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Oyu Otsunato
Oyu Otsunato
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : The Collection
Mission Record : OoOoO
Genjutsu Remove Puppetry Remove Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Uncle is here Empty Uncle is here

Mon Mar 25, 2024 10:19 am

The time of the day was already really advanced, the pale and gentle mist of the early night already lofty into the air, only broken by the solitary lights of the gates and wall of the built village piercing trough the darkness to give a brief respite to the abyssal midnight sky. Along the few bugs circling the lamplights, and the soft breeze making the leaves of the forest brush and dance, a melody of calm and soothing harmony to those asleep at this moment, but a singular song of nature for the man still outside, walking in the night. Oyu was enjoying the sea at night, seeing the beaches deserted of any natives, having nature all for himself, peacefull, quiet, with no creatures nor human doing any noise, except the sound of the waves, and the high moon of the night to keep him some company, reflecting on the ocean, emitting and enthralling light.

As he walked back toward the village he had left prior, Oyu was pensive, thinking of how much it had progressed and was completed in its basic construction since he had arrived. His resort was amongst the place still not renovated and implemented yet, but his dream was taking root more and more into reality. As he reached the gate walking calmly to get back home, he noticed something strange. The gate itself had been constructed and finished recently, but it wasnt yet manned. This time tho, contrary to when he left casually in the middle of the day, it seemed like it was! There was lights in the guards cabin and quarters, signaling that it was active. 

This made Oyu in quite a pickle. He had left without thinking of it being a control when he would re-enter his nightly walk, without taking any papers with him, ID or anything. Oh well. Worse had happened to him. He would simply approach the large stony gates, with doors reinforced of large bands of steel, impregnable, solid, a great defense for any would be invader. Lighting himself a large cigar of the finest tobacco with a large wooden match, the tall Otsunato man raised his head toward the gate slowly, his other arm hanging loosely and his whole posture being one of someone who was half waiting, half lazy, with his head tilted to the side, enjoying his cigar slowly, closing his eyes every puf he would take. 

''Hey.... Someone there?'' Would say Oyu with a deep and slow voice in the dead of the night, at first only answered by the crickets of the night, fitting for the lack of a initial answer. He would wait until someone would hear him, and open the gate so he could go home and sleep.
Sakoshi Kurosawa
Sakoshi Kurosawa
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Remove Remove Kanjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Uncle is here Empty Re: Uncle is here

Tue Mar 26, 2024 3:32 am
There had been quite a few new entries into the village. The infancy of their town drew many folks. This required high scrutiny at the gates to ensure they were letting in the right people and not allowing any people to harm them. At least at the gates, they could manage the threat in a contained space, away from their newfound villagers. It wasn't that he wouldn't let in criminals; he has let through so many already. But it was those that he felt couldn't provide the village any benefit that he didn't want to let through the gates, his gates.

It was only a short time through his day when he would see a more familiar face walk towards the gates. Something about being Sakoshi, knowing everything and seeing through people's eyes and memories, called out to him. It was reassuring knowing that he knew most things about most people before they had even spoken a single word to him, but this individual was one that he didn't know too much about. He wasn't sure if that was because he didn't care or maybe this person hadn't caught his attention yet.

The individual walks up to the gates, and Sakoshi's sixth sense immediately begins to rot within his mind, shining a light on this individual that Sakoshi feels would be his first actual interaction with him. He would see names flash before his eyes; names of that famed Uchiha clan would be amongst them. Maybe this man was proving to be of more interest already. The Sloth would ponder for a moment; he thought of reading the man's mind and how interesting it would be to learn more of the Uchiha clan, more than he had learned from Kutari already.

Similar to the Chinoike clan that the man Akaime was from, they had a great deal of power that radiated from their eyes, allowing them great power from within. The Chinoike seemed to have a more potent sense of the Genjutsu, but the Uchiha's ability was still strong. He thought more about this for a moment before relinquishing his thoughts. His new villagers were walking up to him as he thought, and he needed to give the man his undivided attention.

There was still some distance between the two, and the man was slowly approaching, so he had time to ponder a bit more before he was in his position. He thought of what it would be like to learn what made Uchiha's eyes so great and powerful. There was a simple fact that the eyes of the Uchiha were triggered by intense emotion, so there had to be something about them. Maybe there was a case to be made that torture would be beneficial to the young Uchihas to awaken their eyes earlier in their development. But alas, he would consider such things for another time.

The man finally arrived at Sakoshi's position. Sakoshi would bow his head to the man, and he would speak in a relatively neutral and uninterested tone, "Oyu. You have returned. I am pleased to see you. There are protocols for reentry into the village, as I'm sure you are aware. A simple look into my eyes will suffice if you would, please. Once you are done, you will be free to reenter and go about your business; that much is certain."

Once he was done speaking, he would look into the man's eyes, the man being Oyu. He scanned the man's mind for the first time, and undoubtedly, a few things caught his interest. He had awakened his own Sharingan. But it wasn't to the same extent as the other Uchiha was. Kutari had already unlocked the third stage, while Oyu was only on his second stage. Knowing that this man was Kutari's uncle was an exciting feat. But of course, this Oyu, this older Uchiha, just learned that.

There were claims in his heart to tell him, but what was the future? Sakoshi would continue to read his mind. The man was an aspiring puppet user, a rather intricate specialization Sakoshi would never want any part of. It was far too complicated and expensive for his taste, for Sakoshi was more a man of the mind than the body. If there was little, back to what the man had unlocked, his memories didn't include massive firestorms or much puppet mastery. This man has lived a rather plain life until this point in his training.

There was a thought to this, which he needed clarification on, just why it was so interesting. Maybe it was because he was twice the age of the last Uchiha he had seen. Or perhaps it was because the man carried a swagger amongst his feet and gait that showed he was a relatively confident individual, which drew Sakoshi's interest in the man's inexperience with his own body—another thought to push aside as the scan continued, delving more profoundly within the older Uchiha's brain.

His elemental affinity was unknown to possibly even him by this point. He was curious to know if that was just a memory he hadn't caught onto in his memories or if maybe the Uchiha hadn't realized his natural affinity up to this point. There were thoughts on either side, and neither was interested in Sakoshi. He left the thoughts alone again for now. He looked more into the man's chakra. To Sakoshi's chakra-sensing abilities, it was somewhat lengthy; maybe that was something that he held confidence in, just the sheer strength of his chakra.

But what was he doing with this chakra strength? Not much is what it seemed to Sakoshi, anyhow. Much work was being done in his younger years, being a mercenary when he was a teen, but it appeared the man had to have used knives. There wasn't much of an understanding of ninjutsu to be spoken of within him, so the fact that he had killed people was slightly baffling to the Sloth. But again, more thoughts to push aside. He was a prisoner of sorts, now maybe that was something that could be interesting to the village, someone who was versed in the abilities to poison and kill people slowly.

After he had felt that he had scanned the man's brain enough, he would release the man's brain. Sakoshi knew that he had all the memories seemed to be locked within his mind anyhow, so he didn't truly need to keep the man waiting for him to finish with his process of scanning and rereading the memories once they were within his mind. He figured that the man would be harmless to the village, and in time, he could even bring some benefit to it.

The Sloth bowed to the man after releasing the man's eye contact. "You are free to reenter Oyu. I do hope that you find what you seek within our hallowed walls. You shall do well in your business endeavors, and who knows? Maybe you'll find something more than a simple friend while within, some stronger ties, perhaps?" The words would roll off his tongue, steeped in ambiguity and insincerity, and Oyu would need clarification of what Sakoshi was speaking of. This is precisely how Sakoshi liked to leave the people he would talk to, leaving enough room for interpretation that there was little understanding of what he would say.

There were, in fact, three young Uchiha that were related to the man. More than these, three seemed to pop into his head while he was in the man's presence. One of which was the young and flashy Uchiha, Kutari. The other was the man who owned the bar, Daiki. Sakoshi didn't know that Daiki had a last name, figuring him to be without a clan. Maybe even the child didn't know that he was a Uchiha. There were thoughts that he didn't have answers to.

But soon, he would relinquish to the thoughts of the unknown; he would just wait for Daiki to show himself at the gates and allow his mind to be read so Sakoshi could reveal the truth to himself, even if he weren't the type to reveal the truth to others.

As Sakoshi completed yet another day of watchful guardianship at the village gates, he returned to Ren's home. However, instead of following the well-traveled road directly to Ren's hearth, Sakoshi took a slight detour. The path he chose made its way to the heart of the village, meandering around market squares, playgrounds, and houses that he guarded while on duty. Walking towards Ren's house, Sakoshi did not only follow the road – he took a journey and lowered himself into the flow of daily life he swore to protect.

The village revealed itself through a tapestry of sights, sounds, and scents. Children played in narrow lanes, creating music of their laughter served the villagers their innocence, secured by its protectors. Artisans honing their craft, be it metalworking or threading vibrant strings of fabric through loom – all created the melody of production. Taming fire and hot iron, smiths sang a fierce, primal song of creation, where the weavers hummed soft tunes, unnoticeable echoes in the song of life.

The scent of cooked dishes and baked bread filled the evening air, where he breathed the village's shared symbol of ownership. Upon his path were small market vendors and merchants who worked till dusk – they smiled kindly and nodded their greetings. In taking his stroll, Sakoshi passed the spots of village life he guarded through guardianship. Such a place of assembly was where older men sat quietly conversing in the shade of a willow tree. They raised their heads to greet Sakoshi as he walked, and he understood their boxed greetings. His stroll led to a moment of extended revelation – he saw the village not only through the duty of guardianship but as the petal of its community, connected by the cause of duty. Artisans and ordinary villagers were like fingers on a hand, each fulfilling a separate task but united in a shared, communal cause of existence.

The walk through the village repeated the relevance of his guardianship, reaffirming the duty not only as protectors of lives but as protectors of shared peace and harmony. As the sun began to paint the sky with liquid gold and pink, Sakoshi walked on. The sight of Ren's house peered on the close horizon, a symbol of rest and gathering before excursions of daily toil approached. As Sakoshi approached the gathering place, he understood that the day's duty was done. The duty done auspiciously without notice was done with the strength of quiet dedication. Placing his well-worn sandals outside the front door, Sakoshi came in and closed the door behind him.

The quiet of Ren's home enveloped the evening's end as Sakoshi Kurosawa allowed himself to relax fully into the silence of the night. The day's experiences, from the watchful eye at the gates to the leisurely walk around the village, slowly recused themselves to provide an eerie peace and silence. Inside his room, Sakoshi made ready to retire for the night. Just as in his life, each action was met with full awareness: every moment was cherished for its simplicity and meaning. Preparing for sleep was not merely a chore but a ritual in and of itself, marking the end of the day's toils and welcoming the night's embrace.

As he lay down, Sakoshi could feel the gentle tug of sleep, a welcome respite for both body and spirit. Ren's home was quiet, save for the occasional natural sound, and peace took place as the day's worries and fears dissolved. Sleep claimed him, and Sakoshi's thoughts dispersed into the void. His consciousness returned to the night as his breathing deepened, one with the rhythmic serenity of the night. His role as a guardian fell by the wayside in the safety of Ren's home, leaving him with nothing but vulnerability. Here, removed from his duties, his spirit was free.

In sleep, Sakoshi found power, renewal, and strength. The day's experiences went to work as an underlying tapestry, informing his decisions and actions in the subconscious ballet of growth and learning. The night passed in silence, a gentle guardian over Sakoshi's rest. As the morning's first light slowly approached, Sakoshi Kurosawa was invigorated, ready for night's break, anchored in serenity and resolve.

WC: 2057
TWC: 2057

Memorizing Oyu's Chakra Signature
Allowing Oyu into the village.

WC Claims:
+982 towards Chakra Mask (Complete) (Previous Progress)
+187 towards Cat Eyes (Complete)
+187 towards Sensory Deprivation (Complete)
+375 towards Chakra Flare (Complete)
+326 towards Elemental Detection (326/750)

Max stat discount applied to all
Oyu Otsunato
Oyu Otsunato
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : The Collection
Mission Record : OoOoO
Genjutsu Remove Puppetry Remove Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Uncle is here Empty Re: Uncle is here

Sat Mar 30, 2024 11:56 pm
After a short waiting time taken at smoking his cigar under the dark night sky, and the sound of the crickets in the thick tropical forest all around the gates, Oyu finally got an answer by the gate guard, who was Sakoshi, a young kid Oyu had learned about briefly, albeit not knowing a single thing about him.

The young man was polite and accepted the fact that Oyu was simply out at the wrong time and wrong place, knowning him to be already a person living inside of the walls. After telling him that the reentry proceedure included a sensory scan and peering into his mind, Oyu simply sighed and let out a soft exhale, bored and unamused by this proceedure. Nonetheless, it was necessary, and the Otsunato man participated in the games of the gate guard. 

''What a drag this is... Oh well. Security is tight, will be a good thing once im on the good side of that security. Okay, look into my eyes kiddo. See why im smoking my lungs away.'' would think Oyu to himself, meta thinking as a subverted way to talk to the man scanning his mind.

''Do you ever get bored of peering into people minds and memories like an old filing cabinet getting more and more jam packed of brain data? I would. Imagine all the filtering you must do, sorting out the one valuable info troughout the tons of 'im hungry, I need to take a piss' toughts, and even more weird ones, hehehe.... What am I thinking... you wont answer of course, im thinking those words only so you can hear them...'' would think again Oyu, probably making the process difficult for the young gate guard. 

After a while of peering, Oyu was now silently letting it happen, smoking his cigar and thinking of a good night of sleep, a bottle of almond eau de vie and the fresh air of the twilight weather. The young man finnally released the eye contact and bowed to Oyu, who bowed back, albeit a bit less low than the man, due to his older age. He sait to Oyu that his business would prosper, and that he would even form bonds stronger than friendship. Too tired to attribute energy to those words for now, the tall grey haired man would still remember them as fatefull, and important comming from a ninja with abilities close to an actual seer, pearing into destiny itself. 

After nodding to the man, and seeing the gate open, Oyu would simply walk slowly home, illuminated by the dark pale hue of the moon and the lights of the street lamps, smoking his cigar.

[EXIT, entry into Tsukigakure]

TWC: 902

Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 181150

Uncle is here Empty Re: Uncle is here

Mon Apr 01, 2024 1:30 am
Oyu Otsunato wrote:
[EXIT, entry into Tsukigakure]

TWC: 902

Hanzo Uchiha
Hanzo Uchiha
Stat Page : Hanzo of the Black Flames
Mission Record : Logs
Summoning Contract : The Wolves Of Death Gorge
Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 124370

Uncle is here Empty Re: Uncle is here

Mon Apr 01, 2024 12:05 pm
Sakoshi Kurosawa wrote:
WC: 2057
TWC: 2057

Memorizing Oyu's Chakra Signature
Allowing Oyu into the village.

WC Claims:
+982 towards Chakra Mask (Complete) (Previous Progress)
+187 towards Cat Eyes (Complete)
+187 towards Sensory Deprivation (Complete)
+375 towards Chakra Flare (Complete)
+326 towards Elemental Detection (326/750)

Max stat discount applied to all

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