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Kaito Inuzuka
Kaito Inuzuka
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 300 points
AP: 2,000 points
Vigor: 125 points
Chakra: 125 points
Speed: 45 points
Strength: 5 points
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : The Wolves of Death Gorge
Living Clones : Uchiha, Tatsuya
Familiar : Raidomaru (Needs Revamped)
Legendary Equipment : N/A
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 0

Coffee And Otokage, Part 2 Empty Coffee And Otokage, Part 2

Tue Jan 09, 2024 4:48 pm

Kaito sat patiently at the table in the far corner of the coffee shop, stirring some sugar into his drink to give the already flavorful hot beverage more of a kick. The young man, feeling relieved to finally have some time to himself for once, was waiting for someone; someone whom he had known little of before, but due to occurrence in the world of nightmares, felt as though he had come quite close to. The two of them had fought side by side for the safety of Otogakure no Sato and the world as a whole, and such things had a way of bringing people together in camaraderie and friendship.

Kaito had made a bet with the woman with whom he was stationed to meet with. It was a bet made in the angst of battle, one that the Otokage was not sure he would come out alive in, but one that he had survived nonetheless. He had bet her that, should he have won his battle, the two of them would once again meet for coffee as they had previously. And here he was, sitting and waiting and sipping away at his drink, waiting for the one he was sure was one of, if not the most, promising Genin in the whole village.

I wonder where she is,’ Kaito thought to himself. He took a sip of his coffee before looking out the window beside him. ‘It's not like her to not be punctual.

Continuing to stare out the window, the young man couldn't help but notice the new attire that had been gifted to him for the holidays by his advisors. It consisted of a new fishnet shirt, a black flak jacket, and a new headband. Kaito's favorite part of the outfit, however, was the half apron that draped behind him. It was black in color, like the flak jacket, and it had beige trimmings that added a sense of elegance to it. To Kaito it brought the outfit as a whole together swimmingly, and he couldn't help but feel tgat he now truly looked the part of someone of his station.

There was one final piece, however, that would truly solidify the young Uchiha’s position within the village; one that he refused to flaunt, yet one that he was very much intrigued by.

Continuing to look toward the window, Kaito closed his emerald green eyes tor a moment before opening them back up to reveal that they had changed dramatically. Instead of their natural green, or even the crimson red of the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan that he had come accustomed to, the eyes bore a deep shade of purple, and many black circles encompassed themselves around the iris. This was something new to the Otokage, and something that he would not take lightly as he had before with his other awakenings of power. No. There was much power in these eyes. Kaito could feel it, and to an extent it scared him. He knew that he would have to speak with Lord Guren about it all, even if the former Kazekqge had no knowledge pertaining to the mysterious ocular power himself. Kaito needed his wisdom and guidance, now more than ever.

Closing his eyes again, Kaito would deactivate the dojutsu and his eyes opened to reveal that they had been returned to their normal emerald state. He then proceeded to take a sip of his coffee as he waited paitently for the woman thst he was to be meeting with.

WC (POST) = 584 WC
WC (TOTAL) = 584 WC

Quinn Foster
Quinn Foster
Stat Page : Quinn The Forgemaster
Business: Foster's Forge
Mission Record : Ledger
Taijutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 121000

Coffee And Otokage, Part 2 Empty Re: Coffee And Otokage, Part 2

Tue Jan 09, 2024 10:40 pm
Quinn had been busy for the past few days and especially with the newest batch of up comers taking some of their attention, they had been occupied mentally. It was when the morning of the second meeting that Quinn had been a bit more lackadaisical in process. Their attire had shifted a bit to include a jacket that reached towards their upper thighs and had a degree of filigree on it. Their hair was a bit longer as the seasons began to shift to be colder and put into a messy ponytail. The bangs hanging loose framing the Forgemaster’s face. They pulled on their standard attire beyond that and put on their best before pulling and grabbing their headband and fashioned it onto their upper left arm as they have done before once again walking out towards the first place they went after they graduated, a coffee shop.

They had gone there the day after and ended up meeting with the Otokage, Kaito Uchiha. It was a pleasant conversation about direction and upbringings. Kaito had indicated that the path that had been laid out before them in a various ways from those who supported him. That from his original home to now Otogakure, Kaito had grown to enjoy the development of the village of which Quinn advocated that they would support the village from before till after as their family once had done before and that they would continue. There was not a lot more else to it other than two Shinobi dedicated to the path they had taken. For Quinn it was primarily about their family’s business and then the village it supported. They were two things in the same to the blacksmith of Otogakure as they rounded the corner before the view of the coffee shop created into their view, Quinn Foster was running fashionably late.

Upon entering the establishment the bells chimed at the door indicating someone entering. Quinn spotted Kaito by the window before making a handwaving gesture and placing an order at the counter as they had done so many months ago. It was once the order was made that Quinn took their seat opposite of the Otokage. “Apologies. Been picking up more. New batch of students. Business is growing. You know how it is.” Quinn elaborated as a carafe of pitch black coffee was delivered with a fresh mug. Quinn flashed a smile to the waitstaff before giving a light nod and gesture before pouring themselves a cup of coffee. Steam rose from the mug as Quinn took a sip from the cup awaiting to see and hear from Kaito. They had a bet and thus they ended up here once more, a circumstance that Quinn was not unpleased with. Coordinating time with the Lord Otokage was a difficult prospect as there was always something coming up on the docket for the village leader. Equally, running a business while balancing their Shinobi duties was a trapeze act that Quinn expertly balanced now for months.

WC: 500, TWC: 500
Kaito Inuzuka
Kaito Inuzuka
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 300 points
AP: 2,000 points
Vigor: 125 points
Chakra: 125 points
Speed: 45 points
Strength: 5 points
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : The Wolves of Death Gorge
Living Clones : Uchiha, Tatsuya
Familiar : Raidomaru (Needs Revamped)
Legendary Equipment : N/A
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 0

Coffee And Otokage, Part 2 Empty Re: Coffee And Otokage, Part 2

Fri Feb 09, 2024 1:47 am

The Otokage would not have to wait too much longer for his prized Genin to arrive to their meeting. He would reciprocate the handwave with one of his own before taking a sip of his own drink. He wondered if the woman had noticed the change that had taken place in his eyes, and even if she had, Quinn was someone that he was not afraid to share his growth with on a personal level. In fact, Quinn was a blessing in regard to Otogakure. She was the perfect foil to Kaito, and he knew that should he ever stray from his path of righteousness in anyway it would be Quinn who would put the man back in his place again. It was for that reason, and perhaps a hint of attraction, that he had organized this second meeting with the red-headed woman with monster strength.

As Quinn made her way over to the table, Kaito would shift a gift wrapped box in the chair next to him to sit out of her view. This was a present for Quinn and all of the hard work she had done for the village overall.

"Ah! Top of the morning to you, Quinn." Kaito said with a bow of his head. Quinn would go on to apologize for her late arrival to the meeting, attributing it to the fact that she had more student forgemasters under her belt than ever. Kaito was please with this revelation, seeing as it somewhat attributed itself to the surprise that he had for the woman. "Not to worry, Quinn. I can definitely understand your being busy. Hell in the world of weapon crafting you are basically a Kage yourself in a way. I respect your craft and tenaciousness. In fact, it is for that very reason I called for this meeting with you today." Kaito paused dramatically for a moment before raising the bag up to the table, setting it between himself and Quinn. The box had been gift wrapped ceremoniously. "We went through hell and back in the Land of Dreams and Nightmares, quite literally. My time with you during that tumultuous period made me realize just how much of an asset to this village that you are. You are, perhaps, the most prized Genin in the village, Quinn. That is why I want you to have this."

Kaito would motion for Quinn to open the present. Should she do so, she would be greeted with the sight of an Otogakure jounin flak jacket along with a simple looking black book and an intricately designed purple and black ink pen.

"Foster, Quinn. For all of your hard work and your unmatched dedication to the village of Otogakure no Sato, I officially grant you the position of our first recognized Tokubetsu Jounin!" The Otokage would smile toward Quinn and gauge her reaction to the news that he had presented to her. This was a huge leap in her career as a shinobi, but with everything on her shoulders as of late, would she be up to the challenge?

WC (POST) = 512 WC
WC (TOTAL) = 1,096 WC

Kaito Inuzuka
Kaito Inuzuka
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 300 points
AP: 2,000 points
Vigor: 125 points
Chakra: 125 points
Speed: 45 points
Strength: 5 points
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : The Wolves of Death Gorge
Living Clones : Uchiha, Tatsuya
Familiar : Raidomaru (Needs Revamped)
Legendary Equipment : N/A
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 0

Coffee And Otokage, Part 2 Empty Re: Coffee And Otokage, Part 2

Sun Feb 11, 2024 1:52 am

Kaito would wait to here Quinn's answer before finishing his coffee qucikly.

"Sorry to cut this short, Quinn, but I've got business to attend to outside of the village. I'm sure that we will see each other again upon my return though. Until then I bid you farewell."

With a bow Kaito would take his leave from the shop and head toward the village gate. Now was good a time as ever to act on the rumors he had been hearing regarding the distant Moon Country, and as much as he would have loved for Quinn or even Hanzo to tag along, he had a feeling that he would have to take this journey alone...

[Topic Exit]

WC (POST) = 115 WC
WC (TOTAL) = 1,211 WC

Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Coffee And Otokage, Part 2 Empty Re: Coffee And Otokage, Part 2

Mon Feb 12, 2024 6:12 pm
Kaito Inuzuka wrote:

[Topic Exit]

WC (POST) = 115 WC
WC (TOTAL) = 1,211 WC


Quinn Foster
Quinn Foster
Stat Page : Quinn The Forgemaster
Business: Foster's Forge
Mission Record : Ledger
Taijutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 121000

Coffee And Otokage, Part 2 Empty Re: Coffee And Otokage, Part 2

Wed Feb 14, 2024 12:37 pm
Seeing a box being presented as a present, Quinn's eyebrow raised at the box, curious about the contents of it. It was there that Kaito's response brought the Forgemaster's attention to their recent adventures and time spent within the village. There were a lot of affairs that were slowly coming to light and with recent shifts in the village's demands. The compliment from the Otokage brought a low smile to the face of the genin as they bowed their head, "I appreciate it. I hope work is well." They included in the thanks as Kaito brought the present to the attention of the older shinobi in age. It was wrapped preciously and indicative of a kind and warmhearted gesture.

It was at the Otokage's next comment that brought a degree of embarrassment to the Forgemaster though her complexion seemed to contort to confusion. The face of Quinn did not become red easily due to the time spent in the forge but if they could blush it might have been at the moment Kaito commented that they were possibly the most prized genin of the village. Knowing the capacity of others such as Hanzo, Raikur, and Zidane, it felt like a massive difference between themselves and the rest of the other steadfast genin of the village of Otogakure no Sato. Yet here they sat opposite the leader of the village receiving a gift. Upon instruction to open, they tore up the wrapping to reveal the box and eventually opened it to see inside the contents that were now theirs.

Seeing the flak jacket along with a few other new tools for usage, Kaito's announcement brought the blacksmith's attention back upward from the gift as the announcement rang in the coffee shop. There was a sudden pause as the customers were in awe to see such a monumental occasion be done in such a casual setting. The added pedigree that was forming for the Foster Family was rising with the inclusion of 'first recognized'. With the announcement, a clamor of responses came forth as Quinn looked at the items, picked up the book and pen, and placed them promptly into a pocket on the attire before standing up and putting the jacket on afterward. A new position came with more responsibilities and for that, a deep bow came from the Forgemaster while they were standing to Kaito.

As prompt as the announcement was for Quinn, Kaito quickly indicated that he too had more business that must have been attended to. Quinn nodded, "Thank you Kaito." They said with a warmer smile than normal. Their relationship had been a steady growth as Quinn became more familiar with the non-native kage of the Land of Sky's village. There was a lot in the world Quinn was unaware of growing in such a distant land from most of the action in the last decade. With the demands for the Otokage to answer, Quinn took it upon themselves to make sure the village was going to be well taken care of in his absence.


WC: 500, TWC: 1,000

[Claiming x1 'Otogakure Bingo Book' and x1 'Chakra Infused Pen' from Kaito.

Claiming Tokubestu Jounin Rank and 10,000 IC-Rank up bonus, WC Claims to be done later.]
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Coffee And Otokage, Part 2 Empty Re: Coffee And Otokage, Part 2

Wed Feb 14, 2024 5:54 pm
Quinn Foster wrote:


WC: 500, TWC: 1,000

[Claiming x1 'Otogakure Bingo Book' and x1 'Chakra Infused Pen' from Kaito.

Claiming Tokubestu Jounin Rank and 10,000 IC-Rank up bonus, WC Claims to be done later.]

Quinn Foster
Quinn Foster
Stat Page : Quinn The Forgemaster
Business: Foster's Forge
Mission Record : Ledger
Taijutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Otogakure
Ryo : 121000

Coffee And Otokage, Part 2 Empty Re: Coffee And Otokage, Part 2

Mon Apr 01, 2024 4:48 pm
WC Claims: 1,000 wrote:Spending all WC towards Heaven's Blight Transformation, orignial 1,500 was to unlock A-Rank Version, 1,000 / 1,875 WC for S-Rank Version (if 25% reduction applies)
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Coffee And Otokage, Part 2 Empty Re: Coffee And Otokage, Part 2

Mon Apr 01, 2024 5:18 pm
Quinn Foster wrote:
WC Claims: 1,000 wrote:Spending all WC towards Heaven's Blight Transformation, orignial 1,500 was to unlock A-Rank Version, 1,000 / 1,875 WC for S-Rank Version (if 25% reduction applies)

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