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Kaito Inuzuka
Kaito Inuzuka
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 300 points
AP: 2,000 points
Vigor: 125 points
Chakra: 125 points
Speed: 45 points
Strength: 5 points
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : The Wolves of Death Gorge
Living Clones : Uchiha, Tatsuya
Familiar : Raidomaru (Needs Revamped)
Legendary Equipment : N/A
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 0

Bokuton (黙遁 - Silent Release) [W.I.P] Empty Bokuton (黙遁 - Silent Release) [W.I.P]

Tue Mar 26, 2024 12:07 am

Bokuton (黙遁 - Silent Release) [W.I.P] Silent-Release


Name: Bokuton (黙遁 - Silent Release)
Components: Yin-Release / Wind-Release
Appearance: Techniques utilizing the Silent-Release element, much like soundwaves, are invisible to the naked eye. In the case that a person with chakra vision is able to see these techniques, they will be confronted with a mixture of chakra and severely disorientated soundwaves of low frequency

Backstory: The Silent-Release element was created following the end of the Warring States Era by Orouchimaru and his devout team of scientists. This element was based on the Senritu Clan's very own Sound-Release element, which the corrupt Sennin had also conducted many studies and experiments on. Through the years the knowledge of the two sister elements were documented in well-preserved scrolls, and many generations in the now Present Era, were unearthed alongside each other with the founding and reemergence of the new iteration of Otogakure no Sato.

How it is used: Much like its sister element in the Sound-Release, users of the Silent-Release can create, shape, and manipulate intense sound vacuums. These sound vacuums completely erase any trace of sound within the areas of which they are used and are known to create equally powerful disturbances on the poor individuals who are unlucky enough to be caught within them. These sound vacuums are typically created in the form of area-of-effect type barriers around the element's user, at which the user can use these techniques to put targets through a wide array of ill-effects meant to incapacitate them both physically and mentally.

Special Traits:

  • Sound Vacuum The Silent-Release element is known for its ability to create vast areas of high-pitched wind that sound cannot penetrate. This is typically done in the form of area-of-effect barriers, and any of the barriers produced by this element cannot be broken by sound-based techniques, including Genjutsu, unless the technique being used is able to overcome the respective Silent-Release technique's power stat. Additionally, as sound cannot exist within any areas that are currently under the effect of the Silent-Release, the sounds of people's voices, footsteps, items/weaponry, etc. cannot be heard by anyone else within the barrier except for the user unless they are able to overcome a strength check against the specific technique's power stat.

  • Unblissful Silence It is widely known that intense silence can cause harsh effects on an individual's psyche and senses if they are exposed to the effects of the aforementioned silence for too long. In the case of are-of-effect techniques utilizing the Silent-Release element, targets who remain within the area-of-effect for certain numbers of posts are exposed to such effects. These effects can include, but are not limited to, loss of hearing, loss of sight, deliriousness in the form of targets being unable to weave hand seals or speak at all, and even unconsciousness. The effective number of posts, as well as the desired sense being affected, are determined by and included in all applicable Silent-Release techniques. It should be noted that techniques that utilize this trait do not incur any damage to the HP of any targets caught within the are-of-effect.

  • Intense Amplifier In the case that the user of this technique boasts both the Silent-Release and the Sound-Release advanced elements, these elements can be combined together to create very potent mixtures of effects, enhancing both of their capabilities in combat tenfold.

Canon, Site-Canon, Bloodline, Village Exclusive: Otogakure-Exclusive (Unrestricted)

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