shrugged. He understood that that was simply the cost of doing business and he was going to have to deal with it for now. But he would be looking deeper into this situation to see just what he would be able to do to make this situation work for the village's favor. He did want to try it, at least once. Maybe he'd get lucky. He laughed at the thought, feeling a small anarchic flame spark within his soul.

He made his way to the gate, and he would think about just what kind of people he was going to be seeing today. He had already let in some murderers, some rather blood hungry fiends like that Akaime, the odd eldritch monster Kakushin, a poor old man who was related to a rather intricate set of Uchiha boys. There were a few minds that he was begging to read, the Tsukiko "sisters" were one. Especially that Junko. Her mind seemed to be filled to the brim with secrets that Sakoshi wanted to get his greedy little mitts on, but alas, he would have to wait... for now.

Arriving at the gates was a usual routine. There were some guards, some other villagers that have taken up the idea of defending the front end, but Sakoshi knew that if a fight was to truly break out, they would be absolutely useless. But that didn't stop him from enjoying their protection with the idea of their protection. But still the thought did rage in his mind, what would happen if someone decided to become rather finicky at the gates? Someone to truly attack Sakoshi? He knew that he wouldn't truly be able to stop an intruder, he just wasn't built for such things like combat. Nor did he truly care about it, either. He pushed the thoughts aside for the time being, focusing more on the gates and the people trying to enter.

When he fixed his eyes to the people attempting to gain entry, there stood a rather familiar sight, and a rather delicious brain for him to feast upon. Sakoshi did attempt to contain himself, but the idea of being able to read the mind of a Tsukiko. He did understand that it was the ditz on the trio, and there wasn't going to be as much for him to feast on. There was something about both Junko and Kiko that never sat quite right with them. There was a particular way Junko would act whenever Ren was around. A slight beckoning, that, of course, the dim-witted Ren would be oblivious to. But still, Sakoshi didn't miss such things. He had been keeping tabs on Junko since his creation, as she was always a bit weird about him and with Kiko, almost as if there was a damned secret hidden away between the two of them and he had to have it!

For now, however. He would breathe. He would greet the darling Jun with a gentle wave and a bow. He would activate his Mind's Eye of the Kagura and approach the woman with a rather slothful approach. Sakoshi spoke to the woman with a neutral tone to begin with. "Hello there, darling Jun. I am certainly glad to see you here at the gates, no doubt you have been summoned by your creator?" He motioned for her to approach just a bit closer, so they were within 3 meters from each other. His sixth sense began to ring, showing that she didn't have any relatives, which was obvious as she wasn't a real person, not born, but created, just like he was.

Sakoshi knew that this individual was quite affectionate to those who surrounded her. It was something that drove his curiosity to the roof at times. Just wanting to know just what this woman truly thought during the day. He had never been the type to truly hit on a woman, as it was always a strange concept, but he thought it might be fun.

He looked her up and down, but he wasn't interested in her body. He realized that it wasn't important to him. What was important, however, was exactly what resided behind those crimson pools that hid such secrets. He considered for a few moments, thinking exactly what would just bring her interest towards him.

"I must say, darling Jun. You by far have the most appealing mind then anyone else on the island. Some may think of you as a simple being, but I know far different. I believe that there is something quite interesting about what you have hidden in that brain of yours. You simply need a slight push in the direction you need to go, and you seem to know exactly what to do in the situation. I see that when you went on a mission with Kutari, Isamu, and Kitsu you froze when the bandits came down upon the caravan. I feel that you have a confidence issue that you still need to work on. But given time and opportunity, I feel that you are going to become a great benefit to the village."

He would simply let the words hang in the air, seeing what her response would be. He would have his Mind's Eye of the Kagura active, but he wouldn't be really concerning himself with her lying, but did want to know what she would say.

WC: 1221
Jun Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 6500

The Party is Here!  Empty Re: The Party is Here!

Tue Mar 26, 2024 11:11 pm
She’d look and feel completely relieved as she realized Sakoshi was approaching her. As he examined her, she was wearing a flowy, mint green dress that stopped just above her knees. On her head, she wore a beige sun hat with a wide brim and a pair of circular sunglasses that covered her eyes. She also wore a white, translucent shawl that sat comfortably on her inner elbows. On her feet, she wore a simple pair of sandals that matched her hat. She’d be happily smiling as she approached him, her joyous and excited aura caused the air around her to buzz slightly.

Once within 5 meters, she’d stop her advances as she gave him a cute bow while he greeted her. He’d then ask if Junko had requested her presence in the village and she’d nod before speaking up sweetly. Usually, at this time of day, Jun would still be hung over from the night before, but thankfully she had recently picked up a technique to elevate this issue. Due to this, she was able to maintain her happy and upbeat personality.

”Good morning Sakoshi! You’re right, Junko finally told me that I have to come back home, what a bore if you ask me. Though who am I to deny my dear “sister.” How is your creator darling, as in love as always I presume?”

He’d beckon for her to approach closer and she’d accept his request. If he allowed, Jun would stand about a meter away from him as they continued to speak. She didn’t know too much about Sakoshi, and he seemingly was the more “normal” one between Rens clones as far as she knew. She had only interacted with him once before, but very little was said as he had to apply a telepathic seal to a rather large group of people.

Jun watched as his eyes seemingly trailed up and down her body but he didn’t seem as interested in what he saw as others had previously. They’d linger in silence for a moment as he began to formulate what to say. At this point, she was more confused than anything, unsure what else she needed to do to gain entry. She just assumed she was going to walk right in, did he need paperwork or something? Jun began to panic internally as she processed her underpreparedness for this interaction.  

She’d pull off her sunglasses and look up into his eyes as he began speaking to her. At first, she would blush slightly as he informed her that he believed she had the most appealing mind on the whole island. Though she was sure he was lying, the compliment still felt nice to receive. She’d give him a bit of a confused look as he proclaimed that though others believed she was simple, he in fact believed that there was something “interesting” about her brain. People thought she was simple? The backhanded compliment certainly hurt her feelings as she looked a bit saddened. The excited aura around her seemingly had begun to fade.

He’d continue on explaining that he believed she only needed guidance, a slight shove in a direction, and that she’d know what to do next. She didn’t agree with him at all about this. Jun often found herself in situations she certainly shouldn’t be in, and had no way of saving herself if things went wrong. He then mentioned the mission she had done with Kitsu and the others, and she looked a bit shocked at the comment. How did he even know about that? Possibly Kitsu told him, but she doubted that as Kitsu didn’t seem to really like anyone and only tolerated jun herself. He then mentioned that he believed she had some sort of confidence issue, but believed that given the opportunity to grow, she could become a valuable asset to the village.

At this point Jun was stunned, not sure how to answer each of his comments. How did he know about her confidence issues, she hadn't let that slip in front of anyone, let alone the man standing before her. She felt a bit short-circuited and took nearly a minute to respond, the cheery, upbeat aura had now been completely dispersed.

”Uhhh… thank you I think? I’m sorry but I’m kinda lost for words.”

Jun blushed lightly as she grew more embarrassed and let out a nervous chuckle. Maybe he was trying to be nice to her but in his own unique way. She’d clasp her hands together behind her back and lean forward slightly before offering him a sweet smile and speaking.

”Is there anything special you need from me? Junko hadn’t given me any paperwork or anything so I hope not.”

Wind from the nearby coastline would gently breeze past the two of them, causing her dress to billow slightly behind her as she gazed admiringly into his eyes.

Total WC: 955
Sakoshi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

The Party is Here!  Empty Re: The Party is Here!

Wed Mar 27, 2024 11:22 am
His thoughts would only continue to grow more dulled with every word that she spoke. Her mind was an anxious mess that was filled with confidence issues and self consciousness. This became even more understandable as the Sloth continued to read her mind with all of the escapades that she had been through. She was constantly putting herself out there, but it seemed that this young lady was desperate for true love, even if she was too busy trying to fill the void with numerous men with pointless relationships that led to nothing. He wasn't a man that could tell the future... as much as he wished he was, but this woman was destined for something rather sad if she continued on her way.

Sakoshi saw the interaction with Daiki, how she offered herself, but the more oafish Uchiha brother decided that he was going to deny her this wish, putting her to sleep instead. This seemed to have quite the impact on the poor woman, even if she was currently pushing it downwards. She had feelings of loneliness and despair regarding her own life, but she was never going to fill it by simply filling herself with whatever man would walk by her path.

Sakoshi didn't really need to tell her any of this, as it was going to be far more entertaining to watch as this damaged woman began to repair her own self in regards to her lack of confidence. Or maybe she would crash and burn, leaving there to be nothing to be repaired as she washed down her own disappointment with alcohol and whatever other fluids that she was seeking from her relationships. Sakoshi would laugh to himself as he saw her bemused face, as she seemed to be completely bewitched by his words, and obviously in a complete disagreement.

But then where does a man like Sakoshi go from here? Surely he could simply laugh it all off and hand her her pass. He could get her through the gates and get her on her way to either ruin or repair on her own, but where was the fun in that? Instead, he decided that he was going to give her a bit of a reading. "Darling Jun, I must inform you. I have a bit of a gift. I can read people's futures with a simple reading of their palm. So if you would indulge me, maybe I can help you find your way through this lack of confidence you have in yourself."

As he spoke, he reached for her hand, bringing it closer to his face. He knew that he didn't need the palm, but this made the theatrics of it all that much more entertaining for him. He gazed over her palm, tracing the lines that comprised within her hand with his finger, humming and making interested sounds as he would continue to read her mind with his left eye. There was much to know about this woman, at least in the department of love and lust, but not much else was currently in her mind that was of interest to him.

As he completed the "palm reading", he glanced up to the woman's face with his own cheerful demeanor. "Oh darling Jun. You have a lot of love in your heart. It looks like you tend to share with many of the villagers. Daiki, Kutari, and Kitsu seem to be those that have been on your mind as of late. You've been spending quite a bit of time with this Daiki person. But he rejected your advances when you offered them. It does seem that there are other things on his mind, other than you that is. This Kutari seems to be an individual that has a bit of a wild side, matching your very own, he might be fun for a short while, but sweet Jun he may seem to be an influence that Junko would not want for you. But then there is darling Kitsu. He, my dear, is a dangerous individual. His mind isn't like the others within the village. He doesn't think the same as the others, but I would be lying if I said I hadn't been reading his future too. There is certainly something about you that calls to him. Even he doesn't know it yet, but know this. He would go to the ends of the earth, he would take an arrow to the chest for you, and he would certainly prove to be an interesting match."

He pulled his hands away from her palm, returning his hands to the collar of his furs. With another amused look and even more amusing thoughts running through his mind, he would think. "It's all quite fascinating if you ask me. Your future is so bright, even if your present is a bit confusing. I have full faith that you will find what you seek within our hallowed walls." HE motioned for the gates to open, then he turned back to face darling Jun. "Welcome home, darling Jun. May you take my reading with a good heart, and heed my words as you continue with your days. Should you ever have questions regarding your future, bring them to me and I can read your palm again. Then we can continue the growth that is currently underway within you. I am so excited to see what comes of your life, darling Jun."

With that, he turned his body and motioned for her to walk into the village. Then he returned to the others wishing access to the village's splendor.

WC: 932
TWC: 2153

Memorizing Jun's chakra Signature
Allowing Jun into the village

WC Claims:
+1125 towards Ninshu Songbird (Complete)
+424 towards Elemental Detection (Complete) (Previous Progress)
+604 towards Thid Eye (604/1125)
Jun Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 6500

The Party is Here!  Empty Re: The Party is Here!

Thu Mar 28, 2024 8:45 pm
Jun would listen as he offered to read her palm instead of answering her question. Though she didn’t feel as if she had a confidence issue, she wanted to at least hear what he believed to be the truth. A bit of her hoped that he would tell her all the things she needed to fix in her life to make it as simple as she wished it to be, however, she was sure that this man didn’t have all the answers to her problems. Also, she didn’t want to upset him by denying his request, so she decided to just try and get through his potentially harsh reading.

She’d hold out her dainty hand towards him and allow him to inspect her palm. Her deep red eyes gazed at his as he seemingly began to inspect her palm. She couldn’t help but wonder if she had the same palms as Junko. Since she was a perfect copy of her creator, would this instead be a reading for her? Though she was sure there could be small differences that were unperceivable to her. Regardless she allowed him to continue looking before he’d meet her gaze and begin speaking.

He’d start off by stating that she had a rather large heart that she shared with various other villagers including Daiki, Kut, and Kitsu. This was true seeing as she had been spending most of her time at the bar with Daiki and Kut getting lost in the revelry of companionship. With Kitsu though, it was different, he was forced to be around her by their creators and was sure that he probably found her annoying. He then would continue to explain the various complicated “relationships” she found herself in with the men he named previously. She was a bit surprised at the accuracy of his statements and found herself nearly stunned by him once again.

Jun would let out an exhausted sigh as he mentioned Junko potentially not liking Kut. Realistically the only one she would probably fully approve of would be Daiki seeing as he seemingly was the safest option. However, after some pleading, Jun knew she would be able to come to terms with whoever she decided to pursue. For now, she wasn’t looking for anything serious so she shouldn’t have to worry about that conversation for a while. He then would confess that he’d be lying if he said he didn’t take a peak into Kitsu’s mind as well, which she wasn’t surprised by. She found him rather intriguing herself and the metallic smell of blood from his time hunting often lingered on his skin causing her to be enraptured by just his scent alone.

After letting go of her hand, he’d look amused as she stood there stunned by his words. How was it possible that he knew all this about her, but they had only met once? She couldn’t tell if she should be alarmed, impressed, or both in all honesty. He then would inform her that he found it all to be rather interesting to him, and that he believed she had a bright future. This caused her a bit of relief as she placed her arm back to her side.

”I uhh... I appreciate the information. That’s quite an interesting ability you have dear. I hope that I can live up to whatever expectations you have of me... If you ever find yourself with some free time and would like to spend some time together, I’m sure you know where to find me.”

She’d watch as he motioned for the gates to open, then would offer him a grateful smile as he turned to look at her. Jun would bow as he welcomed her into the village and reminded her to take his words into consideration. He certainly had given her a lot to think about, but for now, she sought to drown her thoughts at Darkside. She’d speak to him once more before entering the village.

”Thank you again Sakoshi, I promise I’ll take your revelations into consideration. I do hope you have a great rest of your day, and as I said before, if you ever need anything let me know!”

Jun flashed him a playful smile and offered him a quick wave before entering through the gate. She’d look on in amazement as she looked at the gorgeous architecture and enticing sounds that the village provided. After asking a handful of people jun would find her way to Darkside in an attempt to find Daiki.

(Enters Tsukigakure)

Total WC:1715

Reserving WC claims for previous approval
Jun Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 6500

The Party is Here!  Empty Re: The Party is Here!

Wed Apr 10, 2024 12:29 pm
WC Claims

3518/6000 Ketsuryugan Matured Previous training here
Hanzo Uchiha
Hanzo Uchiha
Stat Page : Hanzo of the Black Flames
Mission Record : Logs
Summoning Contract : The Wolves Of Death Gorge
Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 124370

The Party is Here!  Empty Re: The Party is Here!

Thu Apr 11, 2024 9:09 am
Jun Tsukiko wrote:WC Claims

3518/6000 Ketsuryugan Matured Previous training here

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