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Yellow Lightning WIP Empty Yellow Lightning WIP

Sun Jan 21, 2024 3:35 pm
Name: Yellow Lightning
Components: Lightning, Yin, Yang

Yellow Lightning WIP 8KcTwRQ

Appearance: Lightning cackling and forking everywhere, a bright yellow hue everywhere, with sounds of electricity ripping trough the air. Yellow lightning, also called Gold Lightning, is a destructive and more pure form of lightning stemming from Raijin, the god of lightning, and natural storms.
Backstory:Yellow lightning was first seen in nature, after the arrival of the lightning god Raijin, in time immemorial. As the years passed, first with the waring states era, and then the cataclysm, the heirs and descendant of Raijin were few and between, but still lived in the land of Lightning, loyal to Kumo and its numerous Kage troughout history. Nowadays, the users of this unique release are usually seen as monsters of lightning energy, made savage by their inner storms, but still recognized as nobility among the land of Lightning.
How it is used: Yellow lightning is a more pure and advanced form of lightning, tied to its natural electricity and its presence in every existing thing. Its usage is typically a more damaging and devastating form of lightning from regular Raiton, but also a way to channel electricity in the weather, charging up the environment. This trait can also create animations and bring life and control to objects or creations that werent alive or under the control of the user before, animating objects or hyjacking contructs.
Special Traits:
  1. Natural Lightning: Yellow lightning is the purest form of lightning nature can produce, and as such charge even more the air with electricity and infuse the weather around to a highest degree. Techniques of Yellow Lightning add their whole power to the cloud counter of the Raiten'nō clan and the techniques using it instead of half like other lightning techniques or techniques who would also normally add to the cloud counter.
  2. Energy of Raijin: Yellow lightning is able to infuse life and energy by the power of lightning, infusing it into innanimate objects or constructs. As such, techniques of Yellow Lightning can create constructs from objects, infused them, or even hijack the constructs made by others, providing the conditions are met.
  3. Superior Lightning: Yellow lightning is the superior form of lightning, and as such doesnt suffer the usual weakness to other elements. Also, should a Yellow lightning technique clashes with another lightning technique of equal power, the yellow lightning technique would prevail, proving its superiority to regular electricity.

Canon, Site-Canon, Bloodline, Village Exclusive: Raiten'nō clan, must have awakened the Seikatsugan

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