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Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Blooms Upon the Wind Empty Blooms Upon the Wind

Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:26 pm
Marabelle would walk towards the village's gates as her time in Hoshigakure was up. She had been there a wild and helped contribute to it as once she did in Otogakure but her time was being called upon her elsewhere. She strode forward with an objective in mind and one that she needed to figure out some of the merits behind. There was a degree of finding more out in the world and establishing herself as a presence and someone who sought after peace and looking to adjust and fix the woes she viewed as ever-present. There was someone else that would be assisting her and she knew she could count on them as she aimed to depart and move forward toward a village she had once visited but did not get a response from. From there she would aim to rise above her once put forth station as a vagabond and seek to excel in the future she dreamed up. Turning to her sister, she smiled although the height difference was apparent, "Thank you once again for picking up the blade. I know you settled down and I appreciate the support."

The youngest of her own immediate family, Marabelle aimed relatively high towards the sky with her aspirations. Although she had gained such strength and rapport in some of the villages, she knew there were going to be some challenges. Leaving after only a short while, she was sad that she could not stay for longer. The more idle she was the less likely she would be able to commit to the world view she wanted to protect and support. A look of determination etched itself on the soft face of Marabelle as she ventured forth to get in line to depart from the hidden village in the stars.

WC: 300, TWC: 300
Marilee Blossom
Marilee Blossom
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Old Blossoms
Bukijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Blooms Upon the Wind Empty Re: Blooms Upon the Wind

Thu Feb 01, 2024 6:27 pm
Marilee had packed up a few things and left a note on the kitchen table. It detailed that she would be returning later that evening as she had an errand with her sister that needed her attention. It was not time for her departure as she needed to find some avenues of understanding. She wished to see her sister off and knew fully well that the youngest should not depart without a proper goodbye. Happy that her family was well and that the youngest found a direction, there was something that begged a few questions for the return to form Ronin. She was requested by her sister to pick up the sword once more to help her vision but in a capacity she did not anticipate. A heavy sigh escaped the lips of the woman as she walked in the direction of the gates. The dropping off of her little sister brought back memories as she walked forward hearing what she had to say. A light smile grew upon the face of the older woman as she nodded, "All was coming in due time. Happened to occur sooner than I anticipated."

She retorted back to her sister as she looked towards the sky. The Land of Haven had been nice to her as she found a suitable husband and had a young daughter who had enrolled in the village's academy. She was sad to depart but knew that there would always be a home for her here. She knew once it was time for her to depart that she would need to make sure to advocate for the potential return and existence of the group that was going to form under her own banner. Becoming a leader was going to be a challenge, one she welcomed once she got stronger.

WC: 300, TWC: 300
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Blooms Upon the Wind Empty Re: Blooms Upon the Wind

Thu Feb 01, 2024 11:48 pm
Joro awoke early, the pre-dawn light casting a soft glow on the village. It was the beginning of a new day, and as a dedicated shinobi of Hoshigakure, he had duties to attend to. Today's assignment: gate duty, a task that required vigilance and a keen eye.

Dressed in practical yet agile attire—athletic joggers, a thick long-sleeved shirt, and a simple cloak—Joro moved with a purposeful stride. The air carried a tranquil quality as he made his way to the village gates, a temporary calm before the bustling activity that would soon unfold.

The gate duty held significance for Joro beyond its routine nature. It was an opportunity for him to showcase his commitment to safeguarding the village and its inhabitants. More than just a watchful eye, this duty allowed him to prove himself worthy of future responsibilities within the hidden village.

As he approached the gates, the village still bathed in the soft hues of early morning, Joro's senses heightened. The tranquility of the moment masked the potential challenges that could arise. His fellow villagers would soon awaken, and the village would come alive with the daily rhythm of shinobi life.

Taking his position at the gates, Joro surveyed the surroundings with a vigilant gaze. The distant mountains, the rustling leaves, and the gentle breeze—they all became part of the canvas he monitored. The village entrusted him with the responsibility of ensuring its safety, a duty he embraced with unwavering dedication.

The gate duty wasn't just about physical presence; it was a mental exercise, a continuous assessment of potential threats and a readiness to respond. Joro's commitment to this duty went beyond the mundane; it was a stepping stone to greater responsibilities and a testament to his loyalty to Hoshigakure.

As he approached the gates, he noticed two individuals who seemed unfamiliar. With his characteristic friendly demeanor, Joro decided to approach them.

One of the women approaching the gates, was clad in all pink, even her hair was pink. This made Joro even more curious for he had some brightly colored hair with mixes of red in his otherwise blonde hair. As he approached the two women he introduced himself waving with some enthusiasm. Always with the wave. Huh man. You never will change, will you.

"Hi! I'm Joro, Joro Shokku," he greeted with a friendly smile, his eyes reflecting genuine curiosity. The woman with pink hair and attire stood out, adding a vibrant touch to the scene.

"Are you new to the village or just passing through? Either way, I hope with whatever you are doing you are finding peace."

With that remark, which Joro hoped came off as friendly, and not as odd as he thought it sounded when he heard it aloud. He would wait for their response.


Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Blooms Upon the Wind Empty Re: Blooms Upon the Wind

Sat Feb 03, 2024 10:59 am
Seeing the giant of a genin approach, the small woman looked up towards Joro as he towered over her. Returning the gesture, Marabelle smiled kindly and gently toward the Hoshigakuran shinobi. She had met a multitude of shinobi now within the village walls tucked away within the Land of Haven and all seemed like wonderful people. A degree of melancholy could be seen on her face when the subsequent question came into the conversation as the two women awaited their turn to depart. Giving a light bow she happily answered the on-duty shinobi while also returning the greeting more properly. "My name is Marabelle Blossom. I have wandered in and met a plethora of people however my time is coming to an end within such a wonderful village." She explained as the small pink-haired woman's demeanor contrasted a bit with her child-like appearance. Her voice gave the impression of experience and formalities were not missed as she looked towards the gates of Hoshigakure.

Her satchel was restocked and supplied as she moved to grab an armband from within the bag. Pulled it out to show Joro, a simple red armband that contrasted heavily against the ping and had a pure white cross etched into it signifying the status of as a medical practitioner. "I had came here upon the gales of change and they call upon me once more to aid those who may be in need." She further explained letting Joro examine the armband should he choose to do so. If he did, there was nothing monumentally special about it other than that it was of a decent enough quality that it would take a rather sharp blade to cut the material. "It is a pleasure to be of your acquaintance as I look to depart from your wonderful village." She added as she put the armband away once Joro had time to look over it should he have chosen to do so. The height difference between the two was apparent as she craned her neck to be able to look the man in his eyes. Her heterochromia gives a dissonant and forlorn look to her as the words that came forth from her lips seemed almost too formal from one who appeared as young as she did. It was then that the woman to her side spoke up and took the conversation a bit further from the greeting.

WC: 400, TWC: 700
Marilee Blossom
Marilee Blossom
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Old Blossoms
Bukijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Blooms Upon the Wind Empty Re: Blooms Upon the Wind

Sat Feb 03, 2024 11:00 am
The slightly foot taller woman who stood a single inch shorter than Joro gave a light cough before bringing the attention from her sister to her. "Greetings Shokku-san." She began as her dark clan robes contrasted to that of her sister's kimono. The air of sophistication that came from Marabelle aligned well with the approach and gestures of what looked like a training instructor of sorts. "My name is Marilee Blossom, one of the elder siblings of the Blossom Family from Bean Jam." She said giving a small amount of context to the two's connection while also giving Joro some more distinct information for record keeping. "I am actually a resident of Hoshigakure no Sato, however, I will be escorting and helping my sister make it to her boat to return to our homeland." She explained as she adjusted her attire to indicate the Blossom clan symbol upon her left breast. The symbol was plain but it was clear between the two sisters that the uniform that Marilee had on was old and well taken care of. As a juxtaposition to her attire, the youthful-looking younger sister in Marabelle had the symbol etched and put onto her back as she adjusted to show the embroidery work of Hoshigakuran Artisans.

Giving a bow to Joro, "Are there additional details you need before our permitted departure? I plan to make my return given good weather and calm roads with haste to return to see my daughter graduate from the academy." Marilee contributed further, indicating her support of the village and the procedures that were put in place. She placed a hand over her clan's insignia giving a returning bow to the genin as she knew full well she was well out of practice and this would be a good exercise for her to put some of the family's arts into practice to do the rest of her task that was being given to her by her sister. It was not of a major concern at this time for her to handle or work through but she knew that she first needed to see her sister off before coming back to make more proper plans. Throughout the whole conversation, Marilee's expression remained still and distant. Her words were almost monotone with light inflections giving some depth to her dialogue with Joro. It truly was an odd day at the gates with the Blossoms.

WC: 400, TWC: 700
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Blooms Upon the Wind Empty Re: Blooms Upon the Wind

Sat Feb 03, 2024 4:06 pm
Joro, still wearing his friendly smile, listened attentively to Marabelle's explanation. He couldn't help but notice the large height difference between them. While Marabelle had to strain her neck to make eye contact, Joro felt a twinge of sympathy, wishing there was something he could do to make the interaction more comfortable for her. However, he knew that lowering himself would be considered rude, so he maintained his posture, trying his best to convey warmth and openness.

As she spoke about her impending departure and the purpose behind her visit, Joro's expression turned thoughtful. He nodded in acknowledgment of her role as a medical practitioner, and his eyes lingered on the red armband with the white cross, a symbol of her status. The armband, though of simple make, exuded a certain sturdiness and neatness, mirroring the qualities he associated with dedicated medical professionals.

"Marabelle-san, it's been a pleasure meeting you. I hope your journey, guided by the winds of change, takes you to places filled with warmth and purpose," Joro said, expressing his good wishes with a genuine tone.

The exchange at the gates was a testament to the diverse interactions within Hoshigakure, a village where individuals from various walks of life crossed paths. Her heterochromatic eyes, one blue and one green, seemed to reflect the sunlight uniquely, adding an extra layer of intrigue to her presence.

As their conversation continued, Marilee, the taller of the two sisters, took a step forward, her dark clan robes contrasting with Marabelle's pink attire. Her presence exuded a certain air of formality, and her acknowledgment of Joro's presence was accompanied by a slight bow. The contrast between the two sisters, not just in appearance but also in demeanor, added a layer of complexity to their dynamic.

"Greetings, Shokku-san," Marilee began, her tone carrying a level of sophistication that hinted at her experience. "I am Marilee Blossom, one of the elder siblings of the Blossom Family from Bean Jam." She gestured to the insignia on her robe, indicating her affiliation with the Blossom clan. "I am actually a resident of Hoshigakure no Sato. However, I will be escorting and helping my sister make it to her boat to return to our homeland."

Marilee's explanation added a contextual layer to the situation. Joro observed the Blossom clan symbol on her robe, noting the age and care evident in the uniform. Her commitment to her duties, both as a resident of Hoshigakure and as a supportive sister, was palpable. The mention of her daughter graduating from the academy hinted at the multifaceted life she led within the village.

"I see, Marilee-san," Joro responded a respectful nod accompanying his words. "Your dedication to your sister and your responsibilities here is commendable. I'm sure your daughter's graduation will be a proud moment."

Joro appreciated the clarity and formality in Marilee's communication. It was evident that she approached her responsibilities with a sense of duty and precision. The Blossom sisters' visit to the gates added a unique chapter to Joro's day, one filled with diverse encounters and glimpses into the lives of those who called Hoshigakure home.

"As long as you have completed the necessary procedures and are ready for departure, Marilee-san, you are free to go," Joro replied with a reassuring smile. "Safe travels to both of you. May your journeys be filled with serenity and fulfillment."

With those words, Joro resumed his gate duty, watching as the Blossom sisters prepared to leave. The gates, witnesses to the constant flow of arrivals and departures, stood silent yet welcoming, embodying the spirit of Hoshigakure. The encounter with the Blossom sisters lingered in Joro's thoughts, a reminder of the diverse tapestry that made up the hidden village in the stars.

WC: 620
Marabelle Blossom
Marabelle Blossom
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : The Everbloom
Mission Record : Misson Log: Everbloom
Iryōjutsu Bukijutsu Kanjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 2500

Blooms Upon the Wind Empty Re: Blooms Upon the Wind

Tue Feb 06, 2024 2:57 pm
With introductions and paperwork completed with the courteous Joro being their gate guard for the day, Marabelle smiled at his commentary towards her journey. She smiled, hearing his tone before responding in kind, "May the stars shine upon the path you walk, and may your clan be ever proud of your accomplishments. If you could pass along to Ayato-sama that I apologize for not saying goodbye directly or doing more to contribute during my time here. He was of great assistance when I arrived." She said with a bittersweetness that could be best described as a degree of remorse coming from the vagabond. There was more she wished to have done and accomplished here in Hoshigakure but even in Otogakure, her time was limited and she was becoming more determined by the day to make a difference. There was always something happening or stirring within her and the more she sat idle the rougher it became.

With the paperwork in order and taken care of with Joro's assistance, the Everbloom departed from Hoshigakure No Sato. Beyond the gates now, Marabelle looked back and smiled towards the village of the Land of Haven as she walked forward turning to her sister. "Looks like this is going to be a swift journey if the weather keeps up like this." She said with her character-defining awkward laugh before scratching the back of her head. The sun was beginning its ascent into the sky as it was not even midday yet. "I think the boat I selected is making a stop somewhere else first but I'm not quite sure. Wherever it is, I will be happy to enjoy the shift and changes in the winds it brings." She said confidently as the two departed from Hoshigakure No Sato for now, as new journeys began.

[Exit/Exit from Hoshigakure with permission from Joro]

WC: 300, TWC: 1,000

WC Claims: 1,000 wrote:1,000 to +10 Chakra for Marilee, New Total 60 Chakra

1,000 WC towards Quickdraw for Akagane
0 WC Remaining
Marilee Blossom
Marilee Blossom
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Old Blossoms
Bukijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

Blooms Upon the Wind Empty Re: Blooms Upon the Wind

Tue Feb 06, 2024 2:59 pm
Marilee's face adjusted a bit with the commentary about paperwork. It seemed almost to be one of disgust from the older woman but she closed her eyes before pulling out the documents that were required of them to depart including prefilled-out forms for when she returned. "I hope this will suffice for exit and reentry upon my return." She said before nodding with Joro's additive words towards her work ethic. It was then before he could reply to Marabelle's commentary about the Hogokage that she looked the man in the eyes moving her hand over her lips to be quiet. It was an interesting case for Marabelle to have met with Ayato Hyuuga and for her to not receive a proper introduction from him. It was likely something he intentionally did and living in the village herself for a while, knew that he had reasons for such actions. Hopefully, the genin of Hoshigakure no Sato will pick up on that as well. Seeing how respectful Marabelle was would likely give an indicator that if she was aware that he was the Hogokage she would have used a different honorific for the man.

Once the paperwork was completed and taken care of, the duo said their goodbyes and went about their way out of the village. Marilee remained quiet and nodded along with Marabelle's commentary. The journey to their destination would be an easy one for sure but there was worry in the elder sister for the youngest's ambition was not of a small volume proceeding. "As stated," the Older Blossom began once they had departed from the gates, "I will help. You are not alone in starting this journey. You will always have a home here." she declared to her sister before patting her back. The story was just beginning.

[Exit/Exit from Hoshigakure with permission from Joro]

WC: 300, TWC: 1,000

WC Claims: 1,000 wrote:1,000 to +10 Chakra, New Total 70 Chakra

1,000 WC towards Quickdraw
0 WC Remaining
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Blooms Upon the Wind Empty Re: Blooms Upon the Wind

Tue Feb 06, 2024 10:20 pm
Joro, still wearing his friendly smile, listened attentively as Marabelle bid farewell, her words carrying a sense of wistfulness tinged with determination. Her mention of the stars shining upon his path and the pride his clan would hold for his accomplishments resonated deeply within him, stirring a profound sense of gratitude.

"Thank you, Marabelle-san," Joro replied with a warm smile, his voice reflecting the sincerity of his gratitude. "Your kindness and diligence during your time here have not gone unnoticed. I will be sure to pass along your message to Ayato-sama. It's clear that your presence has left a positive impact on those you've encountered in our village."

He observed the bittersweet tone in her voice as she turned to depart, her character-defining awkward laugh adding a touch of levity to the moment. In her departure, Joro couldn't help but feel a twinge of empathy, recognizing the complexities of embarking on new journeys and bidding farewell to familiar places.

As Marabelle stepped away, her footsteps marking the beginning of a new chapter in her journey, Joro's attention shifted to Marilee. He accepted the paperwork she offered with a respectful nod, noting the meticulousness of her preparations for both departure and return. Her request for discretion regarding their encounter with Ayato caught his attention, and he made a mental note to honor her wishes.

"Your paperwork appears to be in order, Marilee-san," Joro responded, his tone conveying a sense of assurance. "I will ensure it is processed accordingly, and I appreciate your thoroughness in these matters. Safe travels to both you and Marabelle-san. May your journey be filled with serenity and fulfillment."

Before they fully departed, Joro caught Marabelle's attention once more. "Marabelle-san," he began, his voice carrying a gentle tone, "I should mention that while I haven't had the opportunity to meet Ayato-sama yet, I have met his sister, Natsuki-sama. But rest assured, when I do have the honor of meeting him for the first time, I will certainly pass along your message and express your sentiments. Until then, may the winds guide you on your journey."

As the Blossom sisters departed from the gates, Joro couldn't shake the sense of intrigue surrounding their departure. Marilee's cryptic request hinted at underlying tensions or unspoken dynamics within the village, adding an air of mystery to their encounter. Despite the uncertainties, Joro remained committed to his duties, ready to assist fellow villagers with the same level of respect and professionalism.

With a final wave, Joro resumed his gate duty, the quiet hum of the village enveloping him once more. The encounter with the Blossom sisters left an indelible impression, a poignant reminder of the interconnectedness of lives within Hoshigakure. As he watched them disappear into the distance, Joro couldn't help but wonder about the stories and journeys that lay ahead for each individual who crossed the village gates.

Throughout the day, Joro carried the memory of his encounter with the Blossom sisters with him, reflecting on the transient nature of life within the hidden village in the stars. In the heart of Hoshigakure, amidst the ebb and flow of daily life, Joro remained steadfast in his commitment to safeguarding the village and its inhabitants, one interaction at a time.


+16 Vigor
1619/2000 for Chakra Infusion [V7.2.1]

Tenshi Uchiha
Tenshi Uchiha
Stat Page : Tenshi’s Tools
TenCorp (Shop)
Mission Record : Tenshi’s Track Record
Living Clones : Ayane - Kaya
Remove Taijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 218214

Blooms Upon the Wind Empty Re: Blooms Upon the Wind

Wed Feb 07, 2024 3:02 am
Marabelle Blossom wrote:
WC Claims: 1,000 wrote:1,000 to +10 Chakra for Marilee, New Total 60 Chakra

1,000 WC towards Quickdraw for Akagane
0 WC Remaining


Marilee Blossom wrote:
WC Claims: 1,000 wrote:1,000 to +10 Chakra, New Total 70 Chakra

1,000 WC towards Quickdraw
0 WC Remaining


Joro Shokku wrote:Claims:
+16 Vigor
1619/2000 for Chakra Infusion [V7.2.1]

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